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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. So, I'm confused. Both Scarlett and Kareneh say that they were streaking past Clay's bar in their nightclothes. Who really was it, ladies? Or are you taking turns? :cryingwlaughter:

    I had fun yesterday and today, ya'll! I got to play a nine-foot Steinway grand piano in a gorgeous concert hall with excellent acoustics. Steinways are fantastic to play, because of the tone, action and volume. I played with six choirs. It's really thrilling to play with the more advanced choirs!

    By the way, did we reach a consensus that Clay is cute? I wasn't sure if everyone here agreed. Here's some animations we can consider so we can figure out whether he's really all that cute:




    Yep - he's really ca-yoot!!! (tm Bookwhore!)

  2. Hilarious as usual, laughn!

    Good luck, YSRN! You may be a bit sore afterwards, but your pain will get much better soon. :hugs-1:

    I enjoyed watching Clay meeting with the Connecticut teachers. He looks all knowledgeable and professor-like. My geography skills could improve, so I need some extra private tutoring. I'll even wear my short school-girl plaid skirt, white blouse, knee-highs and penny loafers. I hope I learn a lot. Heeeee! :lipstick:

  3. Wanda, are there any day programs for adults with Alzheimers in your area? There are program like that here, and many caregivers find it to be a lifesaver. I don't know if your Mom is too confused to understand about going to to a program, but it might be something that would give you a bit of a break during the day.

  4. I just heard back from LVClayCDParty regarding the preparty, and here's a summary of what she said - there are no assigned seats, so we can sit wherever we like. There are eight to a table, so we'll have to divide up into a couple of groups. We can sit wherever there's an empty table. We'll sign in before we go in, and will get a nametag and an armband (in case we want to leave the party and come back).

    So, meeting at least 15 minutes ahead of time would be good, to make sure that we all get signed in. It could take awhile to sign in 300 people! It might be better to meet 30 minutes ahead of time to make sure we find each other and get signed in. What do ya'll think?

  5. I'm sitting here in the dining room waiting for kids. The first two just arrived. I'm pissed out of my mind because I purposely got no candy that I like so I wouldn't eat any.

    What in the hell was I thinking?????!!

    Aw, wanda, your waistline will thank you later. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    So, for Fifth Grader tomorrow: Where do we go to talk about the show when it comes on? Are we posting here, or do we go back into the spoiler thread?

    :drink: And do we all do a shot when we see Couchie in the audience with her sparkly i.gifth_heart_beating.gifc.gifl.gifa.gify.gif sign?

    I think the shot idea is an excellent one! Heeeee.

    I just took my 13-year old trick or treating. She's sorting through her candy right now. I'm happy that she wanted to go with me - even asked me politely to go with her! Of course, I wouldn't let her go by herself, but it's really nice to be asked by a teenager who's usually grouchy and withdrawn.

    Some of the houses were really decorated for Halloween. One house even had a scary soundtrack and a fog machine! We just had a few pumpkin lights and two pumpkins that we carved last night, with candles inside. Anymore it's rare to see real pumpkins - a lot of people around here just use the fake plug-in ones.

  6. Oh, geez, Wanda, what a shame that the hospice agency wouldn't take your mother! I have a few ideas, since I've set up a number of patients with hospice from our hospital. You may have already contacted the Dr. to ask that all of your mother's conditions be listed on the referral form. If not, have the Dr. document everything to give the best chance at being accepted. Once you have more documentation, try another hospice agency. My experience is that hospice agencies vary in their interpretations of what's appropriate for hospice.

    I'm soooooo glad you're coming to Vegas! You deserve a break, girl. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  7. Despite my trying to avoid eating those addictive things, candy corn, a friend gave me some today and they are as good as ever. Of course it's only been a few weeks since I bought a bag of them for myself.

    I love candy corn, too! So much that I don't dare buy a bag for myself. They'd be gone in no time, and all of those calories would be baaaad news.

    I generally stay out of the promotion discussions and the constant re-hashing of what did or did not happen with ATDW...I figure we will never really know what happened and it has become a real dead-horse issue to me. It is what it is and now it is time to move on to what comes next!

    Biggest pet peeve ever is those posters who make it their mission to bring every piece of negative claptrap out there to the boards; it does nothing to facilitate a good discussion and always leads to hand-wringing and breast-beating and angsting. It is almost laughable how obvious they are and then when you call them on it, they deny, deny, deny. Yeah, I have gotten ticked off enough that I have sent off PM's..not the smartest thing to do, but it made me feel better. Now I just ignore and scroll as fast as I can.


    I like your approach, aikim! I generally don't reply to negative discussion about promotion, Clive, RCA, the direction of Clay's career, tabloids, gnats or whatever the latest angsty thing is. I find that replying just reinforces the negativity, sort of like encouraging it by giving it a hit. I don't need angst in my life, so I pretty much just ignore it. Now, if we are havng a rational, intelligent discussion here, that's different. Discussions here are more enlightening and interesting, without the extreme emotional reactions. {{{{{FCA}}}}}}

    Had a blast today. One of the professors, a corpulent man, came dressed as Fairy Godmother and was granting wishes. I've laughed too hard. He's such a character.

    BWAH!! It's great when people don't take themselves too seriously.

    IN our neighborhood, there's a little shopping area (we call it a 'landing'---quaint, eh?)...and each Halloween, all the stores open their doors and welcome trick or treaters---not sure what time. It started as a 'safe' way to have kids trick or treat; stores offer free cups of punch, and of course free treats; employees dress up in costume, etc...right next to this little group of stores is a community church and it always has games and activities in its yard for the little ones.


    Poor kid. We do so mistreat her, you know? :rolleyes::P Actually, a friend invited her to go with her and her family to Disneyland right after Thanksgiving. Perfect! We've sat down and together created a 'contract' between her and us that explicitly states the expectations she must meet between now and then in order to go, with the understanding that upon her return those behaviors are still expected to become "STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE" .....

    Let's see: which is more stressful and exhausting? My job at the office or my job at home? :8:

    We have the same thing here, Muski! It's called Trick or Treat Street, and my younger daughter loves it. She gets quite a haul of candy without too much walking. Pretty lazy, if you ask me! :)

    And we've done those contract things, too. It's GREAT when kids have something they really want, because they then have motivation to change their behavior to get it. I hope Carrie will fulfill her contract!

    Wow, Toots, you really like your state! That's cool. It's good to be happy with where you live.

  8. Gibby, you must be an accomplished pianist to be playing for all of those choirs! Did you have classical training? Do your daughters play?

    Thanks for asking, Toots! Yes, I had a great deal of classical training, and entered a bunch of competitions when I was in high school. The guys who took piano from the same professor got irked 'cuz I always beat them. Heeeee! I was thinking of majoring in music, but ended up in another field. Now I enjoy listening to and playing a large variety of music. Except rap - never have been able to really get into it. My daughters don't play piano, but my older daughter takes voice lessons. She actually won money in a singing competition last year!

    Couchie, I'm not at work today, but I went to the high school, and saw some pretty interesting looking costumes there!

  9. Liney, the sign sounds like a great idea! I've PM'd one of the preparty coordinators to ask about seating. I'm assuming we can sit with whomever we wish, but I'll find out for sure. And I'm in for a little FCA get-together after the show.

    Directions to the preparty were posted elsewhere, and I'm bringing them over. Sorry that the map isn't bigger - this is how it was posted at the Clayboard:

    Here's a map of the Orleans Hotel & the Arena. If you are driving, follow the red lines til you get to the red dot with the green dot on top. That's the parking lot by the southwest door of the Arena. That's the closest place to park & enter. If you are walking across from the Hotel, just follow the signs to the Arena, stay on the ground level, go out the north door & across the little thoroughfare to the southwest door of the Arena. Once inside,t here will be signs to direct you to the banquet rooms where the preparty will be! The building to the south that says Orleans Arena is really the Orleans Hotel. The one next to the red & green dot is the actual Arena.


  10. Sometimes I just want to fill up on candy corn and spin around until I’m dizzy and out of breathe, and then I wanna spend the rest of the day talking to my friends about the really cute boy in the lunch line, ya know?

    Oh, that sounds good! Let's spin together!

    By the way....I was upstairs sitting on the toilet when the earthquake hit... I could only calmly watch my clothes swaying from their hangars in the closet nearby and wait it out....I couldn't really get up at the time to move to a safer place under a doorframe, you see.

    Figures. :cryingwlaughter:


    I'm glad that everyone in California is okay. Hopefully there won't be any nasty aftershocks.

    I didn't watch House last night, but my hubby and daughter did, and they mentioned the Clay commercial. It will be soooo fun to have Clay on my teeeveeee tomorrow night!

    Happy Halloween!


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