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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. BWAH!! Clay?!?! We know he'll say 'em. It's just a matter of wether they'll be heard or not. But I'll go ahead and start drinking now....just in case
  2. Couchie stay safe! I have to admit that whole case was just too bizarre. And you are absolutley right, BART police seem so ill prepared to act/respond adequately in dicy situations. Why is that? Funding? Lack of adequate training? Whatever it is it has been going on for decades. for jmh and cindilu Enjoy and remember to breathe!! Thanks for posting this. This will be the first time Ringo has toured here and I haven't been able to go. *sniff* liney, check your PM's.
  3. Cognito :thbighug-1: Good to see ya here!!! Are you going to any of the concerts this summer? cindilu, there are also the songs he posted on his myspace at the same time he changed his status. And while I really like Reed and think he was great for Clay, not to mention his killer bod, I must say I am not thrilled with the Christina Aguilera song he chose to post. It strikes me as a bit too telling. Maybe it's just me. I just wish he hadn't done that. It feels somehow inappropriate to me somehow. Unless I am waaay off base ie.over analyzing, speculating (wouldn't be the first time. heh) Of course I don't know nothin' but I suspect he's using this to get his side out there or at the very least communicate his pain. Maybe. Maybe not. But I hope Clay is ok. If he has moved on then so be it. Sending to both men. My heart hurts! All I know is I am really looking forward to The View next Tuesday and then RENO baybay at the end of the month!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  4. Aha, got it! Thanks for responding, cindilu. I was beginning to worry, nobody was here. I thought maybe I forgot to use deodorant today or somethin'.
  5. Posted at CB - Radio contest for the Ashville "Timeless Tour": I don't think I could name two let alone five A BIG component of this is to SHARE with your friends and family that are also on Facebook! Please vote!....and thanks!! :thbighug-1: I voted awhile back and posted to my wall but thought we could vote up to 20 times and can't seem to cast another vote Did I misunderstand that??
  6. Awww, keepingfaith, sorry to hear you're not well! Feel better soon
  7. keeping, you are on a roll gf! From this - To this - All I can say is.... hair, hair hee
  8. ldyj, I still default to the Best of Banter from 2006 that Chardonnay put together. My favs are the Red Bank (pure gaaah mixed with the funny), West Point, Merrillville ("Count for me, honey"), Verona ("Everybody, look at his crotch!"),Grand Rapids (featuring the lovely Elmer!) and.....well you get the idea. I love them ALL
  9. I guess I should post something about my current song choice. Or do I have the premise wrong? Heh, oh well here goes... Currently I'm hooked on "It's Only Make Believe" and "Crying". IOMB, because of the way he handles (takes a moment) this arrangement is totally fun and sexy to me. It's one of the few songs I find myself getting into full out when listening in the car. Crying, because his vocals on this are both heartbreaking and gaw-geous!!! I hear the actual cry in his voice that I have missed of late and I honestly find myself crying when I listen. These are my two most repeated songs right now. I also have been missing his chest voice or his deeper vocals (not sure what to call it) and I think some of my choices will reflect that going forward as well. While I really appreciate and often like "Tenor Clay", it just doesn't have the same effect on me IYKWIMAITYD. Next week will probably be different...... Maybe :clay: caro, my condolences!
  10. I've always heard it's best when simultanious
  11. Speaking of packages.... In reading around on some of the boards it sounds like Clay's britches were a little too loose or baggy the night of BBH. But in most of the clack I've seen so far I am quite pleeeeased with the frontal fitting. No problemo, Clay
  12. Just came up for air from the Mutt Media/Popeater video & photo extravaganza to say...I'm baaaack. Good gawd that man is precious and deadly sexy without even trying! Ya know how it seems obvious when a Clay pic has been taken by a fan? How it's all about how "we" see him and the photos are almost always better than professional ones because they're taken from the perspective of love? Well, these 63 lovely gifts given to us today appear like that to me. I think it's one of the few times I can recall this happening. Especially with sooooo many of them being real gems! But only 63? Surely they could have taken 6 more. The man deserves 69!! Ok, enough chit chat. Back to fondling my AOL screen.
  13. Checking in to wish everyone a good weekend and say that I'm satiated from all the edible delights of this past week! I hope it continues into the coming weeks but I may miss much of it since I will be without any internet access for awhile Once I get moved and hooked up again I hope to find a lot to catch up on. I am really hoping to comeback to find more tv appearances. A girl can dream! I also hope to participate in the "song of the day" thing when I get back on line. In the meantime I'll just have to make do with my newest visions of my fucking gorgeous bf and his pipes of perfection.
  14. New Promo with Interview on Youtube - AMERICAN IDOL CLAY AIKEN TAKES ON ELVIS, FRANKIE VALLI, ORBISON FOR TRIED AND TRUE CD Very Yummy looking here. I think it may have been done the same day as GMA.
  15. It's been such a great Clay day! A virtual cornucopia for us fans. Some singing, snarking, zoo petting, eyes/lips/hair cooing, fucking fan-tabulous day!! And may I just say that Just Jared is getting to be one of my favorite Clay pic spots. A couple from today are da-sexbomb And we get more tomorrow I feel happy (tm Herbert)
  16. Well, I could NOT have been more thrilled or besotted with him and that performance this morning on GMA! Hee, sooo cute how he hung onto that piano for a bit when he started singing. A tad bit nervous I think but it sure didn't show in his vocals! EEEEEEEEEEEEE He looked and sounded fabulous, gorgeous, GREAT and adorable I only wish they had let him either sing the show out or gave him time for a second song, which I believe was the original plan. poopies Forgive me Denzel fans but WTF did he have to suddenly "drop by" today of all days!!! I'm looking forward to more clack from those lucky enough to be there. For now I'm going back to watching video and licking my monitor.
  17. HA! I wonder what he'll wear and what his hair will look like!? what
  18. Thanks for all of the links, Kim, and welcome home. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do snippet done kilt me Don't leave my hearrrt in miseryy -Y-y-Y-y-Y-y-Y-y-Y Oooh hot damn! There is some definite schexy in that there song. I for one intend to consume ALL OF IT the first chance I get!!
  19. It opens as a Google document. Don't know if you need to have a Google account to open it or not. (It opened fine for me, but I like Google and their products a lot.) Thank you so much,laughn' & ldyj! It opened up for me just fine and then........I saw the photos and... all.over.the.place. ouch Love the entire look of this CD. The artwork is so cool and the pictures are some of the best I've seen in awhile!! YUM! As for the liner notes, well all I can say is that is one very articulate and wonderful man! How special and open he is. How lovely the written word he puts forth I want so much for this project to be the very best for him. But that's nothing new. Can't wait to see him on tv next week. I really had hoped for some serious press or at least some big primetime appearance but I guess I'll take what I can get for now since I don't have a choice and --> Now, back to snipets and youtube
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