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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Wow, jmh, that would be pretty coincidental, but oh so amazing if it were him. It's tough to tell though without a profile pic to compare with. He's cuuute! Why not just ask him? Could be a nice ice breaker. I would But then again, I'm a Clay whore & a nosy beyotch Great blog, Caro! And thanks again for all the yummy caps, bottle
  2. HELP! I can't stop watching....I may need an intervention
  3. He is so fucking gorgeous that I even love the hair! Not the suit , but otherwise all is well! Whew! I'm spent!!! Great screencaps, bottle, thanks! *rightclickandsaverightclickandsave* Thread title?!
  4. One word - Shoulders! Gaaahhh Ok, technically that's two but one is more a bodily function in my case IYKWIMAITYD Yoohoo, Penny, you'll need to speak a little louder hon. Whatchya wanna say? :thbighug-1:
  5. Awwwwww, I wuv wonky foot! I believe with those looks he can attract males, females, plants, animals, and inanimate objects.
  6. BWAH! Thanks for the feedback, Fear. I think I may need to move nearer to mecca one day.....soon.
  7. New Clay pic - I sooooo approve Hair - As long as he still has some Shoulders - GAH!!!!!!!!! Smoke around Clay's crotch - Naturally! So glad you were able to volunteer for this! Sounds like fun. Can you tell us what the turn out was like? Do you know how successful the event was?
  8. Good god, I'm so confused over all the song listing changes, adds, subtracts, whatever. I wasn't at the OMG concert so I have no idea if I should be happy or sad with any of the changes. All I know is that Clay's gonna be singing to meeeeee in my car in about 6 weeks. Give or take. And I'm soooo looking forward to it! Even it the track list includes "whateversonghe'ssinging" or "namethattune" or even "mynameandnumberfromthephonebook". I.just.don't.care.at.this.point. I just want SOMETHING demmit! I'm so easy when it comes to this man
  9. Yeah, that. Mood creation. And I'll tell you, I'm in the mood right now!
  10. Great picture of the guys in the Star. They did a very nice job of splicing those two pics together. Enough so that it would make a vera niiice poster for the tour donchya think! I'd settle for him jumping out of his clothes
  11. Reed's ass shoulder? No claygalsal this is not a smutty board despite what some members may post!
  12. erect? I suppose we could speculate on where his other hand is
  13. Seven? SEVEN?!?! wth? Who does that? Oh wait...... .....nevermind
  14. Not at all. IMO I think many are anxious and I can certainly understand that. There had been a lot of speculating on other boards. I think it's a "good thing" someone asked and we have it confirmed now. Speaking for myself only, I do not want to wait for the cd to come out later. I'm greedy that way. lol
  15. Adam who? Perhaps you could arrange to have said swallows conveniently accidenatally drop his royal PITA over the Atlantic somewhere Looks like good news about the release date of the CD. Dessertflower tweeted asking if the release date would remain June 1st and they've responded -
  16. I would purchase a vinyl record of Clay's in.a.heartbeat! For the record jacket alone, babaay. *sa-woon* I don't need no stickin' phonograph liney, this is far from his first Masters. He has won it twice before but has "come sooo close" many times, only to blow it. He's just not very consistent in his game play but I love him for it just the same. This past year both his wife AND his mother were diagnosed with breast cancer He competed very little on the circuit this year due to his wife Amy's difficult treatments and his mental game. When he did compete she and the kids were not able to be with him which made it more difficult for him (apparantly she was barely able to physically get out of bed and make the car ride down to the clubhouse just in time to see him win on the 18th). He took some heat for it because there was A LOT of hype in the golf community that he would take up the slack left by Tiger's absence at the big events. It was a minor hot mess all around.
  17. Sorry to be a postho but I just saw this posted by gaymarie at the CC - Keep in mind this article was written on December 11th, 2009, I never saw it before and think it's a great statistic for Clay to be a part of http://absolutemadonna.com/?p=5274
  18. caro, I stopped by and dropped off a comment on your blog. thanks for keeping us informed! As does the one here in the SF Bay area, so I'm very hopeful I mean, if they can show that Peter Marshall Big Band special over and over and over and ....you get the idea. Seriously, I'll be uber pissed off if they don't repeat Clay's until I am "sick of seeing him". :clay: Now a little OT - I have truly enjoyed watching The Master's Tournament this weekend. It's been fun and had very few commercial interruptions for a change*g* But the best part of it was my other bf was playing his best game in a long time and I had to cheer him on! Phil Mickelson may not be the greatest to play the game or the most consistent (heh) but he is one of the classiest (just like my other bf ) athletes out there these days and he's been my favorite to follow for so many years now. And given all he and his family have been through this past year today was made all that more special!It was a very emotional finish and when I saw the tears streaming down his cheek I nearly lost it. Congratulations, Phil, on winning your third green jacket. And to Amy, who made the trip for the first time this year to see her husband WIN!! I'm still wiping tears away
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