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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Yay, Wanda! It's great to see you here. You can do it, girl!

    And Lucky - way to go!!! Congrats on needing smaller clothes.


    I was doing so well on my diet, but then got sick with a sinus infection. Unfortunately, that exacerbated my asthma. It's hard to exercise now, and it's probably not a great idea to be losing weight while I'm sick. Darn it!!! I'll have to get restarted when I'm better. I'm really curious to see what my personal trainer says when she calculates my body fat in a couple of weeks. My clothes are looser, but the scale has only moved a few pounds. Likely I've been losing fat but gaining muscle. At least, I sure hope so!

  2. I have a question about pictures. Are they loaded from links? I can't find directions here as to how to do pictures. Not that I HAVE any pictures to post, but just in case...

    Wanda - A lot of us use photobucket, and copy and paste the URL for the pictures in our posts. It's really quite easy. If you don't know how to use photobucket, I'll be happy to post step-by-step directions.

  3. Don't really care for chocolate

    That's a hangin' offence! OMG who let you in??


    I agree! Chocolate is a major food group!! And the dark, yummy stuff is full of good antioxidants.

    Here in Colorado very few people eat grits, or anything having to do with pigs except pork or ham. No pigs feet or intestines or anything like that. Most of the food ya'll have been posting about would make me gag. I feel yucky when I eat really fatty or rich stuff. Now, chocolate? I have noooo problem with that. The darker, the better.

  4. I’m glad I’m here now. I always thought this fandom was supposed to be fun! Silly me.

    And, believe it or not, and I’m sure you’d prefer not to believe it, I have lots more to say. Woe is you! But I’m sick of being a dog walker. Not how I pictured myself.

    I'm glad you're here, too! I hope you pull up a chair and stay. And you'll become a body guard in no time - you just need 51 posts.

    Now I find myself actually hesitant to read elsewhere because I'm getting sick and I don't wanna feel worse...so I'm just gonna grab some files that will let me get SOME work done at home tomorrow if I end up too sick to go to the office and then go home and have some tea with honey.

    I love this place. :wub:

    I hope you feel better soon, Muski!

    Sure Bookwhore...

    1 - Kim's press release about the Reunited Tour was picked up by media outlets.

    2 - Fans decided it was a stoopid idea and wanted to hear from Clay about it.

    3 - Clay blogged about Fantasia's performance in The Color Purple and recommended we see it.

    4 - Fans went nuts. Demanded he address the tour issue, threatened to leave the fandom, etc., the usual.

    5 - Clay blogged again. Said it ain't gonna' happen. Said it was Kim's idea to which he never committed.

    That might not summarize it all that well, but ah'm gonna' be one step closer to being a bodyguard with this post!

    Great summary! Only two more posts and you're there. Hey, they could even be picture posts, so you don't have say anything meaningful, except maybe 'GUH', or 'WOW', or some other exclamation!

    In my opinion? The decline began the day that covers blurb appeared in EW. Things have never been the same since that day. And no, I don't think we can go home again.

    I agree with this 100%. It was a long honeymoon until then.

    But...... I have to confess, I was angry when his first blog did not address the situation.... and I left a comment that showed my anger. It was the first time i have ever left a comment in his blog. When he did address it, I commented again and apologized to him as i realized that he must not have been aware of what was going on. Not that he will read it, but i felt better.

    (bolding mine)


  5. I agree with the opinions about many fans thinking Clay is not cool enough. My analysis is that there is a LOT of fear of loss involved. If he doesn't do this, we'll lose him (and all that goes with him), if he doesn't look like that, we'll lose him, etc. When people don't trust, they try to control. And, the anomymity of the internet lets them be very vocal about it, unfortunately! I think one of the things Clay is here to do is to bring the message that being yourself is the coolest thing you can do.

    I totally agree about people being afraid of losing Clay if he's not cool enough. It's very ironic that some people want Clay to be cooler than he is. One of the clear messages I took from Clay's book is how he learned to accept himself, nerdiness and all. And I think he's been consistent in being who he is, without pretending to be someone cooler. I admire that about him so much. I think that's part of what makes him so charismatic. He's genuine, authentic and charming. It's refreshing, and people love it. I think he will have much more success in the long run being himself than pretending to be a cool, hip rock star.

  6. I know I probably shouldn't post two posts right together when I could edit this comment into the earlier one, but I wanna see if I'm now a body guard!!!!!!!!!! BRB!!

    ETA: Hmmm. Well. Maybe it's after 50, like at 51. Which is soon, actually, in more ways than post count! Guess I'll fnd out tomorrow when I make some other useless post!!

    You crack me up, AAIT!! Yup, being a body guard is the best. Look at the fantastic body we get to guard!! And your pics are fantastic, as well. Thanks so much for sharing them.

    Safe travels, Karen!

    I'm a downloading fool this morning. I'm downloading almost all of Scarlett's WPB clack. I won't be able to watch it until tonight 'cuz I'm off to work. I'm gonna need to expand the memory in my laptop - there's still a slot for more memory. After that, it's a new hard drive. I have a ton of stuff on DVD, but I just can't bring myself to delete some of the most priceless stuff from my computer. Anybody else have that problem?

  7. Oh god.

    I'm still at work.

    It's 8:30 here...I have now been here since 7:47 am and I am tired.

    I will most likely be here another hour at least.

    Go home, Muski!! And sweet dreams when you get there. :XmasRed:




    I do have to say, I write these long comebacks and them delete them a lot on many boards, maybe I should do it here as well. I do research and then toss it - after a day, nothing is important. This was 9/11 day and I remember standing in the street watching the towers burn, thinking that there but for.... I has a weird feeling in 2000 that my Mom was Ill, she looked fine, drove herself around and sounded fine, but I felt something was off - so when I was offered 2 jobs - One in the WTC for a nice amount of change and one in NJ for a lot less, I chose the one 20 minutes from my Mother's house. She had a stroke 3 weeks after I took the job, so the gut feeling was correct. I had given my work and home numbers to all of the neighbors and one called me in time. I stayed in the lesser paying job after Mom died some months before September. Fate is odd. Still the stench was all over Secaucus for weeks after. Such a stupid time for people to be so upset overa concert.

    Ah, perspective. Thank you, play, for reminding us that our little problems are just that - little in the grand scheme of things.

  8. Fuzzy Treasure Trails (originally created by Ansa): Peach Schnapps; Tequila; Orange Juice; and Sprite.

    I wrote that one down and keep it by my computer.


    See, I think what gets me is that there's a NEED out there to blame someone for the tour announcement. Some are going to blame KLo; some will blame her manager or publicist; and heck, somehow Clay will probably get some blame too. (How did Ruben escape unscathed?) I just can't place blame on any one person though, for one big reason -- I just don't know how this all transpired. There are many reasonable possibilities, many of them already suggested on this board. And yeah, it could be KLo overstepped her boundaries. But unless I get to actually talk to either KLo or Clay in the next few years about this, I'll never know what happened. Therefore, no blame will come from me.

    Instead, I choose once again to rejoice in Clay Aiken. He's such a fun boyfriend -- and he runs a good roller coaster.

    But hey! Look who added a cool Christmas emoticon to the clickables list!!! *dusts fingernails*


    Cool, ldyj! Thanks for the fuzzy treasure trail ingredients, and for the fun Xmas Red emoticon.

    /start of soap box/ You know, I think there are a lot of people who have to blame somebody for everything bad that happens. That's part of why the U.S. is so litigious - 'cuz people have the mindset that somebody's to blame and is gonna have to pay for every little bad thing. I think there's a lot of randomness in the world, and shit just happens sometimes with no rhyme or reason, with no one to blame. In some ways that's difficult to accept, because it means that we have less control. But you know, it's freeing, too, because then you don't have to be angry at and track down a bad guy for every little thing that goes wrong. /end of soap box/

    This little guy is sooo cute! :XmasRed:

  9. Tra la la...

    I think we should all prance around in our underwear and high heels during chat...no video required though!

    Unless you really wanna.

    Then we can set up a 900 number. Let me know.

    Might be a way to finance our trips through the heartland. 1 900 FCA LADY

    But I'm sorry I draw the line at high heels.

    But do they make high heels for people with big feet like us, we, I?

    Try this website - they have a huge selection, and LOTS of sizes:


    *contemplates which pair of stilettos to prance in, and which lingerie to wear*

    Oh, BTW...

    The poll at the top of OUR page is for our chat - you know, we'll open a new thread and talk about set topics for 10-15 minutes then move on...it's tons of fun.

    Oh yeah, and we prance around in our Victoria's Secret and stilletos (sensible 2-in heels for couchie)

    don't forget while drinking our fuzzy treasure trails. YUM

    uh 2 inch heels? come on, work with me here. :cryingwlaughter:

    Please post the recipie for the fuzzy treasure trails again! Heeee - my hubby will think I've really lost it when I'm prancing around in stilettos and underwear and drinking fuzzy treasure trails.

    yeah but I will bet lots of dollars those so angry at him and disappointed and blah blah blah are NOT apologizing to him..

    whatevah! now what will everyone angst about??????????

    Don't worry, it won't take long and something else angsty will surface. Some people aren't happy unless they're angsting. It's a way of life.

    Ok, the problem with working and not being able to get online while working is that things happen while you are working and as you catch up, things keep happening so what you were going to say 4 pages ago no longer applies!

    Yeah, that!!!


    I love this emoticon. Can we have it added to the FCA emoticons, Couchie? :)

    Thigh Time.


    Cracks my shit up everytime I see Jimmy wearing that pashima(?) That was the best Climmel evah!!!

    I have my very own pashmina, and it's lovely and warm. I really enjoy that Klimmel. It's one of the vids I watch on my treo at the gym. Cracks me up every time. Makes me grin like a fool.

    Dear Claygasm wrote:

    Agree - and IMO this DOES NOT sound one bit like Clay. He is a stubborn, stubborn man and I cannot see him beding that easily to the will of some OTT fans!

    Bolding mine! Calling Dr. Freud! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


    Thigh Time.

    Yup, those are some "thighs dripping with character" for sure! :Thud:

    And the calf ain't half-bad either!

    Whoa- I'm on top! As a newbie, I'm still not sure if I should be thrilled or disgusted by this situation. (Now, if I was on top of Clay, I know EXACTLY how- and WHAT- I'd be feeling!) :DoClay:

    And you are on top--of the calf, no less!!! Now don't start humping it like a dog. We don't smut here.

    Yeah, right! :cryingwlaughter:

  10. BWAH, Bottle! I love the kitties. Both of them.

    I'm stealth-posting from work. Heeeeee! I loved Clay's two blogs. The second one just goes to show that it's good to wait to get your knickers in a knot until you get the word from THE MAN himself. I think that, in general, there's not that much in Clay's career worth getting my knickers in a knot. Now, if he were to take my knickers off of me and put them in a knot, that's certainly fine by me. I'll let him do that any day. But otherwise, I think it's better to take a wait-and-see attitude.

    Wow, CG, how long did it take you to compose all those quotes and replies? You're the queen of multiple-quote posting!!

  11. Put up a little poll aboutpossible chat times. We're going for a weekday this time ..sorta similar times to a cellcert - and only going for one hour per night.

    Chatting sounds wonderful, but please, please, let's not chat about the three amigos tour, please? The topic already stinks like a dead horse (where's that beating a dead horse emoticon when you need it??) I don't mind the discussion here, I just don't want to waste a good chat on it!

    So, what does CLay's silence mean to everyone?

    It means to me that Clay is too busy watching KLo in her underwear to blog.


    Or possibly nothing is confirmed yet, so he doesn't want to create even more angst by posting about a tour and later changing the details.

  12. Hey, Ansamcw! Great to see you in this thread.

    Exercise always makes me feel better, too. It's sometimes difficult to motivate myself to go to the gym, but I feel so much better after I work out. And I have more energy once I've lost a few pounds, too!

    Are you going to a gym, or walking, or something else? It's great you have a buddy to work out with (I think you said that you have a workout buddy on the main thread).

  13. Do you ever get the idea that people who declared to love Clay unconditionally, have conditions?

    *high fives play* :clap::RedGuy::clap:

    I take it nobody has pretty pictures to look at?

    Pictures, you say? I'd much rather look at hawt pictures than angst over something that may or may not happen, and won't be career-ending if it does. I'm in the mood for blends today. Hopefully they aren't too large (heh!):











  14. Couch Tomato, yeah that....

    AND if I were to find out that this 'tour' becomes reality, I'd add that it would be icing on a perhaps lopsided cake if Clay had some solos that showed his genius AND exposed some of the AI-loving audience how he's....grown. How he shines. How much of the REAL thing he is.

    You know, I've always liked Kim and Ruben...LIKED. I've always loved Clay Aiken. LOVED. I think Kim has a good voice and she has one of the most wonderful smiles I've ever seen. Ruben has a pleasant voice and seems like a good guy.

    But Clay.

    Clay Aiken is a star, even if he's not striving to be one. He is simply and irrefutably unique in his talent, his potential and his heart. I canNOT get upset about him sharing a stage with his two friends, whose talents I enjoy, too. I caNOT think that Clay would feel threatened or lessened by appearing with them. If this is what HE wants, he'll do it and he'll shine in whatever time he has on that stage. Because...

    Well, because he's who he is. And regardless who's on stage WITH him, he's still that man. With that voice. And that heart. And wit. And personality. And hawtness. And humor. And genuineness.

    So I'm not worrying about him. I'm just loving the man and what he brings to my life.


    Now...I'm REALLY going to bed. I get to have Alex at school by 6:50 am. Yippee. :glare:

    :clap::clap::clap: WHOOT...WHOOOT!!!

    And let me add my WHOOT...WHOOOOT!!!!!! I agree 100%, Muski.


  15. Thanks for posting that article, Couchie. I saw it yesterday, and was happy that the reviewer included the bolded line:

    Sophisticated and savvy, sexy and smart—all those things that girls love—that's what this young artist exudes. His voice? While not coming close to the power and precision of Aiken's, it's good. Buble has a keen tonal quality with a gift for hitting those bottom notes effortlessly. He delivers his big band style of singing with confidence and flare in the clipped, staccato manner that so becomes this genre of music. Michael is slick. He gives a lot, but he makes it all look so easy.

    That's what I've always thought about Buble's voice. I just don't get the Buble love. I don't even enjoy hearing him sing. But then, there are those that (amazingly) don't see much to love about Clay.

  16. The guy comes to tear down my shed & haul it away this morning. I will pay him money. The poor squirrels will wonder what happened to their hotel. Hee. Next week the guy will start my siding project. My house is gonna look so sweeeet! Especially since I've been putting off painting until I could afford the siding. The neighbors may just have themselves a little parade when they see this.

    Sometimes it really sucks being a homeowner. We had to de-squirrel our attic, and then we had the outside of the house painted. Then we had to take in several of our levelor shades for repair. Damn! Rather expensive summer. But the house is looking real purty now. It's just too bad I couldn't have used some of that money for Clay concerts.

    I don't know if this one has been posted before - but if it has I need to turn in my Claymate card for missing it. Can there be any wonder why my fantasy is to put my lips on that throat?

    Good god, y'all. It oughta be a crime not to see the sexy in this man.


    Oh, my, that's going to fuel some very nice fantasies! Yummmmm! Thanks for bringing it over.

    I was all schmoopy last night about my 15-year old daughter. Her school's drama department is performing 'Alice in Wonderland' this weekend, and she's Alice. She did a fantastic job last night! Now, in another few days, I might be frustrated as heck with her, but I'm schmoopy and happy this weekend. Her boyfriend was the Cheshire Cat - their chemistry on stage was great!

  17. Gibby, that is a gorgeous picture... I love mountain reflected in water... actually, almost anything reflected in water.

    Aw, thanks. I love taking nature pictures.

    Anyway, we get to the cottage. I insist that we need to cook all 60 ears of corn and that they are "just gonna love our local corn" yada yada yada. When the corn is ready, I bring it in on a big platter, proudly place it in the middle of the table, and Clay takes one look at it and says,' Ah, can't eat that."

    I ask him, "Why not?"

    He removes his false teeth, plunks them on the table, and says "This is why not."

    I think I said something like....."Oh."

    BWAH!!! Hilarious.

    I had a Clay dream, but it's been a long time ago. All I really remember is that Clay kept smirking at me. It gave me warm, happy, tingly feelings. I wanted more, but then I woke up, durnit!

    I bought a new computer - ahem - for work...yeah, work. Heh. I got the monitor today!!! It's HUGE!!! I went from a 17" to a 24" widescreen. First thing I did was download me some XviD. Holy Shit! Weeeeeeee! See ya after I watch every piece of my clack all over again. *slobbers all over Scarlett*

    I'm JELLUS!! That must be one fantastic picture.

    ETA: Aspiegirl - Just watched the montage. It's wonderful! I'm picky about which montages I keep, and that one's a keeper. You did a great job of synchronizing the music and Clay's dancing.

    Oh - I went to the BAF website to look at what's on sale. The black BAF hoodie looks really nice! Has anyone bought one? I was just wondering if they run true to size, or if they run large or small.

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