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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Apparently a few people have already seen the skating show. Here's a quote from lindylo at CV:

    Here it is almost 2 a.m. and I am watching the skating show I taped earlier. It is just wonderful, Clay sounds great and he is so articulate during the interview. He gets a lot more face time than I thought he would so all is well.

    And here's what canooky had to say about it (and yes, this is an exact quote):

  2. Play, Gibby, Wanda, Couchie, luckiest and the rest of the Vegas crowd... I'll be watching for you tomorrow! TGIFs was so much fun! So worth the 10 hours of driving!

    This is the bestest board with the bestest people and am sending you all love and light and a wish for health, happiness, and Hope (tm CHA)!!!

    It will be interesting to see who is shown in the audience! Couchie's probably most likely, because she the seats closest to the ice.

    CG, I loved your montage last year, and I still love it! Thanks so much for sharing it with us again.

    And Clay's blog was lovely! I enjoy it so much when he shares detail with us. Too bad about the late and missed planes, and the lost luggage. Sounds like he plans to blog again tomorrow.


  3. Since Santa decided to bring me an IPod for Christmas, I need some help. Do we have IPod compatible video files available of the tours? I've told you all before that I'm pretty technologically challenged, so I will probably be full of questions as I try to fill up this little gem with Clay files.

    Congrats on the new video ipod! Do you have access to the Clayversity vault? If so, there's a whole section of ipod files at this link:


    The Clayboard also has a thread of ipod files, found here:


    Sorry about the travels problems, Solo & KAndre. I'm glad you both finally made it home. It was great meeting you in Omaha, even if it was only for a few minutes!

  4. I still don't have my fudge made, but everything is wrapped. I like to save something for a last minute run to the store on Christmas Eve, so I went to WalMart for stocking stuffers and oranges. I like the hustle and bustle and everyone is always in such a jovial mood. So when I walked in the main entrance, there hung a huge pink and white banner proclaiming "Happy Valentine's Day! Be Mine!". Man, I was PISSED! They took down all their Christmas decorations last night and started putting out Valentine's crap. That's just ridiculous.

    You know, if I got up off my fat ass right now I could probably do something productive before time to start dinner.

    Now, BW, I take exception to your post. I mean, really, I DISAGREE!!!!! You do not have a fat ass. So stop cutting your lovely self down, okay? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I wonder if those stories at the concerts were prophetic? My ex-BIL died unexpectedly last Friday. No one knew he had cancer, he didn't want anyone to know. Quite a shock. He was my favorite ex and I'm sad, even tho I hadn't seen him for 15 years.

    It's difficult when a relative dies around the holidays. HUGS to liney and wanda.


  5. Couchie, I'm so sorry about your Mom! I'm sending positive energy and prayers her way. (((((Couchie's Mom)))))) It was very thoughtful of your family to let you enjoy your Clay trip and not worry you about your Mom.

    **HUGS** for CG. I know that you're not the only one having a difficult time with the holidays, although that probably doesn't help you much. I wish I lived closer to you, and could bring you a goody bag of clack and food to cheer you up a bit!

    I have a few presents to wrap today, a little baking, and one last Christmas service to play for late tonight. So the day won't be too stressful. My immediate family will open presents this evening, which will be fun. I love seeing how people react to presents when they don't know what they're getting! Especially when it's something they really want. Then we will pile in the van tomorrow morning to head off to my Mom's house about 60 miles away. There will be eleven of us there to celebrate Christmas with a traditional Christmas ham dinner and more present exchanges. That will be fun, too!

    I already received a couple of absolutely wonderful presents this Christmas season, though. I was able to attend two fantastic Clay concerts! And all of the clack from this concert series is a wonderful gift, as well.

    Merry Christmas, FCA!!



  6. Thanks bottle. I swear I looked over there and didn't see it. But now I do. I must be tired.

    Sound tonight is beautiful, isn't it?

    He sounds like he's in great voice. :wub:

    Hey, BW, I'm tired, too! We had a really rough drive home, too, but it sounds like yours was worse. We had ridiculously high winds to contend with on I80, which made the driving difficult and exhausting.

    It was great to see you last night!

    Regarding Omaha clack: I read somewhere that Scarlett got five videos last night. I don't know which songs, though, other than the two medleys. I have WTOW and Christmas Waltz, and will upload them to the vault later. I also have audio of OHN, if you don't mind hearing a nasty security guard busting me for taking video partway through! I stopped taking video, but kept taking audio very sneakily until the end of the song.

    It's so sad that this is the last concert. :( But we have Spamalot to look forward to!

  7. Some recaps from CB

    (nebclayfan) I had seats in the first row after the pit seats in the middle. His voice was amazing-I thought he sounded better than he did in Wichita which was the other concert I attended. His hair looks very blond. He did not sing an encore-don't know why he did not. His mom was there in the 3 row I believe -I talked to her a minute at intermission She said Brett would join them tomorrow night and they were all 3 going to Mexico. I enjoyed the concert so much-especially since I brought my mom who has only been to one other concert to see Clay ever. The camera police were out so I don't know if anyone got much clack. I know Toni7babe and Invisible were in front of me in the last row of the pit and at intermission they said they were being watched and couldn't take clack. The woman behind me was getting some video but in the second half they came and told her they would remove the camera if she took more. I love Clay singing Christmas -nobody does it better.

    Heee - that woman was me. I have that security guard's voice on my audio of OHN.

  8. Whew, that was one long trip! Mr. Gibby and I just got back from Omaha. I LURVED seeing the concert again! Hubby and I sat in row B, right in the center. The Orpheum is a beautiful, ornate theatre, and the symphony and the acoustics were wonderful. And, of course, Clay sang magnificently! I enjoyed it so much.

    Hubby went out at intermission and came back with a beautimous Clay poster to surprise me! Aw, he's a keeper!

    The only problem was that I was busted by the security guards twice for taking video. Ah, well, I got a tiny bit of clack, anyway, and just enjoyed taking in the show the rest of the time. I just watched Scarlett's video, and wow, it's excellent! No matter how good the audio is, though, it just doesn't measure up to being surrounded by the gorgeous sound in the theatre with the man singing right in front of you. But it is so wonderful to have the video and audio as a keepsake and reminder of the concert, so thank you for perservering and getting the video, Scarlett!

    I enjoyed seeing jamar, BW and Couchie again, and it was great to meet a few members of the eHP! K'Andre, you pull off that bling better than anyone, anywhere! We got to the restaurant kind of late due to our long drive, so didn't really get to talk to people very much, but it was still fun putting names and faces together.

    And now, I have to run off to my own rehearsal. Thank goodness that Christmas only comes once a year. I'll be done with all of these performances soon, and I'm ready!

    I hope that everyone going to the last concert has a blast!!

  9. i am having the worst christmas ever, first of all i lost my job last monday, I am still sad about that, and after christmas is the first aniversity of my relative's death, so i just am not looking foward to it at all. :(

    I'm so sorry, soulsista. It's really tough to lose someone around Christmas. Each year it does get just a little bit easier, as the loss becomes a little bit less painful. Do you have some other family to spend time with this Christmas? And do you have any ideas about another job? ****HUGS****

    I burned mime fan's DC audio wav files on two CDs for my buddy here in town who STILL hasn't been to a Clay concert but wants loves Clay just like we do! :hubbahubba: So I just talked with her and we're going to meet after work on Thursday so I can give her the gift. Last year I gave her a copy of AIW and she almost cried. This time she said "Oh, I can't wait! You're going to make my Christmas THIS year, too!"

    I uploaded those wav files to my ipod, and made a couple of CDs, too. They're gorgeous!

    Play, I'm sorry that you're sick! Sounds like you're sending out some nice packages to people. I hope you feel better soon!

    Whew, have I been busy with rehearsals and concerts! There's so much music to perform in various places at Christmas. It's a lot of fun, but it makes the holidays realllly busy. Fortunately I get paid for most of it, and I enjoy it. And having Clay concerts to look forward to reduces my stress a lot, 'cuz he makes me happpppy!


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