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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Ok, someone needs to explain the whole hamster-rama to me.
  2. Some verra niiice wallpapers from Fountaindawg at the CH - includes a First Father's Day too http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/Fou...A%20Wallpapers/ and...posted by elaine at OC, a quick drive by from Reed on FB -
  3. Damn!! I so wanted a pet hamster when I was little and now this just brings that sense of longing for a cute little friend and a need never fulfilled rushing back and ...... Not buying it? ok.
  4. Happy Birthday Couchie Eat, Drink and get naked be Merry!
  5. GREAT POST, kf!!! ...and uhm, thanks for the package shot ETA - NEW PICS OF CLAY! Clay Aiken To Celebrate First Father’s Day from justjared - http://justjared.buzznet.com/2009/06/17/cl...en-fathers-day/ ACK! Reed, get home and keep your man away from the closet!! I love Clay Aiken, I just wish to god he'd look in the mirror more often before he goes out in public, bless his wittle heart. LOL
  6. :sm227: I think these are my 2 favorites of the couple ~
  7. Ooooh, niiice view(s), bottle! Reed certainly is flexible Thnx! And not ones you see everyday. Unless of course you're Clay and then... Heh, did I just say that? Out loud? sowwy
  8. Oooh, thanks for that! Yum Gotta put dem goggles on BEFORE ya start scrollin' hon for them to do any good! What am I saying. They don't do any good at all... When I stumbled upon these, I knew that one day I would have just the right use for them. Here, Chardonnay and I demonstrate effective Cl-eye protection. And we were SO ready to market these and get rich, rich, RICH! I suppose there's a table involved in a book tour.... *Rats!* :lmaosmiley-1: OMG those are classic! Best laugh I've had all week!
  9. Ouch! That last one (not the cat) damn near put my eye out!! Since I came late to the party is it possible to get a brief (not boxers) summary of how the term "waldo" came to be for Clay's, erm....waldo?
  10. :pickme: :pickme: :pickme: TimetravelerPax, I can see them and all I can say is that I LOVE THAT MAN! All aspects of him.
  11. Well my oh my The man sure does have an incredibly long in seam don't he!! Love all the tasty gifTs, canfly! I'm thinking buttr probably tops most of those lists too Does she post here at FCA? If not, can we take up a collection to get her to? lol
  12. Well I live all the way in Caleeeforneeeeia and I feel your pain! If I lived closer (like about 3,000 miles closer) I would gladly "enable"! :thbighug-1: {{{preden}}}, how very sad and at such a young age also!! Clay content: I really miss this guy! Maybe he's traveling right now....
  13. I think I must be rhubarb challenged. Even though I think it maybe resembles pinkish reddish celery (?), I really have only used it in the context of some kind of argument or bruhaha and have never considered it as an edible Please don't think me a Philistine, k. Something to decorate with... In honor of some article about some guys who may or may not be harmonizing together somewhere or somehow this weekend or something like that ;-)
  14. Not sure what your preference in pics is so I'll just toss a few of my favs out there for ya! HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  15. Congratulations luckiest and son!! Interesting discussion today and some good observations made. Excellent questions, Scarlett. I'm not sure there is an definitive answer for anyone of these, though I'm still digesting jmh's response. A lot to think about. Hey, did I scare bottle off with my Clongue?!?! wha' hoppen
  16. That's an interesting point, Couchie! Maybe that's why I don't get it, because I don't watch the show anymore. At least I didn't watch beyond 3 performance weeks this year because I couldn't get into anyone on the show. :clay:
  17. Since it's quiet I decided to think out loud. And no......it doesn't hurt! I'm curious. I can't help but wonder how so many Clay fans can be equally or similarly OTT or at least engaged in following someone like he who shall not be named (that's for you, merrieeee :o) ) hee I mean, I find the interest overlapping sooo perplexing! He is almost the anti-Clay and if he were the last singer/entertainer on the planet I wouldn't cross the street to see him much less throw my money at him. I can only imagine what that money may end up going towards. But even if it weren't about that, he just plain offends me. Clay is so much more of a real man IMO. Not afraid to stand alone for the underdog. The children in danger around the world or children with special needs here at home, or even just out actively and continuously supporting local community arts programs. There is nothing glamorous or cool about his causes. Clay Aiken is a gentelman. An unlikely sex symbol; a nerd and a family man. Not to mention a truly original vocalist. Not a poser or a wannabe rock star forming his persona, carving his image from some 1980's bedroom poster. How is it possible we can admire or lust after these two simultaneously? And I read so much about the "charisma"!? WTF? I mean Clay IMO is loaded to the teeth with the stuff, but this other guy? I can't seem to get past the greasy smarm enough to tell if there is anything closely resembling it. Oh well, I just thought I'd toss that out there. I apologize if this post makes anyone uncomfortable. That is not my intent. It is only my mind at work and a thought that boggles me!! meh YMMV Ok, is it time for some more Clongue yet?
  18. Just cause I'm bored and I miss this guy ;-) Awww, too cute! "But if I have to make the sandwich too..." gaahhhh What a cool tall drink of water that man is! signing off...
  19. Awwww Kim :thbighug-1: that got me a little misty too. So was that centered around the news about Spam? It sounds right but I'm not sure, but if so I think you said a mouthful!!
  20. Awe thanks! But in the interest of historical correctness, his response to my post wasn't his first time posting...I pretty sure it was his second...but still...my best moment as a fan and thank you for remembering! Kim Ok, for those of us in the dark and curious like MEEEE, could you spill? I wanna know Kim, how you touched Clay? and was any leather involved?
  21. WORD!! OMG kf, I guess I just need to assign blame for my continuously following you as my "girl crush"! Hope this doesn't offend you.....*sigh*
  22. Well, just in case this moves on to a new page before I finish posting, cause we really should have as many of these beauties on each page as possible. *slurp* Clay in motion is like an aphrodisiac and I MISS HIM SOOOOOOO Thanks kf, for feeding my "needs" this morning!! lilyshine wrote: I certainly hope so
  23. EEEEEEEE That was me too!! Only difference, I had not followed Clay prior to that. THAT was my big holyshitlookathimandwowcanhesingtheshiznitzouttathatsong moment for me! And suddenly From that moment on I was hooked. Shark bait. Toast!! I've stayed for the total package and have been blissfully following him with my tongue dragging along ever since!
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