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Posts posted by Gibby

  1. Aw, Puddins, that was a lovely, schmoopie post. Thank you!

    This is for Claygasm, at her request. Now, nobody steal it while she's gone! We don't need avatar wars again, LOL! CG, let me know if this doesn't work. Hopefully it will be the right size.



    I had to make a screencap from Spooky's WPB GettingFatLetterBallsBanter clack. The video is quite aptly named, and not because of the 'fat' part. There's no rivet, but the view sure is riveting, anyway! :)


  2. Glad you liked that pic so much, Puddins! He a gorgeous man, isn't he? You sure were quick to snatch that pic up as an avie! I'm thinking verrrrry seriously about Wichita. It's the closest concert to Colorado announced so far. Besides, I've never been to a first concert before!

    CG - Sounds like ya'll have been having a great time! You must have had a bit to drink, judging from the typos. Heeeee!



    I gotta bring over this great review:



    Aiken more than singer he's a showman


    Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

    Sunday, August 19, 2007

    WEST PALM BEACH — Clay Aiken, whether or not you are a fan of his, is pretty much considered a good singer by most people who have ears.

    You also may be aware that he has a gigantic following of fans, mostly female, who might best be described as enthusiastic. But until you have seen Clay Aiken, who has described himself as Opie-like, shake his slack-clad hips and belt out Naughty By Nature's extracurricular cheating classic OPP ... well, you just don't know anything about Clay Aiken.

    Admittedly most of the crowd at the Kravis Center on Saturday already knew more about him, as many of them are Claymates, the American Idol runner-up's devoted fan base and staunch defenders against criticism of his aforementioned Opieness. But even the uninitiated would have to be blind not to see that Aiken - who has an amazing range and was vocally flawless - is that rare celebrity who is both a singer and a performer, equally, even though, as he pointed out, "I am not cool."

    But here are three things that Clay Aiken is:

    • Clay Aiken is a funny guy. Whether leading the crowd through a medley of television theme songs, including Diff'rent Strokes and Growing Pains, or mocking his uncoolness with OPP or SexyBack (yeah, you read that right), the boy's got a comedian's timing and deft touch with a zinger.

    • Clay Aiken is really talented. He is not just a whiz at the questionably sappy original songs like Into These Arms. Aiken breathed new life into I Wanna Know What Love Is, a song that hasn't been fresh since 1984, and made the theme to Perfect Strangers, which was never really all that fresh, revelatory.

    • Clay Aiken is kinda sorta sexy. I'll let you chew on that.

    This is not to say that the show, which featured a Michael Jackson cover and a symphony of Claymate-wielded glowsticks during Because You Loved Me, did not have its cheesy moments. Our man was sometimes basically doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.

    But because Aiken revels in that, he transcends even the goofy moments into genuine entertainment, like with his cover of Bad English's When I See You Smile. He is so uncool that he sort of is. And that's a talent.

  3. Hmmm, looks like the rumors are starting to fly about the next album possibly coming in early 2008. This was apparently announced at tonight's meet & greet. I look at album release dates like construction deadlines - they're gonna get pushed back. Construction projects are never done on time - has anyone here ever built or remodeled a house? You can count on it happening much later than they tell you. So, I'll be happy to get the next album sometime in 2008, or even 2009. I'm not gonna count my chickens 'till they're hatched!

    And I may stop reading at a couple of boards, where every other post will be about 'why isn't the album done?' and 'why is he giving Christmas concerts, when he could be giving his all to the album?' I'm sure there will be talk of what kind of music will be on the album, why it absolutely has to be a certain style or his career is over, and how we as fans can try to get more people to buy more and get it on the radio. Don't get me wrong - I'm all kinds of excited about a new album. I just don't want board negativity to ruin my joy about Clay's music.

  4. I heard from another board. They are not happy, they think Clay is mocking them. Don't you mock the people you love? Clay mocks Quiana and Angela and I do believe he loves them. He has really started picking on Jesse in the last few concerts, as well. It is all part of the schtick, I don't see how that escapes everyone.

    Just exactly how do they think that he is mocking them??? Do they think he's mocking them personally?

    I agree, play - he mocks those he loves. Maybe it's his way of showing people he likes them. He is always saying, very sincerely, how much he appreciates his fans. Seems like he says it every concert. So if he's mocking us, it's in good fun, and not meant to be insulting at all.

    Did ya'll see Spooky's ShirtShopping/ClayTakesVidCamera? Not only is it a hoot, but it clearly shows Clay lightly making fun of Quiana about her shopping habit, and how she bought two of the same shirt. Watch him while he gets her to tell the story - even though she really doesn't want to do so - and then watch his face while she's telling the story. He's affectionately mocking her, and clearly getting a great deal of amusement from it. But they are both taking it in fun. No one is offended. They're just having a good time, and laughing about it.

  5. The clack from last night is HILARIOUS!!! It's soooooo funny. My hubby is working at home today, and wondering why the hell I'm laughing at my computer so hard. Husker and Scarlett got their stuff up quick, too. CLACK GODDESSES RULE!!!!

    Nice eye fuck from last night - he has that wicked, mischievous look in his eyes:


    ETA: Licky - I perform quite a bit on stages with bright lights (I play piano for several groups.) You're totally right about not being able to see much past the first row or two. It's all dark past the first few rows. And the lights are REALLY hot. I usually wear a spaghetti strap dress so that I don't melt. I can't imagine how hot Clay must get in his t-shirt, shirt, and jacket!

  6. It's sooooooo refreshing to be among like-minded fans. I love it here at FCA!! Elsewhere I feel weird when I don't immediately jump on the bandwagon of 'he's so brave to go in front of that scum and give such a great concert,' or 'Clay really really is a rocker - Clive just won't let him rock.'

    And now, I find that many here liked the AI5 finale? YAY!! I loved it. I didn't love the hair, but I thought it was great that the color and style of the hair were COMPLETELY different than Sandecki's. That was the point - Clay wasn't the person everyone thought he was. He was totally different, and BETTER.

    I still have the video of the AI5 finale on my treo (cell phone/mp3 player/video player/PDA). I take my treo to the gym, and watch Clay videos when I'm on the elliptical machine. The video of the AI5 finale never fails to put a smile on my face. I love it. It was such a FU to AI, and it was amazing that Clay managed to surprise EVERYONE with his appearance. And he totally blew everyone away with his voice. It was like he came on AI and said, 'Now this, people, is how you sing.'

  7. We have a cleaning service at our house once a month, and today's the day. I let my two daughters keep their rooms as messy as they want, but when the cleaning service comes, their rooms have to be picked up so they can be cleaned. My older daughter got her room picked up, but my youngest? She just turned 13, and thinks she knows so much more than Mom & Dad about everything. Her room is about half picked up, and that's good enough, you know? Sigh. I need Muski to come and make her finish the job. Oh, well. I guess that's what doors are for - to keep closed so I don't have to look at the mess!

    oh yeah this is the one thing I end up constantly nagging my girls about. Today...I told my younger daughter than no firends come over without her tidying up her room....that did it.

    Oh, yeah, the bribes work every time. Friends, movies, special food, shopping trips, etc. are all good bribes. And we've used every single one.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was skeptical about Clay's reactions in Cary. For the most part, I'm skeptical about ANY posts that claim to know how Clay feels and thinks. I mean, we really have no clue what he deals with from day to day, good or bad. I'm certain there's a lot behind the scenes that we aren't privy to. So how in the heck could we know how he feels and what he's thinking? I pretty much ignore posts about 'Clay is feeling.' If he states he's feeling a certain way, we know that it's true at that moment. Otherwise, I don't think we really know how he feels.

  8. Okay, so everyone thinks that this pic is hawt, but no one has actually posted it? For shame!! It needs to be up front, center and posted nice and BIG for everyone to admire. It's YUMMMY!!! And very inspiring. It inspires all kinds of naughty thoughts.


    We have a cleaning service at our house once a month, and today's the day. I let my two daughters keep their rooms as messy as they want, but when the cleaning service comes, their rooms have to be picked up so they can be cleaned. My older daughter got her room picked up, but my youngest? She just turned 13, and thinks she knows so much more than Mom & Dad about everything. Her room is about half picked up, and that's good enough, you know? Sigh. I need Muski to come and make her finish the job. Oh, well. I guess that's what doors are for - to keep closed so I don't have to look at the mess!

  9. Good Lord, lickiest! :RedGuy: I'm in shock and awe! I didn't know which to sit down with my latte---your recap or the bigassed Sunday newspaper! :cryingwlaughter: Thanks for the memories :clap:

    Today Kenny and I have MANDATED that our kids stay home and we are all de-cluttering our respective pieces of upstairs real estate---

    OUT with clothes that don't fit/we don't wear anymore!

    OUT with books and magazines that no longer hold relevance or provide pleasure!

    OUT with games and do-dads that have inches of dust on them!

    OUT with broken lamps, hair dryers, gizmos and gadgets!

    OUT with pillows/blankets/comforters/sheets that we no longer like/are falling apart/don't have matching pieces/display Disney characters!

    OUT with posters/pictures/calendars that no longer serve a purpose!

    OUT with pieces of furniture that serve no purpose other than providing space for all that other stuff!

    Ok....I'm goin' in! If you don't hear from me by tonight, call Waste Management, Inc. :scream:

    Hey, when you are all done, feel free to come on over and do the same thing here. We actually have done quite a bit of decluttering this summer, but my youngest daughter (just turned 13 yesterday) seems to think she needs to save EVERYTHING. She has already taken 6 large boxes of junk out of her room (only 'cuz she was bribed) and needs to take more out.

    Anyway, good luck. Tell us where you end up putting it all! :)

  10. Twinkle, twinkle, little rivet...



    It's so difficult to experience an illness of a close family member, because you have no control. My dad has had Multiple Sclerosis for years, and now is pretty much like a quad. He will get pneumonia or some other complication one of these days, and won't make it. It's really tough to adjust a parent's illness. I'm sending positive vibes your way!

  11. Just catching up after a long day at work. Claygasm, let us know how things are going with your Dad, okay? I'm sending some positive energy his way....

    There sooo much good clack from this tour! It's hard to figure out exactly what to watch, since there's so much good stuff. So far my favorite concerts for clack have been Sterling Heights and Pala. I'm looking forward to seeing what we get from the end of the tour.

    And YSRN has a boithday!!


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