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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Nothing Clay has ever said, done, sung, , or worn has EVER disappointed me.

    I have no standards at all when it comes to those I love.

    I'm exhausted after a trip to southern Colorado to conduct loooong computer training classes with anxious people the couple of days. I'm scanning quickly, and just saw your post, wandacleo, and had to welcome you back! I hope things are calming down at your house. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  2. :haha: Heee, CG, your idea makes me giggle! In a good way, cuz I really like it! But I'll only agree to go along with it and help to fund it if I get a pic that I can save on my laptop, so I can keep giggling. :imgtongue: I'm sure that would happen anyway, but I just had to let you know that I want to see and save said artwork.

    That's my vote. I don't have any idea who would draw it or put it together, though.

  3. I LURVE all of the pics from the Snowflake lighting, AMAs, and Tyra. He looked so hawt!!!

    I'm pouting 'cuz I won't be able to watch AIR tonight. I'm travelling to south Colorado to conduct computer training there for a couple of days. I'd really rather be home, but I do get paid for a couple of extra days to do this. I'm taking my laptop, and both hotels I'm staying in have wireless internet, so that makes me happy! Hopefully the episode will be available for download soon. See ya all soon, from a different part of Colorado!

  4. This morning, I watched Houston LAA 12 times from 12 different angles. That was one heck of a performance. That song affects me like no other. I had to stop about halfway through and take a breather, it was so intense. goldarngirl and I should probably have Houston, our first SRHP (or DCAT as I prefer to call it) montage series up by the end of this week.

    I really appreciate all of the work that you and goldarngirl do to make those montages! They're so fun to watch.

    And how serendipitous that I should choose to change my avie and post it for the first time on page 69, huh? And may I also draw your attention to my member number?

    Heeee, what great avi! It makes me smirk right along with him.

  5. I'm having trouble getting back into exericising, too, lucky. One problem is that I've been so dang tired in the evenings when I usually go to work out. Of course, that wouldn't have anything at all to do with staying up late on the boards . . .

    Couchie, good going! The trick is to do it frequently. Course, I'm not one to talk about frequency right now! :cryingwlaughter:

    Toots, I'm impressed with your committment to your new program! Good going! I do cable weights, free weights, and machine weights. It's a good combination, as each kind of weight lifting is a bit of a different challenge for your muscles. I wouldn't have any idea how to do all of this except that I had personal training.

  6. jumpingjacks - :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I'm amazed that you are managing so well with so little kidney function. You're amazing! And I think it's a positive thing that your Dr. put you on the transplant list now, rather than waiting until you're really sick. But it must be pretty scary, too. The good thing is that there are lots of people who have had successful kidney transplants. You'll likely be one of them, someday!

    Please PM me before you come to Denver the next time. I'd love to meet you and give you a big FCA hug. :hugs-1:

  7. Hey, I want to burn a CD of live Clay Christmas music. I have a few favorites, but wondered if other people have particular favorites. I really like MDYK from The View on 12/09/04, Good News from KC JNT 05, and AIW from Vegas. I haven't decided yet on which Emmanuel performance to include. Any other suggestions?

    I will give you my "best of" lists:


    The Music Of Christmas - Costa Mesa Scarlett

    Sleigh Ride - Costa Mesa Scarlett

    HYAMLC - Baltimore deborah760

    The Christmas Song - Costa Mesa Scarlett

    Winter Wonderland - CT jojoct

    Silver Bells - CT jojoct

    The Christmas Waltz - San Jose Spotlightlover

    WAYDNYE - NY deborah760

    MCWL - Costa Mesa Scarlett

    O Holy Night - CT jojoct

    Silent Night - CT jojoct

    HTHAS-OCAYF - San Jose Spotlightlover

    The First Noel - CT jojoct

    MDYK - San Jose Scarlett

    IBHFC - Providence jojoct

    DSIAFCD - San Jose Scarlett

    Good News - CT jojoct


    Christmas Serenade - LA Spotlightlover

    Celebrate Me Home - LA Spotlightlover

    Christmastime - San Diego Spotlightlover

    Christmas Waltz - San Diego Spotlightlover

    Good News - San Diego Spotlightlover

    HTHAS-OCAYF - San Diego Spotlightlover

    HYAMLC - San Diego Spotlightlover

    Jingle Bells - San Diego Spotlightlover

    MCWL - San Diego Spotlightlover

    MDYK - San Diego Spotlightlover

    MGUCL - San Diego Spotlightlover

    Silver Bells - San Diego Spotlightlover

    Sleigh Ride - San Diego Spotlightlover

    The Christmas Song - San Diego Spotlightlover

    IMYMACT - Chicago Filomena123

    Emmanuel - NY Scarlett

    The First Noel - Atlanta Scarlett

    Beautiful Star of Bethlehem - Raleigh Aflack

    DSIAFCD - Raleigh deborah760

    O Holy Night - Minneapolis Lightnin

    I'll be back with my JNAT06. I am not sure I have them quite as wheedled down as these other two, which have been on my iPod forever! :)

    THANK YOU!!!! It will be fun to listen to these.

    What I am doing is getting my favorite across the tours too. So I already have my best of from each tour and I am comparing them. What I noticed...aside from the fact that the later tours have better audio....thanks clack gatherers and technology....but Clay's delivery became more nuanced...relaxed. I noticed this most in DSIAFCD. But the strength of the voice was always consistent.

    But I did keep one GN from 2004 and 2005. His delivery is really similar but the back up arrangement is different, with a whole choir for 2004 and just the back ups for 2005.

    I'd love to see your list when you finish it! I agree about the quality of clack being better in later tours. I find mediocre audio really distracting, so I really appreciate the efforts by clack gatherers to make the quality better.

    Gibby, I want to say thank you to you, because you mentioned using the FCA Media "Best of JNaT06" page for recommendations. It's great to know that they are being used (and thanks to ldyjocelyn as well who has PMed me to let me know that some links were not working, etc). So much work goes into making these recommendations, they are really a great resource to have.

    I have to put my recommendation in for the jojoct version of AIW audio from last year's Merrillville concert, and agree with those who have recommended the Long Island AIW (I used ClayFaninVA's version). Both are favourites of mine.

    You're welcome! And I'm quoting your entire post so that I'll remember to try both of those versions of AIW. Heee, I may end up with a couple of different versions of some of the songs! I'll put them on my ipod and my treo. But I'll have to narrow down the playlist for a CDs I'm going to play in my van and at work.

    Speaking of work, I need to high-tail it out of here and get to the hospital. TGIF!!

  8. Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions for the Christmas CD. I'm downloading now! I'm pretty picky about audio quality, 'cuz I don't like it when bad sound distracts me from enjoying my boyfriend's amazing voice. So, I'll probably download a few different versions to find the one I like the best. I'd love any more suggestions or ideas!

    I just went and visited FCA Media, to find some suggestions there, as well. What a gold mine! It's a good thing I have a download manager - my computer will be downloading well after I go to bed!

    Another good resource is Canooky's audio compilation from JNT '05. Heee, this will be fun!

    Liney, I'm glad you ordered the Huber drawing. I remember you raving about it at the preparty. It's really amazing!

  9. I started watching AI because I wanted to see what my daughters were watching. And then I got hooked on AI because of Clay. I didn't see Season One of AI at all, and started watching Season Two when Clay sang BMUB. I immediately thought that he had a fantastic voice, but it really was his personality that drew me in. He seemed vulnerable but strong, serious but snarky, innocent but worldly, and utterly charming. By then he had been given a little bit of a makeover, and though I didn't find him to be classically handsome, I found his appearance to be uniquely attractive. I watched faithfully every week, and was upset with the stupid busy signals I got when I tried to vote for him. Since I had an AT&T cell phone, I decided to go online to figure out how to text message - BWAH!! I not only learned how to text in my votes, I also found the boards, and have been on one board or another ever since.

    I saw this drawing by Linda Huber when we were in Vegas at the preparty. It caused quite a stir, and those who were with me commented on how gorgeous it is, too:


    I haven't bought any of Linda's drawings before, although I like a few of them. I never really thought that a drawing would be better than a picture. However, this one is to die for. :perfect10:

    It looks good on the computer screen, but it looks FANTASTIC on paper in person. OMG! It looks like he could walk right out of the painting, and his eyes are utterly amazing. It looks like he's looking right through you, he knows what you are thinking, and he so knows that he owns you. :thsign27: But at the same time, he is compassionate, and a force for good in the world. How can a drawing convey all of that? I have no idea.

    The fact that the hair, stubble and lips all look delicious, too, made my decision for me - I ordered the print when I got home from Vegas.

    It came today!!! :ura: It's GORGEOUS. I'm going to get it framed, with a white matting and a black frame. :yahoo:

    For Muski - :hugs-1:

  10. That's totally ridiculous!!

    Welcome to the board, christelklein!

    Wow, lots of great conversations happening over the last few days! I'm pouting 'cuz I only have time right now to read the thread, make a quick comment, and leave. I'm working several days in a row at the hospital, and have had rehearsals or performances every night this week. Fortunately the last performance for the week was last night. Maybe I can catch up and actually make a substantive comment tonight!

  11. More Idol talk -- I think however and whatever happened on Clay's Idol journey regarding Simon, Randy, Paula, Nigel, it obviously was perfectly serendipitous for him. The circumstances were such that the dynamics spun together and it became electric. Your regulation pop stars usually have a short shelf life -- so many one hit wonders, the marketing delights with turnkey faux hipness that nevertheless thins quickly and gets tossed aside for the next ready-made gimmick. Clay was tossed into that world, but he kept his head and hired a savvy lawyer who worked only for his interests. I remember what Clay said in Houston when telling the story about waiting to audition in Atlanta: "I wasn't gonna give it up. I didn't want to show all my cards." Now that's something I can extrapolate. I don't think that was a one time thing ... I think he likes to play his cards close all the time, and we can only imagine what he has up his sleeve. Maybe Simon's comment that Clay was unique and that his path would be unique, translates into the definition of a legend. I don't know what cards he's holding, but I think he's been playing them rather adroitly. I do know what I'm holding .... a ticket to ride.


  12. Wanda, I'm amazed that you kept caring for her until the end. Wow, that was a tremendous committment! Her last words cracked me up. She really had vim and vigor until the end, didn't she? It's good that she's at peace now. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you mourn her loss and adjust to not having her there anymore. It will probaby be a relief, but sad, too!


  13. P1000931ct_filtered.jpg

    The female skaters are blurry, but Clay's face is pretty clear! Clay is such a ham. He cracks me up! And I love how vivid the colors are in this pic. You did a great job of editing it!

    The pics with Sasha from the OFC are really cute. Gosh, that's one HUUUUGGGEE skate Clay's putting on! The angle of the pic makes his skate look really big, but still, that's a biiiig skate! I just wish that I could tie his laces for him. :naughtywag:

  14. GIBBY... OMG! Are you trying to kill me???? I am fascinated looking at his stomach muscles making his pelvis thrust.... OMG!!!

    Was that Houston? Dang it, that is lethal in biggy size!!!

    BWAH!! Well, it's a new page, and we need to see it again, don't we?? Not to kill you or anything, but here it is:



    back to lurking then, because i always mess up and start something.

    anyway, I am swooning all over clay on american idol rewind, "Superstar" and "Unchained melody" every time, has got me so fangirly. Clay is so amazing, there inho has never been a contestant like him or will ever be he is unique. Now back to lurking agian.

    Tidbit: I join my first board ever,it is a little known clayboard and i still a member there, in march of 2005.

    Don't lurk, soulsista! It's great to have you here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  15. Gibby, I am finding myself strangely hypnotized by your avi. Can't imagine why.

    Me too! :hubbahubba:

    I'm so glad you're enjoying it! It was thinking about changing my avi after Vegas because there are so many fantastic pics of Clay from that show. Since ya'll like it, though, I'll leave it alone for awhile!


    Of course if you REALLY want a new one, I'll be happy to take care of this one for you. :whistling-1:

    OK, that took care of my decision! I'm definitely keeping my avi for a good, long time! :cryingwlaughter:

    Nothin' against you, pkmiller, but it would just be too weird to see someone else with that avi. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    And here it is a bit larger size, just so we can all enjoy it a bit more:


    keepingfaith, thanks for posting those AI2 pics! He was sooooo adorable. Even with Carmen, who is a cutie.

  16. *grumble grumble*

    What are you two doing, lucky & toots? Trying to be good, and maybe even an inspiration?? Hmmmpphhh! My life has been crazy busy the last few weeks, and I haven't been able to go to the gym once! That's a long time for me. But now I've gotten lazy and it's hard to get myself to go back. *whines* But I suppose since the two of you are working on getting in shape, I should, too. Hubby and I promised each other that we'd go to the gym tonight, so we're going to get back on the old bandwagon, too. I do have a pretty new pink Vegas tank top to wear to the gym, and new Vegas clack on my treo, so that will help!

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