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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Also...I haven't seen this pic on FCA and it's a keeper...




    OMG, what a heart-wrenching, joyful, wonderful picture!

    If that wasn't enough to make you teary, try reading this review from last night, via CV:

    Wow, what can I say that hasn’t been said. Friday night is now a memory that will forever be engraved in my mind, and so many others. And, I am so thankful to have been a part of it. To think, that a few weeks before we did not have a ticket, were not even thinking of going and were content to just wait until April to go see the show. It was a true act of fate that QM and I were able to get amazing tickets (6th row, right Orchestra) at the last minute. And, it was worth every single penny!! And, because of this, I encourage everyone that is just “thinking” about going to get that ticket now and GO when you can. It will be worth every dollar, airfare and hotel expense to see Clay in his finest hour! :goldstar:

    Friday evening was a night of pure joy, non-stop laughter, silly giggles and of course, a beginning of Clay’s amazing and brilliant career on Broadway. The anticipation before the show was so cool. As we arrived about 6:30 p.m., we immediately found a few ladies snapping pictures in front of the marquee. Within two seconds, we instantly had become friends, exchanged “screen” names and realized how found out where they lived, how many concerts they attended and what boards they belong to. It was if we had known them all of our lives!!

    Soon, we decided to go inside for a few minutes to warm up and across the short hallway we saw a familiar face from a previous concert we had been at in Easton, let out a high-shrilled squeal and started to hug, hug, hug. After a few minutes of non-stop chatter, then we said, BTW, what’s your name?? Claynation is a unique, amazing and very special world and it is so exciting to be a part of this great family.

    The show was beyond words and so hard to describe. Some of the highlights chiseled into my brain were:

    ~ The first glimpse of him in the tower, looking so calm, speaking his very first word and then hearing the rousing applause from the audience that stopped the world for a very short moment in time!

    ~ Seeing him raise his foot for the very first dance step and being a part of the blast of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs that bounced off the ceiling and walls, you could feel the building shaking!

    ~ Listening to him speak in the accent we had longed to hear, clear and filled with confidence, and did I mention funny, witty and so charming!!

    ~ Watching him blend into the ensemble cast, becoming one with them. Enjoying non-spot light moments like moving props, assisting dancers off tables and reacting to the hilarious banter that was part of the scene. He was not “I’m Clay Aiken”, he was just one of the actors and it was delight to see him enjoy it so much.

    ~ Seeing the birth of his comedic prowess come to life in the Guard scene and the Brother Manyard character. :rofl3:

    ~ And finally, feel his heart beating with ours as he prepared for his big “Broadway” number. At first, there may have been a moment of anxiousness, but as he began to feel the power within, the number was not only the highlight of the show, it raised the bar and was totally over the top!! At that moment, it added a capital “S” to title SUPERSTAR now engraved on his exploding career. :luvknight:

    As I drove home from the train station this afternoon, I found myself alone in my car and the tears started to come. I couldn’t stop. Friday night in the Big Apple was all I could have hoped for and more. And for me personally, to share this time in my life with my sister (QM) and mom (macdodi) is so incredibly special. :wetkiss:

    Not only has Clay given us so many special memories these past years, but he has connected so many strangers across the country (and the world) into one unbelievable blending of sharing hearts living out our dreams and lives in ways we never would have imagined. To hear of women driving hundreds of miles with a total stranger they’ve never personally met, or taking a train across the country in the dead of winter, or taking out their savings for a trip to NYC that was previously unplanned and realizing how it is the right and only thing to do!! Or, sitting with total strangers at Sardi’s last night and leaving as friends is part of the wonderful phenomenon we are a part of…thankfully!

    As I sit here now in the quietness of my own personal Clay-Fog, I can only think about how Clay has been given a very special gift from God and has grown into a man of many tremendous talents. May he continue to smile as big and bright as he did Friday night and enjoy the ride filled with memories of excitement, joy and thankfulness. And to continue to take us along with him for the ride of a lifetime!

    The journey continues…….

  2. claytonic, we absolutely notice every little (and big!) thing about Clay. We ain't Clay fans for nuthin! :lilredani:

    Linluvsclay at CB:

    Good morning everyone! Out of all the images that keep popping into my head this morning when I think about Clay last night, the one that I can't get out of my mind is when he did that dance. The squatting, the kicking his leg, there are just no words. He was really awesome doing it. Flipping up his tunic with his back to us, bending over, and showing his butt in tights when he went to sit on the piano bench is coming in second on the list!! Third is being prone on the floor right in front of me for a good chunk of time, and fourth is hearing him say "sh*t"!! For some reason, that cracked me up because I didn't expect it. And let me tell you, it just rolled off his tongue as if he'd been saying it for years!! The very best memory of the night was his beaming smile and glowing face when he walked back on stage to take a bow. He was radiant and it was unforgettable.

    I do think that Clay fans will "get" and appreciate what he does more than the NJU folks and will therefore think a lot of what he does is hilarious. We roared when he cursed, and people who think saying that word is rather ordinary won't understand our reaction. The same goes for everytime he danced or even moved his body on the stage in a way that we've never seen before (and he did that ALOT). We, as fans, know the subtleties and nuances of him--his glances, his moves, his facial expressions, the way he looks at the audience to see if we're "getting it". There was an incredible energy and connection when he was on the stage that wasn't there when he was off. Sure, the play itself is hysterically funny and everyone laughed out loud (which I rarely do but did last night), but when he was on, it was all so enhanced and just magical. Our love for him certainly came through, as well as our respect by honoring his wishes about no clack. I can't wait until you all see him and hear your reactions to the show. You are in for an unforgettable evening with Clay. And even though he told us to watch everyone else while he's on stage--forget that!! Impossible to do!!

  3. kf - I noticed the shoes, too - they're cool! I think the color and the style make them look smaller than the king's shoes.

    I love reading recaps from people who are soooo excited and thrilled with the whole experience! So, I'm bringing over a few from CV:

    He did it ...OMG HE DID IT!!! It's really hard to explain...that rush? The joy?? The utter just EEEEEEEEEEEEEE I felt last night. I couldn't stop smiling...my cheeks had that feeling you get from grinning so long...and my throat hurt from the laughing and the cheering. But the joy...to feel the joy was bliss. It was contagious in the theater...inside and out. There was a nervousness...but when he took the stage...when his head peaked out that window of the guard tower....it all evaporated into....pure laughter and a heady...OMG OMG he is doing it...he really really is doing it. He was the part. He owned what he was doing. He wasn't Clay Aiken pop star up there. He was the guard and the accent was a joy to hear. The whole theater was so full of energy...you could feel it in the air. Love in abundance...and happy...and laughing...it was amazing. And not one I love you Clay was yelled all night!!!!!! Just an amazing amount of cheering for a very well loved man named Clay.

    When he played the piano and raised his tunic and you could see his nice chain mail clad tush...oh my...he really really got cheers for that. *g* He played chopsticks for part of it!! And um...at the end...in the white tux? White pants...that was a something that has always been a boon to the smutters...and um...well...they can find their grail when he is wearing it cuz he isn't wearing a dance belt and well...uh...it's hard to miss that he is very happy and he was flirting and playing and smirking with the women.

    His dancing?? The bottle dance?? OMG!!!!!! That is one hard dance and I can see why he couldn't get up off the toilet...man oh man...but he nailed that dance...he looked like a dancer...and as those long legs extended and the tush got pulled along...oh my....oh my...oh my.....

    And the other dancing...there was a roar when he did the steps...just out of sheer joy that he looked so effortless up there...

    He really didn't "sing" Sing like at a concert...the singing was a breeze for him last night...when they added the line about Idol the audience roared...and when he said his line about singing and dancing the audience roared. There was a lot of that going on last night...did I say OMG OMG OMG??

    Oh My Gawd.....he did it ...he really really did it!!!

    I don't think he messed up one line last night...no random lyric generator...and if he did...you couldn't tell...so if he did it doesn't matter one wit. He found his click. He really really has found his click.

    Brother Maynard?? Oh I couldn't stop laughing...totally different demeanor than Sir Robin...and he looked so well....nerdy with that hair and his glasses...and oh my. He was a hoot!!!!!

    The curtain call...everyone got applause...and cheers...but Clay?? I think we lifted the rafters of the Shubert theater...it was deafening....truly deafening.

    The waiting at the stage door...it's like we all came out of the theater...and waited in Shubert Alley for Clay. There were a lot of people there. Jerome came out...a couple of times...and then talked on his cell...then found Faye I think and Brett and the relatives to bring back stage. You could see the paparazzi there too. When Clay came out there was a roar...a cheer went up. I know he felt the love.....he had to. Then he went back in the stage door. I am pretty sure they left out of another door. We waited a while and then headed to Sardis.

    Sardis?? We took over the place. Between the CH and CV we filled that restaurant. And when toni yelled to the whole room...HE BLOGGED and started to recount what that amazing man said....well...the room roared again!!!!!!!!! I love him...

    I need to see it again...and it's bad...I live in NYC. I have to exercise restraint!!!! My wish is that everyone could see him reach a new level...reach out to a new audience...and find his grail on the Broadway stage.

    Simon used to say...you belong on Broadway like it was some diss to Clay. I used to respond that diss by saying that those that make it to Broadway are only the best of the best. Last night on the stage of the Shubert theater Clay Aiken proved those words to me.

    The wonderful thing about Spamalot is that it is so irreverant...so bawdy...so out of the character of what someone who has the old notions of Clay Aiken would think that he would do...that his taking on this role is like a break me out of this box move for Clay. You rocked the stage Sir Robin...you nailed it!!!

    LinluvsClay recap at CB:

    Ok, if you have to beg, borrow, or steal, get yourselves to this show. There are no words to adequately describe it. First, to hear him say "sh*t" and "shi**y" is worth the $116 ticket price!! The audience roared!! Then, the Russian dance--I think it was in Zorba--OMG. No words. No wonder he couldn't get off the toilet!! It's the dance where the men squat and then kick their leg out, then shift and kick the other out, all while having their arms around each other and doing it in unison, ala the rockettes. Amazing. That man can dance, and I mean really dance. He was sooooo into it and was having the time of his life. Incredibly high falsetto note during one song. Did I say that he was hysterically funny? The facial expressions were priceless and for once I was close enough to see them!! I was all the way at the end of a row near the wall. And he came and sang a song right in front of where I was!! He was about 15 feet away!!!! Talk about thudding. And when he was "killed" and was laying on the floor for a long time--WHOA!! I could see him breathing!! He was truly suberb. And beamed at the end and seemed sooo relieved!!!! You have to see him in this. Opening night was incredibly special and I am so proud to call myself a fan of this amazing man.

    Mornin' from NYC!! :coffee:


    Wow What a incredible KNIGHT last KNIGHT was!!!! and then what a blast we all had taking over Sardi's afterwards!! Truly a KNIGHT I will never forget.

    He was as you all know totally wonderful. His comedic timing and his expressions and of course the accent blew me away. I have no words...to describe just how wonderful he was. I just kept laughing, smiling and even a few tears as I was so proud of him. Afterwards everyone was just walking around going OMG!! OMG!! He so totally ROCKED.

    Gawd I love him so much!! :lovesmiley2:

    The crowd outside the theatre before the show then back after by the stage door was huge. I heard several people stop as they were walking by saying things like "Look at all those people waiting for Clay Aiken" It truly was such a showing of love!!!

    Did I mention he was f****** GORGEOUS when he came out to sign some playbills??? OMG to die for!!

    Some NJU people standing by me who had seen the show and were waiting now by the door were like ...wow look Clay is blonde!! That surprised them. They told me they had never seen him in person or a concert but came when they saw he was going to be in Spamalot cause they always had liked him in Idol. They said they couldn't believe how good he was. That his expressions were priceless.

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! OMG!!! OMG!! I must of said those words 100 times last night...wait are they words?? Hell yes when it comes to Clay Aiken they are.

    Off for breakfast then going to both shows today......Can't wait to see it again!!



    It was so fun to see and spend time with so many CV'ers...........Sardi's ROCKED and we had a total blast!!

    Much love to all of you I saw last night....you guys are my family and I love you all...and all of you here......EEEEEEEEEEEE So glad I got to talk to u all on the cellstream......I hope everyone got a feel for the night.

    I havent had time to read anything....and I'll never catch up so forgive me for jumping in without reading.

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :thdancingbananalove:

    Before I say something about last nights show,I'll tell you guys some of the things before the show.While waiting to get inside you can already tell it's gonna be an exciting night.When I saw these people with the souvenir programs,I asked this lady where she got it and she said there is a guy over there selling them,"he ran out but he's getting some more"(about 7:30 PM and he was in front of the entrance to the theatre).I made myself to the crowd and there he was holding probably about 10,and I hear people behind me saying I'll take 2,someone said I'll take 3, with in 2 minutes he was like....Oooops,I only have 3 left,I got one,someone took the 2 and the guy was like.......Wait,got some more here as he opened a shoulder bag and there's about 10 more inside.I kind'na thought he can take only certain # from the store.Also he was holding a big waddlle of $$ in his hand (you all know they were $20.00 each).Someone in the crowd opened the poster of Clay and all the ladies around her screamed,it is sooo funny.Then we got in our seat (Orchestra Row A (seats 110 and 111) and when we sat my son who is 5'8 and about 250 lbs said,Why did you get these seats? Well,I also got worried when I got them coz I know it is the row right in front of the stage and and someone mentioned this is not the best place as you have to look up at the stage and the cast,the lady next to me said I'm gonna have stiff neck by the time the show is over(it is 2hrs 20 mins including the 15min intermission )Also,there was no leg room,my son's knee were actually touching the wall to the pit where there was actually the orchestra.I kindna said ,well,this is something not a lot of people will see.And as you look underneath ,we can see maybe 15 or more mostly men but I think there were 3 women,and they were all wearing black.The conductor is standing on a platform above them and so his head/neck is up to point where he can see the stage.There was a scene where a character kept telling him to stop the music several times and we were the only ones who can see his reaction/facial expressions.it's funny though what my son said later during the intermission I bet a lot of people want these seats because we were looking up at Clay,he was right above us a lot of times(it seemed he stayed a lot on that left side of the stage).Well, about 10 minutes before the show started I told my son I have to go the restroom,which was downstairs and there was a long line and which kept getting longer.The ladies in front of me and the ones coming up behind me werelike...saying Oh No....this is ridiculous....I said I wonder if we use the men's restroom which is behind us.There was a kid in this ministore behind the men's restroom and I asked him if we could use it he just shrug his shoulder.....and then this lady behind me told her friend"Let's go .....I'm not gonna miss a minute for Clay" so several of us followed her....and there were SEVERAL MEN inside...doing their thing(3-4 were in those men's urinals whatever) and there were3-4 other stalls with doors and there were guys inside pissing...the lady behind me said....you guys don't even close the doors,and I though that was so funny,here we are invading their place and have the nerve to complain.Some of us were holding our bags to cover our eyes.I'm not talk much more about the show except to say....I kind'na saw some of the scenes/song/dance on the You tube but seeing it was an entire different experience.As someone said,I also have never laughed so much,I kept wiping tears in my eyes both from the silliness of the show and just seeing Clay perform so well......it's amazing it was his very first performance.And ladies.....during the FINALE......I saw for myself and I'm sure everyone on those front seats.....it is NOT a fold!OMG :omg: :blush: :whoohoo: :stud: As we were leaving one lady was on the phone making a comment about "it" and another we looked at one another and she said..."He should wear something to hide it" :hysterical: :giggle: :biggrin: Another thing why my son now also thought our seats were good......you can see the detail of all their costumes,from the "dirty" Knight costumes(they were all purposely stained and dirty including Clay's) the embroidery,beadwork ,the very,very red glittery lipstick of The Lady of the Lake ......Clay really really is darn smart to join this show.I did not plan to attend another one but my son already said,my daughter and her boyfriend and my other son(will surelylike it) and I'm gonna call my niece in NY for her to make sure to see it.As soon as we got home ,this is what he told my daughter...."You should see it...it was f------ so funny,you will like it)
  4. Thanks so much for the reports! I'm soooo proud of our fantastic boyfriend!!

    A few stage door pics from CV:




    Recap from PanayRN4Clay at the CB:

    Spamalot recap:

    January 18, 2008- Clay's debut

    Oh what a night! I spent the night grinning and laughing out loud and I was not alone. The sold-out Schubert Theater pulsated with cheers for Clay and company. The cast were all excellent but Clay was undeniably the one with the biggest applause. All the numbers were treated with huge cheers, but Clay generated the most oohs and aahs, and the loudest ovation at the finale. What a star!!!

    First thing first, Clay gave his all to the show. He was a sentry, a guard, Brother Maynard and, of course, Sir Robin.

    Let me just break in detail his appearances-

    Act One-

    Scene 3- Clay was the first tower sentry encountered by King Arthur and his servant Patsy. King Arthur was trying to recruit knights for the Round Table to join him in his search for Camelot. Clay's first appearance was greeted with squeals as the audience realized it was him up on the tower. The cutest British accent ever and the most expressive face! How he could remember his lines I don't know. He was bantering with the other sentry as they discussed whether swallows could successfully carry a coconut.

    Scene 4- Clay as Sir Robin with Sir Lancelot and the Not Dead Fred. Honestly, I can't remember what he was singing here because I was transfixed by his handsome face and the long, reddish hair. I think this is when he first shook out his leg in a dance; who says he can't dance?

    Scene 7 & 8- The King and all the knights singing "All for One". They gathered in Las Vegas-Camelot complete with showgirls and all the glitz. Clay was hilarious as he ogled and ran after the girls.

    Scene 10- The knights were taunted by the French soldiers and they ended up running away. I dare say, Clay's trot was the cutest of them all.


    Act Two-

    Scene 3- Sir Robin with the minstrels- Now, Clay didn't sing here but his facial expressions were priceless as he reacted to the lead minstrel describing all his "brave exploits", and he finally stopped the minstrel's singing about Sir Robin's body parts being injured. I am telling you ladies, you need to sit up front to be able to capture the nuances of his performance. I think this is where he first "soiled" his suit. This is what Mike Nichols had been raving about- Clay has great comedic timing.

    Scene 5- Sir Robin and ensemble. King Arthur had been tasked with the job of creating a Broadway musical. I think the reference for Idol was mentioned here. This is Clay's big number as he announced that you need Jews to launch a successful musical. He sang "You Won't Succeed On Broadway". A piano came out , Clay flipped his knight suit to reveal his backside (alas with thights, ), sat down and stretched his arms up then tinkled the ivories for a minute. He then threw a sexy backside glance then proceeded to do the "Fiddler on the Roof" dance, this time with grails. Ooops, he reached out for the wrong grail but no one was the wiser as he dazzled the crowd as he performed the sore-muscle-inducing dance. Imagine him on his knees; he stretched one long leg out, then glided on his other knee. A lot of people gave him a standing ovation for this.

    Scene 7- Clay appearing as the 1st guard. Laugh-out-loud turn as he tried to understand the instructions from Prince Herbert's father (another king) to make sure that his son doesn't leave the castle. He's just full of surprises as he carried out a really complicated conversation with the king.

    Scene 9- Clay came out as Brother Maynard (in a brown frock with a moptop and cute glasses). A lucky fan (I'm sure she is a Claymate) who was found with the Holy Grail under her seat was brought up the stage and received the first Arthur award. Well, she was stealing glances at our Clay. I hope she got a copy of the groupshot.

    Finale- "Find your Grail" medley. Sir Robin sang about finding his Holy Grail in musical theater. Marvelous!!

    In the curtain call, Clay was second to the last to come out. He's a superstar. Even his castmates are acknowledging that when they turned and pointed at him as the whole audience erupted in cheers. Standing ovation. I was choked up with so much pride for Clay. His face was lit up as he absorbed the love from the audience and the respect from his peers. A nice salute at the end from Clay. Awww.

    Isn't he wonderful?

  5. I have a few questions for those who have watched Spamalot several times. Clay is obviously in all of the Sir Robin scenes, but he's also in a couple of other scenes. Is his first appearance as the guard in the wall? And then he will be in the 'not yet dead' scene where he talks about enlisiting as a knight?

    Clay will also be playing Brother Maynard, as well. When is this scene - is it is in Act I or Act II?

    Thanks in advance for any information you can provide!

  6. 00lsee, thanks so much for sharing the links again! I agree that it's great to watch the clips and imagine Clay in the role.

    I'm truly sad for those who can't go to Spamalot. There have been a couple of tours I haven't been able to go to, due to finances, a demanding job and family obligations. I understand how difficult it is to be at home while everyone else is eeeeeeeing over being at the last appearance.

  7. Wow, liney, the whole mess started exactly two years ago? And now look where our boyfriend is at! His 15 minutes of fame have been extended numerous times, and he's still a major newsmaker. Take that, you stupid gnats!

    Hubby and I just finshed booking our NY flight for March!! YAY!!!! Thank goodness for American Express points - they paid for one of our tickets. Now I just have to make the hotel reservation, and we're all good.

    :nana: :nanarow: :nana:

  8. In selfish news, is there a support group for those of us not going to this show? I was really fine with that until I read his blog last night, and then suddenly, I was selfishly despairing for me. (More than a few tears were shed...) I'm seriously gonna have to figure out how to go to this show and negotiate with my husband at the same time.

    OK, I'm done whining now.

    I am truly happy for all those people who will be there tonight. You'll have a once in a lifetime moment with Clay. Good for you.

    {{{{{{ldyj}}}}}}} Good luck with your negotiations!

    Bring on the dancing bananas!!!!

    I also got an idea from ldyJ...to watch the dl tonight as the play is going and as I check out the boards. So if anyone wants to join me in chatting about the show as it happens...we can do it there.


    what is "dl" ?

    claytonic - There's a download of the whole Broadway Spamalot show that was made available here. It was ripped from youtube, so the quality isn't fantastic, but it allows you to see what the show is all about. And it's clear enough to be really funny! I'm not sure where the links are now - anybody else know?

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for opening night! I'm so excited!!

  9. Whew, it was a buuuuusy day at work! Just got home and it's taken awhile to catch up.

    I LURVE this gif! th_piano2_gerwhisp.gif

    I've posted that I love playing piano (and I'd better, cuz I'm playing it soooo much these days.) So it's great fun to see my boyfriend at the piano. I CAN'T WAIT to see him play in person!!

    And then at one point in the play he came out to the front of the stage and searched the audience. I thought he was looking for fans to acknowledge him and I waved my arm (as did some others around me) and yelled, "Hi, Clay!" ....


    Turns out he was NOT looking for his fans. He was still in character when he did that. At intermission somebody I didn't know cussed me out for being a fameho! :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: Then I asked Gibby if she wanted to go to another show and sit farther away from the stage because there were times that we couldn't see Clay---when he was down(up?)stage and to stage right (left?)...she wasn't willing, however, to change her seats. (Unreasonable woman.)

    Weird dream.

    Clay? Wonderful man. Be gentle with him? heh....Honey, let Muski show you what gentle is all about.... :lipstick: :thgimme:

    BWAH, Muski! Yes, I'm sooooo unreasonable, wanting to be close to my boyfriend. And you know, I think he was looking for meeeeeeee in the audience!! :imgtongue:

    I don't blame Clay for being a little nervous. It's a new kind of gig for him! But I think he'll be absolutely fabulous!

    And I am so looking forward to the reports tomorrow night!!

  10. Interview with Clay from Time Out New York: http://www.timeout.com/newyork/articles/ho...5614/clay-aiken

    Thanks for posting the link! There's so much good stuff in that interview that I'm going to post the entire thing. There's some interesting stuff in here about fans!

    Clay Aiken

    The pop idol makes a surprising Broadway debut.

    By Smith Galtney

    Wholesome, God-fearing, ambiguously effete Clay Aiken unintentionally pushes more buttons than most so-called subversive artists. Just defending the 29-year-old North Carolinian, American Idol and pop phenom is likely to cause an uproar. Ask Rosie O’Donnell: Last year, she accused Kelly Ripa of being homophobic after Ripa derided Aiken for placing his hand on her mouth. (“I don’t know where that hand’s been, honey,” Ripa fired at him.)

    On the phone, though, the lightning rod sounds utterly harmless, talking a mile a minute in a Southern accent and often bursting into high-pitched laughter. Before making his Broadway debut in Spamalot this month, Aiken called TONY from a tour stop in Jersey City to gab about “Claymates” and stage crapping.

    So Spamalot isn’t how one expects Clay Aiken to invade Broadway.

    And tell me why not! [Laughs]

    Well, you seem like a traditional guy. It’s a pretty unconventional show.

    That’s exactly why we chose it. If you’re going to branch out into a new field, well, go whole hog—try something different.

    Never. And the first time I saw the show, I thought, This is stupid—there’s no plot. What’s the point?!? I had this image of Broadway having uplifting stories and melodies. But Spamalot’s just silliness and irreverence raised to a completely different level. I get to soil myself onstage!

    What will your fans think of that?

    If I’ve learned one thing in the past five years, it’s that you’ll never please everybody. But the people who’ve been so supportive of us, they trust us enough to have some fun here and there, and be a little irreverent. I won’t be soiling myself for the rest of my life.

    Did you come up with the term Claymates?

    No, it started when I was on American Idol. I didn’t really like it at first. I was like, Oh my God, how tacky! But now I think, If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. We’ve fully embraced it.

    And there are Claysians, too.

    There’s also the Claynadians. In Raleigh, my hometown, there’s Clayniacs. There’s even a group called the Lecherous Broads for Clay Aiken! We appreciate them, but sometimes they’re like that cousin you love but can’t quite understand.

    Ever worry you’ll get a limb torn off?

    Maybe just squeezed to death. [Laughs] But the Claymates are just a section of the fan base. The overwhelming majority are very respectful, very protective and mothering. If I sneeze onstage one night, 15 people show up at the next tour stop with Triaminic. I’ve got far more mothers than I ever needed!

    Is it true you’re allergic to nuts?

    I’m allergic to a number of things: tree nuts, coffee, mints, chocolate. Some fans tried to introduce me to carob a few years ago. But it gave me the runs, so… [Laughs]

    Speaking of which, is it safe to say Rosie O’Donnell had diarrhea of the mouth when she called Kelly Ripa “homophobic”?

    Oh, God. I think people on TV say certain things just so they can get attention. I didn’t agree with Rosie. But I appreciated her trying to come to my defense, in one way or another!

    What do you make of people nagging you about the “gay” thing?

    I think the majority of the American public cares less about it than reporters like you do.

    Has anyone ever confronted you about it in public?

    I can’t come up with any specific incidents. But I’ve been called everything in the book at some point or another—gay, ugly, nerdy, fat.

    You’re not fat.

    After Idol, I was. Going from living in North Carolina, where barely anyone would talk to me, to a world where everyone knew who I was—it freaked me out. So I went on antianxiety medicine and gained, like, 20 pounds in a year’s time.

    You must be used to the attention now.

    It’s still odd, though. Now I just think it’s funny. Like last night: I was onstage and all these people were screaming, and in the back of my head I’m thinking, Are you people crazy?!?

    Clay Aiken premieres in Spamalot Fri 18.

  11. Hey Gibby! I just realized that THAT is the color of Alex's hair now! :fca::cryingwlaughter:

    BWAH! Really, it's not a bad color, at all!

    The diss from simon showed who was always on his mind. In a weird way, it is a copmplement. too bad Simon is stuck in time. He is in the same job doing the same thing and being paid to be rude to people. Mayb e that is his problem. Heh. Clay sees all!

    I have American Idol on tonight, and have been sort of half watching it while perusing the boards. I wasn't too surprised about the Clay comments. And I think it's a compliment that they have to mention him EVERY season. You're right, CG, it's like he's a legend! What other contestant do they mention every season?

  12. WoooHoooo! Two days until Broadway. So exciting!

    Thanks for the rehearsal link, lucky. I'm deep into Titanic rehearsals, so I know all too well how musical rehearsals go. But I'm not working with professional Broadway actors, so it's not quite as smooth!

    BWAH about all of the AV Club hits. They just learned a little bit about the power of the Aiken!

  13. Its just that in the past I have seen this fandom count on something like this and when it doesn't happen, all shit hits the fan.

    Just trying to keep it real.

    Don't go away, CG! You're right about the shit hitting the fan last time. It was ugly!

    I tend to think of album release dates like construction finish dates - they're both likely to be pushed back. If you're told that the house or the renovation will be done on a certain date - just add a couple of weeks or months to it, and it's probably right. Album dates are the same. So it's good not to get our hopes up too high for a certain date.

    But no matter when the album comes out - it's going to be an exciting time! He's excited about it, and so am I!

  14. Woohooo! It's great to come home to new video clack, with Mr. Aiken looking soooo handsome and cute!! And an great interview by AI, too! Wow!!!!

    I'm getting so excited for opening night on Friday. I'm not going, but I can't wait to hear reports back from everyone. What an exciting week!

    :laola0: :ura: :laola0:

    ETA: I perked right up about the piano playing in this line:

    As Clay relayed, having to put together all the acts of singing, dancing, playing piano, and speaking in an accent is more than he ever expected!

    Yay! So he will be playing piano in his big number. Cooool!

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