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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. RE: Idol Rewind 2 - there's a new forum here at FCA with info about when it will show.

    And since it's a new page, and we are talking about thighs dripping with character, I feel obligated to post this again. Someone might need to refer to the animation to see what we're talking about, and it would be a sad, sad situation if they didn't have an illustration on the same page:


  2. Welcome back ldyj! I'm glad you had such a nice weekend.

    It was my hubby's birthday this weekend, and he got to choose our activities. We checked into a posh, old, historic hotel - nice way to get away from the kids for the weekend! We went out to eat at an Indian restaurant, where Clay prepared my food. No, really - I ate tandoori chicken and fish, which is baked in a Clay oven. But Clay never came out to say hi - I guess he didn't want to be mobbed. :) No, I'm not delusional - why do you ask??

    Anyway, we then went to the Dive Bar. No, it wasn't a dive. It's a bar at the aquarium, where you can watch fish of all sizes (including sharks) swim in an enormous, ceiling-high tank while enjoying drinks. And then we went to a live jazz bar, where we heard Dotsero, our favorite jazz fusion group. This was all in downtown Denver, which is a happenin' place at night! The 16th street mall is a pedestrian mall with lots of fun stuff going on. Muski knows - she's been there! And then we went back to the hotel to enjoy hubby's favorite dessert - cherry pie and whipped topping. :eusa_whistle:

    The next day we went to the Six Flags in Denver. It was great fun. Excellent rides! And since my two teenaged daughters were causing all kinds of ansgst before we left for our little excursion, it was fantastic to get away from the house and the problems for the weekend. Now the angst somehow doesn't seem as bad as it did before we left. A little away time and some perspective really helped.

  3. I'll be staying at the Orleans with a friend, too. Maybe we should all meet a bit before the preparty at a designated location at the Orleans, and that way we can arrange to sit together. Will everyone have a laptop, or some kind of internet access there? If so, we could either post in this thread when and where we are going to meet, or I could send out PMs if that's preferable. The other option would be to share cell phone numbers (by PM, of course) so that we could keep in touch. What do ya'll think?

    ETA: I'll be there by Monday afternoon. My friend and I are thinking of either going to Cirque De Soleil, or Chippendales (heee!) on Monday night. We haven't made reservations for either yet. Anybody interested in joining in on one of those shows?

  4. BWAH, Wanda! At least you're honest. I hate being sick. Not only do you feel bad when you're sick, but it's too easy to gain weight. And steriods make it even worse. I've been on prednisone for my sinuses and asthma before, and wow does that give you a healthy appetite! So I know how meds and illness can contribute to weight gain.

    Fortunately, I've gotten most of that weight off now, and I'm just working on the last few pounds. It's really a struggle to get them off. At this point the scale doesn't really tell me much, becase I'm gaining muscle and hopefully losing fat, so on the scale it looks like a wash. My trainer will be able to tell me in a few weeks if I'm making progress.

    Couchie, I'm glad you're getting back into exericse! I hope it goes well for you.

  5. I do have a long and tight history with several of the other newbies here and I never thought about the fact that sometimes our inside conversations were being exclusionary to the established posters already here. I'll try to rein that in.

    Several other people beat me to it but yeah, don't stop chatting. I was just illustrating that we're all going through the change. I like KAndre's idea of butting in though. But I'm also excited cuz I know I'm going to meet many people I haven't met before this winter! whoot.

    Oh crap... my mind wandered to Vegas for a minute. Wasn't there a Vegas pre party deadline? Uh Oh.

    Couchie - the deadline was extended - you can still let them know you want to attend, and send your paypal!! Please come! I'd LURVE to meet you.

    And I would never call you OTT - you're 'enthusiastic!' To me, OTT has negative connotations.

  6. Gibby...we'll be here with our dark chocolate in hand waiting for a play by play description of your wild crazy weekend, especially the food, spirits and the fun rides, ya know like the roller coasters!

    BWAH! Hopefully I'll have enough energy to post, when I come back! And it will take foreveh to catch up with this thread.

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful, thorough, compassionate and wise note! And thanks to all of the other admins and mods, too - ya'll are fantastic.


    OOoo, did everyone see vzubie's Chautauqua Rehearsal Clack? It was newly uploaded today. It's like watching a home movie or something. Very entertaining!! Not to mention he looks really, really, re.all.y GOOD! Hee, the only part I could make out was around 1:45 of Part 2... he's all "Shut.Up!"... :lol: Go here for both part1 and part2:


    Ooooh, I enjoyed this so much! Thanks for the link. I'm gonna have to get an external hard drive sooooon - my laptop is groaning under all all of the weight of the fantastic clack! Hmmmm, I guess I could listen to the rest of the TV Medleys I have downloaded, make my recommendations, and delete the ones I don't want to keep. Maybe on Monday if I have any energy left. :)

    I dunno...I guess part of it is I think the OTT stuff embarrasses me and I don't want to be connected with it in any way. I can't, for the life of me, afford to spend the kind of money some of the OTT people spend...it has to be a shitload!!! If I get to go to one concert, I'm happy...but...that's just me. Those who can afford to go to more and want to go...more power to them.

    I kind of envy those of you who are so close but, yet, I am so very happy to be just me.

    Jacks - thanks so much for posting about yourself! I'm really enjoying getting to know the newer members. I post at CV occasionally, too, but like you, very few people really know me over there, because I just don't post that often. I'm normally a pretty shy person, but decided to jump in with both feet here, and have found it great fun. I'm glad you're here.

    And I agree with you about the OTT fan behavior - yikes!!

    *runs off to start packing*

  7. today we were supposed to take a walk but ended up going to the flea market...so I will just do a tread mill. Went for breakfast and went for high protein with omelette with smoked slamon and goat cheese...but I;m proud t say I dint eat the toast and fries....so in the end it wasn't that bad calorie wise.

    The omelette sounds delicious, but still high protein and not too bad in the calorie dept. Thinking about it is making me hungry!

    I tried a new machine at the gym tonight - the treadclimber. Whew, that thing can get your heart rate up, and works those leg muscles! I enjoyed it. I also sometimes do the stairmill, which gives the legs a great workout, too. I find that it's good to vary my workout to build muscle tone and to help weight loss along.

  8. My absolute favorite chocolate is "Endangered Species Chocolate - Extreme Dark Chocolate" It as 88 percent cocoa and it's not bitter like some darks can be. I usually have one or two little squares at a time, which is about 2 grams of sugar. It's NOT low calorie and low fat, though.

    I've had that brand, and it is FANTASTIC!! And it's so rich and wonderful that one or two little squares are actually quite satisfying.

  9. I'm diabetic. Ya'll know that right? :cryingwlaughter:

    I'm not, but I don't tolerate sugar very well. I love finding a really good candy store that has sugar free chocolates. I always go for the peanut butter cups!

    I can have sugar, but I've tried the sugar free chocolate because it doesn't have as many calories. Some brands are really good, but they can make my stomach upset. Have you found any that don't do that? 'Course, if I eat the whole box, I guess that might be the problem . . .

    ETA: Spikesmom - that's a chocolate replica of Han Solo in carbonite.

  10. wonder if we'll have hangovers, and if we'll actually be able to go on the big roller coasters??

    Gibby, dear...I'm more concerned that you might have already done all the riding you can handle by the time you actually get to the roller coasters... :whistling-1:

    NOT that there's anything WRONG with that...(tmSeinfeld)

    Okay...tell me again why I still feel the need to continue trying to make all these whiny workshop facilitators happy? <_<:wacko:

    I'd have a glass of wine, but with my nose all stuffy, I doubt I'd be able to taste it. :cry4:

    But....I'll give it the ole' college try.. :tongue09:

    BWAH, Muski!

    I hope you feel better soon - it sounds as if you feel miserable.


    Ooooh, those pictures of jello are horrrrrible!! I need to look at something yummy and delectable. Like....chocolate! Chocolate of any sort is good, but chocolate bars and chocolate chips are the best.




    And, for the Star Wars fans:


    Scarlett, you might try showing this to Solo the next time she tries to hit you upside the head. :)

  11. But, how does that compare with guarding Clay's body?

    Nothing does. We members of the FCA Super Sekrit Security Services must remember to keep our eyes on the prize at all times. It's our sacred duty and honor. Welcome.

    Oh, yeah!!!! *hi-fives all of the Super Sekrit body guards, the bestest status evah!*

    I am about 3/4 of the way through my Classics recommendations (I am doing LAV, OIDA, Sexyback and Achy Breaky Heart) and it is so cool to listen to them sequentially.....from Frisco through to Orlando.....and hear how things gradually change. And also to hear some performances where something funny happens. It's so hard to keep a straight face when I'm listening in mixed company (like this evening when I was sitting at a Starbuck's in a Chapters/Indigo store with my iPod on, drinking a chai latte). People look at you weird when you burst out laughing! WTF is their problem? :cryingwlaughter:

    (bolding mine)

    This happens to me at the gym all of the time, where I watch clack on my treo while on the treadmill or the elliptical. I've gotten a few funny looks, but I keep watching and giggling! I had to stop watching the realllly hawt montages at the gym, though, 'cuz moaning and thudding while on workout equipment isn't very safe. Take my word for it.


    I've yet to check out the board policy thread. Maybe this weekend. But I did find something very, very cool. Didja know there's a 'view new posts' function at the top of the page? You can click on it and see where the latest discussion has been. Who knew?? :D

    This cracked me up, 'cuz Couchie is always telling people to use that function. It's great - I use it all of the time to see where people are hangin' out!


    And with that ... I'm done with the rumination and am moving on to the intoxication.

    :trink3: :trink4: :704: :bier: :drink::wein:

    Say....we doooo have a lot of drinking emoticons! Hee.

    Those emoticons, are fun, jamar! That looks like what hubby and I will be doing tomorrow night. It's his birthday, and we are checking into a swanky hotel at 3:00. We will have supper at an ethnic restaurant, with wine, of course. Then we will proceed to the downtown aquarium bar, where you can watch fish of all sizes and types swim around in a huge aquarium while you're enjoying your drink. Then, we will be going to a live jazz club, where they serve - drinks, of course! Heeeee. I asked hubby if he will be awake enough after all that drinking for us to have a romantic evening and actually enjoy the posh hotel - he says no problemo. He doesn't like cake, but lurves cherry pie for his birthday, with whipped cream. He wants to be able to enjoy that whipped cream properly! Heeeee. We also have tickets for Six Flags the next day - wonder if we'll have hangovers, and if we'll actually be able to go on the big roller coasters?? :wacko:

  12. Whew!!! Took me a looooong time to catch up, but I did it. I know this was pages and pages ago, but I still have to quote it, 'cuz it cracked me up:

    Clay looked in my direction at the DCAT and I sent him a telepathic question to which his eyes clearly answered "Yes." I haven't heard from him since, so hopefully we're still engaged.

    Off to issue a press release in order to find out for sure. :bolt:



    That's almost exactly the title of a one-chapter quickie I "rendered" (video creativity is not the ONLY 'art' that can use the word 'render', you know...heh) a while back, called "Working From Home"! :RedGuy:

    "Working From Home" on CV

    Oh, yeah, Muski, I remember this one. I think I've read every single on of your stories. I've enjoyed every single one of them!


    But today, all that nice turned soil, ready to rake and plant. I dug up a bunch of irises that had been scattered around where my "lawn" is supposed to be and moved them to my Iris Garden. Actually it's my Iris & Wildflower Garden. OK, it's really my Iris and Weed Garden, but the weeds do have pretty flowers, well some of them do. I don't count the poison ivy or the wild grape vines from Hell. Anyway, I'm very proud of myself. I have a new plot of almost weedless iris that may or may not survive the winter, but hey, I tried.

    What does this have to do with Clay. Well, I think my tractor's sexy! Oh, all right, so it's not really a tractor, just a huge honking Riding Mower.

    I bet Clay would have just paid a gardener to do it.

    BWAH, again! I loved your entire post. I wish I was that ambitious about my yard.

    gareem, lovethatguy and I got Row A tickets for South Bend!

    :clap::XmasRed::allgood::lilredani: :xmas07a:

    we're excited...


    An now, I'm off to steam clean my house. YUCK!!! The only thing that will make this job worthwhile is that I'll be listening to Clay on my ipod. And, of course, the carpets will look all purty when I'm done. Getting started is the worst part of this job. Which is why I keep typing instead of going to get the steam cleaner out. Maybe if I post a few animations I can put it off longer .....











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