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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. :04: I feel happy Oh so happy... He's alive! He's recording and he sounds happy and excited!! And a PBS Special?!!!! And a possible TOUR! Any TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Okay! (and thank you to jamar for the hover quote and what was, quite possibly, the best thread title evah!) Thankyou for the beautimus banner, cindilu! And a big 'ol to the part I bolded hee, silly man See, to me "brother-in-law" seems to be more a technically legal term with regards to marriage. So while I found it sweet I also thought it a bit odd. I seem to be alone in this train of thought though so don't mind me
  3. Good god that lower register of his gave my ovaries a wake-up call! If he sings a version like this....or anything for that matter in his lower register I want it on the next cd damn it! I have been wanting some deep throat voiced clay for sometime now to listen to in my car while I fantasize drive Am I the only one who shed a tear or two when I listened to the clack this morning? I swear what that man does to me is beyond normal!
  4. Best damn tribal council all season!!
  5. We have fallen to 12th place in America's Giving Challenge H.E.L.P.
  6. Couchie, I think I still recall watching the original "V" back in the 80's and didn't care for it then. All I remember is only watching because I had a crush on Marc Singer....or something like that. But the whole lizard thang just creeped me out
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, canfly :04: There was a special delivery for you.......but you weren't home It said something about a collection of rare chest hairs?
  8. Hey, 00lsee, how are you and WTH have you been, woman?! :thbighug-1: ::looks for stapler::
  9. treenuts

    Top Chef

    OMG, djs111, I laughed til I cried!! Then I dreamt about rerun hell and this - I think this challenge must have been about cooking without opposable thumbs!? (obscure reference for anyone who does not recall that specific DickVanDykeShow episode...or any for that matter. hee)
  10. treenuts

    Top Chef

    I was thinking maybe one of the V. brothers was sent packing their knives after seeing a nanosecond of that clip. LOL Probably not. I just hope Jen get's past her insecurities soon. She appeared so very confident in the beginning and seemed like one of the most talented and consistant women ever to be on the show. But I think my favorite has to be Kevin. I really think he deserves to win this big time! I too thank the board goddess for no edit counter. Whew!
  11. Thanks for the reminder, caro! Happy Halloweeny FCA bottlecap, this made me think of you (double click)
  12. Nope. Certainly not from team FooFoo.
  13. I agree...bor-ing. And is it just me or is the bunch from Foa Foa the dumbest tools to set foot on this show yet? I mean seriously, they make Russell look like a rocket scientist
  14. Great video, ldyj! I wonder if it has anything to do with Saturn being in Libra? Where the hell is he and what's he doing?! I'm b.o.r.e.d. outta my mind........ Claaaayyyyyyy
  15. his bleeding ears. Welcome back, canfly.
  16. OMG Couchie, I think I've been there before Hope you're ok!
  17. I'm just happy as hell that the Globetrotters didn't get eliminated last night! :04:
  18. Wow, Nickikiwi got some great pics! How awesome she came all the way from NewZealand for the gala.
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