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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Just saw this posted at the CH ~ Strange sighting Me!!! :pickme: Maybe he's meeting with musicians getting ready to head back into the studio?Or a longer shot, Tour? ...a girl can dream can't she...
  2. Bwah! I think I figured that out Oooh :pickme: I wondered the same thing. Can we "undownload" it from iTunes or "unorder" it from Amazon? hee
  3. pffffttt... I actually hit this site (yea, I know) and clicked on the Clay photogallery to the right and went thru and rated the pics It was fun, gave the hit to Clay and not what'shisface and I am hoping to rate that one particular Jenna Bush pic outta the system! since "willing it away" hasn't seemed to work thus far
  4. Well, I'm sure she wouldn't have used it if she didn't like and relate to the lyric, but yeah, it is in honour of Clay. She's a huge Clay fan, and has been with me to over 40 Clay concerts/events. On her other leg, she has the outline of the state of NC. She got that one done when we were in Raleigh for a concert, because I distinctly remember her coming to the pre-party with the bandage. I think it was right before the Cary JBT! She's quite a fan. Great story and thanks for filling me in!
  5. Great tat! I don't suppose it was in honor of Clay though was it? Yea, didn't think so, but it was a kewl thought LOVE this quote from claylove - "BE GONE ALREADY!!" (sizing mine) My new mantra! So any more Tweets from Atlanta? Do we know who what Clay had for dinner yet?
  6. merrieee, I feel your pain, sistah!! I believe there's a lot of truth in what you say though those in question may be in some kind of denial. :lmaosmiley-1:
  7. and may I add - Love Kim!!! So how come I read this as: Smutt sticks/bundles Sage Smutt Ceremony Smutt Sticks
  8. Bwah! Well here's all I hear in the first part of that--> Too bad this guy doesn't think very much of himself. How DOES he carry that ego around all day?
  9. Wait, what's this? Some kind of party (code for orgy) in Kareneh's driveway? And merrieeee will be cell certing it? Wow, can I cumcome too?! :pickme: I'll bring dip.
  10. Just for shits & giggles: ------------------ In a small town the local patrolman was making his evening rounds. As he was checking a used car lot, he came upon two little old ladies sitting in a used car. He stopped and asked them why they were sitting there in the car. Were they trying to steal it? 'Heavens no, we bought it.' 'Then why don't you drive it away.' 'We can't drive.' 'Then why did you buy it?' 'We were told that if we bought a used car here we'd get screwed, so we're just waiting. --------------------
  11. ok...BANG! sowwy Actually I thought Eminem wasn't half bad. Kind of attractive.
  12. Ahhhh, the bendy one and the well.....well hung one. They do make a great pair indeedy! I think they remind me a bit of these two: Odd choice of Clay pic to use. But OMG that Aretha photo really skeeeered me
  13. I love it when Clay gives a helping hand!! It's so like him isn't it?! Gawd I love him And he even does it for himself now and then. Sharing the love...
  14. Just give a kidney To a father or a dad..... ugh, sorry but that just started my earworm up again :-P
  15. Snark? WTF is that? Me no comprehendo And I'm sorry, but I was really hoping you meant Julia Roberts cause THAT was something I would like to have seen. Meryl portraying JR!! Although I'm sure her playing a drunk chef with an M16 running around in the darkness of the French woods during WWll could be quite interesting as well.
  16. That's entirely too funny...I gotta steal that. Whomever is in charge of Thread titles... Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth) I saw all of the emote talk and I have NO idea how I ended up with my own emote here (presumably Cindilu "appropriated" it, lol? I have my own emote at RHT, The Shed and NNHB and here, lol. is pretty distinctive. That reminds me...I've been meaning to post a picture of my airplane. I took this on the way to the last Toronto cluncheon. I own 1/10th of it and don't ask which 10th because that joke is really old, lol. I bought my share of the plane in 1998 for $2,500, when it had faded out old paint and fugly 70s mustard yellow interior and an over-timed engine. It now has a new engine, new burgundy interior with lettering rubbed on by hand...letter by letter by yours truly over the course of a summer and nice shiny paint job. Luckily costs are split 10 ways, lol. While I'm in this PB folder, here's my new Mustang...2008...and my cat...and a squirrel's nest in the engine of my old Yukon, lol. canfly, you are welcome to steal words anytime Wow you got a new car?! She's a beauty!!! My mom always wanted (still does) a red Mustang. I'm happy for ya but I shall miss your colorful stories of Clay roadtrips in your former deathtrap older vehicle I'll keep my fingers crossed that "someone" tours s00n so you can put it to good use. LOVE the Good Samaritan Clay sighting from Raleigh too!! That Clay Aiken fella is quite a man
  18. djs wrote: See, this makes me nervous. Huge Dan Brown fan here! I felt the same way about Tom Hanks as Langdon in The Da Vinci Code. Not a great mesh. So I'm little skeeered to see Angels & Demons which I would think to be even tougher to pull off in light of the more intense violence of the book. Plus piece mealing out so much detail just does not do the story full justice. Oh well, I may give it a try. Thanks for the feedback. I'm looking forward to his newest due out in September - The Lost Symbol...the Robert Langdon adventure continues :-) Did you mean Julia Child? Or am I really that dense
  19. So do ya think there's enough for a new book NOW, Clay? LOL What shall you call it? Sooo many possibilities Perhaps: Simon Say's: Shut Up and Sing 2 (Learning to keep my foot outta mah mouth) I LOVE Clay Aiken and hope you know I'd buy the reqesite 10 copies baby!!
  20. so she can never win a meet and greet? I suppose that's the price I pay for being forboden!! 165 donuts maybe. Hey, if there is an emoticom for me would it have to have a rash or something? If so, would that mean Clay had to eat me or at least lick me? What? It's a fair question!
  21. canfly, are you done? Is it safe to post yet? I'd like to thank you ladies for the lovely pics of the shexshy today,liney, perma and canflytypesahelluvalotononepagecatchupmethod. Please, allow me - Not sure this one belongs but it has an interesting effect on me ;0) And lastly, of course Reed looking at Clay's butt!
  22. Heh. I wish the people calling me names had to pay me $20 to do it. Dang. Yea, me too, espcially my kid...I'd be RICH!!! Oh wait, but then I'd be giving her the moola to pay me. Oh nevermind. I can't win Ok, this one person (I don't think I can post their SN here can I, Couchie?) is as vile as some on the tabloid sites. Page 30, you cannot miss it! UGH And they have others too. Is this the same person you are refering to as well, Fear? Ouch, poor Clay baby! http://www.clayonline.com/blog/member/clay..._ha?comments=30 Here Clay, let me kiss it and make it better
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