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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Hey, peeps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Reiki and I each made it home after our long drive home from Wichita. Whew! But it was worth EVERY second. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I've never been unspoilered for a concert - I'm one who CAN'T WAIT for surprises of any sort! Heee. Anyway, I was obviously unspoilered for Wichita 'cuz it was the first concert. And it was a fantastic experience to sit there and hear the lush, gorgeous music and see our amazingly talented and gorgeous boyfriend only a little ways away! Not knowing what was coming next made it even more special.

    I'm soooo tired now, after staying up with Bookwhore and JaMar last night. It was great to meet kindred Clay fans, especially ones who are soooo sassy and funny! After they left, I stayed up for awhile to upload a little bit of clack. If anyone's interested, I'm uploading MGUCL and DSIAFCD to the vault now; hopefully they will be downloadable sometime tomorrow.

    And now there's talk of merchandise? Do we know what color(s) the hat and scarf are? I'd love to know!

  2. Scarlett, you're very sweet! I have another clip uploading right now.

    Hey, since you're such a clack goddess, maybe you can tell me if there's an editing program that will take out some of the orange cast in some of my clips. They aren't all orange, but some are verrrrry orangish. Any suggestions?

  3. Hey, my FCA peeps! Sounds like ya'll are enjoying the audio from deborah. It's gorgeous, isn't it? Clay was wonderful tonight. The concert definitely had a more formal feel to it, and the VOX was front and center. I loved it.

    I'm too tired to give a detailed recap. Jamar and Bookwhore came to our room to check out the little bit of clack I got. Heee, we saw Perma's post about Clay's blog and they came FLYING across the room and yelled at me for not pulling it up on the screen fast enough!! We loved the blog. Almost as much as we loved the concert!

    I do have a little bit of clack for you. Unfortunately I'm just learning to use a new, fairly inexpensive video camera, so the clack isn't great. Apparently SLC got video, so I won't post much of mine, 'cuz I'm sure hers is much better! Anyway, here's part of the Jingle Bells medley:

    Partial Jingle Bells Medley (mpeg)

    ETA: I converted the mpeg to a wmv so it's smaller file and doesn't take as long to download:

    Partial Jingle Bells Medley (wmv)

  4. Ok, I'm looking forward to meeting you too. Look for me. I'm a very short, rotund male with body tattoos, pierced nose, and blonde hair. Oh, and I'm Asian. I should be easy to spot. :whistling-1:

    I'm so excited. JaMar is coming over this afternoon and we'll leave for Wichita in the morning. I hate the thought of the drive, but can't wait to see my bf. :wub:

    Gibby I'd love to meet up with you after the concert. Preferably in a bar. :cryingwlaughter:

    BWAH, BW!! The only problem with this plan is that I'll have to explain to my hubby why I'm meeting with a short, rotund Asian male with tattoos and piercings in a bar. Hubby just might take exception to that.


    Oh, and by the way, there's nothing wrong with a tattoo. I have one, and it isn't all that small, although it's where no one can really see it unless I show it to them.

    ETA: Aw, thanks, Liney, for describing me in such a nice way! :lilredani: I'll have my laptop along, and I'll report back, as long as I'm not too thudded out from seeing Mr. Aiken!!

  5. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hello, FCA! I've been MIA for about a week or more I think. Real life is kicking my butt right now. I was going to try to catch up, but when I looked down and saw that the new thread already has 15 freakin' pages I knew I wouldn't have time.

    Hey did y'all know that Clay is going to be singing purty Christmas songs to MEEEEEEEE!!!! in 48 hours!! ???



    If y'all are listening on the cellstream or something and hear a thunder bolt, and a crack of lighting followed by the sounds of the church falling down, you'll know the Big Guy upstaris doesn't like it when his chirrun lust in church.

    I'm skeered.

    Heeee! Glad you posted, BW. Now, I seem to remember a conversation we had awhile back that when I meet you in Wichita, I'm supposed to yell out your screenname really loud. Even if it's in the middle of the crowded lobby, or in the church santuary itself. 'Cuz I'll be sooo overcome with joy when I meet you!


    Speaking of meeting fellow FCAers - how many are going to the preparty? I won't be able to go, because Reiki4Clay and I are driving from Colorado, and we'll get there just a little while before the concert. I'd love to get together with a few people afterwards to discuss the concert! Who else would like to join in? I'll have my laptop along, so we can post here afterwards if we go somewhere that has wifi, or from the hotel where I'm staying.

  6. Yes, Mr. Aiken, you can buy me a drink anytime!!!

    I can't believe the m&g emails haven't gone out yet. I hope someone is working at Clique this weekend! Otherwise I hope everyone headed for Wichita has internet access somewhere along the way.......


    I wonder if Clay even realizes that the emails for the meet & greets haven't gone out yet, since he's so focused on the fan stories. I can check my email from my treo while I'm in route to Wichita on Monday, although it's probably unlikely that I'll win.

    I'm soooo excited for the concert! YAY, only two days!

    I really enjoyed your story, Diva!

  7. Sorry I haven't been around more - thanks so much for the good thoughts when I lost my dad a few weeks back - don't know what I'd do without my Clay friends helping to hold me up when I needed them - I appreciate each and every one of you!

    Will see some of you in Wichita - and a few more in Omaha! Let the Celebration in the true Heartland begin! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    So sorry about your Dad, Puddins. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm so looking forward to the Wichita concert! Hopefully I'll get to meet you.

  8. JJ, did you ever find the MDYK fingersnap version? I have it on my computer at work but won't be back there until Wednesday of next week. Let me know and I can send it to you. Someone made a utube montage using it. I love the snap version.

    Yes! I did find it. Thanks so much. It was in the CV vault.

    I like that version so much.

    Cool, thanks for letting us know it's in the vault! Here's the link, for those who have access to the CV vault:

    NBC Sounds of the Season MDYK

  9. That was me talking about the chocolate pecan pie, Scarlett. Yes, it was evil to talk about it. And it was maybe even foolish for me to buy it in the first place, 'cuz most everybody here is eating the pumpkin pie instead. Which means I have this whole pie to myself, and it's been calling my name. All day yesterday, and all day today. And yes, I've eaten several pieces. :naughtywag: But oh, my, is it goooooood!

    I'm having fun puting a Clay!Live! Christmas CD together. I converted Spot's Holiday on Ice videos to WAV files. The mp3s were available for download, but I think the WAV files sound better. I clipped off some of the extraneous noise and call-outs from the beginning and ending of the clips, to make it more pleasant for listening. I'm a stickler for audio quality, and I just discovered mimefans' audio from JnaT 2006 Jacksonville. She does such a great job with audio, so I'm going to include some of her files, too! One of these days I just might have my CD ready!

  10. You're a brave woman, Clayzor! But I'm impressed with the great bargains you got. Good for you!

    Hubby and I went to Best Buy on Black Friday a couple of years ago. We went there at 3:00 AM, and were 20th in line to wait until the store opened at 5:00 AM. It was like a party out there! We had fun, and bought a bunch of electronics for bargain basement prices. It was fun to do it once, but we aren't eager to do it again! I'm still using the laptop I got for a super-duper low price that year.

  11. OK, come on Clay, lets get those emails flowing! Gotta give people at least a couple of days notice about story readings and M&Gs and stuff, ya know?

    YES!!! I've been checking my emails, oh, once or twice a day, to see if I won a M&G. Well, maybe a little more often than that. :) I probably won't win, but it sure would be nice if I did. And I'm going to Wichita, which is only a few days away!

    I can't believe it's only days until the first concert...and I'LL BE THERE!!!!!!!! :XmasRed:

    I'll be there, too!!! I've never been to a first concert. It will be great fun!!

    I finished most of my Christmas shopping this morning, in the easiest way possible - online. The internet is a wonderful thing! I emailed everyone last week to find out what they all wanted for Christmas, and ordered most of it this morning. I'm having the presents gift wrapped and sent directly to the lucky recipients, which makes it super easy for me, since we have a ton of relatives that live out of state. Now I need to put together my annual calendar of pictures of my kids for the grandparents and great-grandparents. It's their favorite Christmas present!

    Have a great trip, Muski! We'll be visiting a couple universities with DD #1 very soon.

  12. I think I'll make a pasta and bean soup to go with my tofurkey sandwich. It has ditalini and zucchini and cannellini beans and tomatoes (I use fire-roasted because I love the favor) and spices and stuff like that. Normally that and a salad would be dinner, but since this is Thanksgiving, I'll have a tofurkey sandwich to go with it.

    Aren't you all jealous?

    The sad thing is, I have nothing for dessert!

    Ooooh, pasta and bean soup! Sounds delicious. Seriously. One of my favorite soups is lentil soup. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA: Mmmmmm, we just had our lovely turkey meal. It was so relaxed and enjoyable! I love my Mom to pieces, but she's all uptight when we have a meal at her house, 'cuz she wants it to be perfect. Today we ate at home instead of at Mom's house, just took our time and had a lovely meal together.

    I'm working on my Clay! Live! Christmas CD now. I've fallen in love with JNT '05 Clearwater Mimefan WAV files. The audio is sooooooooooo good! I might make a CD with just those files! I'm certainly going to add them to my ipod.

    But I want to make another CD with my favs from other concerts, too. I'd like to include some of the songs from the Capital One Holiday on Ice. Has anybody here listened to the audio from the different clack gatherers? I'm wondering which one has the best audio. I like Spots audio, of course, but I don't know if anybody else's files are better quality.

  13. gibby, We'll be bitching over in the he diet/exercise thread on Monday while lucky will probably have lost 2 lbs. Chocolate pecan pie...nmmmmm that sounds dreamy and fattening.

    I see my reputation precedes me. ::Hides pumpkin pie under desk:: Yep, that's right, I'll be eating sooooo low-cal tonight.....what? At least I had to walk to get it. :cryingwlaughter: I TOLD you you American Thanksgiving celebrators were making me hungry!

    I'm not thinking about diet or exercise at all today. I figure I deserve to eat whatever I want once in awhile, ya know? And since I'm usually pretty careful about what I eat, and exercise pretty regularly, I really don't think I'll gain weight from one day of having a good time. So, maybe I should go eat another piece of chocolate pecan pie. Heeeee! :cryingwlaughter:

    Muski, your Thanksgiving meal sounds a lot like mine! Except we're having green bean casserole instead of succotash, and we're having sweet potato fries instead of mashed potatoes. Those fries are really yummy, and they're sooooo easy to make! I also put a wonderful cranberry-apple hot drink in my crock pot this morning. I use cranberry and apple juice, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves (in a tea ball, so I can get them out later) and brown sugar. YUMMMM! I make a large quantity, so that everyone can enjoy several cups throughout the day.

  14. Yeah, this sentence, as well as him using the word "signature", really popped out at me too. I really get so sick of people wanting him to define his musical direction. Why does he have to? What's the rush?

    Because they would like him to confirm that his "direction" is the same one they've not so subtly been pointing out to him all this time? And if he's even a tad off then it'll be a chance for them to change his course to the one true way to that rocketship/stardom/fame they've always wanted (no matter the cost to his life) so they could affirm the staggering amount of time/effort/angst they've been pouring into his every career move all these years and smugly say "I-told-you-so" to all the "tasteless" morons (critics/djs/family members/acquaintances) who ever dissed them for their choice of idol or the "even bigger tasteless morons" who accepted and appreciated Clay's recent music that didn't past their muster for star quality.

    :word::word: :word:

    I love being at FCA, where we can speak our minds!

    Guess what I found at the grocery store last night? A chocolate pecan pie!! Since I'm doing my Thanksgiving dinner at the last minute (due to DD #1's illness), I decided to make things easy on myself and buy pies. That chocolate pecan pie flung itself REALLY fast into my cart, all by itself! And somehow the chief cook got really hungry while fixing dinner, and had to have a piece of the pie to keep up her strength for all that cooking. It was DELISH. Heeeeee! Think anybody will notice that there's a little, itsy bitsy piece already taken out of the pie? I didn't touch the pumpkin pie, honest! It's just chocolate that I can't resist. Oh, and Clay, too! But he's not at my dinner table, unfortunately.


    We had planned to go to my Mom's house today, about 60 miles away, and do a potluck turkey dinner there. But DD #1 put a crimp in the plans by spiking a fever the last couple of days. My Mom has had a slew of health problems this year, and I can't risk taking DD #1 with her germs to my Mom's house today. So, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving here at home instead. I went to the grocery store last night and bought all of the ingredients for a full turkey meal. The turkey is defrosting right now in the microwave. Not the best way to defrost a turkey, but it will have to do under the circumstances. I'm actually looking forward to having a nice meal here with hubby, DD #1 and DD #2. It won't be quite as hectic as getting together with the entire extended family!

    Kareneh, I enjoyed your Celine story! Please tell us how your daughter reacts to that fantastic Christmas present!

    I'm thrilled that Clay is happy with the direction of his CD, whatever that direction may be. I, too, honed right in on 'signature songs.' It made me so happy to read those words, because it means that Clay is excited about the material for his CD! My only problem is waiting to hear them. I've never been good at waiting - I want to hear them NOW!!! Heeeeee. But we do have a new tour coming up in a few days - YAY!!!! And I'll be at the first concert. It will be my only concert this tour, so I'm gonna enjoy it!

  16. From Aron at TBAF via CH:

    We are tentatively planning our 2008 Champions of Change Gala for New York, NY in mid to late spring. We are hoping to plan an event where people who want to can come to New York to participate in our gala and to see Clay Aiken in the Broadway production of “Spam-a-lot.”

    Ooooh! Gibby! Do you think it might be while we're already in New York to see him? Does that mean we can see him more than once? :DoClay:

    Muski, it would be waaaay cool if this would be in March, when we're going to be in NY!! I hope they announce the date soon. And it's way cool that you get the week of Christmas off!

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