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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Very nice, Cotton! I think we need to get a nice outfit together for Spamalot for bottle. The stillettos and coif are lovely. A lovely coconut necklace would be nice, too, don't you think? It would stay in the theme of Spamalot so well. And they are practical, too, because she could use them to applaud with if her hands got tired! Or, if she gets really hot, she could disrobe (waist up, of course), and she would have a lovely coconut brassiere!


  2. My biggest challenge is my DD. She doesn't do it often anymore, but sometimes when she's really pissed at me, she'll take a potshot at Clay, just to push my buttons. I used to take the bait, but now I've figured out that if I just tell her that Bitch doesn't become her and walk away, it lessens her satisfaction. She really isn't a bitch, she's a sweetheart, she just impersonates a Bitch very well at times. She had mentioned that she wanted to go to the JNT in Omaha with me this year, and when she found out I had tickets and was going without her she was a little disappointed. I just didn't want to spend the money on someone who really wasn't an appreciative fan.

    Oooh, this is DD#1 personified. She doesn't hassle me about Clay, because I allow her to have her obsessions and I don't hassle her about them. She knows she would get it back if she hassled me. But, if I ask her to do something, even small, that's not on her agenda, she turns into a royal bitch. Or, if I merely suggest that she could think about doing something differently, it's war. Of course, if she's PMSing, it's much worse. We have a lot of common interests, and really enjoy being together when we're not disagreeing about something! :lmaosmiley-1:

    puts on her "expert" hat (it's got a feather that's only been chewed on a little by the cat)... Yes. They are all jealous, and attention whores, and have personal issues.

    I'm in the same boat as Couchie - but then, unlike Bookwhore's DD, I don't play a bitch, I AM a bitch. Anything I get, everyone who knows me realizes I will declare total war. But my family likes that kind of stuff. I don't get teased over Clay any more than my other interests, like my personal library, or the fact that as one person in my apartment, I have three computers and two televisions and two cats, and my son claims I am clearly involved in some sort of criminal activity as my car windows are so darkly tinted, so all my nieces and nephews are now claiming that I'm "ghetto" and "street". Clay apparently works well with that.

    BWAH! This is hilarious. Clearly, you are a dangerous person with three computers, two TVs, two cats and tinted car windows! OMG, KAndre, I never knew. And to think that I sat across from you at the restaurant in Omaha!


  3. You want CUTE, Gibby???

    Check this one out!


    Why is Clay saying, "no thank you", just before he gives that oh-so-adorable grin? Anybody know?

    claygasm, i love that gif. i have a whole file of them. now before clay, i had no idea what a gif was, nor did i know anything about message boards, nor did i have any interest in them. however once the finale was over, i had to get on the internet and find out as much as possible about that cutie man with the amazing voice. been lurking ever since, although i did start posting here and there about a year ago. this is the most i have posted at one time though, partly because i had a long christmas break and i'd rather post than do housework.

    Oh, yeah, I resemble that remark! Heee.




  4. Huh, I thought SRHPT were the little fellas who guide you up the mountains.

    BWAH!!!! I think they are sherpas, cindilu.

    I try not to begrudge anyone else the opportunity to "Find their Clay", so to speak. I might not agree with their choices, but it's obvious other AI'ers have fans that are as passionate about them as the Clay Nation is about Clay.

    Except that I don't think most of them are nearly as organized, technologically savvy (I mean the Vaults and CU are pretty hardcore), and you know, as stunningly insightful and possessing the great good taste that the members of the Clay Nation have and whatnot...


    Oh, I totally agree about the technologically savvy part. Our vaults are AMAZING, and the quality of our videos and screencaptures are excellent compared to many artists. Quite awhile back I wanted to see the performance by Josh Groban and Charlotte Church at the Olympics. They sang 'The Prayer' while figure skaters were doing their thing. I went to a Josh Groban message board, and found a thread where people were going gaga over a file someone had available for download. I downloaded it, and the quality was horrible! I got rid of it REALLY quick. The sound and picture were both bad. And everyone on the board thought it was absolutely wonderful. Little do they know what we have!

  5. I found my head phones. I listened to Broken Wings 8.5 times on the way home on the bus.

    I agree with the Broken Wings love! Broken Wings, LAA and LNM are my favorites from ATDW.

    Uh, Gibby :unsure: ...Alex's hair is red. Quite red. I believe the name of the color is "Strawberry Tea"...okay? I'm thinking of finally trying a 'hide-the-gray' shampoo-in rinse to show solidarity. She likes it, though, so I'll just get used to it. My hubby said that every time she spends time with this one friend of hers, she wants to do something with her hair. Yeah...that particular friend is rather....uh, adventurous? :cry4:

    Whoa - that sounds REALLY red! Is it red like the color of our tomato mascot, and not auburn red? :lilredani: I see this adolescent hair-coloring stuff as a non-permanent expression of individuality. I'd much rather have DD#2 coloring her hair than doing more piercings and tattoos, which are permanent. We will be re-coloring DD#2's hair tomorrow, and she's not doing the bright auburn this time, but strawberry blond instead.

  6. So, what color did Alex get? I'd love to know!

    My younger daughter just got a cute new haircut, so of course she wants a new color to go with it. Um, make that colors. This time she wants strawberry blonde on the top half of her head, golden brown on the hair below her ear line, and light blonde highlights throughout. I'm getting lots of coloring experience! And she gets to express her individuality, with hair that will eventually grow out. I see it as mother-daughter bonding time. :)

  7. Heee, Aspie, there are many of us who find the need to edit our posts, for various reasons!

    You are very articulate about the experience of autism! I found your post to be very helpful in understanding a little bit how a person with autism experiences the world. I applaud your courage in trying new situations, and in trying to help children who struggle with the same challenges as you. They are very fortunate to have someone who can truly understand how they feel!

  8. Thankful! You little....you're going to opening night? I'm jealous fo' sho', but glad for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I have a really crappy ticket for opening night. The whole family is going and by the time we figured out which weekend would work, all the good tickets were gone. We are all attending the Sunday evening performance.

    Our flight gets in Friday afternoon. I'm hoping it will be on time and that I'll be able to get there in time. It's so exciting to be there on opening night. To know that my cheers will be amongst those that Clay will hear. It's pretty darn special. I'll be way up in the balcony but I'll just have to cheer louder.

    Ooooh, balcony or not, I'm jellus! How exciting that you get to go to opening night. And to be there with your family is really special!

    And it looks like play and justclay are going, too. I hope it's a fantastic experience!

    ETA: And Claygasm, too! Wooohoo! Who else from the board is going opening night?

  9. I've never heard the word fanfic, before Clay, either. I'm such a message board novice. :cryingwlaughter:

    I hear a pair of flannel PJs calling me. Time to curl up with the next dvd of Planet Earth.

    One of my daughters has read A LOT of fanfic on the internet, and she showed me some of it. Some of the authors are FANTASTIC, and others are dismal. There's fanfic about anything imaginable, but the fanfic she showed me was about Star Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR, Dune, etc. etc. I never realized that there was so much fanfic out there! I do enjoy some of the better written Clay fanfic, although it doesn't interest me now as much as it did for the first couple of years after AI.

    Truthfully, I've never thought of myself as a writer. I never have been. I have a reading disability. Have for my whole life. For years I would pay people to write papers for me while I dictated. I was afraid of the written word.

    Then Clay Aiken came along and I found the message boards and I wanted to join in. I wanted to participate in the Clay love and the Clay fun and the Clay laughter. Sometimes I would cry big sloppy tears sitting at my computer because I couldn't figure out how any of it worked and how the hell to say what it was I wanted to say...and then I wanted it so badly I put my toe in the water...and found there were some really good friends there to help me in case I got too far in the deep end. I learned to swim. I am still much slower than most when I'm reading something or somewhere new, but now I'm not embarrassed....and I've learned no one cares if you have a personal relationship with the edit button. It's all good. Ah, the power of Clay!

    Wow, laughn, I never would have guessed! You read and write so well, from what I can tell on this end, anyway! And many of us are known to edit, often more than once. At least we don't have that pesky edit counter anymore!

  10. {{{{Luckiest&sons}}}}

    Here's hoping that the coming week will be better for you!

    Well, I have the day off today, but here's what I'll be doing - taking DD#1 to the chiropractor, dentist and orthodontist, and taking DD#2's pet to the vet. Her pet is a bearded dragon, and he had an abcessed inner ear. It's the last day of Christmas break for my daughters, so I want to finish up these appointments before school starts again. It's much easier taking them to appointments when they don't have school, although this many appointments in a day won't be all that fun!

    Clay content? He's seriously hawt.






  11. This was the clearest, most head on pic I could find of the shield. I've seen others with one leg raised, like it was fighting, but they were all on angles. Honestly, with the size of the actual pin, I don't think it will be so noticable. Best I could do!

    And it's darn good! I really like it!

    Thanks for submitting them to pin maker, couchie! Yay, new pins!

  12. Why wasnt I born rich????

    If anyone needs an avi....DD of mine made 100 new clay icons...

    100 icons



    If the Lord has mercy and the crick don't rise, I'll get my South Bend album finished tonight/tomorrow/Friday/by the weekend. I'm having a good time in there, I must say.



    Ooooh, yummy pictures! I loved how Clay looked at the beginning of the tour. :hubbahubba:

    I could care less about golf, but Florida sounds good right now. It's a toasty 12° with a windchill of 2° this evening. 10.gif

    It's not exactly warm here either. It's 46° right now in Miami with a windchill of 39°. We may dip into the 30s tonight. It's cold. BRRRRR.

    It's 2 degrees here, with a little bit of a windchill. But the foothills and mountains look so pretty this time year. They are partly covered with snow, and the contrast between the dark pine trees and the light snow is gorgeous from a distance.

    Are you going for a record, PerusingOne, posting two days in a row? :) It's really nice to see you posting.

  13. Looks like it's been a challege for people to get to work today. I'm at work, and not terribly thrilled about it. Ah, well, I guess I should be glad that I'm gainfully employed!

    KAndre - whew, what a mess you had this morning! I'm glad you finally made it in.

    lucky - too bad about your son! Take lots of vitamin C and fluids, and get lots of rest, so that you don't get sick too!

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