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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. I'm peeking in from work to look at all of the fantastic pictures. My, but Clay is looking soooooo good this tour! I think the idea for drool bibs is a great one, Liney! I certainly need one.

    Heee, merrieeeee, I loved your fangirly report. Can't wait to hear more from you, and from everyone going to the concert tonight. This place will be REALLY fangirly tonight! YAY!

    jmh - you mentioned that you wanted the Quack from Wichita. I uploaded Quiana's 'Where Are You Christmas' to the vault last night.

  2. ClayWaukegan2_filtered.jpg

    Holy cheekbones, Batman! :hubbahubba:

    I can't sleep. T minus 6 hours. IwillnotwatchclackIwillnotwatchclackIwillnotwatchclackIwillnotwatchclackIwillnot


    Hee, I see you lurking down there, goldarngirl. WTF are we both doing up? Maybe we should just hit the road now. :cryingwlaughter:

    ETA that a bunch of us Claynadians are caravaning to Kalamazoo, for anyone who's wondering what the hell I'm blathering on about in the wee hours. LOL. Let's see, two vehicles, with me, cindilu2, disneykid, crimsonice, heartsocean, goldarngirl, and OntarioClayFan. Here's hoping for clear roads and hassle free border crossings. So far, no snow! :)

    I saw you down there too and thought I was seeing things. There is NO WAY luckiest1 could possibly be up at this hour.

    ETA and if you think I'm taking the image tags out and getting rid of that image you don't know me very well heee.

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm so excited for you Claynadians. Have a FANTASTIC time! And safe travels, too. Can't wait for you to come back and tell us what you think of the concert.

  3. CG, I think you'll be happy that you're unspoilered. Wichita was my first unspoilered experience, and it was great! I can't wait to hear what you think about your concert.

    At CV they are saying that Scarlett got most of the concert, and Invisible got the rest. We can only hope that's accurate!

    Apparantly they were doing some really cool things with the lighting tonight. I'm hoping that the clack will show the lighting effects.

  4. CV is talking to gareem on the stream - here's a cap of what gareem's saying by CTLover:

    Said the lighting was phenomenal. The lighting guy shown white lights and they 'penciled' down to shine just on the mic. I think that's what she said. Said people were walking out crying. Whoever is talking now says it was absolutely magnificent. Says she's never seen anything like it. Sheer artistry. This show should be a CBS special--beautifully put together. Lighting extraordinary. Arrangements... Everything we have read online doesn't convey 10% of what this show is about. All of us are pretty chatty people but I can't begin to tell you...this is breathtaking. It's not elegant..that kind of thing. So intimate. To walk on the stage and such...inviting you into ...he is so engaging. He's the kind of person that you take one look at and you know that you would get just the biggest hug...the most warmth. You like him just standing there. The girls look like marionette kind of dolls...they don't overpower...they compliment...seamless, beautiful tapestry. People who would usually say they're not fond of medleys.... Lighting... The shows keep ....filters...cover of All is Well cd with Clay bright with background--like that. Just him with incredible, sometimes snowflake on background, vibrant colors...subtle. People taking pictures say the lighting is extraordinary. What they did tonight...remember when it was so awful in All is Well when people were flashing all the time ...it was almost like what they did but almost like a lightning bolt striking--flashing and pulsating with beams kind of crossing. Star of Bethlehem...so dramatic. Doesn't matter what religion you are, if any, it really would have no bearing on whether you would be thrilled to your toes to see this concert. It is just remarkable. I would give up every other concert to come to this one. (This is Gareem that has been talking.) They didn't do this lighting last night but the evidence of what we've seen, he has the makings of a great producer. To surround himself with these people--the lighting guy, the sound guy, etc. Everybody has just been thrown away. Usually the lobby empties but people are just sort of milling around like they don't want to leave this building. One of the stories that Pink Armchair does is really darling--the bottom line is her dress catches on fire. Next son Clay is singing is Chestnuts Roasting on an Open on an Open Fire, he sings, Dresses Toasting on an Open Fire. He ws so funny but whether being playful, etc. ...sex on a stick. Enchanting. Enthralling Sat next to a girl who only saw him in the AI concert and she was thrown away. Very respectful. Most appreciative.
  5. WAYC from Quiana now. I actually had video of her singing this in Wichita - do you think anyone would be interested in having me upload it to the vault?

    Oh please. It's the only thing I'm missing in my iPod version.

    Okay, I'll upload it tonight. My files are so big b/c I filmed at the max resolution the camera would take, so the files take forever to upload! They compress them in the vault so they're not so big.

    DSIAFCD - he sings it sooooo well! He said to give hugs - so here's one for everyone here -


  6. oh no worries...Scarlett got all the first half except for the last and I think Invisible got that.. so no worries about Clack...

    I did read somewhere that in the other venues it seems really very lax and maybe they did have a difficulty with flashes.

    YAY for Scarlett and Invisible getting clack!!

    ETA: That sounded like a sweet story! WAYC from Quiana now. I actually had video of her singing this in Wichita - do you think anyone would be interested in having me upload it to the vault?

  7. I have some items up in the Wichita page on FCA. I will probably add some more recaps if people post some more and the others stories if we get permission so you all can check back for any updates.

    Hey, Ansa, I visited the Wichita page. Great job! The graphics are really pretty.


    Farouche, I'm really enjoying your pictures! Thanks for posting them.

    Pardon my :cryingwlaughter:; but I have been perusing the boards and I think it is totally hilarious that some of the more vocal critics who said they were re-thinking going to multiple shows are now changing their minds....the power of the Aiken!


    My little ode to the... critics (click)


    BWAAAAAHHHH!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    So true, so true.

  8. I like the screen caps, cindilu! Just out of curiosity - did you do them from the large wmvs, or from the mpegs? I'm wondering how much clearer the screencaps would be from an mpeg rather than a wmv.

    Gibby, those are from the mpegs, and I also cleaned them up a bit in PSP. I use BPS

    Decompiler for screencaps and that is the best I could do. Sowwy! Hopefully someone has better software than I.

    No need to apologize, cindilu! You took some great screencaps. When my week slows down I may try to do some more. The mpegs on my computer are actually a higher resolution than the mpegs in the vaut, so I'll be interested to see how the screencaps look.

    I'm packed and today I'm "leaving on a jet plane" to see my gorgeous boyfriend! I cannot wait!!!!

    Here I am frantically d/l Clack to put in my iPod for the trip. You know how you need to take those essentials on a trip well my ClayiPod is one of my essentials now. How did I ever do without this stuff? Ah, the wonders of modern technology. I d/l the mp3 files transferred them to iTunes and now instantly I can have them with me! Ain't it grand?

    See a lot of you guys real soon. I'll be the one with the silly grin on my face cos I'm going to see CLAY!!!!!

    Did I tell you I love that guy? Oh I did? Well it bears repeating, don't ya think*g*

    Have a wonderful time, merrieeeee! I still have a silly grin on my face from Wichita. Boyfriend just does that to ya! And I totally agree about the essential technology for a trip. My Clay vids and tunes always have to be with me!

  9. Whew!!!! I'm so far behind here. I just skimmed a bunch of pages after working 11 hours today. I'm beat, and my eyes are crossing from reading all of the discussions. But I have to respond to a couple of posts -

    Welp I left a review of sorts in the Wichita thread. But I still needed to comment on how fun it was to meet up with Gibby and Reiki. Whoever left the blog message on the thread that night did their job well. I was sitting on the bed with my back to the headboard and the computer scream was on the desk across the room and I SAW IT FIRST! Hee. Then we may have "encouraged" Gibby to get to the OFC licketysplit and I dunno maybe someone shouted something like fergawdssakecouldshetypeinherloginandpasswordanyslower? and then we all squealed with delight as she read the blog aloud to us.

    Good times. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I LURVED meeting you, JaMar, and Bookwhore, too! It was great fun to watch fresh clack together. And very amusing to see you fly across the room to see Clay's blog! I should have taken longer to pull up the blog, just to hear you beg. Heeeee! :imgtongue:

    Awwwww, Scarlett, I'm so glad you've enjoyed the clack! I totally *heart* you, tooo! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And thanks for the advice - I'll watch out for KAndre. BWAH!

    ldyj, it looks like you uploaded some St. Louis clack to the vault. I'm soooo looking forward to downloading it, once I'm finished uploading mine. Whew, it takes forever to get that stuff in the vault.

    Now, off to the concert thread to see what I missed ....

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