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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. I got nothin' thought provoking or of substance to contribute (no news there I know) Just wanted to say holy gahhh Claygasm, that next to last pic is one of my most treasured of the Aiken! that is all
  2. Chardonnay, great story, great pic! Your arms are so much thinner than mine! I hate you
  3. Well, I don't know if this fits the "pattern" but just in case it might slip in sideways...my first kiss was a slightly built young guy with reddish blond hair in a bowl cut! Does that count?
  4. OMG was this something said/posted somewhere? For real?!?! Cause IIT folks like that need some serious HELP in the form of a giant enima! Awe, I love tammie's pics....the wedding singer
  5. Thanks for bringing those over, 00lsee! I am MUSH I think you're right, cindilu, he smiles with his entire face and I think it all glows from deep within! He's truly one hell of a beautiful man inside and out And I have to say I love the new banner too! My favorite Clay look next to the JNT 06. Thanks, playbiller, for the Quiana Q&A. I think this made me all schmoopie Wishing you a speedy recovery, ldyj!!
  6. THIGHS! EYES! LIPS! ASS! The best view of him on that day. Trust me. Uhm....you know
  7. Actually he said it again in an interview with some Christian show I believe in Canada. When asked what kind of girl/woman he was looking for (may not be exact wording) he went on to describe someone he would like to marry one day. I think. LOL Anyway, he did go into some detail about that. I do recall he said he didn;t think it would be a fan. Not life long companionship material, or something like that. Damn! But as someone here mentioned....things change and so do people. Sometimes without any advanced notice or blog! SHOCK!
  8. Oh FFS of course Clay is a star. A HUGE star!! A supahstah oops I mean IMO And just to weight in on this other topic of national importance - I happen to think Clay would look mighty HAWT holding a blowtorch to just about anything, even my niche.
  9. TWoP = Television Without Pity not to be confused with TWitP = The Whopper in the Pants
  10. BoB = Buns of Bliss... if I'm not mistaken. And I use to think PFD stood for personal flotation device. But come to find out it really means Packed for Delivery. EEEEEE I love gettin me some ed.u.ca.tion
  11. Thanks, justclay :thbighug-1: And as for adoration and caring of another celeb, I don't think I've ever felt that way for another other than Johnny Depp. I guess I must love my men a bit on the androgynous side. But not nearly as intense as this. I found him to be a highly underrated character actor and he really got a bad rap from the press/media as well. And I think I began my passion for booty/package shots about that time, but never ever did I appreciate anyone's more than I have CA! I think my defining moment of ogling in this fandom was when I discovered the BoB & PoP posts during his hotness' JNaT 06 appearances. Gahhhhh I miss those Paul Smith suits (pants) and I miss him moving in them. posted by: shallow & shameless
  12. You are me, justclay! Now get outta my head :F_05BL17blowkiss: Only difference is, I couldn't help him pay his mortgage but I would definitely give him a bed to sleep in!! Couchie, I find that hard to believe. By the time I was 9 months pregnant you couldn't hide me behind a barn
  13. Ahhh, Eagles talk! I floved the Eagles!! Not so much anymore. But Desperado, On The Border & One of These Nights...yea, good times, good memories, good music & friends! ahhhh Of course I was only 3 at the time I just wanted to summarize Couchie's post. Then allow me. I would be more than happy to meet him halfway, going down down down
  14. And Fearless! I don't know about you, justclay, but I already did! I even paid airfare, hotel fees and cab fare not to mention standing out in an alley in the freezing wind! But watching his chest rise then fall for mere minutes (among a few other things) was oh sooo worth it
  15. selfish bitch alert: Well, I think it's great for the children and all blahblahblah but I have a need to see him for more than a 60 second snippet demmit! Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm sooo going to hell!!!
  16. Thanks for the yummies, Perma! I believe Clay was born in the era. Well, I'm actually glad he was born when he was but....hell, you know what I mean. He is of a "time gone by" to say he might have been more appreciated by the masses if he had come into his own back in the 40's or 50's. Just my mind wandering. Oooh, like TMAX? T for Tactile
  17. True dat. Oh that would be brilliant! He's certainly quirky enough and he does have that brit accent down pat! ETA - qbmifan, I wouldn't mind a Christmas tour either IF it is done ala JNaT '06. That was perfection for me. There aint nothin like struttin Clay Otherwise I'd rather wait for a pop/rock tour with OMWH whenever that is.
  18. Yea, sadly I do, playbiller. It seems almost like a huge shift in energy. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I guess I just don't get it. The whole "Cookie" thing. He leaves me cold. Kinda bleh! I suppose I'm just monogamous when it comes to Clay Aiken. eh, they'll be back!! Resistance is futile
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