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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Play - You go, girl!! :clap::clap::clap:

    Tangerinee.... Tangerinee.... Gulp!... She got 3rd row Red Bank tickets for LonelyNoMore44 and me...

    but when LonelyNoMore44 couldn't come I passed too so that a couple of friends could take our pair of seats....

    Whenever I miss something Clay, the pictures come back to say "Nyah! Nyah Nyah!"

    I feel like that sports fan whose team wins game after game whenever she's not watching. 3.gif

    So now I can't let go of Williamsport despite the weather reports...


    And it doesn't help that whenever I look at the Williamsport Google map, Meadville is right there going, "Pbbbbttt! You were just 1 hour away in Pittsburgh during WAMLAW *brightly offers to hum a few bars*"

    Could someone pour some logic into me?

    Imagines Teacher Clay going... "Well you know that if you pass on Williamsport and you don't run into a snowbank/skid off the road, then there'll be lots more to see & do afterwards *cough* eHP roadtrip to Michigan Minnesota *cough*... 'course I'll be sporting a completely different look by then." *grins playfully*


    And it's been too long since DC. I miss him... (Yes, I can see KF rolling her eyes :rolleyes: Hey, if people can whine after a 30-minute chat with him, I can pout over missing 8 shows)

    Aw, Scarlett, you're driving yourself crazy with what-could-have-been and what-could-be and how-can-I-see-him-more. It's pretty hard not to do that, since we have such a fantastic boyfriend! But at least you have a couple of shows left still!

    :big hug:

    The way that man brings out all sorts of feelings in people , be it love, admiration or hate, he is a certainty for power. I'm so glad he is doing good for the world so far. :28: What if he decided to be evil. :devil: (Picture devil ears on him.)

    He might expose KG stiches from all her plastic surgery and make jokes about her having sex with Hugh Hefner (who of course would say she is way too old for him.)

    He might might permanently stich shut KR mouth and make her dance with Wayne Newton forever.

    He might start a blog and draw pictures on P H, perhaps eating a big mac pizza.

    He might bankrupt SC and hire him as a limo driver and pool skimmer.

    Wait, maybe these are good things.

    BWAH, Fear!

  2. Gibby/Libby, I'm soooooooooooooo sorry! Maybe I was having a "'Lost is going to start again soon' moment?" [/joke only Losties will understand]

    Heeeee - no problem. I just had to tease you about it.

    Thanks for bringing over all of the meet & greet reports, lucky. It's good to have confirmation from a couple of different sources that Clay said 'furious and embarrassed' about SpamClack. One M&Ger also gave a little more information about the context of the conversation, and why he woud be upset.

    Oh, and cindilu - I love the WP! :thankyou: The only way it would be better is if it were in widescreen. Purty please?? :praying:

    Off to the salt mines now - see ya'll later!

  3. Well, muski, I'm not totally sure...maybe this preview of an article from the Express-Times (via Pennlive.com) will answer your question:

    CLAY AIKEN: REVENGE OF THE WHOLESOME in the TODAY section: "I enjoy everything I do," says Clay Aiken with a laugh. And he sounds like he means it. He was asked a question about a recent appearance on the TV game show "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" But it could have been anything he's done recently -- from his appearances on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" to preparing to star in "Spamalot" on Broadway to his current tour "Christmas in the Heartland," which brings him to Easton's State Theatre tonight. The "American Idol" runner-up may be enjoying things so much because he's carved out a niche for himself. Aiken has become Opie in an era of Britney. And over the phone he seems, well, Opie-style nice. He has good Southern manners. There's no pretense at trying to be cool. Maybe at this point being anti-cool is the new cool?

    libby, yes I direct the bell choir at my church, and I simply LURVE watching the Raleigh Ringers, I think they are fanastic musicians! I wish I could play half as well as they do. Thanks for bringing that link over. Heh...it's interesting you bring that, for one of my questions when I get that M&G for Merrillville (yes, I'm still playing delusional) is if Clay has heard of the Raleigh Ringers. I think I might suggest that for next Christmas, he could take them on tour with him. I think that would be a FANTASTIC concert!

    Ooooh, I like the 'Revenge of the Wholesome' article. I think Clay's quite happy being anti-cool, and it does make him look cool!

    I'm glad you liked the Raleigh Ringers clip, ldyj. It would be very interesting to find out if Clay has heard them. But I have a question . . . who is libby???? :shrug: :lmaosmiley-1: :imgtongue:

    Keep the pics coming, CG & Cotton! Clay and Quiana both look great, and the lighting patterns make the pictures really interesting.

  4. Clay's always been cool in my book!

    Cotton, I like B&W pics, and when the subject is our boyfriend, they can't help but be good pics! Thanks for sharing.

    Hey, ldyj, do I remember correctly that you play in a bell choir? Someone sent me this link to the 'Raleigh Ringers' playing 'Carol of the Bells', and it's pretty amazing. I thought you might enjoy it:

    Carol of the Bells

  5. Under the category of "nobody reads my posts" I said a couple pages back that this run is going to get a lot media coverage, so we won't be totally clackless!! Thank God! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I saw your post, but didn't reply to it at the time. It will be great to have media coverage! And you took some nice pics of Quiana and the readers. I took video of Quiana, too, and Clay's only in it for a moment, so not everybody focuses on Clay when he's not singing!

    Just had to come with a little eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh for my New York Times which I picked up from Chapters last night....$9.00!! Holy Gawd!!

    Heh, that has to win the prize for the most expensive NYT purchase. I thought mine was bad, but it was "only" $8.40. :lol:

    This site, ScratchSpin.com, has some nice Clay pictures from the Holiday On Ice event (including some from rehearsal that I hadn't seen before). There is a disclaimer there that you need to ask permission to use them on any other site. I have dealt with this photographer before, and she is usually very good about it.

    Oooooh, there's some nice pics in there! *rightclickandsave* He sure was relaxed about dressing for the rehearsal!

    *YAWN* My poor hubby woke up in extreme pain in the middle of the night. I took him, on snowy and icy roads, to the emergency room. He had a kidney stone, which thankfully passed. Them things are painful! He's fine now. I have to work today, but I'm going in late. I hope I'll be awake enough to do my job!

  6. cindilu2.... oh, of course I care. Just having a discussion with Gibby and Clayzor...

    I loves me some pissy Clay. :lipstick: If he gets mad at his fans I volunteer :PickMe-1: to take one for the team. He can paddle my little ass, to teach us all a lesson. :whistling-1:

    Now off to fix dinner.

    Nope, no way, no how, are you first in line for a paddling, Clayzor. I already took that honor upthread. :imgtongue:I love being spanked, as long as it's done by someone I lust after.

    Wait, wait, wait, could we go by qualifications instead? Like maybe taking clack for 4 years and admining a broadway show discussion group for 3?

    Okay, Scarlett, I agree for you to go first, but only if I get to be with Clay for a longer time. So he can make me feel better after the paddling. :naughtywag:

  7. When I heard about Clay going into Spamalot, my first thought was ... NO CLACK. My understanding is that Broadway has a zero tolerance for cameras of any kind in the theatre.

    Yup, me too. I didn't, and still don't, expect Spamclack. If a brave and lucky soul gets some, good for them! But I don't expect it, and I don't see it as my right. In fact, I think that concert clack is a wonderful gift from Clay and clackgatherers, and I consider myself very fortunate to have so much clack. But Broadway? I'm leaving my camera at home, and I wouldn't blame any clackgathers for leaving theirs at home, too. Broadway is a whole 'nuther story, and as others have expressed so well, it's not Clay's show, there are intellectual property rights at stake, etc. etc. Those are all good reasons not to gather clack, but to me the biggest one is - Clay doesn't want us taking Spamclack. I would never want to make him furious and embarrassed, so I will obey. Not that I obey everything he says, of course, and I wouldn't mind a spanking from him if I was naughty (heeeee), but in this case, I agree with him.

    I think that, in general, Clack serves a positive purpose. It aint for nothing that singers and groups "leak" songs and videos to the Internet. We spread Clay joy right and left. HOWEVER, there are all kinds of copyright laws related to Broadway productions and it's not a Clay show, as such. He's not producer. He doesn't own the show. He's WORKING for someone else, and that's a whole different thing. Clay has made clear that he doesn't care if we video his shows but wants us to show respect for him (not put mistakes on You-Tube) and respect the rights of others (not put shows that don't belong him up on You-Tube). Now, the problem with Spamalot is that if Clack of it is put up on any of the public (or private) sites, it's going to be damn hard to keep it out of the hands of people who will post it on You-tube in a heartbeat!!

    Does that mean NO ONE should tried to sneak some Clack. Probably, they shouldn't, but I have to admit to a selfish desire to be able to relive his performance in the next few years. i won't be able to do that without Clack. If Clack were available, would I watch it? You damn tootin'!!!!

    I CERTAINLY don't think there should be blatant filming with the theater people having to run around like Nazis, but a little sneaky videoing to be shared later or by Sendspace.....well, OK.

    Does that make me some kind of hypocritic bitch. Probably.

    As for "four months without Clay," get real. Clay tours once or twice a year (EVERY year) while many performers only tour every FEW YEARS!! And, that doesn't count his TV appearances and UNICEF and galas and "fat" pictures and such. We have a wealth of riches with Clay, and we may have become a bit spoiled.

    As a disclaimer, I must admit to having 2 Spamalot tickets in hand and reservations made and paid for, so perhaps that colors my thinking, but I hope not.

    Holy shit, that was very wordy for me.

    Heee, Wanda, I had to quote your entire post 'cuz I was shocked to see such a long tome from you! Your posts are usually short, pithy, humorous, and to the point. And I agree that we are spoiled with clack.

    Can brazen hussies :17f71c4d: return to a life of purity? :25:

    In a word - nope. I'm enjoying my life as a slut. :cryingwlaughter:


    I was trying to get all caught up, but y'all are posting 'proturbence' pictures, and duck-lips pictures, and my all-time favorite "my-goods-are-caught-up-in-my-boxers-and-I'm-going-to-try-to-shake-'em-loose-by-pretending-I'm-dancing"-picture. And now my lunchbreak is over and I forgot to eat and didn't get caught up because I spent the whole time staring at pictures. :cry4:

    If I starve before quitting time tonight it's y'alls fault.

    BW, I love the name you gave that gif! So, that's what's happening, huh? I'm getting such an education on this board about protuberences and goods. :cryingwlaughter:

  8. Cute pic, CG! Do you happen to remember which song he was singing when you took it?

    Looks like Jingle Bells when the girls do the loud 'way' or 'hey.'

    Heee, Thankful, you must be watching more than a little bit of the Jazzy Medley clack!

    Anyway, wish me luck..interview tomorrow. I really really want it..but it will be very competitive.

    Good luck, Couchie!

    I've just realized that I haven't posted this picture lately:


    and I really, really like this picture. :hubbahubba:

    Oh, yes, you like the raised arm, and the profile of his face, right? :21: :cryingwlaughter:

  9. To some extent, I agree with Clay about MCWL. He sings the songs on MCWL very differently when he's singing them live. He takes some of the tempos slower (WAYDNE), uses a lot more rubato and sings them in a jazzier, almost sultry manner. Others, he takes faster (WW and SR) and makes them bouncier and happier. Although I love the quality of the recording on MCWL, I really do like how he sings them live. I'm sooooo grateful for good-quality audio clack, so that I can enjoy these songs the way Clay likes to sing them.

  10. Here's a fascinating M&G recap, via CV, originally posted at the OFC. Mods, delete my post if it's not okay to bring it over (CV had permission to bring it from the OFC):

    From asolo:

    Meet & Greet New Brunswick, 12/6/07

    After much anticipatory excitement, we six Meet & Greet winners were met by Jerome and taken to the main theater and given the M&G rules. Jerome told us to be prepared to ask questions because Clay likes to talk. With a warning about the circuitous route, we followed Jerome through the snake-like, dark passageways behind the stage and entered a cozy, den-like room set with 2 sofas and 3 chairs. I sat on the end of the sofa directly across from one of the empty chairs that I hoped Clay would sit in.

    Suddenly, as we were trying to compose ourselves in our fan-girly excitement, the door opened, and in walked Clay wearing a grey K-State hooded sweatshirt with sleeves rolled up, navy blue sweatpants, dark blue velvet half slippers, no socks, and glasses!!! He was clean-shaven, his light reddish-gold hair all nice and fluffy, had matching light-colored eyebrows (they were not fluffy!), and cuddly, yet intellectual-looking. Clay is one stunningly handsome man. He circled around the room, leaned down and shook each of our hands, then flopped into the chair directly opposite me! He tucked his long, lanky legs under him and then asked where each of us was from. He remarked how he recognized the young girl who had been to many of his concerts.

    He then asked if we had any questions. Excuse me if I miss some questions and answers and mix up the order because of the understandable Clayfog I was in. I pulled out my 2 sheets of questions and asked, “What have you enjoyed the most about working with your new record producer so far?”

    Clay said that he and the producer get along really well- they click (I’m not positive that was the word he used; he might have). The producer listens to him and is flexible. Clay seemed very happy and comfortable with his producer.

    Someone asked what he foresees for the Bubel-Aiken Foundation. Clay said he wants to change the name of the foundation. When he said that, everyone gasped. He said the name is too difficult to pronounce and he’s tired of explaining how the name came about. He also wants to get rid of the celebrity attachment to the foundation. He would like to see foundation-run camps and more after-school involvement.

    Clay was asked if he would do another Christmas album. This is where the conversation-or rather I should say, the monologue- became very interesting. He told us he did not like his Christmas album, "Merry Christmas with Love." If there were gasps before when he mentioned he would be changing the BAF name, those paled in reaction to his opinion about "Merry Christmas With Love". He continued by saying that he wanted to re-do, or re-package the original album by changing and adding to the new one.

    He did not want to sing “Joy to the World” or “Silent Night” on "Merry Christmas With Love", and those songs would not be on his next Christmas album. He felt that “Silent Night” was too much like a church choir song, and very possibly- I’m not quite sure (Clayfog!)- he might have sung a few bars from “Silent Night” to demonstrate the choir-like sound that he doesn’t like.

    He thought the tempos of “Winter Wonderland” and “Sleigh Ride” were too slow, and the phrasing of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” was too straightforward and stilted. He sang "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by singing it in a straight, box-like manner, using his hands to demonstrate the rigid tempo and phrasing that were recorded. He wants to re-do those songs and is very, very definite about the styles and tempos he wants to use.

    He wants to add all the songs from the “All is Well” album and his new song, “Welcome to My World.” He did say there are no other Christmas songs left for him to record. The M&Gers protested that there are plenty more beautiful Christmas songs out there, but he said he didn’t like any of them; some were too religious, others too secular.

    He said he has all of the songs for his new Christmas album on his computer and are “ready to go.” He also said that those songs are “all over the place.”

    He said that he likes the Walter Afanasieff, and wants him to produce his next Christmas album. He also said that other producers don’t want to do this album because the songs would not be performed in the traditional manner; the producers are afraid of change and fear they will be struck down. I’m not sure if he meant by God or by Clive Davis.

    Clay’s concern is that the song changes don’t warrant a new album at all, and the public might think he’s looking for a fast buck by re-packaging the album. Also at issue is that there are too many songs to put on one CD and not enough for a dual-disc set. I suggested a CD/DVD, but he said it would cost $25 to purchase, and that was too expensive for the buyer.

    Clay reiterated again and again how much he disliked the production of some of the "Merry Christmas With Love" songs. But, he is very insistent that he wants to record a new Christmas album and is very definite about how he wants to record the songs.

    He interrupted himself to say that his hands were dry. I screamed out… I mean, I politely said, “I have hand lotion. Here…” I bought the lotion that morning and checked the ingredients, knowing to keep away from almonds. Clay took the lotion, looked at the ingredients, and read out loud, “PLUS Intensive Repair Hand Crème.” He opened the cap and rubbed the lotion on his hands. I snatched that baby back as fast as I could. Now, when I use the lotion that Clay shared, can we say, “con.nec.shun?!”

    Clay was asked if Jerome would go with him to NYC. He answered, “It’s none of your business.” Then, I believe, the same woman asked, “What side of the bed do you sleep on?” I don’t think he answered. But, then again, my Clayfog kicked in.

    He was asked about the little boy’s photo on the M&G pass. When in Afghanistan for UNICEF, Clay had seen the boy sitting perfectly still in a wheelbarrow. Clay seemed quite moved by that moment and took a picture of the little boy.

    I’m sure there was more said, but for the life of me, I can’t remember… Clayfog, you know.

    Mary sat at a desk with a laptop, Jerome stood in the room in front of the door, and Jamie stood off to the side by Jerome. All of a sudden, Jamie began collecting our items to be autographed by Clay. He signed my “Original Sheet Music Edition” of “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and “This is the Night” with, “Use Your Voice Clay Aiken.” After the autographs, we were called up one at a time for our photo op. I stood to the right of Clay, he holding my waist, and I, his.

    Clay is a very smart and fascinating man. He’s quick, intelligent, and most certainly, brilliant about music. He’s very opinionated, very definite about what he wants, and goal-oriented. I was stunned that he was so open and forthright with us regarding the original "Merry Christmas With Love" album and his desire to repackage a future Christmas album. Perhaps, he was testing the waters of album production by talking to us in this candid manner. His musical visions excite me and I would love to learn more about what it is that he foresees for himself as a creative artist. I can’t wait to see what Clay’s future holds.

  11. I'll be at Williamsport also, if you don't mind a slightly Grinchy person crashing the party!

    I've gotten to the point where my Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever present buying consists of sitting down in front of my laptop and deciding between bees or water buffalo from Heifer, Int. and blankets, ORT or vaccinations from UNICEF with maybe some Oxfam on the side. Most people I give to have way too much "stuff" already.

    Heifer and UNICEF are both excellent choices for Christmas presents. My parents give Heifer gifts to us kids every year, and we all appreciate it so much. This year they are giving a well to a poor village, from my siblings and I. I can't think of a better way to show the spirit of the season!

    This board has really shown me how on the fringe I am with my fandom. I'm more of an observer than a participant. Perhaps that's kept me from getting wrapped up in the politics of the fans...dunno.

    Think I'll stay on the fringe.

    I think a lot of people here resonante with your stance, JJ. I've been an active Clay fan, but somewhat passive on the boards, because I didn't want to get caught up in the politics. I also have been edited on another board, found it disturbing and hurtful, and retreated. Until I found FCA. I'm so happy here!

    OK, if you would settle for a Bergen record, I am going out to get some more, since the storm has not started yet. LdyJocelyn, Couchie and Liney? 3 copies?

    Do I understand correctly that the NY Times has a partial page ad, and the Bergen has a full-page ad?

  12. My son's going to graduate today and I've always kept a copy of the newpaper during major milestones (the day he was born, the day he started school, etc.) Would it look suspicious if instead of getting The Austin American Statesman, I insist on The NY Times?

    Heeee! Why not both? Congrats on your son's graduation!

    Clayzor, your tree and decorations are lovely!! We've done all of the decorating we're going to do, and I've bought all of the presents I'm going to buy. I make a calendar with pictures of my daughters every year, and it's printing right now. Whew, it takes forever to print it out! Once I finish the calendars, I'll wrap and send them and a few more presents and then I'm pretty much done! Except for all of the Christmas music I have to learn and perform between now and Dec. 24th. Christmas would be a lot less hectic if I could just go to Christmas concerts instead of performing in them, too!


    My hubby is a regular at Starbucks, so I'm going to ask him to look for the NY Times there. Hopefully they'll have a copy, even here in Colorado!

    Wow, this is a stunning picture!


  13. He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!! LOL

    Oh, yeah, my couch, too! Thread title?

    And I would still would do him in a heartbeat (at which time I would whip those glasses right off him!)

    The thing about the glasses being so sexy is just imagining when and where you would slowly take then off! No whipping off here just nice and slow and real close! :whistling-1:

    Oh boy, I need a cigarette ...oh wait I never smoked. Ok well how about a drink......no never drank either!

    I'm all for nice and slow, too. Gotta make that moment last!

    I just watched the DSIAFCD vid recommended by lucky upthread. Very cute! Looks like he REALLY wanted to move more than he can on that platform! And it is bad that I kept wanting xxxforclay to move her video camera down? She did a great job of focusing on his face, but I wouldn't have minded a lower view! :whistling-1: Oh, and the pattens behind Clay are great, except there's a piece of lint or some thread on the pattern directly behind him that bugs me. Anybody else notice that?

    ETA: I'm stealing these pics from farouche's post at CV - see any resemblance?



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