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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Bonnie!!!!!!! Good to see you posting here again :thbighug-1: :thbighug-1: Stay around for awhile! k! Thanks for the prayers, I can really use them right now. But more importantly (hee) I'm so glad you are going to get to see Clay live this summer. In the flesh I think Clay & Rube are just going to co-headline this entire tour. That's how it's suppose to look anyway. From what I've read, Ruben said they would be sharing the stage throughout the show. So take it for what it's worth. Here is a nice article by Mikayla's mom - First Person: Mikayla's voice By Kimberly Resh - New York Teacher - April 8, 2010 http://www.nysut.org/cps/rde/xchg/nysut/hs.xsl/newyorkteacher_14788.htm
  2. Butt are you certain it was a mistake? Honestly, this show has jumped the shark so many times now that it feels like a comedy from the 70's. A dark comedy. LOLCongrats to all who got decent tickets today with little ticketstress!! It feels so good to read the representing list knowing he will be out touring in some compacity again and everyone has something to look forward to. Whether it is attending a performance or clack! Speaking of representing lists.....Karen eh? are you by any chance traveling with Clay? you lucky ducky
  3. AMEN!! So is this a cooking show? eta...Sorry....I do love the typonese. Why, whatevah do you mean?
  4. OMG!!!! Clay Aiken - One Night Only Bringing Broadway Home A benefit concert just announced - June 21st @ Raleigh Memorial Auditorium http://www.claynewsnetwork.com/
  5. Seriously, the lack of filters by some people just leave me shaking my head Sounds like Clay was at Duke today to see Al Gore make a speech - From twitter:
  6. Glad to hear you're feeling better ldyj laughn posted this at GCA - It looks like an updated/reowrked version of the CD Cover. http://www.amazon.com/Tried-True-Clay-Aiken/dp/B003FCKIAW/ref=pd_rhf_p_t_2#moreAboutThisProduct I think it looks much much better. This is one time when airbrushing or "touch ups" work in his favor. They added color & shading to contrast his face (hee...love the head dent ) I notice his eyes and lashes more in this pic now. And you can now see the lapels that define the dinner jacket. Also, the watch is gone as well as the image of a second transposed thumb. He really is a most attractive man...when you can see him !!! ETA - oops, Thankful beat me to it. Dang I type slow. LOL
  7. Don't run away ...... Shane! Come back, Shane! EEEEEEEEEEE It's the horsey song Hey, I'm ready for the next great adventure, Clay! Speaking in a round about way of Alan Ladd, someone on another board said the new CD pic of Clay reminded them of Alan Ladd. And now that I look at it for the umpteenththousandtime I kinda see what they mean. :clay: caro, Kai and Lia look adorable!!
  8. I'm baaaaccckkk. Anyone miss me? yea, thought not Long painful week ahead. Lots of appointments of the not so fun kind. Dr.s, lawyers, school teachers....blech! So glad there is CLAY to look forward to this summer!! Thank god It's good to see I won't be "dropped off and left" in Reno Thanks, Couchie! LOL And what a wonderful boss you have, liney! And extra wonderful news about the hotel room Thankyou! As for Clay's new CD Cover.....it's growing on me. Pretty much like every other picture of him does. It's Clay! So I can't help but find something deadly sexy or sensual or just damn cute about him in nearly every photo taken. With the exception of the Jenna Bush pic. I want that picture to disappear, forever! Make it so, #1. Clay reference by chance ?? back to posting, deyabird! *this post brought to you by emoticons are us
  9. I doubt there will be any mention of the Cluben Tour on AI tonight. If asked, I'm guessing they will have Rube pimp the David Foster tour instead. Of course if I'm wrong I will dance in the streets. And if Clay makes an appearance of any kind I'll be dancin' nekkid in those streets and you're all invited to watch. Be sure to bring the bleach though. Just sayin'
  10. UNE Master of Science in Education Program Sponsored 3rd Annual Golfing For Inclusion Benefit Event Golf Event Features Clay Aiken and PGA Pro Wayne Player http://www.prlog.org/10602820-une-master-of-science-in-education-program-sponsored-3rd-annual-golfing-for-inclusion-benefit-event.html Here's a portion of the press release - P.S. I love my singer and actor BF
  11. Awwww, your new baby is gorgeous! I am really looking forward to this concert too. I wasn't all that excited at the prospect of having to "share" Clay time with the Ruuube but I think it will be fun and it will translate into a good time for all!!!
  12. HA! TV junkie-itis... It's a sickness y'all I have a way of hopping all over the place with what I like to watch. Mostly reality shows I'm sad to say Survivor, Project Runway, Top Chef, TAR, Big Brother (wheeen it's on), and Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares are my primary consumption. I LOVE Big Bang Theory, NCIS, CSI (though I miss Grissom lots!!), The Mentalist annnd my favorite line-up of the USA Network formulaic shows Psych, White Collar and Burn Notice Wrapping up my week usually consists of some enjoyable viewing of QAF reruns on the Logo channel, Top Gear and my other BBC fav Friday Night w/Jonathan Ross....lurve his Four Puffs and a Piano ensemble
  13. Great blog, caro! liney wrote: I loved the '06 tour not only because of the nice tight PANTS and often deadly eye boinks, facial scruff and shexy hair....but he prowled the stage often like a lion in heat. rawwwwrrr He handled the audiences like a well seasoned Vegas performer. And I mean that in a GOOD way Awww, I'm looking forward to meeting both you and your mom, couchie. And everyone attending the Reno show!! And remember, you're never all alone as long as you have US!!! :thbighug-1:
  14. National Inclusion Project on Twitter http://twitter.com/includingkids
  15. For me, Verona shall always be known as the "look at his chestnuts crotch" venue Gawd he was yummy on that tour
  16. Ooooo LOVED the pictures of posted by mad4caly!1! still not crazy about that suit though Just read this posted by Charlotte at OC regarding the Reno concert - The part I bolded made me
  17. cindilu, that was beautiful! *sniff* Maybe he was looking for any reviews of the concert and thought the fans at OFC might have found/posted some. Didn't I read that they had press there? Or was I dreaming that? Anyway, I too am wondering why there haven't been any official type of reports/reviews from last Friday's concert.
  18. I'm thinking the Summer Intercourse Interlude Tour (tm Simon Renshaw??) is to kill several birds with one stone...so to speak. To test the waters, get him out there to stir up enough interest to possibly get a sponsor for the TnT Tour. This could be a way to see if there is enough interest, whet the appetites of some NJU, keep US a happy for the time being and not lose momentum until he does a full out tour, sell some CD's. AND maybe make some money off of this one to help produce the next tour. Or I'm completley off my rocker and just giddy with delight that I'm going to actually SEE & HEAR my bf this summer....LIVE!! AND I FINALLY get to MEET so many of YOU that I have never met before!!!!! Thanks to my wonderful enablers Now we just need to plan a get together for the board
  19. You're the bestest!

    holy crap, you have a lot of friends!! hee

  20. I'm looking for someone(s) to go to the RENO Concert with. I would be happy to drive. I live between the bay area and Sacramento. I am not dangerous and I do not smoke, if that helps. Please PM me if you are interested. *bats lashes innocently*
  21. That would be funny if it weren't so damn sad! What a hot mess (tm some hot singer guy) they are
  22. I'm here reading along too with the rest of the Wish I was Watching Waldo Live gang Can't wait for the RED to start pouring in later tonight. Thanks for posting the WRAL interview! Did he actually say either June or August for the PBS air date??? Holy cannoli. batman! I don't think I can make it 'til August!!!! All I can say is It better not I can't wait to be Blown Away (tm rknrllmom)
  23. Well you better at least remember PANTS! & HAIR! missy OMG I am so excited for Clay and all of the fans who will be there for this once in a lifetime event! I want so much for this to be perfect for him!! Even with my own life in such a damn mess I can't seem to get past my own wishes for Clay's success. Am I crazy EEEEEEEEEEE I can't wait for the RED to begin!
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