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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. :thbighug-1: WELCOME Cognitogrrl!!! So glad you decided to join us! Look out y'all, there's a new hawt babe in da house
  2. Thanks, Scarlett Could this be considered Clay being suggestive? --> OT - Since we have no new Clay pics to share, I just saw this new pic of Reed in front of the Marriot in Moscow posted at OC - Cute!!
  3. Whaaaaat?! You mean to tell me there is a "suggestive" one? Can you share?
  4. I posted this at CH this morning but wasn't sure if anyone here wanted to read about Slimon. Since it's quiet I'll share. WARNING: This may make you ill!! It did me :/ Show me the money! Interesting, somewhat $hocking but not all together $uprising - "ENORMOUS MONEY" SIMON OFFERED $144 MIL A YEAR TO STAY ON 'IDOL' http://www.nypost.com/seven/06302009/tv/en...oney_176757.htm tree's editorial - What a fucking waste of $$$!!!!
  5. It's far too sad and weird for me. I loved his music at one time, but now something is just missing. Perhaps all the twisted things that have developed over the course of the past few decades. I only know that I can't watch anything further about it now. I just change the channel and yell at my TV ENOUGH! lol Maybe it just seems too surreal, like one long drawn out circus or freak show with all these people coming out of the woodwork and all the pimping going on. And the adoration and idolization has been a bit OTT for me. I think he was a genius at one time. A truly good looking and talented guy. I believe he absolutely had a huge impact on the modern music video. But he didn't set out to make a difference with his money or his celebrity on any grand scale. He spent his $$$ spree spending garrish and orante "things", not to mention the multiple plastic surgeries that left him IMO disfigured. He was obssessed with his celebrity, power and thought of himself in terms of royalty.....and I still don't understand why he was so driven to be a father and hide the fact that they were not even his. And continue to abuse himself in so many ways. And the question continue....and you're right Couchie, this isn't going to go away ever. I can only imagine how many books will be written on the subject matter and what may come to light over the coming years. It makes me sad for him but most of all I feel for those children!! I am so glad Clay appears to be grounded and has found other ways to use his celebrity and money. I hope he has a peaceful soul. I wish MJ had had the opportunity to develop one. Such a waste of a life and great talent.
  6. Well, since I'm on the west coast technically I still have over two hours so I've borrowed this from liney 'cause it's too cute not to! Hope you've had a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEAR Certainly not! Clay
  7. kf, I totally agree with your last post. May I add IMO OMWH is a technically and artistically wonderful CD and that it would be a CRIME not to hear those songs live in concert!! I go away from time to time to listen to other music as well but every.single.time I return to that CD I get chills at just how truly good it is and Clay sounds great singing those songs. I think they are the soundtrack to his life and I am so happy for him that he had the chance to make that CD. But I am so sad that it did not get the reception or support I thought it deserved. I love that man and his BIG talent
  8. WELCOME to SueRue and Claysmelody aka Ashes. All that talk of "rendering" Clay on the last page has given me the vaaapahs!! Sure hope we hear something from bf soon. I kinda miss him *sniff*
  9. Oh sorry, I meant to say I can't wait to see this film... and that hawtdamn sexxxxy man in the role of a gangsta.
  10. Thanks, caro! I absolutely floved the JNaT of '06! FLOVED it My favorite headline of the day from The Province (Canadian paper?) The Thriller's Gone bwah! ...and there's my BB King tribute for the day as well.
  11. Yes, of course you're right and thanks. Someone else has pointed that out to me as well. It's funny how I just felt it was an obvious omition because they were such an integral part of what I have come to know as American music and culture. Strange how that happens. LOL So why wasn't MOAM included on that list then? *ducks & runs away fast*
  12. One thought might be that he tried to change his looks so as not to resemble anything of his father. So he would not see any reflection of him when he looked into a mirror. Both physically and metaphorically speaking.
  13. Thanks, kf, that was really interesting! But do my eyes deceive me? *note: eyes are tired and old and it's quite possible they do* NO Beatles or BB King? NO Stones? WTF? But they include Nirvana??? I call bullshit *sniff* You make me proud!!
  14. Off The Wall was off the wall and my favorite MJ album. I wasn't too thrilled with Thriller but I was obviously in the minority. heh I'm sure his legacy will be a mix of the genious/talent, his sad childhood, his bizarre change in appearance along with the eccentric lifestyle and behavior. So much will most likely come out of this eventually and I'm sure folks will come out of the woodwork for $$$ with stories. Ugh But I hope his music legacy outshines the rest as time goes on. R.I.P.
  15. They are now reporting that Michael Jackson was rushed to UCLA Med Center due to cardiac arrest and is now in a coma. Such a sad strange day it's been strummer, I'd be tha-rilled to toss some money around if that Clay Aiken dude would just give me a reason to! Give me something to buy, Clay. A CD, A book, a TICKET!!!
  16. Fan-tastic montage by luvgreatmusic posted this morning at the CH!! It's not new but it's new to me and the Solitaire blend is amazing!!! The guy singin' aint bad either Give a listen He really is one in a million and I'm so damn proud to be his fan!
  17. :thbighug-1: preden Clay is a teacher. A hawt teacher
  18. beryl, I may not agree or even understand your views but I respect your right to own them. But Clay Aiken is so much more than his sexual orientation. MUCH MORE and I'm sure you know that. I think Clay is all about LOVE! Love in many ways, and ways this world needs badly. Love and inclusion, acceptance. The sex is something some fans have focused on, I myself being a HUGE contributor. I apologize if anything I have said has offended you. But it's not Clay who purports this image, it is many of us, certainly not all or even the majority of fans are like this. But we all have one thing in common and that's our adoration of his voice....in all forms! He is a role model for many IMO and one I am proud to support. If only we can look beyond, into the eyes, the soul of the man and what he has accomplished with that voice and his heart thus far. Wishing you the very best! I'M PROUD TO BE A CLAY FAN My beautiful man (from the GLAAD awards) - And a nice collage I found but can't remember who posted it (sorry)
  19. There was a Clay mention on Letterman tonight - David said that he's planning on going to the Gay Pride parade... as Clay Aiken's mother. hohoho
  20. I am sad, Phil Mickelson did not win the US Open and Rickey Barnes could not maintain his lead. It was a bit of a let down. Anti-climatic for me. *sniff* Content: Clay's been on a golf course
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