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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Well, I sent off my little story to Clay. Nothing funny or sad or heartbreaking, just a memory. I felt compelled to send it to the Red Bank concert since it takes place in Middletown, where we used to live, just across the crick from Red Bank.

    Good luck! I think it would be cool if several FCA people were chosen to read their memories.

    I have been told on more than one occasion that I force my opinions on people...kind of suprised me...I do have strong opinions on things and tact is not always my friend, but I don't think I have ever come across as "its my way or the highway"; I hope if I ever do, you all will tell me.

    There always seems to be two responses to anything that happens in Clayland, the emotional one with hair pulling and breast-beating and the logical one...being a Virgo, I always go for the common sense approach...beats the heck out of conspiracy theories and painting Clay as the perpetual victim. Annoys me to no end when some fans treat Clay like he is still that 10 year-old boy on the playground being picked on by the bullies.


    I've posted on the same boards with you for quite some time, Aikim, and I've never thought that you've forced your opinion on people! And I'm a Pisces, but I absolutely agree with you about using the logical, common sense approach. I don't need to add angst to my life, and Clay certainly doesn't need anymore, either, so what's the point of getting all upset about stuff that we can't change, anyway?

    eta: Perched at the top of the page like this means I can swoop down and bite at will... bat.gif

    BWAH! I love your avi, bottle! Reminds me of the pictures I took after Gibby Jr. was in Dracula. I took a picture of Dracula pretending to bite Gibby Jrs' neck, then had them switch places. The second picture is really funny! The pictures will be a wonderful memory for the kids in the coming years.

    :surrender: :icon_smile_lastweek: :Ahh: :dumb_people: :chair:

    Muski, I'm sorry it's so stressful for you now. You deserve a vacation after this conference is over! :thbighug-1:

    Our fires are almost out... we're racing the clock since more winds are predicted this weekend. Cross your fingers for no new fires... we've had enough!

    I've got my fingers and toes crossed! :praying:

    Did you miss me? Ok DH went out of town again and I finally go to watch the Sedaka thing in full glory with good speakers! Well watch is not the right thing to say more like cannot get my eyes off of it! The guy is gorgeous, phenominal, fabulous, stunning, talented and any other superlative you can think of!!!

    But I am tellling you now...those cheekbones are mine!!!!!!!! OMG they're back and they are to die for. I am in lust with those cheekbones.

    Clay's performance is amazing! So glad you got to finally hear it with good speakers.

    evil RCA talk

    Everybody now... :whistling-1:

    This is the song that never ends.

    It goes on and on my friends.

    Someone started singing it not knowing what it was,

    and they'll continue singing it forever just because,


    eta...you can thank me for the earworm later. Hee.

    NO, NO, NO!!!! I do not want to hear that song over and over and over and over in my head. *runs off to play Solitaire to purge that awful, never ending earworm song*

    Hey gang! Hubby and I are back home, and it's been a long few days. My MIL is still holding her own, but it really is just a matter of time -- which means that we could be dropping everything again in 12 hours, 2 days, a week, or two weeks. We really don't know. Both my husband and I though are incredibly glad we went when we did this past weekend. We could tell that she recognized us, and that's all we really needed. Well, we also needed to say some things, something you never want to say to anyone....but you just gotta do. So anyway, we're still on pins and needles at this point. Thank you all for being so supportive.

    I'm glad Gibby Jr did well with her play, and belated birthday greetings to cindilu2! Thank you CG for the Solitaire montage too -- what a great way to relive those moments. I may have to load that to my iPod.

    I'm sorry about your mother-in-law. I hope that she doesn't have to suffer much, and that her passing will be peaceful. And thanks for mentioning Gibby Jrs performance!

    I've been playing my fingers off this week on the piano! I just came from a concert at my daughter's high school, where I played for four choirs. The two beginning choirs are okay, but the two advanced choirs are excellent. The director chooses really difficult music for the advanced choirs, and they do an amazing job with the literature. Of course, the piano parts are difficult, too! It's a thrilling experience to be on stage with excellent, expressive choirs. There's an amazing wall of sound that surrounds you and transports you elsewhere. That's how I often feel when I listen to Clay!

    Tomorrow I'm helping a student record for a college audition. He's playing a tuba concerto, so the piano part is substantial. Then, I'll be playing for six choirs at a choir contest at a college on Thursday and Friday. I'll be sooooo ready for a little vacation in Vegas!

  2. Lucky - thanks for volunteering to wear your DCAT shirt - that should be a good way to find each other! I suggest that we meet about 15 minutes before the preparty, just outside the entrance to where the party is taking place. That way we will have a chance to find each other before we go in.

    I'll be arriving Monday, and staying until Wednesday. Could some of us meet Tuesday for breakfast? If anyone is interested, please PM me. I'll be staying at the Orleans, and we could eat there, or go somewhere else. The Orleans does have several restaurants, including the Courtyard Cafe, which serves breakfast.

  3. Speaking of funny - has everyone here read Jemock's last few blogs? The most recent blog is a funny set of templates for those who are having problems writing up a Christmas memory. But the really hilarious on is right before that. It's a 'Guide to Putting on Spamalot Tights,' and if it doesn't make you laugh, you need to stop sucking lemons!

    Jemock's Blog

  4. 8 days off didn't help. They need to do something about that.

    Thanks for the condolences. You're right, the time off wasn't good. But that wasn't the only problem - they were simply outplayed. They had a fantastic season up to the series, but dropped the ball (no pun intended :P ) as soon as the series started.

    Ah well, now we can look forward to AYSTAFG!

  5. Ah, yes. Smutting at EAYOR. Fun times, indeed.

    I got a huge laugh out of the boobgate picture. I went over to a few of the boards where the picture was being dissected, pixel by pixel, just to see what was going on. I exited out so fast my head was spinning. I still have that picture on photobucket, and was about to post it again here, but thought the better of it.

    I had a computer scare just now! I was watching the clip of AYSTAFG from the official site, and the screen suddenly went blank. I then got a message that windows had to restart due to a fatal error. The computer restarted, and I got my desktop back, only to find that I couldn't get on the internet! I had to go in and repair a network driver. Whew, I was starting to go through withdrawal, and it wouldn't have been pretty! But I'm back now.

  6. ETA: Well, looks like we'll be seeing Clay on 5th Grader this week! Congrats to the Red Sox. Condolences Gibby on your Rockies (now you know how we Phillies fans feel - a lot!).

    Thanks, CG and Couchie. Sniff. I guess I should be glad they got as far as they did, but it's still sad. I do have AYSTAFG and Vegas to look forward to, though, so it's not all bad!

    Play, that's a hilarious birthday greeting!!

  7. I just looked a little further at the Vegas planning thread at the CB, and found this, written by 03jersey:

    Earlier on, we decided that we would all try to wear some form of the color red, or possibly green, if red wasn't available. That was one way of standing out as a group for Clay to recognize us, without drawing too much attention. For sure, he will know we're there!
  8. Here's some info about the party, posted a couple days ago by LVClayCDparty:

    We have more details about the party, as promised!!!! We are planning on having approximately 30 items for the raffle, most being baskets of various Clay-related goodies donated by various fans. So bring your wallets, break open your piggy banks & donate some of your Clay funds to the BAF!! Raffle tickets will be 2 for $1, and we have PLENTY of rolls of raffle tickets to purchase!! We will also have a Change for Change collection box for any loose change you might have been saving up!

    Some items in the raffle include:

    2008 Clay calendar

    red fuzzy Clay blanket

    All Is Well CD

    various tour programs

    various magazines, including Rolling Stone

    SPAMalot tote bag, lap board & keychains

    BAF hockey jersey

    various Burberry-like plaid items

    hand-painted Clay greeting cards

    Clay photo w/ laser-printed autograph

    Scruffy DVD's

    Clay photo bracelet

    Clay shoelaces, lanyard & magnet

    BAF coaster & keychain

    Clay photo pendant & earrings

    2004 Clay Christmas ornament

    dinner & show for 2 at the Orleans Hotel

    Silent auction items:

    Clay portrait

    3 piece set of Burberry-type luggage

    framed Linda Huber print

    needlepoint portrait of Clay (from AI5 IIRC)

    Look What Love Has Done demo CD

    framed 45" record collage

    (2) 28" x 44" foam backed poster for Holiday on Ice w/ Clay's picture (of course)

    handmade "Clay Visits Las Vegas" photo quilt

    professionally printed coffee-table-type 13" x 11"photobook from the SRHP tour with leather cover

    Special Live Auction:

    Personally autographed Our Friend Mikayla book

    If I have forgotten anything, it may be because we haven't received it yet (or I can't read my handwriting on my list). These are mainly the items we have already received. In addition to the raffle/auction items, each party attendee will receive a special gift to remember the Holiday on Ice Preparty. Also available will be some additional Las Vegas party favors.

    We are looking forward to everyone coming to Las Vegas to PARTY with us!!! Have we started the countdown yet??? Is it almost 10 days til the Holiday on Ice show???

    Also, people from several boards are planning to wear red in support of Clay, so that he knows we are there for him. I'm not sure how he will know that the people in red are wearing it for him, but that's the plan. Just to let you know!

  9. GAH!!! SLC's video is to die for. The closeups are FANTASTIC. Yeah, people get in the way, but I don't blame them for being so excited that they had to stand up and cheer and scream. At least in the middle of the video you can see Clay's gorgeous face with nothing in the way! The cheekbones are more visible in this video. And I love watching his throat vibrating when he has sustained notes. That vibrato is pretty to listen and to watch!

  10. Anyone have any good home remedies for a vicious sinus headache?

    Aw, CG, I'm sorry you have a bad sinus headache. There are probably two things that will help: getting your sinsuses unplugged, and treating the pain. There a bunch of things you can try.

    To unplug your sinuses:

    *Get in a hot shower, and inhale the steam through your nose.

    *Use a nasal decongestant spray, take a decongestant, or both.

    *Irrigate your sinuses with saline. A saline nasal spray will help. Even more effective is to actually rinse out the sinuses with saline water. This is a good product that available at many drugstores: http://www.unimedprod.com/

    *Put some mentholatum or a similar product just under your nostrils.

    For the pain:

    *Take excedrin or a similar product. Some over-the-counter products have both a pain killer and a decongestant.

    *Sometimes sinus headaches make my neck and shoulders tense from the pain. If so, I use a warm pack of some kind on my neck and shoulders.

    *Sometimes putting products like aspercreme or mentholatum directly on the areas that are painful helps.

    Good luck! I've had a number of these awful headaches, so I know that it's no fun having them.

  11. What do you suppose is up with the shroud of secrecy surrounding the new producer? Probably anticipating the angst of the fandom and all of the potential e-mails, blogs and whatnot telling the secret producer what kind of songs Clay should sing, how Clay's voice should be recorded, on and on ad nauseum! Don't those fans understand that Clay is no doubt laughing at them?

    Thank you for the beautiful sunrise Cotton. Did you take that picture?

    Sorry for the loss Gibby. I thought they were going to pull it out but the Red Sox were just too good last night.

    Thanks for the condolences, Toots. At this rate, we will be seeing AYSTAFG on the date it's scheduled!

    I'm very glad that we don't know the producer yet. Hopefully a lot of the information about the album - producer, number of tracks, genre of music, collaborators, etc, will all be revealed close to the time the album is released. That way there's less time for angsting, which is inevitable about every single detail.

    Ansa, I so agree with your post! Especially this part:

    I think its very difficult for some fans to look at Clay as a strong, savvy, sophisticated, smart and independent person. Some fans simply like their view of Clay as the naive new comer that needs guidance and mentoring. It gives their constant meddling justification. So they will constantly see all kinds of enemies and plots against their hero...they will need the ever constant villain...RCA to fight for Clay. They will constantly lament at how evil and mean the media is to him even when, relatively speaking...he does get a mix of bad and good press the way it happens for any celebrity.
  12. Click for a Good Morning Greeting!

    th_IMG_0486.jpg(taken 10/11/06)


    Beautiful picture! I have lots of nature scene pics taken in the Colorado mountains, but somehow I don't ever get sunrises. Probably because I'm not a morning person! Heeeee.

    Good Morning Everyone,

    4 Days until Clay is on AYSTAFG!

    9 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

    29 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

    55 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

    58 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

    71 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

    82 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

    Everyone have a great day!


    Nine days till Vegas! Woooooot!!!! I'm so excited. I even got out my suitcase, and have started throwing a few things in.

  13. Gibby, hope your Rockies win tonight :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Thanks for thinking of me, Toots! They aren't doing so well, though. I'm thrilled that they got this far in the series, but I'm not sure we're going to see another win this year. :cry4:

    Never leave a workman in your house - mine took my 18 dollar a sheet backflash and installed it incorrectrly poking holes isn it - I would think that it wasa bas idea and looked like a piece of crap if he had not instlalled it correctly in 2 places and it looks wonderful there. He is an ass to think I would not demand he take it all down and the cabinets installed over them and doi it again. Oh yeah, he also did not bother installing the end pieces so I have raggedy edges on all walls. Ass. I am not leaving my house again until this is done. even if I am late to vegas. I am so pissed and it is coming out of his money.

    You tell 'em, play! I totally agree that you shouldn't have to accept shoddy work.

  14. GAH!!!!! WOW!!!!!! It was fantastic. One of the best

    laughn, are you saying that there's a rumor going around that Jamie did more than Clay's hair?

    NO!! Please God, don't let me be the start of that one now!...LOL I just meant that there have been for some time people who like to 'ship' Jamie and Clay, forget the cousin thing. I just meant I was glad to see Jamie just mentioned in connection with doing his hair and nothing more this time.

    Personally, the cousin thing doesn't bother me...I just think he's shipped with everyone and anyone he spends time with.

    Whew! Good! I was worried that there were rumors going around without basis Course, what else is new?

  15. Report by raleighlady at CV:

    Just back in the hotel from the Neil Sedaka tribute and reception. What a wonderful show! We thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Clay was brilliant, just wonderful. Perfect voice, perfect hair, perfect suit, he was gorgeous. He received screams and a standing O. Just as soon he finished, the band members turned to each other and mouthed "wow". And it's amazing how much David Foster likes Clay.

    Clay didn't come out at the end but neither did Natalie Cole or Dion. We heard he had had strep throat. I knew then that he wouldn't be at the reception. He would have needed medication to attend that thing. Heck, *I* needed medication. I don't like crowds where the people are not in their own individual space, like a seat. It was crowded and hot and personally I'm glad he didn't go. The only celebrities we saw at the reception were Connie Frances who was leaving just as we arrived, Neil, Renee Olmstead, and Toni Tenneille. Oh and Ivanka Trump was there and at the show and Katherine McPhee was at the show but not the reception.

    All the artists were great, except for the jazz trio who I thought was horrible. Connie Frances sounded great but she looked scary - bad bad plastic surgery. Hideous.

    Great evening and it does my heart good to know that Clay was invited to perform. It really was quite an honor for him to be included. I'm extremely proud to be a Clay Aiken fan.

  16. Um, Couchie, those aren't penises, honey. They don't look quite like that. That's candy corn. Okay, they may look like they have condoms on, but still, they aren't shaped like penises at all. You've seen a penis before, haven't you???? :cryingwlaughter:

    Bwah..of course not, I'm a virgin.

    All I remember is cracking up because someone else called them that..somebody who I know isn't a virgin like me. :cryingwlaughter:

    Well, then, I'm glad I clarified that for you. I wouldn't want you thinking that dancing candy corn looks like a penis. If you ever decide to give up your virginity, I wouldn't want you getting embarrassed by telling some guy that his penis looks like candy corn. :lmaosmiley-1:

    Okay, they may look like they have condoms on

    Heh....I KNEW Gibby and I spoke the same language B)

    And big congrats to Gibby Jr.! I know how wonderful it is to sit in an audience and watch your daughter shine and just....BE. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Is that how Faye feels when watching Clay? :lilredani:

    Aw, thanks, Muski. My daughter did so well, and looked gorgeous on stage, besides. I'm so proud. I know your daughter like to act, too! It's a great outlet for our kids.

    Halfway mark for the week...as I mentioned earlier two FCAers made Solitaire themed banners and so we will divide the week in half. FIrst half went to merieee...now its cha cha trusty's turn.

    new banner is by cha cha trusty...

    Both banners are beautimous! I like the full-length picture of Clay on the stage in chacha's banner!

  17. What a fantastic night! YAY for Clay hitting that glory note out of the ballpark, getting screams and a standing O, and for winning over new fans! And YAY for Scarlett getting clack. I LURVE her!! And I can't wait to hear clear audio, even if the video's a bit shaky.

    I missed all of the excitement 'cuz I was at the opening night of Dracula. Gibby Jr. and her friends did a fantastic job! It was supenseful, funny, and hearwarming, all in the same play. The costumes, acting and sets were all excellent. I'm going again tomorrow night, with my camera. I'm going to try taking some pictures during the play, with no flash. I probably won't do half as well as our clack goddesses, but I'm going to try!

    I find it hilarious that I have a 7500 square foot brand new house that doesn't have guaranteed basic services. I'm trying to make it as self-sufficient as possible.

    Thanks so much for checking in, Karen! Your house sounds lovely. Too bad about the lack of basic services! But you seem to be a very resourceful person, so I'm sure you'll figure out how to make it work!

    I'm so glad I walked in to Clay totally kicking ass...

    I hate Dr. A-whatever the fuck else his name is...

    H-A-T-E. Total, complete and absolute.

    I think Dr. Snow has ruined me for any other dentist.

    Dr. A-whatever the fuck says I need ANOTHER root canal. I am not going back to him. My head can rot off first.

    I need me some clack.

    Already got the Vicodan.


    I knew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    But, but, but, sob....I missed it.....

    I fell asleep on the couch for a tiny minute hour, threw something in the oven for supper, put some rice on to boil, and dashed for the computer, and couldn't get the cellstream connection to work. :cry4:


    Ten minutes later, after I read

    The *&%#X smoke detector goes off in the kitchen.

    BWAH, zena! I've burned rice before. Took quite a bit of work to clean up the pan, but it looks fine now. I soaked it first in some dishwashing soap, which seemed to help. That, and lots of elbow grease! Hey, you're going to be a body guard soon!

    Checking in from a hotel with wireless in Madison, Wisconsin -- our stopping point for the night. And I'm listening to the download right now....*sigh*



    The perfect ending to a craptastic week in my often craptastic life!!!



    Thank god for clack!!!!


    and the dancing penises are back :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    Um, Couchie, those aren't penises, honey. They don't look quite like that. That's candy corn. Okay, they may look like they have condoms on, but still, they aren't shaped like penises at all. You've seen a penis before, haven't you???? :cryingwlaughter:

  18. Break a Leg, GibbyJr!

    Thank you, Cotton! I'll let you know how it goes. The kids are all really excited about the show.

    I was reminiscing over at CV about seeing him at the AI3 taping where he returned to sing a shortened version of his Solitaire single. A friend of mine got tickets and invited me to go. My fellow fans and I held our breath and grabbed each other the whole time he was singing. He came in looking every inch the star.

    I noted that the TV studio where the show is taped is "mic'd" for the TV feed, and the sound is really muffled and hard to hear in the studio. It was the final 12 results night show, and their group song sounded soft and flat. That's why it was so stunning when Clay started to sing. His voice was so powerful it absolutely filled the entire studio. Unbelievable. You could feel his voice reverberating in every cell of your body. We let our breath out at the end and just hugged each other with tears in our eyes. I'll be forever grateful that I got to experience that in person.

    I also went to the Leno taping in Las Vegas. The one where he was wearing his glasses and wore that quirky outfit. Because the stage is small, they had to completely clear it of the desk and couch at the last commercial break to make room for the band and for Clay. Jay and the guests stood over at the far edge of the stage while he sang.

    There were plenty of fans there, but lots of regular folks and high rollers taking in a Leno taping. Clay sang and absolutely blew everyone completely away. He got a standing ovation, which was still going on as the credits rolled. We got to watch Jay and the guests and staffers come up and just shake their heads and just gush all over him. It was that remarkable. What a special moment.

    Wow, you're giving me goosebumps, just from reading the description! What fantastic memories for you. I'm jellus. :)

    weeps again for Sedaka...

    And yes, my appointment is 26 minutes from now...

    And no, I haven't left yet.

    I'm sorta trying not to hyperventilate....

    I feel so stupid to be so afraid...

    But I really am going...

    Please come back and let us know how it went! What does your dentist do to help you out when you get there? It sounds like he's a pretty amazing dentist.



    GO CLAY!!!!!

    GAH, what a gorgeous picture of a gorgeous man!! Thanks so much for posting it.

    Muski, I hope you're able to relax some this weekend and recharge your energy! Sounds like your job is going to be pretty demanding for a couple of weeks.

  19. (((permaswooned)))) wishing for the best for you and your family.

    (((ldyJ))) hope the weekend goes well...

    (((Kandre))) goodluck

    Yes to all of the above!!

    keepingfaith - I'm so happy that you submitted your story!!

    I hope that those attending the Sedaka tribute have a wonderful time! I'm so looking forward to recaps.

    Whew, I'm tired. I've worked every day this week, and have been rehearsing with choirs either before or after work every day. Today I'm rehearsing with choirs most of the day.

    And then tonight I'll attend opening night of my daughter's play. They are doing Dracula, and she's Dracula's love interest. The guy who plays Dracula has a fantastic, low voice, perfect for his part. My daughter is involved in a love triangle in the play, between Dracula and her fiance (who happens to be her boyfriend in real life). The drama department at my daughters school is quite good, so I'm looking forward to the play!

  20. Thanks for the sympathy, Toots! The Rockies were awful last night. They're doing a little better tonight, but it's only the 6th inning right now, so who knows what will happen by the end of the game.

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