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Posts posted by treenuts

  1. He thinks he's now the "original me." Everything is shed, he's more comfortable being himself, and saying what he wants. He has no pretense. He walked to that interview in his pajamas -- he walked right down the street in his Cinnamon Toast Crunch t-shirt. He had little pretense before, now he has none. People say aren't you going to comb your hair when he goes out.

    Last words, "I am me."

    THIS is a big part of what I love about Clay. I know it's common practice in this fandom to kvetch about the hair and clothing choices at times.....ok, most of the time...heh....but I have never understood it because this^^is a part of him that both fascinates me and endears him to me. :wub:

    Clay: There's a song on my first album I've never been comfortable with and never performed. I didn't like it and didn't like the way it was produced.

    Ernie: Your fans are going to want to know which ...

    Clay: Oh they are well aware of which one.

    I still don't get what he's so bugged about Touch.

    He has sung far more suggestive songs than that on stage as well as suggestive dancing and kissing Casey.Hmmm... So what the heck is it other than the production of the recording? Which wouldn't have anything to do with a live performance. Especially since he would just have it arranged differently anyway.

    So now I have a bad cold and I guess I'll go to bed early (for me :imgtongue: ). Even though I just spent most of my day in bed already. I feel like complete crap. Good night all and sweet dreams....about a certain sweet, talkative, sometimes unkempt and damn sexy man :DoClay:

  2. :04: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, aikim!!! :twinklewhore:

    I spent the past three days first stripping......

    ...off the old stain from my moms fence and gate :naughtywag:

    Then painting/staining the gate and the front part of the fence. I never realised just how old I have become :cry4: My entire body is sore and stiff and no amount of stretches or advil or even ice is helping all that much. UGH

    I've informed my mother that if she wants the remaining back fence done she'll have to hire someone (much younger and stronger) to do it. But it looks damn good if I do say so myself :)

    Content: I think Clay looks damn good too :wub:

  3. Bringing these tweets over posted by Quiet1ne at CH -

    canuck2010 at CV wrote:

    This tweet just cracked me up!

    StephenGHill: Mom's fridge. 5 pics of Clay Aiken. 1 of Clay's mom. 2 of Obama. One of grandchild. :)http://plixi.com/p/46031468

    Be sure to click on the photo!


    Funny - This Stephen Hill is followed by over 18,000 people including QuianaParler.

    eta: He is a senior executive with BET

    BWAH!! I love this one! Anyone here we know? :clay:

    Clay is still in NYC. A tweet from last night:
    ematson09: At fela! With the rents and Daryn. Oh and clay aikin is here too

    about 13 hours ago

    YEAH! SF Giants moved back into 1st place! :)

    carry on...

  4. FYI for those who have pledged for tickets for the San Francisco concert. I just called Escott Jones at the station and asked where generally those tickets might be.

    He told me that usually pledge tickets are mid range. That is to say not in the front rows but not in the nose bleeds either.

    Thanks for the info, lotus!

    Unfortunately for me I sure as hell can't afford to upgrade so I guess this will have to do :(

    ((couchie's puter))

  5. For some reason it makes me all kinds of excited reading that sighting! Thanks kf & kfsis!:BlowKiss:

    It sounds like he might have been there on business of a sort if he was wearing a tie and greeting folks at intermission. Either way I'm glad he's back out and about at the theatre in NYC again.

    And yeah for all the oggling of Clay's ass on the TV, merrieeee!! :naughtywag:

    (((Karen Eh? & everyone's senior furbabies/buddies)))

    My best friend, an American Brown Tabby (Oliver) is nearly 15 years old now. I am counting my blessings he is still with me. Through thick&thin he has been my one constant comfort. Especially over this past year. He's the source of great joy and fun. He's a character. My sweetheart....my fella :wub:

  6. Loved the photos from AnnaG! Thanks for bringing them over, shortyjill :flirtysmile3:

    My favorite was Reno 60's. I believe that was when I began hitting poor ldyj. Out of lust love of course. I fucking drooled all over myself when I saw him singing and dancing at the same time in that verrry verrry well fitted black suit! That man has way of causing me to self cumbust :hubbahubba:

    As for the JenJones blog being....erm....discussed? lol...around the boards, I have just one thing to say. It's entertainment during a quiet time. For me anyway. Sad she had to make it private though. I can't help but wonder if she may have been better off not trying so hard to make herself appear cool (and in charge of some grand pop culture termonology) while attempting to get her mostly positive, albeit somewhat condescending and slightly backhanded, point across. Is it really THAT difficult for pseudo journalists to say something nice in print about Clay and/or his fans and/or any vehicle chosen to feature him? I "got it" but I'm not sure how I ultimately feel about it. Pretentious perhaps. So I can't say she achieved her goal. Unless of course that WAS her goal. Hmmmmm, could be. Meh. But I am intrigued by her writing style. :hysterical:

    And waaaay OT - :clap: Congratulations Rafa!!! That is one hot young Spaniard! Oh yea, and a great tennis player too :whistling-1:

  7. HOLY CRAP! Yup. And he was on my TV tonight for hours and hours.

    Now THIS is something I hope to read one day on a "weekly" basis!

    TV is where Clay belongs regularly!

    So glad to read that UNC-TV's caller pledges exceeded their goal of 200. Reportedly they received support from 18 states and 3 countries.

    And that picture above is slurpalicious. Which btw was taken by karebear I believe. The lucky bitch :wub:

  8. 47439_429379943796_18417518796_5162953_2508138_n-1.jpg

    merrieeee looks like she's eyeing Clay and plotting something in this picture. Did she manage to get in a Lunge 'n Lick right after this shot was taken?


    OMG the look on merrieeee's face here is a wee bit skeeery :hysterical:

    I do believe she is about to attack :hubbahubba:

    Or were you referring to a different kind of nuts?
    Well, I can say for certain I wasn't thinking of peanuts! Nope, never a word I would evah equate with Clay.

    Perhaps.....LUG nuts :whistling-1:

  9. And a really hairy Clay! In my bedroom!

    Whaaat?!? For some reason I lost my train of thought after this :Thud:
    ... then they put the camera on merrieeee! I waved, but she didn't wave back...

    I read that Scarlett said he was laying on the cold cement floor because his back was hurting :hug: Any of you lucky bitches in Houston know what poor baby did to his back?

    Any chance any of you lucky bitches are the cause? :naughtywag: LOL

  10. I just hope there will be some folks left at home to actually....ya know....call in and pledge. LOL

    Don't worry, Jones Hall holds about 2,900 people and it's not sold out tonight. Sarofim Hall holds about 2,500 and it's not sold out either. I just checked and they are still selling orchestra seats. The Channel 8 viewing area is circa 6 million people.

    Good to hear!

    (and maybe grab a quick glance at his butt)?


    On a serious note (not that Clay Aiken's butt isn't serious business)- HAVE FUN LADIES and remember DETAILS :twinklewhore:

  11. Let's see ..... what to do in Houston tonight ..... what to do ...

    Go see Michael Bolton at Jones Hall? .... Nah.

    Go watch Adam Lambert prance around at Sarofim Hall? .... HELL no, not for free if they were giving away free turkeys at the door!

    Go work for Clay Aiken at HoutonPBS (and maybe grab a quick glance at his butt)? Oh Yeah, BAYBEEE!!!

    I just hope there will be some folks left at home to actually....ya know....call in and pledge. LOL

    You lucky bitches!!! :flirtysmile3:

    No need to thank me either :lipstick: Hee

    This post brought to you by the green eyed monster

  12. YES, treenuts, you know very well I'm playing with Clay.

    I loved Van Johnson too. I developed a crush on him when I was teenager watching the Late Show for cute young things playing romantic roles. He was a doll in those days. I think the cat was pretty much out of the bag in the late 60's when he left his wife and ran off with one of the chorus boys in The Sound of Music. Good for him! Van himself started his career as a chorus boy.

    Bwah! There's just something about those chorus boys, eh?!

    I definitly get a Van Johnson vibe from Clay at times. It must be the redhead/paleskinned/beautiful eyes&smile thing :wub:

    I hope everyone who can/wanted to remembered to vote for the NIP in the Pepsi challenge today.....and everyday this month! It takes so little effort for us to get the kids some much needed funding! They are currently at #28 and must finish in the top ten to win the 50k!!

    Reposting from bc upthread -


    From your mobile phone:

    Text* 102308 to

    Pepsi (73774)

  13. :clap: Once again Great News for the NIP posted by Notacanuck at CC -

    includingkids: National Inclusion Project Receives Back-to-Back 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator!


    As an aside: We Need to vote at the pepsi challenge everyday if the NIP is going to win anything! They are currently #28 but need to finish in the top 12 for the $$$.

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