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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. treenuts

    Top Chef

    I'm torn between Kevin, Jen and the V. bros. Of the borthers I like Bryan much more but think Mike has a more creative and edgier approach to good food. I'm TORN I tell ya, TORN!! Me too! Especially this part - Bwah!
  2. LOVE the pictures FromClaygary and the clack canfly! You are so right, Fear. From what I've r4ead around the boards, though it wasn't perfect, it sounds like he did a GREAT job with this gala! I saw this posted at CB -
  3. I got a kick out of this blog: Straight Eye for the Gay Guy http://www.sandiegoreader.com/weblogs/memo...or-the-gay-guy/ Loved the Clay mention in it too - I soooo hear ya, sistah!
  4. treenuts

    20 questions

    Is it a thermometer?
  5. treenuts

    20 questions

    Can I guess? Is it a pipe?
  6. treenuts

    20 questions

    Is it primarily used with a substance in or on it once it's in your mouth?
  7. treenuts

    20 questions

    Is it more likely to be used by a child than an adult?
  8. treenuts

    20 questions

    Is it only for use in the mouth? I think I lost track of that if it was determined already.
  9. Ok, I have now listened to/watched the clack of Moon River and all I can say is BEAUTIFUL. I actually wouldn't mind that on a cd. So shoot me. LOL canfly, feel better soon, babe. I still can't believe you flew with an inner ear infection! Yikes and ouch Thanks to all who bring the clack! That picture by Permaswooned up there is major yum! I loved this one by toni7babe of Clay, Sean and Ben, the three adorable amigos -
  10. Ok, KAndre, spill! Awe thanks, ldyj. And Clay can throw his balls at me anytime Thankyou also for the article in the Philanthropy Journal. Wow, that's something to really be proud of!! They have come such a long way in a relatively short time for a small and young foundation.
  11. KAndre, that was one of the most positive reviews of last night I have seen. Thankyou for that!!! But I have to say, it's been rough reading around the baords today. I'm so sad that many have sounded very disappointed in the performance part of the evening and I admit I am more than a little concerned after watching/listening to the clack. He did seem nervous and rusty as Corabeth reported, but he has sounded a little rough for awhile now. I love him so much and I don't give a rat's ass what he sings as long as he sings like the Clay Aiken I fell in love with! I wish I could give him and everyone in the fandom a great big hug today! I think many of us are in need of it. I truly hope he is ok and I am planning on him working hard to get back to the level of perfection I know he expects from himself. Here's to 2010 and Clay being everywhere....because
  12. treenuts

    Top Chef

  13. Thanks :thbighug-1: I think this was the same outfit he wore in one of his Spamalot interview pieces. I recall a discussion when this first surfaced about how much better it looked in black&white than it did in color. Or maybe it was the other way around??
  14. liney, that's a great job on your part! But the ChristieCookie contest prize money is as follows (unless I'm mistaken) 1st place - $10,000 2nd place - $5,000 The remaining Top 12 - $1,000 each Total prize money awarded - $25,000 Please, someone correct this if I am wrong But 1st place is still a VERY BIG PRIZE since that would fully fund an entire camp for one summer to my understanding!! GO NIP :04:
  15. No. Inside I'm very excited for all of those able to attend though! Could someone maybe tell Clay "treenuts sends her love"? please Ok, maybe not.
  16. What I want to know is if Mr. Aiken provides the sponge baths himself tree checks for cellulite before commiting herself
  17. Holy cow, the wind is really brutal here today. Both the rain and wind have been pounding us out here in the valley all day and much of last night! We need the rain, for sure, but I wish the f***ing wind would knock it off!! Hope everyone on the roads here in the bay area and central valley are taking it slow and easy. Stay safe all
  18. Excellent post, Couchie! My first memory of Marvin Gaye was when they played him over the PA at the public pool where I learned to swim as a child. I remember I would get out and go to the snack bar, get a frozen snickers and sit on my towel, well away from all the noise, just to hear him! "What's Goin' On" was one of my first introductions to a song with a message. God I was young.....and naive but I actually got it, even then. The record label is often wrong IMO. And I hope Clay proves this so, even today.
  19. Awe, thanks liney I watch several games a week but don't have a particular preference other than my Niners. *sniff* Generally if the Raiders are sucking butt (which they have been doing frequently) then I let hubby decide which games we tune into. I will say though that while I admire Brett Favvvv-vre immensely, I simply can't stand the guy as a whole. Can't quite put my finger on it but he truns me off. :04: Safe TRavels to all you lucky bitches wonderful people heading towards Mecca for next weekend!!! I am soooo looking forward to some fresh clack, baybay!
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