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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. Scarlett, I flove the T-Rex! Thumbs up on her outfit, I want one!! When did they start offering those I wonder?
  2. Ooooh, I highly recommend this for anyone NOT on heart medication! rrrrrwwwrrrr CFM NOW baybay!! *melts into puddle of goo*
  3. OMFG West Palm was one of THE BEST!! I have watched that clack so often...and the banter was superb along with his hair and lips and voice and his jeans and.......... Where was I? Oh, yah, love the pics too! merieeeee(how many e's? I'm never quite sure), I'm keeping your friend and her new born in my thoughts. Now a bit OT - here is my WTF moment for the week. I picked my DD up from her grandparents house in Half Moon Bay and we haven't seen each other for over a week. We have a long ass drive home, something like 2.5 hours due to it being a week day and I have to contend with the SF commute, so you would think we would spend some "quality time" catching up. Yah, you would think. BWAH! She's 15 and there is no such thing. I am sitting there driving along and talking to her when I suddenly realise she has her earbuds in and the ipod between her legs on the seat. I am momentarily disappointed and feel a little like an idiot but then hey, I can listen to Clay now and she won't know or care. So I am now happily listening to my BF and suddenly traffic comes to a grinding halt on the freeway. Ugh! This could be a long, ugly drive but THEN.....since we've stopped and the road noise is no longer an issue she seems to kinda hear what's coming from the stereo. She takes one earbud out....listens....takes the other one out......listens some more.....and then she turns to me looking a little sheepish and says "Mom, can I ask you a favor? Could you please play that song again? But wait until it's over, ok?!" I nearly fainted. I think my mouth was hanging open just a bit as I said sure. But what amazed me was that it wasn't "Falling" which I know she and her friends kind of like. It was "ALAWH" which just took me by surprise. It even offered us an opportunity to talk about his recent UNICEF trip which she thought was very scary. We listened to the song twice and talked for approx. 4 minutes. But it seemed like an eternity to me compared to what our usual interaction is like. I nearly floated home!! Great way to end the week. Thanks, Clay! :F_05BL17blowkiss: sorry for the corny detour....carry on
  4. Cotton I DID! In fact I considered stealing it Heh....I still may! I find this very applicable to my view of Clay's treatment in today's society. Or as I like to call it, "the alternate universe". Thanks for sharing it!
  5. I'll bite. "At This Moment" When I first saw this AI video I remember being struck dumb (shut-up) and experiencing my very first CA "O" moment! I'd fall down on my knees Kiss the ground that you walk on baybay rewind, play, multiples....
  6. My first concert? Well, my dad was a DJ here in N. Cal. when I was a kid and we saw a ton of shows. Mostly my folks "idols" back in the day but I am forever grateful for the exposure! It was a fantastic experience into a gnere I may not have chosen myself and grew to LOVE. My very first was Judy Garland at the old Circle Star Theater. I was very little but I do remember parts of it. I also remember she had Liza with her and they sang one or two songs together. After that it was Burt Bacharach and then Frank Sinatra. Ahhh, I miss the Circle Star.... memories. But I never got to see The Beatles. They broke up long before I was old enough to go with friends Later on I think my first "rock" concert was a Day on the Green at the Oakland Coliseum, so there were a ton of bands there but I think the headliners were Lynyrd Skynyrd. And though I wasn't much of a fan of theirs I recall the drugs and alcohol were a big hit and thus that is ALL I can recall from that day! heh
  7. Just Costello!! Presely? Nope. Does that make me an outcast? Nothin' new there To each their own. Now I could talk about The Cure, Greenday, The Clash all day long. But I don't think anyone else here would. Maybe I should just STFU before I get my membership revoked Lotus, I enjoyed the old FORT post. Especially this: STILL works for me! what
  8. Did I hear someone say "neck" - (sorry, but you need to double click before you lick) slurp gurgle
  9. Not a bad looking man, play, but those feet look way too small Welcome back, wandacleo.
  10. I know this will sound weird but I have always been partial to, prefer his left profile! Of course that's only once I'm able to break away from the gravitational pull of his..... and look up.
  11. EEEEEEEEEE new banner! *licks monitor* I'm not a huge fan of the blond but this picture intrigues me (euphemism for makes me horny) Hmmmm....other boards huh? Well I have only been on one other fan board for any length of time and it was NOTHING like any of Clay's. It was a Johnny D. board and there was always some kind of controversy surrounding him but it was somewhat expected. It was accepted as part of his "bad boy" image at the time. I find that Clay's perhaps mystique (whether unwanted or unwarranted, I don't know) is at the core of it. But he is so multifaceted that he is going to attract a much more diverse fan base than most. His appeal is complicated. He attracts some very strong emotions and that can be polarizing. So IMO it has much to do with HIM. The man. And although I think it is both the agony and the ecstacy of the celebrity board world I couldn't let go if I wanted too. He is the best book I've ever read! (tm somebody else).
  12. Ooooh, been there done that. I was only 36 but still high risk for numerous reasons. I even lost my eyesight for a time and they told me the same thing. Only I was much further along. But I improved, was put on bed rest as well and was very very lucky. I will keep your friend in my thoughts along with Jaymes. I am a Stones fan too (early stuff) but not nearly as much as the Beatles. I prefer the driving beats of some of the Stones music but always floved all of the Beatles songs. I think it has to do with harmonies, blends and their cuteness. hee Besides, I may have been merely a wee pup but I was madly in love with John. In a way, like Clay, I was really drwan to his sense of humor and slightly quirky looks.
  13. AWE....WONKY EYE! sniff I'm lovin' the photo jag, ladies! Thanks :F_05BL17blowkiss: luckiest, I'm glad you and your son had a good time at the concert. I hope you get your e-mail pics too cause I'm selfish that way and hope you share with us
  14. Let's just hope they aren't having to share ONE bathroom! holy shit, I'm a postho' lately
  15. That was cool to read. thanks, aikim! So that was posted today and now we know he is home & relaxing. EEEEEEEEE But this? - I don't care if she is on baby watch, someone needs to slap her upside the head
  16. The clay fan video is too sweet, play, loved it! At first I thought she was the same young girl I sat next to at one of the Spam performances I attended until she mentioned her sister. Nope, not the same girl but similar and I loved the fangirly squeeing Couchie, it's too bad BBQ is out because Everett & Jones is one of my all time favorites in the bay area for BBQ and soul food. Let us know where you end up taking them. Ok, off to stream & cream...
  17. Ouch, luckiest. That whole Macca set-up sounds too long, involved and uncomfortable for some guy old enough to be my dad. But then it's NOT CLAY so my judgement may be a bit clouded I keed I keed... sorta I guess seeing Ringo twice will have to be my swan song effort at ever seeing the Beatles (my all time favs & the greatest band evah) live. BWAH I DID! That CMSU and I had to rewind it twice because I was laughing so hard I missed the next scene. Twice! I remember that episode from last season. The "knock off" of AI and it was hysterical! I loved seeing Tim Curry cast in the Slimon role but the chick who played the Paula part was the absolutevodka best! hee Take care, play & Fear. I hope you both are feeling better soon!
  18. {{{RIFAN}}} Not a fan of the glasses so much but I do LOVE this pic. The way he looks into the camera with that CFM NOW look....just gahhhh double click for twice the lick
  19. Oh no, play, try watching Psych or Monk. I saw the new Psych last night and I have to say "I love those two goofy guys". In some way they remind me of Clay with some weird combo of his traits between the two of them. Yea, I'm hopeless and totally whipped but shhhh don't tell anybody, k? I couldn't agree more
  20. Whew! Well, that ended with a bang. eh Love the pics CG. But the last one with the little buddha belly is a wee bit skeeery Anyone up for Clay's horoscope this week from OK Ragazine? That's all I got. I'm wiped out.
  21. justclay wrote: Well, I did!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for the laugh, annabear, it was a much needed fix! Now I'm off to do something constructive like swim a few laps (as few as possible) and then eat some ice cream.
  22. I don't believe he is either! No way, Jose!! I have a headache reading all of the different angst around the various boards. Boy, I never realised just how many different Clay topics could be so controversial and repetitive. Oy! I'm also one to still be sitting in the 50/50 car where the baby rumor is concerened. It seems nearly most of the bizzare rumors started about him in the past were just that. So until I hear from the man himself it's gonna be just "a rumor" to me. And even then, IIT, I have come to the conclusion that it will have less an impact on him career wise than some appear to agonize about AND I have NO control over the situation anyway. So phffft! I'm thinking he has a bright future ahead of him and he just needs his FANS to be there when he is ready to entertain again or support a cause that is important if we can. This new approach seems to work wonders for my blood pressure It is very quiet on the boards today. So here's a few hugs for all those in need of news or another picture. Cause it's our job to be greedy bitches where Clay is concerned. Right? Right! :thbighug-1:
  23. mind if I join ya Holy moly, I've had similar fears of just such a thing crawling up the plumbing in my toilet and biting me in the OT - Yeah for Project Runway starting this week as well as Monk and Psych!!1! The TV drought is over.....for now. And speaking of "pile ons"...patience, the Clay content is coming.... I wish that CA fella would pile on me sometime!
  24. Best statement I've read all day, Fear! I'm sure I have criticised this man at some time over the past two years but I definitly respect and admire him and his tenacity. As well as his very very fine ass I might add! :00003653: :fest30: :bier: Playbiller & Carolina Clay
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