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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Yeah, I have to agree with whoever said Clay's hair needs to be a bit longer. His face has filled out nicely now and the really short hair isn't as flattering as it once was IMO. And I'll save anyone the trouble who feels the need to me. There :0) Awww, head dents! I wub Clay's head dents!! I want to have their babies. If you enlarge this pic the one on his right side is very prominent here - I also love Reed's hair in this pic! (nope, no head dents) Of course I really don't care so much if he changes it or not. I guess I reserve that for Clay. heh Thank god there is no edit counter on this site!!!!! lol
  2. I think I'm in love with Larry!! I wonder if Clay will mind I actually teared up when I read he put the banner up on his site so others might learn and donate. How terrific is THAT!! And he wants some suggestions as to what to listen to or videos to watch of Clay. Smart man ;-) But what really touched me was this - *sniff* My eyes are leaking just a bit. I'm so glad that we the fans, the Project and Clay have touched him in some way.
  3. Thanks, Paulette!! I really enjoyed the videos! Although the songs themselves are not really my cuppa, nor is him using his higher tenor voice so much, I have immense hope that they will be outstanding with a full orchestra/band! And his vocals no doubt will soar on them. I Can't wait to hear the completed product He certainly is! Reed is too in real life but he doesn't make my heart go pitty pat like the guy up there! Yeah, it's really a shame they can't procreate They would make such beee-u-tiful babies together hee Love the "Putts": blog! Loved!! Sadly I see a certain other "putz"couldn't resist it's nasty urges yet once again in the comments section. I hope the responders continue to ignore! ::insert shaking head emoticon here:: What exactly IS the life expectancy of a toad anyway? My favorite pic from this weekend - No wait, this one - Maybe this one too?- So many to post, so little space Let me just say that I absolutley ADORE Clay's freckles. I find them one of his best features and am so happy to see him making less of an effort to cover them up these days!! Thankyou, Clay I also think he looks very slimmed down and wish he would wear more fitted clothing to show off what I believe is a beautiful body hiding under those clothes! Pleeease baby, pleeease
  4. From Notacanuck at the CH Wonderful article/interview from The Palm Beach Post Clay Aiken at Mirasol: Golf, inclusion and fatherhood http://www.pbpulse.com/tv/2010/02/01/clay-...and-fatherhood/ Loved this piece! Love the cause! Love the man!! (bolding mine) BWAH!!!
  5. Love the pic! Love the fact, although odd, that at least Clay was not identified in it the caption! Makes it all seem so... ordinary. That looks like it was the same night as Tom Deckman's birthday bash photos too. Have fun everyone at GFI Send Clack!
  6. Glad you guys enjoyed the video! His voice just sends chills through me on that No kidding
  7. Oooh, luckiest, that is one of my all time favorite performances of Clay! He really soared on that as did Hannah For anyone wishing to enjoy it here is the youtube ~ Clay Aiken Sings The Prayer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F37_PTJyZ4
  8. I guess if there is one good thing he can take from all of this is that at least there is still some "enthusiasm" in the fandom after all this time. Awe, Claaay :thbighug-1: I can still hear my 4th grade teacher (in her best Sister AnnaMarie voice) saying "Patience is a virtue"!
  9. :04: I can't wait! And OMG I love Jordon and Jeff (from BB)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. :04: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the BLOG and for the lurvly pics of the lurvly guys!! Thanks for posting them REED
  11. BWAH!!! I can so relate to the part I bolded. Swearing doesn't offend me in general if it's done out of anger or frustration in a quick fire type of response. Rather like "in the heat of the moment". But when it is done intentionally for either shock effect or pure gratification as in then I'm completley turned off...big time. I know my DH loved the latest Robin Williams HBO special and I absolutley hated it. I use to like him and thought it was a lazy, sloppy and disappointing show.....for me. The sheer # of "fuck" words were mindnumbing and I found the routine in general to be lacking any major original humor as well. So I think the constant gratuitous swearing just shut me down to the rest of it. Sorry....too OT?
  12. All I know for certain is that I want to see this - or this - or this - Clay Aiken singing again in front of an audience, on my tv, in concert!!!!!!!!!!! And maybe some talking and tight pants too Or some talking tight pants could work also
  13. Looks like an older pic perhpas. laughn posted this at GCA -
  14. There is clack of it up at CU - http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Americ..._Idol_9_Series/
  15. Hmmm, Pavlova ...sounds Freudian. Are there dogs involved? :clay: Hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday! DH is sick and DD is staying with a friend for a day or two so it's very quiet here. Let's hope we hear something from Mr. Aiken soon to liven things up a bit
  16. I absolutely loved that demo! It really featured his vocals and he sounded fantastic! and MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ HAPPY HOLIDAYS To all!!
  17. Such sad news to hear - (((Ashes/Claysmelody family and friends))) She will be missed!
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