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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. I don't know what makes the difference between me and those who didn't care for the show so much - the fact that I share Clay's beliefs? The years of formal, classical music training where I learned to perform the type of music Clay performs at this show? My masters in social work, where I learned to appreciate how difficult it can be to cope with tragedy? These probably all help, but I'm sure that many others who don't care for the show as much have appreciation for these things, as well.

    IMO I don't think it matters if you have anything in common with him or share his beliefs. I have never had any contact with social work, have an intense dislike for any kind of organized religion but I do have an appreciation for good classical music. I am loving this concert series. In fact it is turning out to be one of my all time favourites. It shows another facet and layer of a complex man. I said in a cellcert that it is the man, the music and the voice. I felt at K'zoo he was giving us a present of his voice! He is extremely vulnerable up there and is not afraid to let it show. Kind of....well here I am love me or leave me! I love him for it and I am not ever leaving especially if he continues to produce work like this.

    Oh and in case there is any doubt I also love, love, love the glasses!

    Cool, merrieeee! I agree with you - that's why I said the part that I bolded. And I agree about the vulnerability, too, and the love-me-or-leave me attitude. I think it's great that Clay's reached the point in his career that he's comfortable with that attitude. He pretty much said as much in his blog on the first night of CITH.

  2. It is fascinating to me to see all of the different reactions to this show. All I know is that I had a feeling of euphoria and joy after seeing this show. It was such a high for me. I usually feel this way after seeing Clay in a concert, and Wichita was no different. I truly did feel that Clay had given me not just a Christmas card, but a present. It was beautiful. And that's why I need to go again.

    I don't know what makes the difference between me and those who didn't care for the show so much - the fact that I share Clay's beliefs? The years of formal, classical music training where I learned to perform the type of music Clay performs at this show? My masters in social work, where I learned to appreciate how difficult it can be to cope with tragedy? These probably all help, but I'm sure that many others who don't care for the show as much have appreciation for these things, as well.

    Whatever makes the difference, I'm truly glad that this is a board where all opinions are welcomed and encouraged. I'm glad that I can EEEEEEE about the shows, and that those who don't feel like EEEEEEEEEing can express themselves, as well.


  3. *HUGS* to Lilyshine and Pookle. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the show more. And thanks for being honest about what you thought!

    I wish I were going again. :cry4:

    hmmmmmm.... Easton is only an hour and a half drive......

    What? Only an hour and a half? Amateur! I'm driving 8 hours to see him in Omaha! Heeeee.

    :nana: for Gibby getting her tickets to Omaha!

    It will be great to see you again, jamar! And BW , Couchie,, Meesa and Puddins, too. I think Scarlett and KAndre are going to Omaha, too, and I've never met either of them. I'm soooo looking forward to this concert!

  4. Ahhhhh, I want a treo or a video iPod so bad now. Every time I get on the treadmill I wear my audio iPod, of course, but then I'm watching tv screens with inane shows while Clay sings. LOL. Maybe after Christmas I can start saving up for one.

    Hey, Lucky - here's an idea for getting an ipod - the apple website sells refurbished ipods for half of the original price. We've gotten a couple of of them, and have had absolutely no problems with them. They come with the same warranty as a brand new ipod, and look brand new when they come. They also have all of the accessories a new ipod comes with (charger, software, etc.). I recently went to the apple website to get an ipod for our younger daughter for Christmas, and at the time they didn't have any refurbished video ipods for sale. We ended up buying the new video nano, which is kind of small, but has a fantastic, vibrant picture. It was about $155.00, which isn't too bad for a video ipod. We didn't have to pay extra for engraving or postage.

    I'm actually going to save up for a new video phone next year. My treo is getting a little old, and and I'm going to buy an AT&T tilt. I saw one at the store, and they played a video for me on it. It looked like a mini-wide screen TV. Clack will look great on it! I love gadgets.

  5. Oooooh!! I LURVE the hair! It's gorgeous!! Even with the glasses. I hope he lets Jamie style his hair like that for Omaha.

    Heeee - my Omaha tickets came today. YAY!!! And hubby has officially agreed to go with me. Now I just have to hope that the roads will be free of snow and ice for our trip.

    ETA: I just watched jojoct's WTOW from Albany - it's gorgeous!! Thanks, liney, for the recommendation!

    I love this little half smile - so cute:


  6. Hee! You think? You ought to talk to luckiest1 or goldarngirl. :imgtongue:

    Who me? My externals don't total as much as your externals! :imgtongue:

    I just d/l some NB clack, and I use GetRight as a download manager. I've reset it more than a few times, but currently it's telling me I've downloaded approx 14,500 files. :cryingwlaughter:

    Shhhhh you guys.

    And I am so grateful that lucky and goldarngirl have so much clack. That's how they come up with such fantastic montages! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    No content, just wanted to say Hi from merrieeee's house. KAndre, keepingfaith and I are here, talking about... our favorite things. The good part is that there's no sporking this time.

    Whew, you must be relieved that you don't have to run away from sporks this time! :cryingwlaughter:

    Heeee, CG, thanks for letting us know the real names of the medleys! And I'm with ya on the glasses. I'd much rather see Clay's gorgeous eyes without the specs hiding them. I think he's cute either way, but he's definitely cuter without the glasses.

  7. I lurve the elliptical machine. It's great for watching Clay vids on my treo! I set the treo up on the machine where I can see it, and wear noise-isolating headphones so that I only hear Clay instead of the crappy music played in the gym. The headphones are actually little in-ear earbuds, and have good sound quality. I sometimes get tired on the elliptical, too, but I'll motivate myself to keep going by watching until the end of a video. Then, I'll challenge myself to keep going until the end of the next video, etc. After awhile your stamina builds, and you can stay on the elliptical for longer periods of time. I'm raising the resistance now, and changing the type of elliptical workout, to keep myself challenged.

    So, lucky, we just need to figure out a video or two that will last 6 minutes! Heeee!

    I had problems with shin spints, too, so I went to a running store to get fitted for athletic shoes. This store fits you for shoes, and then has you run on a treadmill for about 15 seconds, and they use a camera to film your feet. Then they play it back in really slow motion to figure out if the shoes fit correctly. They are looking to see if you pronate or supinate (roll your feet in or out), and whether you need stabilization or shock absorption. I ended up getting air Nikes, which have helped so much! They are extremely comfortable. It's really worth paying a bit extra for good athletic shoes so that your feet and legs don't hurt during or after workouts.

  8. Oh and I see that LTS has fallen by the wayside..shall we postpone this until after the holidays/tour?

    Yes, please! There's no way I can keep up with it right now. And I'd love to be involved in the conversation.

    00lsee said:
    he really is a lovely and remorseless killer.

    this should be nominated for a thread title!!!!

    ALSO......... Diva said it was OK to post the video of her "Ode to Clack Goddesses" on youtube!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:


    BWAH!!! That was hilarious, Diva! Thanks for putting it up for us to see, chach. I'd love to see the words typed out and posted, too!

    If someone does take video of Spamalot, maybe they could wait to post it until his run is over. Then, those who couldn't see it live, can still see it after the fact.

    That's a great idea! But I bet if someone captures it, they'll want to share it right away. The vault admins would need to agree on not posting it until later in order for this to work.

    I was going to put up the 3rd & 4th chapters the day after I got home from Wichita. And then I started painting. And ... oh I dunno...I forgot? Then I thought I would do it Monday after I got home from work, but they tossed some new stuff at me this week that has taken my boring little low stress job in sort of a different direction. Hee. It's all good. I'm up for the challenge and actually shocked that they have that much confidence in me after only a month. So with all that and then the concerts going on I'm all pre-occupied on my off hours too.

    Congrats on being recognized as the intelligent, capable woman that you are, Jamar! That's cool!

  9. And this M&G recap from CB:

    A friend has a meet and greet last night and gave me permission to post this:

    She asked clay how he feels about clack and he said he did not mind at all. BUT . . . he does not appreciate it when people post the stuff on you tube especially when he makes mistakes. You talked about the "All Is Well" from last year and was upset that it was all over the internet. He thought it was rude to post. Also, he said he felt it was very rude of people to post the Capital One Skating show on youtube since it had not even been aired yet and he didn't own the show.

    That's exactly why I didn't upload my Wichita AIW to the vault. Clay sang AIW magnificently in Wichita, but struggled a little on the last note. It wasn't as bad as the first concert last year, but still, I didn't want it ending up on youtube. And now, with these comments, filtered or not, I'm very glad I made that decision.

    Aikim, it sounds like it's cold there today! BRRRRRR! It's 35 here now, and the forecast calls for snow over the next three days. We haven't had much snow this season, so I don't mind, as long as the roads are okay. We need Clay's scarf and hat to keep warm - hopefully they will be available at the online store soon! I wouldn't mind snuggling up to a warm Clay blanket, either!

  10. Oooooh, Jamar, I'm so glad you're okay! That's scary.

    I loved all of the gifs posted today! I have quite a few gifs, but didn't have all of the ones posted, so I had a good time adding them to my gif folder. Thank you!

    You are better off putting you own video up there, you can edit the comments that way and I do ALL the TIME!.

    I heard that a certain JP has put up video and linked from hios blog - and that just invites those comments - so why not request that the video be taken down since it is yours, and put it up yourself or let me put it up for you since I patrol the comments all the time and when I find it linked from questionable places I takle downthe link abilities for 5 days and then restore it. it is kind of like a job.

    Thanks to everyone who offered advice on the inappropriate youtube comments. And thanks, play, for the offer to put my videos up! I went to youtube to check on the comments after work this evening, and found that the comments had already been edited out. I wrote the person who put the videos up, thanked her for editing out the comments, and let her know that I'll write her again if more inappropriate comments show up. As long as she edits out the comments, I'll just let her keep them up. Several of them are linked to Clay blogs, so I'd rather not break the links.

    Lots of good potential thread titles! Too bad we can only vote for one. :)

  11. I'll never understand the mentality of the trolls people who feel the need to trash Clay's music on-line. There are many, many artist's whose sound I don't care for. It wouldn't ever occur to me to go 'review' music I never had any intention of buying. Small, small minds. Sure do wish they'd grow up, or at least find another hobby.

    I agree - I don't find it necessary to post negative things about music I don't care for. I figure it's just a personal preference.

    But trolls can be pretty nasty. A couple of people put my Wichita clack up on youtube, and the snippet of the jazzy medley has been viewed over 10,000 times. There are three pages of comments, and a couple of trolls started leaving comments a few days ago. The gay comment is there, as well as talking about Clay as a 'c***sucker.' Yuck!!! I don't know if the person who put the video up can edit comments or not. I'm tempted to contact her to see if she can, but who knows - maybe the trolls woudl just post more if she deleted the comments.

  12. I just got home..I don't like these east coast start times.

    I don't blame him either for not wanting any mess ups on the internet. There's such a need to see it for ourselves mentality but really if it embarasses Clay..I don't mind not seeing it. Fortunately I can think of only one thing at the moment that fits that description. Even when he fell he jumped up so quick and kept going that it was cute cute cute...

    That's exactly why I didn't upload my Wichita AIW to the vault. Most of it was fantastic, but he struggled on the last note. It wasn't as bad as the first concert last year, but almost. So I decided not to upload it to the vault, because I lurve my boyfriend. It's a good thing I didn't upload it, because a couple of people put all my vids are on youtube. A couple of them have over 3000 views, and one has over 8000 views! I would feel badly if AIW was up and was viewed a bunch of times.

  13. And Gibby - I love your too, but damn - look at this!!

    ETA: My computer here at work won't let me upload it so until I get home - hands off!! Its mine all mine!!!!

    CG, no problem at all. I'd use the rotating one, too! It's beautimous.

    This is totally random, but may I ask a question I've always been curious about? (I'm gonna ask anyway, lolol). Why do people choose to be Anonymous when they're on the board?

    Because I work and play on the same computer, I never log off or close my browser -- I typically have 5-6 tabs open in Firefox with all my favorite places logged in 24/7. And I don't want it to look like I'm here when I'm not. As opposed to hiding when I am here. I've had people call me at 2am because they "saw me on the board so figured I was up". This is way easier for me.

    And thanks. :)

    I often leave FCA on while I'm at home, too, so that I don't have to load it up every time I want the latest update. So if I'm anonymous, it doesn't look like I'm that addicted to this place. Otherwise, it would look like I'm logged in all of the time! I'll have 5 or 6 other windows open at the same time, and toggle between them.

    Thanks for the ideas about programs for making an avy with several pictures! I may have to try making one sometime. For now, though, I think I'll stick with Mr. Sexy Hips.

  14. Ooooh, YSRN, those are gorgeous! I knew they could be cropped to show the lipbite and sultry look a bit better, but didn't have time to do it. CG, I certainly won't be offended if you use one of them.

    BWAH, Diva!

    Lovely banner, Ansa. So many gorgeous pics have been taken this tour, and you picked some of the best.

    And I missed the place to go find a porn name. Can somebody give me the link? Thanks!

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