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Posts posted by treenuts

  1. I saw this posted by kleewolf at the CB. It looks like PBS in Houston is looking for some fans to man the pledge phones during the special airing on September 8th. So if anyone here lives in the area and is interested here is your chance -

    I have been working with the Houston PBS station for a long time. I have also sent some Clay items for the pledge week from the Houston Claymate Fan Club.

    They sent me an email asking for the Fan Club to volunteer, which had been discussed earlier this year.

    The problem is there are not 20 members that will be available on Sept 8th, because of the Holiday.

    I don't want to lose the opportunity for some local Clay fan to get to volunteer.Please PM me if you wish to volunteer.

    (bolding mine)
  2. Speculations-R-Us ~

    Here is the twitter sighitng Clay in Vegas (supposedly)

    Jeremy Jerbotz Abellera You'll Never guess who was a Surrender Night Club last night......... CLAY .... AIKEN!!!!! hahahhahah

    Side note: Surrender Night Club is at the Encore at the Wynn in Las Vegas.

    I'makinda hopin' it's "work related" and it is the ONLY way I would go to Vegas again! But GO I WILL IF CLAY IS THERE!!

    We shall see... :whistling-1:

  3. You cannot see his reaction from the straight on video. But from the side, he turned to the band and was quite animated and talking, then turned to Ben and lip readers reported that he said Casey was trying to French kiss him. Explains the jerk away. I love Casey.

    Atta girl!!! :naughtywag:

    I'd be willing to bet someone(s) put her up to it, as an "end of the tour" joke on Clay. :hysterical:

    LOVE the pics from Brightstar, ldyj!

    As for the question regarding bc, I'm guessing it's either going to be the tongue pic or the "soooo big" photo :whistling-1:

    Great recap and NJU comments, kf! Thanks for coming down long enough to share with us!

    Now I'm off to cook up another batch of clack to feed my habit. I may just OD this week, but oh what a way to go :lipstick:

  4. merrieeee said:

    we're here..........jellus?


    I fell in love with Clay, the man, all over again. He is a genuine good heart and my respect for him grew even deeper after this experience. For my own part, I finally got a coherent sentence or two out of my mouth - and I am going to be smiling for a long, long time. He asked us each what we did for a living and I told him that I was now doing graphic design, thanks to him. He asked 'why thanks to me?' (with a slightly skeptical arch to the eyebrow) and I explained that my interest in it started by 'playing with him', lol - and that I learned I loved it and had gone back to school and changed careers (and thus my life) thanks to him. He said 'all that in the last seven years?' (all the skepticism gone). He seemed to be genuinely impressed and flattered and I was over-the-moon thrilled to finally have been able to tell him that without any sappiness or pretense. I'll never forget it!

    (bolding mine)

    That is so very cool to read. I wish everyone had just one chance to meet him in this way. I'm impressed by your story and somewhat inspired too :wub:

    What's funny to me is how he made the comment: 'all that in the last seven years?'

    One could have responded with 'Yes, but look at all that has changed for you and that you've accomplished in just the past 7 years'. hee

  5. Thanks for the recaps, ladies!

    We waited at the buses but according to Jerome, Clay was too tired to come out.
    And I read from the cellcert that he had been coughing tonight as well, poor baby :hug: I hope he makes it through tomorrow night.

    Mandler at GCA posted this after the show tonight -

    I sent this text after the show: "He is the most beautiful man ever. I could look at him forever. *sigh*
    Which I thought was just so damn precious! :wub::wub:and of course I fully concur
  6. I have news from the Front, Comrades!


    Sandy, I watched every one of the clips on that page you linked and am beginning to be a big fan. You've recruited me!

    I'm in shock. And all because of sending clack to the wrong person! And she downloaded every link on that page!

    Well done commrade :hug: <--- party approved embrace

    Our beloved Borscht Belt (TM some MTV TCFS dude) comedy duo done good!

    маловато сопротивление! loosley translated means- there is no resistance!

  7. Bwah! Thanks, bc. Gawd he is so cute! I bet Ruben is going to miss him :friends:

    Fucking LiveNation!

    From CV - here's the explanation about the changes at the Hammerstein venue tonight:


    Clay Aiken – What Was LiveNation Thinking?

    By musicfan123

    Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

    This post is coming from a Ramada Inn somewhere in New York State…….I think it is Newburgh. It is almost 2 in the morning so this will be very short!!

    The Timeless Concert this evening was amazing. Clay and Ruben and all the musicians did a wonderful job. There was lots of fun ad libs and everyone seemed to have a great time on stage. Clay’s speaking voice is almost gone. (Do you think it would be possible for him to not talk tomorrow before the concert??) His singing voice is still awesome.

    As much fun as the concert was, the venue was a horrible experience. The concert was moved to the Grand Ballroom on the seventh floor. AND, because it was a smaller venue,the seating was a complete mess. We had 1st row, first boxseats. We were passed from one person to the next as they didn’t know where we should sit. Finally, someone said we could just go sit in the balcony!! NO!! Finally, after a few choice words to the box office, the best they could come up with was putting us in the section reserved for guests of the band. Not good,but so much better than many people. People who had 1st row, didn’t have seats, the charity meet and greet people have very poor seats…….too many problems than you could believe. Because of the problems, the show started almost a half hour late.

    After the program, I was able to talk with Kathy, the manager of the Grand Ballroom. She was kind in allowing me to ask some questions.

    1. When was the decision made to change the venue?

    Kathy: about 36 hours before the concert.

    2. Who made the decision?

    Kathy: LiveNation…..the facility had no say in the move.

    3. Why did they move it?

    Kathy: LiveNation wanted a full house, so they moved it to the smaller venue. It saved LiveNation money.

    4. Why were the seats on TicketMaster listed as standing room??

    Kathy: Many of the rock concerts are like that and the promoter, (LN) did not realize what kind of a crowd would come to the concert…….so they really didn’t do their homework.

    5. I suggested that they would have probably sold more tickets had it did not say standing room. She agreed.

    Kathy: I really want you to know that none of this was the idea of the facility. We had nothing to do with the decision to move the concert. They had no time to get the seating done and they are aware that there were a lot of very unhappy people.

    I do want to thank Kathy for talking to me after the concert. She was very tired and frustrated, however she was friendly and took the time to answer my questions.

    I need to get some sleep so I will say goodnight for now. Tomorrow……on to Verona!! (I have a meet & greet).

    LIVENATION!!!! What were you thinking??

  8. Yikes, there's more -

    From the CH

    Ficus says it's the biggest cluster fuck ever. They're in a different room altogether. Scarlett is up in the balcony. Ficus will get back in touch as soon as she has Scarlett's phone.

    The show tonight is in the Grand Ballroom (per Ben's Tweet) at the Hammerstein not the main room. The seating chart on ticketmaster was for the main room. Yikes.

    Ruh Roh, Shaggy, there's gonna be some splainin' to do!

  9. From caperkeeper at CV -

    The venue screwed up the seating! The configuration is not what was sold on tickemaster!

    Even the venue is in a different place! The first row is about 10 ft from the stage.

    and this -

    The doors were supposed to open at 6:30 but they weren't ready and by the time they did open the line was 2/3 the way down the block. With the seating fiasco not sure it will start on time but we'll just have to see what happens.

    That is so bizarre! wth?

    (((fans at the Hammerstein tonight)))

    Ok, now "on with the shoe!!!"

  10. Anybody know the seating capacity at Foxwoods, since I heard it was sold out?


    Please don't be over next week, Timeless Tour!!! You're too good to stop now!

    kf, I bleieve the seating capacity is around 3959

    And you are right, the show is just picking up momentum. They really do need to extend it; continue to hone it; hit Vegas and then onto a TV Special baybay!!!

    pleasesweetbabyjesus let it be so

    Awww :hug: for Clay's toe.

  11. :flirtysmile3: I was watching Tried and True on KVIE also, claylove. They really did do a great job with the interviews and the pledge breaks! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

    It's kinda lonely in here y'all :cry4:

    Maybe I can heat things up for ya t-nuts (with the emphasis on nuts):


    Did you notice this in Reno, babe?




    Funny thing is kf, that I was not quite close enough to see that when it "arose" :lipstick:

    I was in a constant state of Aiken Fog from the second he stepped onto the stage. No monkey! I remember very little (thank god for clack!) other than hitting, squeezing and drooling on ldyj. I hope she's healed. LOL

    I wonder though if that showed up on the jumbotron? On second thought, it's probably a good thing for Amy that I didn't see it :whistling-1:

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