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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Not to be a post hooch, but I saw these pics and just had to share them.

    I love the lip bite and the sultry eyes:


    OMG!! I LOVE thsi picture!!! I want to marry this picture!!! And I want it for my avatar but can't make one here at work so anyone else with that idea - HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!!!

    Here ya go, CG! Everyone else, back off! Heeee. Hopefully it's not too small - this is how photobucket resizes it for an avatar:


  2. I agree that it's a difficult time of year to lose weight. My goal is to maintain over the holidays, so that I don't have more weight to lose once January rolls around.

    Good for you, lucky, for checking out a gym! I found that I started liking exercise more after I did it on a regular basis, 'cuz I realized that it made me look and feel better. Of course, having Clay vids and tunes along REALLY motivates me to keep going when I'm tired.

  3. :cry4: :cry4: :cry4:

    I got my hopes up too soon....thanks to our lovely administration who obviously think people try to slip out early the day before a vacation!!!!

    Ummmm, yeah....well, except for me, of course. :lilredani:

    I'm so sorry Gibby, you have no idea.

    It's okay, JJ. I'm just sorry for you that you won't be able to go. :hugs-1:

    Mornin'! Early bird gets the worm...

    heh. :whistling-1:

    So, is that code? Yup, I'm quite sure it is. Heeeee.

    YEA!!! Today is my first Christmas concert! We have to travel from Syracuse to WB, PA and the weather here sucks- they closed all the schools this morning, but we're USED to this weather, being the snow capital of the world. Can't wait to get on the road!

    Safe travels, and have a fantastic time at the concert! The M&G story was cute.

    chacha, I followed your you tube link and was able to watch the entire sampler. I enjoyed it a great deal! Thank you!

    I, too, think that Clay understands that the holidays are a difficult time for people. I think he acknoweldged that by choosing stories that show how people coped with those difficulties. Although many of the stories are about loss or sadness of one type or another, my impression is that most of them end on a note of hope. And I'm so glad that he's included a funny story or two, to balance it out! It will be interesting to read all of the stories together once the tour is over. I'm glad they're being gathered at the CH.

    I got to meet Thankful in Vegas, and she's a sweetheart!



  4. I'm starting a companion to my Favorite Clay Syllables collection - Clay's ooooo's. There were so many great oooooo's last night. I wish they'd find their way inot his recordings.

    Oh, yes, this show has so many lovely oooooo's. The 'oooooo' vowel naturally leads to really good vocal placement and resonance, and Clay takes full advantage of it. I've been listening to clack through my really good noise isolating ear buds, and those oooooo's make me tingle all over!

  5. chacha, I'm excited that your videos are making the rounds! YAY!! It's exciting.

    Looks like I'm going to Omaha!! :yess: But unfortunately, JJ can't go. :cry4: Something came up for her at work that afternoon. I would have loved to meet you and share a concert experience, JJ! Maybe another time. *HUGS* Anyway, hubby (half seriously) offered to go with me, to protect me from the evil demons in the dark on the road between here and Omaha. He's such a gallant knight! But he's also concerned about leaving our daughters alone for a night. We did that the first time a couple of months ago to celebrate his birthday, but we were only 30 minutes away. Anyway, I think they'll be fine, and I'm on a mission to make his half serious offer a full-fledged committment. Hmmmm, any suggestions from the peanut gallery?

    :17f71c4d: :naughtywag:

    I'll be sitting in the loge, which I think is cool! I'll be in Row G, which ain't too bad. I've always wanted to sit in the loge in a beautiful theatre like the Orpheum, so I'm pleased. Might be a few clack-taking opportunities, too!

    I'm excited to see this sexy singer man again -




  6. Anyhoo...all the while I was watching Clay holding himself back from jumping off that little square platform during DSIAFCD, I was thinking...."Hmmm....I have to go to Portland before the holidays for work....wonder how much airfare is between there and Merrilville...." :whistling-1:

    Heeee, looks like I'm not the only one trying to fit in another concert! Just can't get enough of our fantastic singer man.

  7. Those are some cute chest stories! It's a lot more fun to talk about boobs than exercise, isn't it? :cryingwlaughter: I'm not extremely well-endowed, but that can have it's advantages. Now that I'm almost 50, I'm not 'heading south.' Heee!

    I finally got myself to go the gym tonight. Between all of the cellcerts, clack, and general busy-ness, I haven't been to the gym in a week. But I went tonight, and did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of weights. Yay! Boyfriend kept me going. I was watching CITH clack while I was on the elliptical, and listened to a variety of Clay music while I was doing weights. It sure does help the time to go faster!

  8. Liney - It's an 8 hour drive. It's a good idea to leave after the concert and drive a few hours! JJ suggested it, too. And it looks like I probably can get my rehearsal changed to a later time, so it's looking like I'm going to Omaha!

    I read the spilled secret, and I jellus of the M&Gers. Yeah, it was not real classy to spill the secret, but I guess we would find out in January, anyway.

    ETA: Mimefan got audio tonight in DC!! *happy dance* I love the quality of her recordings. And since both the orchestra and Clay were excellent tonight, it will be primo clack! She has to get her audio cleaned up, and will upload it by Christmas.

  9. Loved it. CG will give her own assessment. I really think his voice has developed incredibly and sounded so very, very beautiful throughout the whole concert. (Yes, Gibby, dear...go to another one. The first one doesn't even compare in vocal quality---at least from what I can hear from the audio clack.)..

    Yay, it was a great concert for Muski and CG!! Is CG upset about the glasses? From the pics, he looks pretty darn hawt, even with the glasses?

    Wow, I thought he sounded fantastic in Wichita - so if he's better, I might not survive if I get to go to Omaha!

    Excellent pics, chacha!

  10. Well, I'm not being sensible. At all. I REALLY, REALLY need to see this show again. And I have a lead on tickets to the Omaha show on the 21st - orchestra row C tickets, to be specific. The only problem is that I'm supposed to be at a huge rehearsal on the 22nd at 10:00 AM, for a performance on the 23rd. Yikes!! But maybe I can get them to change the rehearsal time to later that day. And, I need a partner in crime to go with me, preferably from the Denver area. Hopefully Reiki can get the time off. I don't know if it's really going to happen, but it sure would be fun. I could meet a few more FCAers, too, which would be great fun!

    I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.

    I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.

    I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.

    I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.

    I WILL!!! I WILLL!!!

    Do it, Gibby, Do it! Do it! You NEED to see this again.

    Gibby, are you flying or driving? If you are driving, would you happen to be coming through North Platte?

    Just sayin'... :lilredani:

    See??? If you don't do it, JJ won't get to see a show, and IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT!! You don't want to carry that guilt around for the rest of your life, do you?

    And those of us who've never met JJ would be soooooo disappointed. JaMar and I will be there, and Couchie. If you don't come, we may just have to talk about you. :cryingwlaughter:

    Brought to you by Bookwhore, Certified Enabling Instructor.

    Wow, you're quite the enabler, BW! You stop at nothing - you use guilt, social pressure, the threat of gossip - gee! I'd be really stoooopid not to go to this concert, wouldn't I? :cryingwlaughter:

    Reiki can't go because of work. :cry4: But I'm still trying to find a partner in crime, and I PM'd JJ about the details. We'll see!

  11. I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.

    I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.

    I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.

    I will not enable. I will not enable I will not enable. I will not enable. I will not enable.


    Jamar said:

    You know you won't regret it. You know you want to. You deserve it. You DO! Think of all the times you HAVE been sensible. Who knows when you'll get to see him in concert again? Who knows if there will even be a summer tour next year?

    Jamar - you're right, I've been sensible so many times! So maybe I won't be sensible this time. I just have to figure out how to get out of a few other obligations.

  12. I'm enjoying all of LNM/Scarlett's Kalamazoo clack. It's gorgeous! I just watched WTOW and O Holy Night, and I've got goosebumps!!

    And I'm the lucky one who gets to review the audio of the jazzy medley. Heee, ya'll are starting to do it for me! Thanks! :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  13. Well, I'm not being sensible. At all. I REALLY, REALLY need to see this show again. And I have a lead on tickets to the Omaha show on the 21st - orchestra row C tickets, to be specific. The only problem is that I'm supposed to be at a huge rehearsal on the 22nd at 10:00 AM, for a performance on the 23rd. Yikes!! But maybe I can get them to change the rehearsal time to later that day. And, I need a partner in crime to go with me, preferably from the Denver area. Hopefully Reiki can get the time off. I don't know if it's really going to happen, but it sure would be fun. I could meet a few more FCAers, too, which would be great fun!

  14. WAH. :cry4: Wish I could be there. I'm not leaving for DC until tomorrow morning (EARLY!!).

    Here I've been attempting to keep a stiff upper lip about NO CONCERTS AT ALL THIS TOUR NOT EVEN ONE and enjoy it vicariously through the messages and calls from my eHP sisters .... but to see that there are tears over missing the pre-party just pulled the plug for me. crying1.gif

    Man oh man, what a cold shot, jmhrimshot-1.gif

    There's a scarcity of videos so far, it seems. Counting on the clack has been a limited option to this point, with a couple of notable exceptions. Gibby, I love ya.

    Ya'll know this is killing me, right?

    *HUGS* for you, keepingfaith. But you know, a lot of people got clack last night, including toni7babe and Scarlett. So you can go and download more! I'm looking forward to the vid of AIW!

    Heeeee, cindilu, did ya like the concert, or what? I'm so glad you had a good time!

    Happy Birthday to Sheila!! :00003653:

    And safe travels for everyone going home or going to the next concert. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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