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Posts posted by sheiladownunder

  1. Great banner Ansa


    Thankful, have a fabulous day. 29 and holding, eh?

    Droopy Eagle, doesn't sound much like a porn name. My one and only dog when I was a child. A gorgeous black cocker spaniel with brown markings.

    ETA I love fruitcake slathered with butter and a hot cup of tea. Yummm. I've never made it. I didn't realize so much work and time went into it.

  2. And this weekend I have The Last King of Scotland. Been avoiding that one for some reason...

    So, what'd you think?

    Thanks to all for the information about The Kite Runner, what a mess! I appreciate that they're taking the threats to the boys seriously-maybe there are still people in corporate America with a conscience.

    Thanks for the Stardust tip, this was a movie I had wanted to see, just forgot to see when it was out and now its gone from the theatres.

    There's another light-hearted comedy coming out next month. It's called "Enchanted" I think. It's about Cinderella and Prince Charming and the Wicked Witch all getting transported into NYC and becoming real people! Looks like a hoot!

    Thanks for the recommendation Cha Cha. My sisters took me out Sunday and this is the movie I told them I wanted to see. I laughed and had a smile on my face for the entire movie. WE ALL LOVED IT!!!!! Also, the score was composed and produced by Alan Menchen, I'm buying it. I'm so in love with Amy Adams. I've never heard of her before. I'm going to have to check out Junebug as she was nominated for an Oscar for that.

  3. Congratulations on the book drive's success, Rhody!

    Yes!! And you don't have to slink back into lurkdom..peak out now and then.

    I peak out every now and then myself. :imgtongue:

    I'm at home again today. I am enjoying this semi-retirement--wish it was for real.

    Rohdy, congratulations on the success of the book drive. It was fun to watch your idea take hold and turn into such an outpouring of support. I read your recap at OFC last night and was happy to see the KCIS ladies were so thrilled with the results.

  4. Laughn...I loved your minni recap...same with cindi and luckiest, quickie...

    but I really got schmoopie with smittens recap that was quoted in the Kalamazoo thread...she was the one who read the Christmas thong story...her reaction to being able to read her story...to having the audience react to her...was just soo precious. What a gift this opportunity is for all the ladies that get to read. And not only to those ladies...but I have to say I haven't heard a dull story yet. The writing and the delivery has been spot on.

    Just downloaded this from canfly's clack. I loved hearing Smitten read it, she has a great voice.

    Oops, I'm embarassed to quote my BD greeting but I can't see how to remove it. Oh I see it now, it's an emoticon.

  5. No, normally my back does not hurt, but I do tend to slouch somewhat because I try to hide them. Because I am short, when I am not working, I try to wear shoes that have higher heels to make me look taller.

    Cute story, I have three younger sisters. The middle sister also had large breast and had a reduction done. My younger sister, after threee children, was totally flat so she had inplants done. She teased the Dr. that they should of did a sibling to sibling transplant with her sister. It is a standing joke with us. My sister who had the reduction now comments that hers now stand up instead of going south.

    LOL, that is a cute story. Both my sisters are well endowed but it skipped me. My mother started telling me when I was young teen, don't worry this summer will be when you develop. She told me that every spring for the few years. Then one spring she didn't mention it, so I asked her, is this the summer that I'm going to develop? She replied "This is the summer you're going to grow up and realize we don't always get what we want." :lol:

  6. It looks like a fairly new scar.

    Again, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, they mean a lot to me..I do love this board :wub: it says I'm 42 today...not that I would lie about my age or anything.

    laughn and cindilu - great recaps,a nd luckiest, too and anyone else I forgot. I just watched Invisible's clack of AIW microphone at Waukegan, it was sooooo....brilliant and not just the light but the idea of it. I'm so proud of him and that he stood by his artistic vision for this concert.

    I was watching an interview with Steve Martin today and he was talking about quitting his standup career. He said something to the effect that while he was worrying about his act and introducing new material, and honing his timing and all, he finally realized it didn't matter because he was just a party host and was there to get it started. He said he lost interest. It made me think of Clay and wonder if he wanted to get back to honing his craft and making it the star of the show again. He has great instincts.

    I can't way to see what he plans on doing in the future. There's something different about him this tour. He appears to have had some kind of epiphany and is really at peace. There's a different look about him.

    eeee, Clayzor :ura: so good to see you. Love you, too.

  7. I didn't know this thread was here. Wow, I love Clay in profile or silhouette...I've read from page 1 but will have to try some of these techniques. I know very little about photoshop but would like to try.

    I'm so impressed with your drawings, Laughn. My one and only attempt to draw on Photoshop and I was pulling my hair out. I didn't have a drawing stylus or anything and trying to do with a mouse was difficult. I got Clay's silhouette done okay on PS, but I was going to have him standing on the state of Oklahoma like it was a stage and I ended up hand drawing it and taking a photo of it and filling it in on PS.

    I'm going to have to attempt one with photos. Nice work, cha cha.

  8. laughn and I are back in our hotel room, all pj-ed up, because I'm tired!

    When the boxes of merchandise came out, it was like throwing chum to a school of sharks. I have poster 582 of 1000, and the red scarf is actually called "Paprika". It's polyester chenille and very snuggly. I'm glad they're going to sell them online.

    It may be Clay's birthday, but I feel like I was the one that received the unforgettable gift.

    Is the poster the same one they sold during the summer?

    Love the last line of your post. He is a gift that keeps on giving.

  9. :affection: Toots from one heathen to another. I can't speak for BW either but I'll ditto what djs just said. I think BW was responding to complaints about the prayer and the religious content of a Christmas show. It's not like Clay sprung his faith on everyone over night and has never sung religious songs at his Christmas concerts before.

    Good recap BW and Gibby, you're clack is greatly appreciate, I've been playing all day.

    ETA I think Clay did put thought and effort into putting secular songs into the setlist. I thought it was a good balance, didn't think it was religious heavy at all, quite the contrary.

    The "all about inclusion" is one of the most overused phrases in this fandom when someone needs to grab onto something to try to prove their point. You're entitled to your opinion but mocking the guy who has busted his butt for years trying to keep such a diverse fandom happy is just not right IMO.

  10. I didn't get home until 3:30 am but I'm still wide awake. My daughter and I drove up to Wichita for the concert. She has never seen Clay before. I'll admit I was disappointed when I realized she wasn't going to get to see how funny he is, but in the long run it didn't matter, she thought his voice was beautiful and she absolutely loved the concert and him.

    May we have a moment of silence as we say a fond farewell to his hometown connection roots while welcoming the new standard of professionalism in musicality, appearance and tone of this concert. The music, arrangements, voice, sets, nice fitting suit and the girls dresses were outstanding and get a :perfect10: from me.

    I was one who wasn't sure about the stories and I loved them. Yes, the one about the woman losing her son just before Christmas had me in tears, but although her story was sad, it was inspirational as to how she was able to find her way back to having joy and hope again. I ran into her in the ladies room and hugged her and told her how much her story meant to me and that was the truth. The stories got to me and made me all mushy inside and as much as feeling mushy is something I try to avoid, it felt good.

    I wish I'd known you guys were at the buses, I would have liked to have met you. We didn't plan on staying for the buses but once we got out there it was hard to leave. It was fun and we did get one little wave as he got on the bus.

    Also, thanks Couchie, my pins arrived today before I pulled out so I wore my favorite DCITH one and my daughter wore the other.

  11. Well, why did she wait until he was three?

    Because she had quit her job to stay home and raise him. She had to find a job. She finally opened up to her family and friends about what's been going on. She refused to allow her soon-to-be ex-spouse push her into fighting and drama and the transition has really gone fairly smoothly and although he understands that mommy and daddy live in different places he is protected as best she can from the emotional turmoil there could be if they were fighting and creating a bunch of drama. But then, she doesn't have the additional problem of having someone in the late phases of alcoholism on her doorstep either which has made it easier, and he already has another woman so that helps keep him away from her.

  12. Well I refuse to question or judge what Faye chose to do and how she chose to do it. As a single parent I can tell you that you do the best you can with what you have at the time. In any case, Clay seems to have dealt with any issues he may or may not have had with how his mother raised him.

    In re-reading what I wrote, it does sound judgmental which I shouldn't do because as a mostly single parent I made a ton of mistakes which I wish I could go back and have do-overs. I just feel for this little boy taking on this responsibility. I do understand dysfunctional families and that young children sometimes take on unnatural amounts of responsibility in keeping the family going and become hypersensitive to the feelings of others. He's a remarkable young man for all that he's had to deal with.

  13. JJ, did you ever find the MDYK fingersnap version? I have it on my computer at work but won't be back there until Wednesday of next week. Let me know and I can send it to you. Someone made a utube montage using it. I love the snap version.

    Where was that version of MDYK recorded? I want to add it to my itunes!

    I think it was a leaked version before MCWL came out. I think that version was on a compilation CD but I can't remember which one and my CDs are at work.

  14. I thought that was strips of bacon on the squash at first, but tomatoes yummy. It looks good to me-I love squash and zucchini but no one else does so I don't make it much.

    Scarlett - love your interview skit. Thanks for the laugh!!

    I decided not to do the 5 am rush. Too early for me.

    JJ, did you ever find the MDYK fingersnap version? I have it on my computer at work but won't be back there until Wednesday of next week. Let me know and I can send it to you. Someone made a utube montage using it. I love the snap version.

  15. There were a couple of things that jumped out to me and maybe they did because in real life I have a young friend who just left her emotionally abusive husband and she has a 3 year old. Every decision, every step has been carefully measured and discussed at length to insure and protect her little boy's emotional health and make her leaving as normal as possible. He is uppermost in her mind, there are things she could react to but doesn't because his well being is so important.

    Clay hiding behind a couch while his mother goes to the bathroom and him saying that because he sensed how terrified and alone she was that he decided he had to be the person to keep her going. What a terrible burden to place on such a little boy. I understand getting out of a situation anyway that you can which she did, but she should have been more cognizant of protecting his sense of well being and emotional security.

    That's my rant, I didn't notice this first read but going through a real life situation right now it's very telling.

  16. waves to sheiladownunder..I think it's me and you kid. Everybody else... out for the night... ETA:

    spoke too soon.. .look like some folks just rolling in.

    ETA Hey Jenna... oh to hear you do karaoke! Glad you had fun! Our drink of choice this holiday was cranberry margarits and I did one tequila shot.

    Waves back. Took me a long time to catch up and I think everyone's gone now. A little late but Happy Thanksgiving to you and all. They are showing a 72 lb turkey on TV that took 15 hours to cook. Ack, did they feed it steroids?

    I made a green bean casserole for the first time, used the recipe on the onion packet and added some grated cheddar cheese. It was good. I forgot to serve the sweet potato casserole I made and discovered it was still in the crockpot and cooking at around midnight. It's turned into soup. Everything tasted surprisingly delicious even though the cookie sheet I put the pecan pie on warped in the oven and the pie ended up with all the filling on one side and the yeast rolls rose so high they were the size of softballs.

    I loved the interview. I don't have anything to add, so many great posts that have already said what I feel. I need to get to bed. Happy Belated Birthday,


    ETA- just a little story. We're sitting around talking after dinner and my daughter's new boyfriend said he had never heard Clay or watched AI. I normally don't foist my Clay addiction on others, but I said I'll show a quick clip. Showed him Ruben singing Superstar and then Clay's clip. He said. WOW, he just blew them out of the water. WOW, he has a fantastic voice. I really like this boyfriend.

  17. Sheiladownunder you CMU!! I have to ask what exactly you were cleaning with toothpicks!!?? :cryingwlaughter:

    My stove with all the little dials and the light switches so you can read OFF and ON on them. I just got new flooring laid in my kitchen and it looks great but all of a sudden everything in there looked filthy. My stove is over 30 years old and I should buy a new one but I'd rather go see Spamalot. :P Piorities.

    It's interesting to watch AIR with a different perspective. This time around, I'm not enjoying Kim's singing as much as I did the first time. Seems she muscles through the songs. I really liked Trenyce's performance and she looks good in yellow. I wonder if they always planned on bringing Clay back as a wildcard, the underdog, so to speak, as they didn't show much of him at all. It seems like I remember a story from early on that someone from AI called, want to say Debra Byrd, and was telling her to be sure and tune in for this guy's voice, meaning Clay's, so I think they always planned this style versus substance showdown.

  18. {{{jumpingjacks}}} Sending positive thoughts your way. Keep on keeping on like you've been doing. Your attitude and strength of spirit are good medicine.

    Happy Birthday, Kareneh I'd find something cute to put here but I can only spend a minute to check the boards.

    Only 2 days left of my vacation and I've been working harder trying to get things done in the house than I ever do at my job. I think the cleaning spray is giving me a high, I was in the kitchen till 3 am and went through a whole box of toothpicks cleaning with them. Someone stop me.


  19. I also used to watch Nancy Grace a lot and found her entertaining until that girl committed suicide after being grilled on her show. I know the circumstances surrounding the little boy's disappearance was suspicious and it made the mother suspect, but then again maybe she was especially fragile and the interview sent her over the edge, but Nancy's attitude about such a tragedy just turned me off. I don't find her funny anymore.

    It does look like Clay's eyelashes are darkened in that clip. That bottom lip is just tuggable. He does look sad. He found out what it's like for the entire class to get punished for the actions of others. I really didn't seem fair to punish everyone.

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