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Everything posted by playbiller

  1. now for some other not interesting beanie board talk The company was owned by a tall thin handsome man who had dreamed of becoming an actor in his youth, but sort of ended up in the toy business afer a short attempt. b He was in his early fortiackes, had not married but was living with a woman and her preteen daughter - yet the rumors swirrled about him in the business gossip pages were that he was gay. I suppose dressing almost always in a black turtle neck and black trousers made him look a bit theatrical, but I thought it was so odd that business articles woudl be interested in his sexuality despite the fact that he seemed involved and intgroduced this woman as his girlfriend at various events. They never did get married and broke up while I still followed the story on the boards, of course this was only discussed at the fan boards that were not major boards amd more obssessed with collecting and providing information to help collecting. Now, I think there is only one board. I think I will have to scout out a picture of his handsome appearance and his chiseled facial features. Let me tell you, I read fan girly after fan girly recounts of meeting him at toy fairs, BWAH! And we did have one conversation on the company board about labor practices in factories (carefully worded to avoid banning) and about a month later an article came out of his touring factories to insure safe working conditions, so someone keeps an eye on these official boards. eh, here is a picture from a long time ago.
  2. So it has happened before to other artists - but is it constructive or destructive? Has it happened to another idol? I don't consider the amazing race or big brother fan boards because it was a mix of people who were fans of certain people and some who were fans of others so shows are not people equivalent, however on the beanie board, it was acceptable heavily moderated because tha average age of a poster was proabaly 8, so not controversial subject, no foul language nothing bad to be said about individual beanies ( kids might take the remarks personally if thier favborite beanie was insulted as being ugly). It took an hour after you posted for your comment to appear because the moderators read and approved every post and they were workers in the beanie land. However, a bunch of angry customers did post about back door episodes they witnessed and store owners posted about lack of product. It was very iffy about posts getting through. Finally there was a "rebel board" formed where people could instantly complain about backdooring and make ridiculolus accusations about the owner taking bribes from sotres, like he was so poor he had to do that and creat bad feelings. And then there was new years 2000 - the turning point in beanie collecting where no one knows what was really meant, but there was a messagbe posted at the website taht seemed to indicate the line would be discontinued. After taht a lot of fans disappeared and the market has pretty much been scrambling like everuyone else and the inflated "tulip bulb' like prices dropped. The aligned boards have pretty much disappeared or branched out to other things and the official board is pretty dead and has introduced interactive Beanie 2.0 to bring back the children after trying bratz like dolls and e-bay like auction site, both of which failed. So the ownere is still making money, but the excitement and fun f the late 90's is gone and cannot be reignited. ETA - ditto, Michelle Branch - oops.
  3. Thanks to the eHP for a virtual vacation. I think everyone needs a break, maybe Clay boards do as well. Point of discussion - Are Clay boards more critical of Clay than other fan boards - Well, we kind of know at least a couple of examples where it is not true - like the Mandy Moore board taht she closed down because it was vicious in the criticism of her and her label, but was the the exception rather than the rule? Are any other idol fans as critical of their idol? Or on a more cheerful note - we can talk about our dream venue where clay has yet to appear - maybe a city we want to visit. Isn't some group here planning a trip to Asia? heh heh
  4. Nope, a hand written letter written to me. Sadly, at nearly 100, her handwriting is more ledgible than mine. I hope she is not going to make me take care of her cats or dogs. She didn't want anymore animals because she didn't want to have them out live her, but her neer do well grandson came to stay for a few weeks and when he left, he left her with a german shepard and two cats.
  5. Clay Aiken “the father of text messaging
  6. So, if she rewrites it and makes is sealed clear liquid, are you all going to bring in vodka bottles and put them on the tables?
  7. Well, back from the beach and wading through tons of junk mail to find bills and birthday cards - and I open a card and have a WTF moment? - ostensibly it is from my near 100 year old godmother and aunt. It starts with "I have calmed down enough to accept your offer of help" = ??????? I have not talked to this woman since my Mother died in 2000 - who knows what I said to her then????? She included a phone number, I am afraid to call her. The rest of her card is a litinany of financial problems that scare me. When she died I was making a ton of money every week and salting half of it away and spending the rest freely, especially with my 6 week vacation. It was weird enough to get thatg e-mail about calling an aunt last night from Fear who has seriously lost her voice, yet if you call her she won't.shut.up! The emergency? Well, it idid not exist, she jsut tried to call me and someonw told her she had the wrong number, so I called myself after I got home, and, nope, still my number. My aunt did call the wrong number. She wants me to call her tonight, I guess she is not talking to her own children right now. Actually, she and my mother talked all the time, I think I sound enough like my mom that it comforts my aunt.
  8. Thank goodness you are alive - seating like tht should not have been allowed - anything would have been better. I think, that is illegal in the US after so many died in Cleveland long ago.
  9. Anyone see this How I met Clay Aiken or did I miss when it was posted?
  10. Some one at IDF posted new baby pictures of Clay from our Clay with babies thread Anyone know where they are from? anyone have any other good pictures of Clay with babies I can respond with?
  11. I think Luckiest is on line already, so our good wishes have to travel through the ether. Hi Cha Cha T Just saw Al Gore on TV, said he won't run for office again unless it is president, heh. No Clay news, but I think I wll change and listen to ATDW a bit today.
  12. I'm baaaack. Clay will be around soon, probably in a few weeks. Does that help?
  13. Ask Fear about how the people she knows in Portland feel about clay, it isn't pretty. I really do think that the label is pushing radio play, it just is facing more than normal resistance. Personal crap - Well, I will be on my way home Monday - too much traffic tomorrow, still watching one ankle swell, but not the foot, I have no idea what is happening, but forgot my blood pressure gauge, so will take medicine and guess for another day - today the water was mild but weird meeting at all different angles and I just couldn't get the umph out to go in the water over my knees, but with this storm coming, I probably won't even try tomorrow.
  14. Hi Rifan, sit nd stay a while - we get angsty too, but someone always posts a pretty picture and we are easily distracted - all those emoticons are on this board except the last one - feel free to use them, heh Animals - the problems is not just that habitat is shrinking, but as Iseeme posted that the habitat moves - but habitat always moves in time of stress and people are developing in the fall back lands of the animals - just moving the animals to someone else's back yard or putting them back into an environment which is no longer habitable will not work. We cannot expect the animals to change their traits for us - like the example of the mountain lion that ate the child - the parents who wanted to live in the wilderness should have been more alert and possibly built an electrified fence if they wanted their toddler outside by herself - So she was riding a bike on a paved area - still when you live in the mountain lion area,the adult needs to act like an adult and not expect the lion to go - Oh well, I can't eat this easy prey, I need to get something with fur. Or all the people in Florida or South Carolina (a friend of mine) who got their dog eaten by alligators while tied outside - DUH!
  15. Enlightenment is always good - point taken - man always screws up nature.
  16. Don't take offense here Iseeme[/b[, but IMO you moved into the bears neighborhood and your neighbor was probably sending cooking scents out those open windows - The bear was there first. I remember reading about a mother that was outragd that her young daughter was eaten by a mountain lion, but she and her husband moved into a remote area in the ountains to live it was their choice and then they expected their child o go out and play in the fenced in yard. Picet fences do not keep out mountain lion - then she lobbied for all mountain lions in the mountains to be killed. My stand is if you want to live in the suburbs, move to an existing area - if you want to live in the wild, you take your chances. This probably sounds too harsh, but if you get this bear killed there will be another taking it's place until there are no bears left. Which gives me a wonderful opportunity to whine about my neighbors again. I used o live in a very old part of town where most houses were over 100 years ld and surrouded by 500 and 300 year old oak trees which the residence appreciated for their coolness on hot days. Well... I have watched the neighborhood change and watch tree after tree fall, the finishing touch was my neighbors who paved their big back yard and buld a fake water fall for their real coy - all their trees were down, well, I joined a group and we lobbied the city and now have a rule where you can not cut down a tree that has not been planted in the last 20 years without being fined - unfortunately the file in only 100 dollars. I think we need to work harder. Let's just say there are about 3 of us on the block left with slightly wooded lots. And we deal with the possum, raccon, squirrels, field mice, skunks, newts, owls and blue jays (most vicious animal on earth net to the green head fly!). We don't have deer as they could not survive the traffic, we don't have any wild animal bigger than a muskrat and beaver, but hey I am in a pretty urban area. Still, I respect the skunks and let them live and they let me and my dogs live. About Clay? Well he is such a regular guy offtage, even carrying his own luggage an wearing the same clothes over and voer - I wonder if he has a cargo shorts investment?
  17. KF some words are not being said in anger, but in cold calculating ways to troll a board - it happens where you don't have mods - that and when some people can not see thatmenness is not snark, but just plain meanness - sometimes it is hard to distinguish between people who call themselves fans and haters - and I say this to indicate the over the top defenders as well, the haters love to play that role although it is nt the same starring part. that is why we get to post certain emoticons like :whatacrock: :dumb_people: :boo-hoo: :pantyout: :fssign: :asshat: :fuckoff: :blinkies_114: :stfu: We are well prepared here of course I could not find my favorite one
  18. well, I am watching world's best dog and I Love Money so I am really scraping the bottom of the TV barrel. OK, the weekend people are at the beach - can I stay here much longer - oh and jelly fish have been sited - my usual sign to leave. Still have not cleaned under the bathroom sink where there was crap washed from the corner I never looked in from the previous owner (can't fit my head in the hole, so I nevr saw it guess I should hav stuck my hand in and felt around) - now a gooey mess of cleanser/cement - ick. And a fly is in the trailer - must find fly before fly finds me! Luckiest - don't look back, if you go there - it was worse than you think. But no one is perfect - I think if more boards had ignore buttons we would all be better friends - just put people on ignore and you don't have to scroll - I have done it at the OFC and I have to say, it is a much happier place for me. Do we have an ignore function here? I am pretty sure most boards don't have one - heh, at one board, I wanted to set a mod on ignore and it didn't let me, I think their ignore button is broken, but then again I didn't try to set anyone else there on ignore.
  19. Ah a quick dose of pretty pictures and I forget the assholes of the world. More message boards need ignore buttons and there would be less problems, certain people would just never show up for me and I would just read things that make it fun - like pretty pictures. Since there are more new member here since I posted this - quick repost of the the revised version of the serenity prayer.
  20. comments not meant for here, I am escaping to be with Clay fans :dumb_people: :humor00239: ETA - Clay endorsed a debit card - I wonder if you can still get it or if it is still good - was not a way that I work financially so I passed but others got it just for the picture damn spell checker changed butothers to butters
  21. Well, the Amazon UPS delivery video was posted at truckingboards.com, but then the next person had to make a nasty crack - I have no idea why the trucker posted it unless they were doing a celebrity truckers thing. It this in the US thread along with things like UPS driver killed when hit by freight train - well, duh.
  22. A repost of this emoticon for Couchie I still have not gotten over the one that taunted me when I wanted to be put on their no call list - I am already on the state one, but am too cheap to get call waiting. I just don't answer my home phone much anymore. - I got oe telemarketer call on my cell phone and told them they were going to go to jail for that one! heh. maybe someone should tell the person who posted it on getclayaiken.com - not a member, so it won't be me. Sheesh, take my post from another board why don't you?Let me explain it by setting the stage - people were guessing what Clay would do next and mostly it was a variation on things he had already done so I said You guys got pictures of your knees? My doctor never gave me pictures of mine - he said he would but when I asked he said that he decided that people sue from those pictures so he would not give them out anymore - ditto when he said I would be awake for the operation, I had watched it on TV on the discovery channel and was fascinated, but when I got in there he had me knocked out - he said that there was too much talk about the language in operating rooms so he did not want awake patients anymore. Seems I picked a lemon - when I told other people I went to him ears later , those the knew him said EEeww - he is the worst - but my knee works fine thank you.
  23. I guess I don't understand, then, why we keep having these discussions. Because I like having discussions! Well, I like having discussions, but not the same one over and over and over. Lets just agree to disagree and never mistake a disagreement for an attack again. it is not a pile on if most people dis agree with you it just means your opinion is the minority - welcome to my world. Now for something about CLay - Yay, about Clay - really on topic!!1, I know there are no topics here, but it is always fun to find something about Clay A TRIBE is born Pasadena’s Athletic Garage studio provides a healthy outlet for kids who just gotta dance Who knew there was a choreographer for Invisible video - or as Clay said - a very expensive home movie.
  24. I an a few hundred feet from a bird preserve with marsh, deer and foxes. here is a link to howto get rid of them with a nice picture, but they are huge with scissor like teeth and will follow you out into the water and land and bite your head - so I go on a hike while repelling them to get away from the area where they are. heck if the flies were not here, i couldn't afford a place down here, it would cost 10 times as much. A few more weeks and they will be gone, this is just peak time. Congrats on the surgery ldyjocelyn, Always good to get out of a hospital now just get better, miss druggie.
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