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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Me, me, me PickMe.gif Moulin Rouge beginning to end -- as much energy as I've ever felt in a movie theatre.

    Doctor sings: The hills are animated with the euphonious symphony of descant...


    Satie: What if he sings "The hills are vital intoning the descant"?

    Doctor: No, no, no, the hills areā€¦

    Argentinean: The hills are incarnate with symphonic melodics.

    Christian: The . . . the hills . . .

    Doctor: The hills are chanting . . .

    Satie: The hill . . .

    Christian sings: The hills are alive with the sound of music!

    Argentinean: "The hills are alive with the sound of music!" I love it!

    Satie: "The hills are alive with the sound of music". It fits perfectly!

    Christian sings: With songs they have sung for a thousand years!

    Toulouse: Incandiferous! Audrey, you two should write the show together.


    Christian: I--I don't even know if I am a true Bohemian Revolutionary.

    Toulouse: Do you believe in beauty?

    Christian: Yes.

    Doctor: Freedom?

    Christian: Yes, of course.

    Satie: Truth?

    Christian: Yes!

    Doctor: Love?

    Christian: Love? Love. Above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love.

    BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter: You're making me want to watch Moulin Rouge again!!

    KAndre thinks I eschew doctors and medical attention. Contrare. I just know the drill by now. I spent the first twelve to fourteen years of my life in hospitals, clinics, and doctors' offices -- I had severe asthma, was allergic to life on Earth, couldn't see, contracted every childhood illness in circulation, had several surgeries, but never had accidents because I wasn't allowed to do anything, and only got to go outside when Jupiter aligned with Mars. My childbearing years were fabulous -- I was totally healthy for those years -- those child-bearing immunities are fantastic! But that's all over now, baby blue. I've entered my serious klutz period -- breaking my toes on the legs of furniture, cuts, bruises that I have no idea where they came from, twisting my ankle stepping off a curb, breaking my pinky finger playing water volleyball, burning myself in the kitchen, cutting myself in the kitchen, okay that's enough, huh? I've had it all, I've done it all ... I don't need no doctah ... I need a padded room. Or as my son says ... SLOW DOWN!

    Yikes!!! Do you take bandaids and ace wraps with you when you travel?? Be careful, hon!

    I'm concerned that my first opportunity to go to NY for Spamalot will be in March during Spring Break. Anyone going in March? Or should I wait until April for the second wave of eHP? Decisions, decisions.

    Muski and I will be there with our hubbies on March 26th, which is our Spring Break. The more the merrier!

    Crap! Two admittedly half-hearted New Year's resolutions shot to heck already. All it took was one "Do you want to go to lunch?" question, and I ended up at the mall with my mom and my sisters. "Try to eat better" became a BBQ sandwich and fries, and "Stop using the credit cards" turned into "Hey, that Coldwater Creek store is new. Let's go in and take a look around..." and a shopping bag full of stuff. I think that's a personal record.

    BWAH, bottle! I somehow think of New Year's Day as the day to make resolutions, and Jan. 2nd as the day to start them. After all, New Year's Day is a holiday!! So you can start following your resolutions tomorrow. :)

    I had a 70% off email for Coldwater Creek....I purchased 4 items for the price of one (including shipping and tax). I was so excited!

    Cool, JJ! I don't usually buy from Coldwater Creek, but I found a couple of cool things and LOVED getting 70% off.

    Hubby and I and our two daughers stayed up until midnight, and toasted in the new year with wine (for us) and cranberry juice (for our daughters). Fun times!

  2. I am so emoticon challenged. I can never find anything when I look for it. SO I will just say

    Happy New Year to FCA.

    Hope 2008 is an exciting, happy and healthy New Year for all.

    Happy New Year to you, too, goldarngirl! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    And Happy New Year to all of my new friends at FCA!


    Here's to a happy year of friendship, snarkiness and love of Clay! :bier: :ura: :748:

  3. BWAH!! I'm watching Spamalot on youtube. There's a new (illegal) recording of the whole show. The video quality doesn't come close to the quality of clack, but it's good enough to get the dialogue and the general gist of the story. Or the not-a-story, and the case may be! I'm one that doesn't mind being spoiled, 'cuz I'll follow the live show better if I've seen it already.

    If you want to see it, lucky put a link in the Spamalot thread here at FCA. Just click on 'View New Posts.' :imgtongue:

    I CAN'T WAIT to see Clay in this show!! I think he will do a fantastic job.

  4. Wooohoooo for the UNICEF total!!!! :clap::clap::clap:

    Hee, I was another one who watched the first 10 minutes of Moulin Rouge and turned it off, thinking it was the stupidest thing I'd ever seen. But recently, cindilu2 convinced me to give it another chance, so I did. I appreciated it much more the 2nd time around. *g* Plus, Ewan McGregor's vocals are to die for.

    Moulin Rouge definitely gets better the second time around. I watched it all of the way through the first time 'cuz I was watching with my DD, who was a huge Ewan McGregor fan at the time. Parts of the movie are really funny, parts are verrry sad, and parts are very moving. Can't say that about many movies!

    Yes, I just really dislike the Harry Potter books (my son freakin' loves the stuff) and seriously dislike the characters of Harry Potter (within the first two chapter I just wanted to smack him). Give me the Chronicles of Prydain any day of the week. Even the Eddings series (which went on about 4 books too long). LoTR? Liked the movies - but LOVED the books. Enough of a fangirl to be seriously annoyed with the stuff they left out - I neeeeeed my Tom Bombadil - and the cleansing of Shire is IMPORTANT, dammit!

    Yes, yes, and yes again. Sorry, but i'm of the school that thinks the HP books are poorly written, devoid of real character development and have the most absurd plots of any fantasy genre I've read and I've read lots.

    Lloyd Alexander could write and Tolkein was a master of the English language. I used his book on "The Pearl" long before I knew anything about LoTR. In fact, it might have been before they were published. God, I'm old! Peter Jackson did a wonderful job, as well as the entire cast. I've watched all of the behind the scenes sequences on the extended DVDs - I think they are longer than the movies. When I want to veg, it's a LoTR marathon. That or Jane Austen! Six hours of P&P? Sounds good to me.

    I was an obsessive LOTR fan for a long time. I read all of the books long before the movies came out, and was sooooo excited about the movies. Yep, other than leaving some stuff out, Peter Jackson did an amazing job. Like you, lilyshine, I watched many of the behind-the-scenes sequences. There was so much amazing acting, editing, special effects, costuming, etc, etc in that series!

    God can you guys believe it's been 5 years already. And in this fickle business our guy is still going strong. I really love that he loves to tour and that he can do it in nice comfy places. I'm thrilled that he's doing something as prestigious as a broadway show. And I love that it's a comedy and something so different for him. I can't wait to hear this accent. We just saw him on national TV and he's still working with a major lable on an album. (I know how people feel about RCA but I would NEVER NEVER NEVER want him to be dropped from a label but could care less if he ever moved on by his own design). And last but not least..he's still making a difference in all kinds of ways. I look forward to 2008. It's kinda nice to know where he'll be the fist half of the year.

    Great post! I think that Clay has had AMAZING success.

    I never dated in high school, or college, or any time after college for a long time. Was sort of looking, but wasn't really either. Instead, I just learned the best I can to live my life, and if I couldn't do something, I found a friend who could help. And then, at age 33, I decided to stop looking all together....and promptly met my now-husband.

    FromClaygary, there are some husbands who don't mind the Clay stuff. I have one....but I do try my best to balance it all out, and sometimes I just have to say no to some Clay things. I'm glad I have my husband, though -- wouldn't trade him for the world. Clay is a nice compliment to my life.

    ldyj, I didn't realize you married at age 33! How cool that you found your hubby when you weren't really looking!

    Hubby and I have been married nearly 25 years. We married young! And we're still verrry happy together. There's more happiness and sizzle now than ever. He even supports my Clay addiction, probably because he likes it that Clay makes me happy. He drove with me to Omaha, and bought me a Clay poster as a surprise. And he'll be going with me to NY in March for Spamalot. Such a guy! My Christmas present was an extended-life battery for my laptop that will last 10 to 12 hours. Of course, that's so that I can carry my laptop around the house, check in at Clayboards, and download and watch clack. :)

    I worked at the hospital today, so I'm not real interested in going out tonight. Besides it's realllly cooooold out there! Much more pleasant to stay in. I'll probably watch a movie or two while cuddling with hubby and toast the new year with some wine here at home.

    Do ya suppose boyfriend will PARTY ALL NIGHT?


    Here is is again, just in case you need to study these gifs a little more: *grin*


  5. So, I crawled through a snowstorm yesterday to the walk-in clinic, paid my $75 "ain't got no health care card fee" and then laid out another $70 for some Biaxin. Unfortunately, they would not prescribe a narcotic to a walk-in patient and I came away without the Tylenol-3's I had hoped for....just the pneumonia I apparently had when I walked in the door. A few hours ago I gave up trying to find the lung I hacked into the Christmas tree and went to work on some South Bend pictures. I'm not hardly through with them yet, I think I over did it in the excitement of seeing him for the first time this tour. Everyone else went out figuring that it was best to leave me alone since I am now well enough with 2 doses of pills to be crabby. Proper thing. Anyway, I rebooked my flight back to Houston for the 9th instead of the 4th so I can make up some of the family time I've missed being sick. I just now wish I had brought the dog with me since it means he has to stay at the kennel another 5 days longer.....he must really think we've left him for good this time.

    I'm sorry you're so sick, Karen! That sounds really miserable. I hope you sleep better tonight.

  6. I feel like I'm in a freaking musical much of the time. Why? Because my 15-year loves singing and loves musicals. She does have a really nice voice, thanks to a great voice teacher, but it can get annoying when she's in a musical and she sings it ALL of the time at home. It's not unusual for her to sing answers to questions at home. And she sings her choir songs and her solo competition songs, and on and on. Sometimes I have to ask her to only sing behind closed doors for awhile so my ears can get a rest!

    So, to earn extra money, what am I doing the next few months? I'm going to be the rehearsal and pit pianist for her high school musical, Titanic. I agreed to do it (for money, of course!!) and then saw the piano score, which is 327 pages long. Eeeep! There isn't much plain acting in this musical, it's mostly all singing. My hands and wrists are going to be sore, I think!


    It's a good thing I like musicals! And I love LOTR and Harry Potter.

  7. Hipbone-Copy.gif

    Well, I think ya'll are missing the REAL flap debate. The above shirt didn't have a flap on it, but it is flipping up, and it is flipping sexy. The question I'm interested in is NOT whether that stupid jacket flap is clipped, but whether Clay is going commando in that Pala gif. I mean, really, let's get priorities right, ladies!!!!

    Here are a couple of pics to help answer the question:



  8. I don't use my ipod earbuds at all. In fact, I wonder where they are?? Heeee. I have noice-cancelling earbuds that I use with my ipod, treo, laptop, and whatever portable listening device I might use!

    I have the jazzy medley to rate, and wow, is it ever fun to listen to! Clay sang it so well at all of the venues that it will be difficult to choose just five. And the quality of the clack is darn good, too!

  9. Really, any time Clay does not follow the "accepted career path which will make him a rockin' pop star", it is blamed on his location or his mom.

    I really enjoyed your post, djs! But I'd add RCA to the list of who to blame for Clay's lack of a rock stah career.

    :whatutterclaptrap: :believe: :Beating_A_Dead_Horse_by_livius:

    Very true JaMar. I shudder to think that someday DS or DD would write a book of, say...inspirational memoirs...and detail some of the bad parenting decisions I made. I'd be horrified! I'm the first to admit that some of my decisions were soooo wrong, but usually I did the best I could with what I had at the time. But many times, I didn't do the best I could...sometimes I did what was convenient, expedient or downright selfish. I think we all do. No one does their best 100% of the times. Those I are times I wish I could do over, and those are the things I took issue with in LTS.

    Oh, I agree that parents will never be perfect. At one time I was quite bitter at my parents. Fortunately in my early twenties I realized that they did the best they could with where they were in their lives at the time. And I give myself that grace as a parent, too. I know I'm human, and will make mistakes. Now that my daughters are teenagers, I've actually told them that I will make mistakes, but that I hope they will realize that I do love them through it all. I think they do!

    We all might do things differently if we had it to do over again, with the knowledge we have now. In hindsight you can see things you couldn't see at the time. I'm sure that's true of Faye, too. She probably wishes she would have done some things differently, just as many of us do when looking back at our lives. It must really rankle to have complete strangers criticizing her life, when they don't know what she had to deal with, and when she may regret a few things, too. But it looks as if Clay loves and respects her, so I'm taking my cue from him. She must have done more right than wrong for him to turn out so well.

  10. Hey, couchie, lucky, clayzor and zena - it's great to see you all here! Looks like we are all trying to turn over a new leaf in the new year. Good for us!

    It's been a few weeks for me, too, since I was at the gym last. I loaded up my treo with lots of new Clay vids, and hit the gym for an hour today! Watched my COI and CITH vids while I was on the elliptical, and then listened to audio while I did weights. It felt good to be working out again. I've put on a few pounds over the holidays, so I wouldn't mind losing them. I'm going to work on my diet once 2008 starts in a few days. Can't make too many changes at once! :lmaosmiley-1:

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