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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'M LOVEIN' IT!! Leering looking at some guy with blindingly white cinnamon legs, bare toes and sandwich in hand while listening to those long sound bites from TnT is making my day!! A thoroughly wrinkled hawt mess with a magnificently sexy vox just "ooooooooozing life" all over my senses There's a mass of contradictions giving me fits in my mind right now and I'm a bit high tingly giddy from it!
  2. Wait. Was that smut? Well, in my mind it was What I find fascinating is that TMZ chose to lead with the very best pic of Clay at LAX! Now that's a first. lol Slurp eta - And no, I don't believe that was Reed in those pics. The guy was holding a camera. Besides, it just.doesn't.look.like.him. heh I'm pretty sure he is back in NYC rehearsing for his BB show. Just a guess of course.
  3. I love this write up on the new CD! Posted by notacanuck at the CC - (bolding mine) http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-43585-Entertainment-Reviews-Examiner~y2010m5d24-New-Album-Releases-for-June-1
  4. Of course we care! Ok....who are you again? hee Thanks for EVERYTHING, Pink!!! I wanted to jump in on the Beatles Love also. I was seven when I had my first crush and it was on John Lennon I am, to this day still, a Beatles 'Ho. There will never be another ensemble like them!Their sonwriting, harmonies, charm and humor will never be duplicated IMO. I try to see Ringo in concert every chance I get too. I think he is coming to the bay area again this summer, so if anyone here is interested in going please let me know!!
  5. Ok, so regarding the GMA rumor, here is what cablegirl posted at CV - Could be. If so, great. But I really did want to see him as one of the Summer Concert Series performers but oh well. Yeah, I know....never satisfied!
  6. Apparantly not. This was posted by Pink at the CH a day or two ago - and also from the CH...the woman who was there to perform and blogged about Clay also being there posted this in her blog today - Now the other woman who tweeted about how HOT she thought Clay is and wished him a safe trip home it turns out may be a make up artist and so perhaps he was somewhere making an appearance or filming something but nobody knows where or is saying. It's all speculation right now. I just hope all is well! I, for one, am more than ready to start to get sick of Clay Aiken!!
  7. Nope! cindilu2, you're not the only one! I have been stowed away in "the angst car" for a few weeks now. Surely they do have a PLAN. I hope a very BIG PLAN. I just wish they would let US in on it Though I think I'm now beginning to be a bit more worried that there may be something amiss with Clay. I'm sure ( I hope ) I'm wrong!! But it seems odd that the last 3 possible appearances (LKL, QVC, The PBS Convention in Austin) Clay was thought to attend strangely did not happen. I hope he/his family/everything is ok!
  8. I'm a complete mess after watching the Decca video for the umpteenth time! What that adorable man does to me Annnnd....Notacanuck posted this at the CH - Does this mean it's starting?!?!
  9. Positive CD article for the most part! Clay Aiken talks about new album http://greginhollywood.com/clay-aiken-talks-about-new-album-27802/comment-page-1#comment-7581
  10. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Sandra to win! But I haven't been "spoilering" myself and will be happy with just about anyone winning that's not named Russell. Hey Couchie, do you think your mom will let us listen to Clay debacle us sing to us all the way to Reno?
  11. kf, I hear what you're saying and I totally agree. But my one concern is that we do normally see/hear of these appearances well enough in advance/prior to the tapings or live shows. I know folks are usually scrambling to get tickets and make travel palns to be there at the tv tapings weeks before, once he is scheduled to be on. So since we have absolutely none, zip, zilch, nadda such info being posted I'm worried that we won't have any At the very least, none to get the first week's sales off the ground with the genral public. Fans not on-line as well as the NJU. Besides, I'm a selfish bitch and I want Clay to be all over my TV ASAP demmit! So needless to say I am verrra verrra anxious to see/hear about it Ok. Luv ya, simple
  12. Yep! The Lack there of has me scratching my ass head foh shoh!! Why oh why is he not popping up everywhere?! Ooh wait.... Ok, I'm back. Ah well, I guess what will be, will be....now I'll stop my kvetching and go back to listening to snippets
  13. I'm "hoping" right along with ya! I wonder if perhaps the TV/media appearances stuff won't be announced until the new site is complete and then posted there first? Seems like it would be cutting it too close but at least that thought gives me "hope" for some still to come
  14. It would be great if Clay could win this one poll since it is Billboard and the timing is around his new CD drop. Just a thought Poll: Best "American Idol" Ever? http://www.billboard.com/features/top-24-american-idols-of-all-time-1004088662.story#/features/poll-best-american-idol-ever-1004088680.story Hee...did anyone else get a little flutter of nostalgia when you read this? fluuuuugelhorn
  15. DECCA finally listed the contents of the Deluxe Edition! http://www.deccarecords-us.com/artist/releases/release.aspx?pid=64095&aid=97131 Build Me Up Buttercup live is on Disc 2 of the Deluxe CD/DVD, along with the Making of Tried & True feature. Also included - Who's Sorry Now and Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
  16. Okay, somebody is funnin' us on Clay's MS page. Some seriously dead folk and nearly dead folk are friending him there http://www.myspace.com/clayaiken Honestly, just some cross-promotion on DECCA's part I'm sure (since that page was dead to begin with), but still gave me a good laugh.
  17. Not quite sure if this remark was directed towards Clay's music or just Clay.....um.....well, ya know... carry on...
  18. Oh yeah, "on my owwwwn"...... ETA - merrieeee,ITA! Listening now
  19. You mean to say they're.....wait for it.......horny? Yeah, baybay, I dig 'em too! Well shoot! Did anyone grab them before they disappeared? They could be in your temporary internet files if you listened to them. I hope this works. Here is one that was captured by Invisible at the CC before they went poof -
  20. KAndre, you're making me hungry. And thirsty. I like the way you thing....and write. Yeah, that Clay aiken guy is definitly a FEAST for the senses!! And your point is?
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