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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Who knew? Who knew that in my prime of life I'd be caught refereeing a geriatric love triangle involving my own mother? :onFire::Ahh: :fssign:

    BWAH!!! Well, I guess we can say that you come by your appreciation of masculine - er - endowments - honestly! :cryingwlaughter:

    Cool, CG! One month from today! :clap:

    I'm hoping that the Clay nation won't tear itself apart during Spamalot. Things are kinda okay right now, 'cuz we have new clack all of the time, and people are still talking about FC and all that mess. Once the clack slows down and the FC mess is no longer new, people will start talking about the new album. New and dire prognostications will be made, and people will be upset if they don't think Clay is recording fast enough. And, of course, anything RCA does won't be right. Sigh. I might just hang out here so I don't have to hear it all.

    Meanwhile, my next Clay concert is in a few days! Woohooooo!!! :needclay::xmaskick: :xmas07a:

  2. laughn, I'm so happy that reading turned out well for you! I totally know what you mean about your leg shaking. I had the same experience, only when I was about 11 years old and playing piano for a full auditorium. It was the most people I'd ever played for at that time, and I had on a long dress. My leg was shaking up a storm, and my long dress was shaking right along with it! :lmaosmiley-1: It's funny now, but I was mortified at the time. Fortunately, I played just fine. Anyway, I'm so glad that no one noticed your leg shaking!

    And how cool that you had so much fun meeting Clay! Sounds like he was perfectly charming.

  3. But he does have Mondays off!


    Nope. Sorry. Mondays are our dates to explore the Kama Sutra.

    And what, pray tell, is your favorite so far? Heeeee.


    Would you believe I just checked my email, and there was an email from Clayonline. :yess:

    They wanted to know if I wanted a fleecy blanket..... :nono2: Ummmmmm....not nice, not good form at all Clique.


    THANK YOU for the warning! I didn't expect to win a M&G since I saw that Meesa won an Omaha M&G already (YAY!), so I thought that all of the emails had probably gone out already. But I woud have been a tiny bit hopeful to see that I'd gotten an email from Clayonline unless I'd gotten your warning!

    I'm sad about no M&G, too, cindilu. Maybe next tour, for both of us!

    Laughn, I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to hear the story.

  4. That way, his unreasonable jealousy doesn't interfere with my unfaithful ways!

    I was wording your post until I got to this! I'm only unfaithful to Clay with my lawfully wedded husband, so I know Clay wouldn't/couldn't be jealouse of that.... :cryingwlaughter:

    OT---So my daughter goes to the DMV to try FOR THE THIRD TIME (that's the one that's the charm, right? :rolleyes: ) to take the written test to get her learner's permit for driving. She's a nervous wreck again, as she is with any kind of standardized testing environment. So although she's actually STUDIED the damned driver's manual this time and feels more confident, she's still visibly shaken and stirred as she approaches the lady at the DMV counter.

    The lady looks at Alex's info on the computer screen, asks Alex if she's nervous, to which Alex responds, "Yes, but I'm ready I think." The lady smiles, looks at the screen again (which of course reveals her past two failed attempts at passing) and then prints something out, hands it to Alex and says, "Merry Christmas, honey!"

    It's her permit.

    Alex didn't even have to take the test the third time! :clap:

    Alex is one happy teenager and is now often asking us, as we sit around the house all comfy and chilled out, "Does anybody need to go the store for anything? Run some errands? I'll drive!" :cryingwlaughter:

    Now I'm riding shotgun most of the time :blink: ....!!!! And hubby and I have a great thing to dangle over her head as the reason why she needs to do her chores and whatnot. Take those car keys away, don't you know? :whistling-1:

    It's fun having kids the same age, Muski! My daughter just got her permit, too. We took her out driving for the first time yesterday. She was a little freaked out, which is good. I don't want her to get cocky behind the wheel, I'd rather that she has respect for the damage a car can do. Anyway, we have a whole year of driving with her ahead, which will give her LOTS of experience. And then, in a year, I won't have to drive her to school, to every play or musical rehearsal, to every get-together with her friends, etc. etc. It's good to have bonding time in the car, but it can get really old after awhile!

  5. For audio quality, it's going to be hard to beat mime_fan's audio at DC, particularly her WAV files. They're excellent! Clay sang really purty that night, too, and the orchestra and acoustics were great. I've been listening to clack as it comes in, and haven't decided what my final recommendation will be yet, but mime_fan's audio is going to be right up there on my list, as will Scarlett's.

  6. ) <---- This is to help my dear KAndre finish her post. Heeee! Safe travels today. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Sounds like there's a lot of spin going on now that the FC situation has been revealed. :RandomSmiley: What a soap opera! I think it's good that all of this came out during a concert series, so that we can be distracted by great clack and recaps of fantastic performances. It helps to balance out the crap, and reminds me that there's a reason I'm a Clay fan.

    Scarlett uploaded last night's DSIAFCD. I've got it downloading now. MWAH to you, Scarlett!!

    ETA: Ooops - it was Williamsport. Sorry! But it was still purty!

  7. KarenEh I definitely think we should have the other 19 pieces of anti-zipper evidence so we can examine them carefully--just to make sure and all. :hubbahubba:

    I sure wouldn't mind looking at those pics, even if I think it's a fold!

    Safe travels, zena!

    Scarlett, I just watched your OHN, and it was gorgeous! I loved hearing Clay sing Angie's part. And I'm really looking forward to hearing Clay sing her part in the Jesus medley.

    *Hugs* to Angela and her family.

  8. Dear Lord,

    If I should die before I wake

    Please, my harddrive willl you take

    To save from family's prying eyes

    Clay's monumental super prize.


    Wanda, you're on a roll tonight! I love both of your poems, but this one takes the cake.

    Muski, I have to agree - I think it's a fold. :cry4:

    Hugs to lucky and cindilu - I'm so sorry you had to miss the concert! But it's good that you're safe and warm.

  9. keepingfaith, oh, fingers were everywhere last night and everyone got them.

    Okay, so my latte is on the wall now. WTF!!!!!???? :cryingwlaughter:

    Down, muski, down girl.

    I'd say that 'innocent' little statement is wide open for interpretation! And BWAH to your eHP conversations, Scarlett!

    Safe travels to everyone going to the concert tonight. Drive carefully, okay?


    :00003653: :04: :00003653:

  10. mimefan uploaded her DC audio to the vault, and it's beyond gorgeous! I'm listening right now, and it's heavenly. I'm uploading this audio to my treo and ipod pronto, and am burning a CD for my van, as well. The audio quality on the WAV files is outstanding, and she did a really nice job of clipping the files so that they flow into one another nicely. What a wonderful Christmas treat!

  11. Heeeee.....I just realised I never have considered anyone who posts as an Important Fan or Prominent Fan - I guess I just have categories like Sure Posts A Lot, Is Sometimes V. Funny, Usually Brings Good Stuff Like Numbers or Clack, Seems To Not Actually Like Clay, Is Oddly Bossy, Is Weirdly Preoccupied with Clay's Family and Personal Life, Gives Good Recap, Seems Like an Interesting Person, etc.

    I don't know who to not believe the most!



    Unfortunately, djs111, there are a lot of people in the online fandom who do give more weight to some people's opinions and posts. An awful lot.

    Yep, an awful lot. But I'm not one of them. Nyah, nyah nyah to them!! I'm adult and can evaluate information and think for myself, thank you very much.

    Have I mentioned that I NEVER believe any negative shit about Clay. About RCA. About Faye. About Roger. About BAF. About anyone connected with Clay or anything he says or does.

    As far as I'm concerned, the man's a goddamn saint, and I'm the frigging lead angel in the choir.

    I always wondered why we have these emoticons here at FCA, and now I know why. They're for wanda! :28: :31: :29: :30: Heeeee.

    PuddinsJoy called me this morning and her power came back on and mine just came back on about an hour ago. I've never been so excited to hear the furnace kick on.

    Regardless of our crappy week, PuddinsJoy and I will be in Omaha if we have to walk to get there.

    YAY for electricity and heat!!!! I hope to see you in Omaha!

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