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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Invisible926 posted a screencap of the Insider: The_Insider_1_14_08.jpg

    Is it just me or does he look oh-so-intelligent here? Yum.

    He looks fantastic! SLURP!!!

    Promise not to fling the phone at him!... Remember, it has all of our numbers!.... Wait a sec, what's wrong with that?... No, actually it has all of YOUR numbers, except mine! *sob*... Well, it has my iphone number... ok, fling the phone at him... LOL!


    Wow, way to go, Clay!

    I keep staring at that pic I posted, and something about it is sooooo inspiring. I just wanna throw him against that car and have my way with him. :hubbahubba:

    Anybody else feel that way, or is it just me?

    The car, the tour bus, the stage floor, Kimmel's couch, LKL's desk, the church pew in Wichita, ... I wanna throw him against anything and have my way with him.

    Whew! I'm so glad to know that I'm 'normal.' Heeeee!

  2. Picture of Clay from WRAL news, talking about Quiana, on the Clayboard:


    So wait....

    Clay's Amish now? :blink:

    Runs away v.v. fast, making coconut horsie hoof noises.

    Diet Coke....all over the keybaord. Funniest thing I've read all day. :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:


    Here's that HAWT Amish dude again. Looks like the same glasses:


  3. Lots of news outlets are picking up the Spamalot Newsweek story. Some are reporting the actual newsworthy stuff - that Clay is going to be in Spamalot, and that he's sore from working so hard at rehearsals. Others are picking up the 'cat fight' or that he was a 'diva' (their words, of course). Some of them link to the Newsweek article, so at least people can read the whole interview, which puts it in a better light.

    Unfortunately, celebs get the most press by doing something that's perceived as 'wrong.' I don't think that standing up for yourself in an interview is wrong, but that's how it's being spun in a few articles. The positive part of this is that Clay is getting more publicity for Spamalot than he would have otherwise! At least now a lot of people will know that he's in Spamalot. Clay himself said at one point that being in the news helps sell tickets, and he mentioned his publicity due to Ripa and the airplane incident.

    I'm so excited for Spamalot starting this week! YAY!! It will seem like a long time until March, when I'll be going.

  4. And I never assume anyone is blowing smoke when they like something, why would they? Maybe they just LIKE him!

    Thanks for saying this. Just because you won't find me posting about things I don't like doesn't mean I don't 'not like' anything (how's that for a double negative?) I post about things I like, and when I like them, I really LIKE them. :)

    I agree with this, lucky. When there's something I really love about Clay, I post about it. If I don't like something he does, I don't really feel a need to rain on someone else's parade. There's somebody out there who likes it, so why spoil it for them? I know that some feel that they need to post their feelings about everything, and that's fine. I'm just not one of them, either here, or at other boards. That doesn't mean that I love everything he does, because I don't. I just don't have to post about all of my reactions.

    Heeee, Clay certainly is an eligible bachelor. I'd love to have him, with any of his hairstyles. Hmmmm, there is that pesky detail about my wonderful hubby, though . . .

    00lsee, the fanclub is closed to new memberships until there's a new renewal period for everyone. The current year of membership was up a long time ago, so those of us who are members now are getting good deal! They will ask current members to renew and allow new members at some point.

  5. jax5230 at the Clayboard is reporting that Clay is in the audience for Dream Girls tonight with Mary and Sean!

    COOL!!! I'm so glad he is able to be there. And it's wonderful that he's there with friends, and they're supporting Quiana. She deserves it.

    Thanks for posting the link for Quiana's performance, play. I haven't seen 'Dreamgirls,' but I certainly found Quiana's performance of this song moving!

  6. Just jumping in here before I leave work to thank everyone for the hugs and support. My father is still hanging in there. No one really knows what will happen next or how long he has or what the next step is - although when and if he can leave the hospital they are leaning toward hospice. The night before last was terrible, but things are a bit better now.

    And life goes on. I am still planning on seeing "Spamalot" Friday - and my father better not mess that up! (I know that sounds insensitive, but trust me when I tell you my father would appreciate that sense of humor!) Cannot wait to see our boyfriend's Broadway stage debut!

    {{{{{{{{{CG}}}}}}}}}}}}} I'm glad that things are better for the time being. And I'm sooo glad you're going to Spamalot! Have a fantastic time!

    Now at least I understand what Bill Keveney at USA TODAY meant by 'quirky.' It must be a code word for someone with a massive brain and balls to match.

    Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls. :clap:

    Clay's reponses were wonderful. Snarky, quick, funny, and intelligent. And Clay said that the interview was over, but was nice enough to keep talking to the guy after he stopped asking the tabloidy questions. So it's not like he hung up on the guy. All in all, an excellently handled interview!

  7. It's cool to see some new people in this thread! I'm hoping to lose about 5 to 7 pounds of fat, and gain some muscle, so overall I may only lose a few pounds on the scale. But I'll look and feel better! I slacked off during the holidays, and have started to get back into the workout routine. :treadmill: I've found that it's difficult to get into a workout routine, but once I'm accustomed to it, I miss it if I don't go. It truly makes me feel better!

    I'm also keeping track of what I eat on a program on my treo (PDA). It really helps to keep track of what I eat, because it makes me more aware of how many calories I'm eating.

    Anyway, it's great to see so many people frequenting this thread!

  8. And we are, of course, intrigued by how all the dancing might tone and firm his long, lean body, right?

    That thought will keep me thrumming all day. :hubbahubba:

    I mostly agree with Couchie about Clive (except I have an increased level of indifference) because I don't think he thinks about Clay that much, one way or other, because Clay's not a diva-ish black female R&B singer. If he was, Clive would be slobbering all over him. I personally think Clive has more than a touch of jungle fever, but that's neither here nor there.

    I am also suprised at how much I like mature long-haired blond Clay - because I didn't care that much for teen idol blond Clay - though I still love chestnut long-haired Clay best of all!

    BWAH and word to the bolded part!

    Hmmmm, I need to post some pics to make sure I understand exactly which look is your favorite. And so that I can slobber all over my laptop. I love the long blonde hair, but this look is uber sexy, too, and I agree with you that it's even better than the blonde long-haired Clay:






    And here's the blonde Adonis for comparison:


  9. It's soooo exciting that Spamalot will be starting soon! And YAY for confirmation of his roles.

    Permaswooned made some absolutely gorgeous 2008 calendar files. You can go to her smugmug account to save the files (both the pictures and the month pages) and then either print them out or take them somewhere to have them printed. Hopefully she won't mind me bringing over her post about the calendar. I wanted to share, because the pics are so beautiful! I've saved the files to my computer and will be printing them off tomorrow. THANK YOU, PERMA!!


    I've had several inquiries about a Clay calendar for this year. Last year I posted links to a calendar I had made with a scrapbooking program I had. I made it to fit photo paper (11x17), not realizing that Shutterfly, Snapfish, etc., could not work with that size. So this year, I tried another program that would make a Shutterfly type calendar...facing sheets of 8.5 x 11" that were bound in the middle.

    I know many of you have your calendars already, but for those still thinking about it, I promised I would post links again this year. I printed mine on photo paper, because it's clearer and shiny. I don't think it's as good on card stock. Several people downloaded the files to disk and had their calendars made at Staples. Evidently they are not as picky about copyright as Kinko's. The files are sized for 8.5 x 11", so print out just right.

    I had to translate the files into jpeg files to get them into smugmug. All the files are in this gallery:


    When you click on a calendar page, you should choose the original size to save. You need all the pixels you can get to make it sharp. These are jpeg files. The .pdf files are even clearer, but you would need to contact me with your email address if you would prefer those versions. You can try printing on your own...try Snapfish....or download to disk and have Staples/Kinko's make up the calendar for you. Use glossy paper for best results.

    January is a Unicef screencap; all the other pictures are mine. You have my permission to use the pictures for your calendars, as long as they are not sold. Hope someone can make use of this. Sorry for the delay.

  10. It's crazy, y'all. I watched these clips so many times, I have the songs going through my head over and over and over and over. heh

    Heeee, I know what you mean. Except I have 'Titanic' music going through my head. I should go listen to Spamalot some more to get a different earworm going through my head.

    It's really helpful to have these clips, because I will catch so much more when I get to see Clay perform in Spamalot! Thank you!

    Anyone else having an almost uncontrollable urge to lick his neck??


    I love that pic! Sure looks like an invitation to me! And I'm glad that you made it your avie, so I can see it more often.

    We know a lot more now thanks to the meet and greets and I'm sure that's all interpreted all kinds of ways. But what I got out of it all is that Clay is with RCA for the foreseeable future. He had a hand in decisions about his career. And he's excited about the future. I admit my feelings on this are influenced by the fact that the fandom treats RCA like an open wound and it seems to bleed anew when you least expect it while the man himself is just living life to the fullest. It's so weird I feel they are still living his childhood too, stuck int he pages of LTS, and in a place that maybe he is long over or was never there to begin with. 2007 was a great Clay year and 2008 is shaping up to be just as great. It's really an exciting time.

    BWAH! :clap:

  11. A lovely report and picture from RHT:

    Hi all!

    WHEW! Finally back in town from Florida!

    First off, let me say we can be so happy and proud to support an artist like Clay Aiken! No matter what the media, etc may want to say about the "fans" of Clay Aiken, after seeing how well Clay handled himself with this charity function we can always be proud.

    Second, as I said before, he was drop dead gorgeous!

    Here is our group pic for starters. If you don't know me I am in the black top with white collar.


    And this is how the day went for me:

    From the minute I stepped onto the Country club grounds I was treated like any other golfer who was a member there. Having just had lessons for a little over two months, I was very surprised and felt honored.

    I was greeted at the Club house by a gentleman who took my clubs and assured me they would be well taken care of! Directed to the registration area, I met Christy Barnes, Aron Hall and Diane Bubel. Then searched for my golf clubs only to find out they had already been placed in a golf cart ready to go, with my name on the cart along with the three other members of the team I would be golfing with. In the golf cart were water, extra golf towels, etc for each golfer.

    I then took a few clubs and headed down to the driving range (buckets of balls were provided free of charge!) and practiced for about one hour.

    Then the fun really began! Back in the club house a gourmet breakfast had been provided for all. Since I already had made sure I had breakfast, I simply asked for water and sat down at a table with a couple of other folks.

    I had no idea the two people at the table were Leslie the reporter from the Palm Beach Post and her photographer. She asked me if she could interview me and ask some questions and so we have a very good chat and basically told her what many have already read. Then Leslie looked around and said to me: " he just walked in". I said "pardon?". She said "Clay just walked in". I said "really", rather astonished because I saw no entourage (sp?) of people. In fact, there was Clay and Mary, I believe just standing there with no one approaching them, which is is really odd as we know when Clay is in the house!

    I actually felt kind of bad (this was not a Clay Aiken fan crowd per se) which was good because he actually gained a ton of new fans!

    So I told Leslie I was going to get up and go over and say hello, and I did. I went over, introduced myself and Clay was his usual gracious and pleasant self and shook my hand and greeted me in return and I returned to my table.

    I also saw Jerome and greeted him. He remembered me from the Virgin Megastore CD signing because he and I worked together to make sure fans with physical challenges were seen first that day, so it was pleasant reunion for us. However, in all honesty I did not expect any further contact with Clay or Jerome the rest of the day. I was looking forward to the Golf Clinic with Wayne Player as I have been big fan of his father, Gary Player for years.

    Next, I headed outside to golf clinic and at that time there were only two other golfers there, both women. I introduced myself to Wayne Player (he is very funny) and he asked what I was learning so far in my golf lessons. We chatted for a few minutes, and others started to arrive.

    All of sudden Clay, Mary and Jerome arrived as well! It was a surprise to me, as per the program only Wayne Player was going to be there. However, it was delightful to see Clay participate and he came over to us, and asked the two other women there if they lived locally and when when they told where they lived, then Clay pointed to me and said "I know you are not from here", I replied, kind of suprised he would know that , "no, I am from California" Clay continued to pleasantly banter with us and then asked all what our handicap was. When he got to me I told him laughing I didn't want to tell him and he replied back laughing I could not be as bad as him. We all had few more laughs and then the golf clinic began.


    Little did I know that having just met Wayne Player for the first time, that he was going to include me in his golf clinic as a guinea pig!

    First he used Clay and you have all seen the adorable pics of that and Clay was very funny! It was really cute! He made his usual signature funny faces and self-deprecating funny remarks and I could see the crowd there was really enjoying the clinic and Clay. Then to my surprise Wayne called to me and said " Pam! Come up here!".


    So I walked up on the grass to Wayne and he explained he was going to demonstrate one of the golf shots with me right there in the shot range! He positioned me as he wanted me to stand and told me to stay still and just stand there, and assured me I would not get hit by the golf shot.

    Then Clay yelled out "wait a minute, do we have her check yet?" That snark brought a round of laughter from the crowd and a reply from me to Clay that "yes, you have my check already!", and more laughter from the crowd.


    I quickly made the sign of the cross, pressed my hands in prayer position, closed my eyes and then covered my face! I think several in the crowd laughed at this display!


    Wayne took the shot! It went by me so fast I could feel the air! I took a sigh of relief I still had my face, and while Wayne was describing what he had just done and why, I tiptoed ever so quietly on the grass behind him and tried to return to my spot! He saw me out of the corner of his eye, whirled around comically and said " Pam! Get back here!" My plan to escape was foiled! The crowd laughed and I had to be the guinea pig again as he put me through a similar demonstration like Clays. Then I was set free, Wayne thanked me and asked to crowd to give a hand of applause for my participation.

    It was all in good fun and I really enjoyed the clinic, my participation and Clay being his usually funny, happy self.

    I thought, ok, that was completely unexpected and great and did not expect to see Clay anymore until the evening festivities.

    But to our surprise, Clay came around to each golfing group while we were out on the course! When he arrived at our hole he got out of the cart and announced he was there to have a pic done with our group. When he walked up on the green he immediately asked the members of our group if I had been behaving myself, because if not they could kick me out! We all laughed and had a wonderful pic with Clay! ( see above). As Clay walked back to the cart and I walked to pic up my clubs and he said to me in his snarky way " behave yourself!". I replied "oh come on, we want to have fun!". He turned and laughed and got on his way!


    And this experience was absolutely fun!

    As far as the rest of the day, the dinner was yummy, Clay sang like an angel and continued to look gorgeous to boot! I did not speak with him again but many others did and he made many new fans at this event!

    Jerome however, did suprise me at the end of the evening and came over to me at my table and expressed pleasure at seeing me again and wished me a good evening. Jerome of course, like Clay, another class act!

    There were many things that happened in my life last week that tried to prevent me from attending this wonderful event, however I am so glad I went!

    And for those who may wonder, I will say right here and now there is absolutely no reason for me to apply for a future meet with Clay for upcoming concerts.

    This was the ultimate meet and greet!!

    I wish everyone who wants to will be able to experience meeting this wonderful artist and human being!


  12. Ooooh, I love the banner! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Yeah, that!!

    Ooooh, Caro and Ansa both have purty new avies! Both avies are so nice to look at.

    I'm sooooo glad to be home, where I can download and listen to the latest clack. Of course, it's always wonderful to have new clack. But I've been at 'Titanic' rehearsal for almost four hours, and I can't get the songs out of my head. "How did they build Titanic?" "I must get on that ship!" "Titanic! Ship of dreams!" "First class passengers, make your way to the gangway!" etc. etc. Help! Those songs are good, but they're evil earworms. I'm going to be bonkers by the end of February with all of that music going through my head!


    Anyway, Clay sounds fantastic, and maybe his gorgeous voice will stop the earworms.

  13. Couchie, I doubt that the megaupload will be gone by the time you get home. Megaupload allows more downloads than most other free services. It does take a long time to download big files, though! Fortunately, you can use a download manager (like getright) so it can restart if there's an interruption.

    I have to stop being a postho and go to rehearsal. And darn, Katy4Clay is home now, and is working on more video! I'll have to wait until later to see it. :(


    ETA: One more quote before I go - from LovnThatClay at the CDB board:

    First a major heads up! This golf tournament will be an annual thing at Mirasol!!!!! So, everyone learn to golf!!! When we first heard of the event, I think a lot of us, including me, got the impression that they really were not looking for fans to be there. I know of someone who actually felt this, so decided to stay away. Uncle Jerry couldn't have been more gracious, and said that he regretted giving the impression that fans weren't wanted--his mistake. So next year, here we come!!!

    Learn to golf!!!!

    Since I didn't golf, I can only relate what Michelle told me. Is there Clack of the golf clinic?? apparently, Clay and Wayne Player were pretty funny together. Black shirt, sexy jeans and sneaks! He went around the course in a golf cart, stopping to saying hi to everyone. Michelle hit her best shot just as he was pulling up and he commented on it!!! Very cool encounter for her.

    As a guest I was able to go back at 5 to join Michelle. She had snagged a great table--right next to one that said 'reserved'--hmmm, ya think?

    Most people at our table were not 'real' Clay fans, which surprised me. Leslie Streeter (the Palm Beach Post writer) sat next to me. Well, Leslie was really nice and took it all in!! I told her that her blogs were already circulating ClayNation!

    This was all very casual. Food islands all around, waiters brining drinks--really, really comfortable. I turned around and saw this blond, thin guy, and my brain said, who's that?? crap!!!!! it's CLAY!!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!! he looked wonderful, amazing, wonderful, freakin' gorgeous! Sorry about those of you not liking the blond, but the mane is blond and long, and the sideburns are long!! Freakin' gorgeous! He sat at the table right in front us and right across from me. If I picked up my head there he was!! OK, Ginny, don't stare at the guy, show some measure of maturity woman! It was difficult but I was good--proud of myself for not turning all fangirly! Now you guys know that I've never had a M&G, so I was really nervous about acting like a loone in front of him. After the initial shock of realizing that I was breathing the same air, I was ok, didn't hyperventilate or anything! Uncle Jerry started off with a little speech, then Diane Bubel, and then a BAF supporter whose nephew was a Downs syndrome man who had accomplished so much in his life. I'm embarrassed to say, I can't remember their names. Maybe he spoke before Diane, 'cause I'm pretty sure that Clay spoke after her. Anyway, Clay got up there and started talking about the foundation, it was necessary to put the brain on alert for high-speed intake, 'cause the man talks so darn fast!!! Aaron Hall was trying to show a video about the BAF but it was giving him fits, so that 'show-time-switch' went off in Clay's head and he took control. He brought a piano guy from NYC with him, Ben something, and he started singing 'I Can't Make You Love Me' from the JBT! He sang the whole song and I swear it was the best he ever performed it!!!! Then he sang 'At This Moment', remember he sang that during AI?! I can't recall him ever singing that anywhere else!!! Again, the whole song, not just a little piece!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! He was trying to kill time while they tried to get the video to play, so he said he was running out of songs, and asked if anyone wanted him to sing anything! We got a little bit of 'When A Man Loves A Woman' but he couldn't remember the words, and I think another song, but my brain was beginning to fry by then. I think we finally saw some of the video and then he came back to sing again. He sang a pre-AI song 'Love of My Life', and I swear I think that's the first time he's performed that! Could be wrong, but, I don't think so! It was incredible! Then he sang another first for him, and of course, I really am not sure of the title, but you'd all recognize it--'You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by telephone --- remember it? (If learned that the name is 'Get Here If You Can') Then he sang Unchained Melody--heart stopping!!!!

    When the auctions started and he was in 'sell me' mode! Unbelievably funny and adorable!!! I finally got my picture with him!!!!!! Michelle and I got a wonderful little bit of an extra surprise. While we were trying to take the picture, her camera wouldn't go off right, so she realized that it was still in video mode. She flicked a switch and then the camera was ready for a picture. Well, the video was running, so we got video of him coming up to us and putting his arms around us!!! He was so gracious, and did I say freakin' gorgeous????

    It was a nite I will never forget.

    I think I love him!

  14. lord, he is one beautiful man. and i've listened to all the songs posted so far and they are just beautiful. i also think that is the best he has sung um. i loved it and loved how he sounded on get here.

    on another note, since everyone has been a little bit too preoccupied to check out the spamalot thread, i'm hoping i can do some begging here. my friend who normally comes with me to see clay, decided she'd rather have a baby this year so i have an extra ticket to spamalot on opening night. its in row l. i don't want anything for the ticket but i would like someone to share a room with, maybe travel with if there is a place to meet up, and someone who'd be interested in checking out the sights in nyc. i've never been there, so i'd like to go for the entire weekend.

    i can assure you that i'm only a perv when it comes to clay, and i've never met any of the fake baby momma's or fake clay/clay's (hard to keep track).

    and i'd like to add, after seeing the additional pics, that he sure looks good in a nice fitting pair of jeans.

    :cry4: Oh, I want to take you up on this offer so much! I have vacation time from my job at the hospital, but I'm deep into rehearsals for the musical 'Titanic' now. I could likely make it if I made it a REALLY quick trip to New York. But it's a long flight there from Colorado, and I wouldn't be able to sightsee with you. DARN!!!

    The bolded part cracked me up.

    Best of luck finding someone to go with you!

  15. Spamalot wmv:

    All I have so far is the "movie" in two parts, which might actually be easier for some of you to download

    Spamalot Part One

    Spamalot Part Two

    I hope to have a link to the combined video later today. Also, I apologize in advance for the annoying ads flashing on the download page. I guess that's how these sites finance their "free" service. Feel free to pass these vids around. I don't think sendspace links "run out", but if they do, I will just upload the clips again.

    THANK YOU!!! I've downloaded the first part, and am working on the second part. I think I will enjoy this show more if I've watched it a few times first. Then, when I'm watching Clay on Broadway, everything won't just fly by me when I'm in the Aiken fog! So I appreciate your efforts so much!

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