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Posts posted by sheiladownunder

  1. Clay is building a career, but I don't think there will ever be just one thing, but a culmenation of each step.

    I think of it as him building his resume. I don't have a crystal ball or the ability to see into the future but my thoughts are that this will gain him a few new fans but more importantly it will present new opportunities and eventually one of those will catapult him to another level, if he wants it, which I believe deep down he does.

    I'm not going to be destroyed or disappointed if it doesn't happen because whichever way his paths lead him, it will be an adventure. I don't particularly want it to or need for him to be superstar in order to enjoy his career--I just think it is inevitable.

  2. Such pretty dogs and a beautiful little girl, keepingfaith.

    I eeeeeeeeeeeed watching AIR when I saw the credits--Clay is listed as a Supervising Producer. Has this been discussed and I missed it? Does anyone know what it means?

    I'm so thrilled to see so many great things happening for him right now, he so deserves it.

    Never mind, I'm losing my eyesight, it wasn't his name.

  3. :cry4: this is all so confusing to me. I need something really simple that I can remember to do each day. I've cut out sugar and have done well with that, now I've started wearing a pedometer and try to remember to walk around the building. I'm going to set a reminder on my calendar at work to get up and walk a couple of times a day because I keep forgetting.

    I need a 3rd thing to add - deep breathing - that's something I can do, good suggestion. I'll be back once I've got those down pat.

  4. As long as Clay is still not gay by Christmas, he will still be scheduled to perform.

    I took this to be one of those stoopid comments by the Lycos author of the paragraph in a half assed attempt at humor.

    ETA: I do have to add that I really do appreciate reading everyone's take on different things... interesting all the different perspectives...

    Yes, you are correct, that last part was added by Lycos and was not said by the church.

    I love Clay's poochy tummy but he could stand to lose just a few pounds and maybe some situps. I'd hate to see him get all thin again though, because I like the way his face, chest, arms, thighs and rear end look with some weight. :hubbahubba:

    Like I can really talk about weight, but I'm twice his age and didn't put on my weight until the last 5 years, so he does need to start thinking about maintaining a healthy weight because it gets harder. I empathize with the medication part because that's what set off my weight gain, but my poor eating habits and lack of exercise don't help.

    ETA I missed sending HUGS to {{{clayzor and hubby}}} and {{{zena and friend}}} and Happy Belated to laughn - I thought your joke was funny but we were talking about poochy tummies so I got confused and saw Ho-Hos and it made me hungry.

  5. Awww - they put Starship's We Built This City on Rock and Roll as #1 worse song. When I went to see them a couple of weeks ago at the state fair, you wouldn't have guessed it was #1 worse song by the fist pumping, singing every note crowd-they loved it.

    I love the little hip swivel when Tyra said Clay Aiken. No doubt about it, she's fallen under the Aiken spell. :cryingwlaughter:

  6. I found this from Rainlover at CB:


    Scroll Down to Dream Lover! Kinda Neat. Of all the people who sang it they chose Clay's version

    One of the best Dream Lovers besides Bobby Darin's.

    I noticed no one has re-recorded Mac the Knife. I just finished reading Dream Lover written by Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee's son. They were both really screwed up. Both their stories are pretty sad.

    A little trivia..Bobby saw Wayne Newton singing in a club and they became friends. Bobby gave Danke Schoen to Wayne Newton to record and that put him on the map. I'm glad he was voted off Dancing with the stars tonight instead of someone who can actually dance.

  7. I wanted to say a quick hello... HELLO!!! I have been a member here for quite awhile but only started spending serious time a couple months ago.

    I am not much of a poster, it is usually all I can do to keep up with the reading but over the 4.5 years that I have been a Clay fan, I have read on a lot of boards.

    You are a very special group and I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying being here.

    I have had 4 days off and finally caught up, after not getting to read much last week. I like all of the different personalities and opinions. I especially appreciate the respectful way everyone is treated. I don't always agree but that is what makes it interesting.

    Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Hello, I mostly read, too, I'm always behind, and other people say what I want only better so I just pick out the good quotes and give a thumbs up.

    So :bravo: good coming out of lurkdom post.

    :00003653: to Amazed in NJ

  8. I find the church's teachings reprehensible myself, unfortunately not that unusual for this part of the country. Not to say that all churches think like this, but there are a lot.

    I work with a lot of fundamentalists. They bake cakes and throw parties for people who are gay, but they also pray for their souls that they will turn away from their sinful lifestyles.

  9. Just checking in real fast, just got home from work and got to get to bed as I have another 12 hour day tomorrow.

    Keepingfaith what a beautiful post and Happy Birthday to you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Hope you get to feeling better :hugs-1: to you Clayzor and merrieeee and just anybody who needs one right now. I wish I was better at expressing my sentiments but I'm not good at it, so hope that knowing that our thoughts are with you right now gives you comfort.

  10. The fact is, we may never know. We may never know how many made up stories the winners submitted. Or if they only submitted one genuine story. But the whole contest just invites cheating in the name of getting close to Clay - and unfortunately you know there are many in this fandom who will do just that. Not the majority, but many. Too many.

    You are right that there are many that will cheat and make up stories to get close to him, it's bound to happen. I've been wanting to walk away this fandom because of all the crap that goes on and there are so many who's behavior affects me and in not a good way. I did take a break and maybe I'm feeling stronger now, but I've just gotten tired of letting what they do and say affect my pleasure.

    I'm only going to one concert but if even one of the fans makes me laugh or touches me that's what I'll take away with me. At least that's where I'm at right now, my feelings may change as the tour goes on and all he picks are cheaters.

  11. But...Claygasm, how do you know they'll be famewhore fans. This fandom has a lot of funny, talented people. There are 2 funny stories already told on this board that made me laugh, and when His Royal Snarkiness got hold of some of these I think it'd be hilarious. I'm sure there are touching stories as well. I would love to see some new fans on stage rather than the ones that are always yelling at him.

    He always tries to interact with the audience so I don't think that will change and IMO this just gives him more control over with whom. It could be fun, it could fall flat. He has a way of making things work.

  12. Holy Smokes! Er, um, uh... The tie is nice! :blink:

    Eeeps! It looks like he spent the last month in his basement media room playing Halo3 and subsisting on Mountain Dew and Krispy Kremes.

    Um, Halo 3 was released only a week ago. Maybe Guitar Hero™ Encore: Rocks the 80s™?. ---- and I'll so do him still!!!

    :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: to both of you ladies!

    Hmmm....wonder if the button on his REALLY screamed at him if he tried to button it?

    I'll still do him. It's Clay.

    :cryingwlaughter: Y'all are funny.

    While I love it when the experts fix him up like AMAs :hubbahubba: , he's so endearing when he's being just a guy.

  13. Never thought I'd see the day that Sally Field would be edited!

    If mothers ruled the world there would be no war, edited. Unbelievable.

    I thought Ugly Betty won last time but they said this is her first nomination and win. Huh? Was it Golden Globe she won before?

  14. Never heard the mob story either. I did see a show where they said Wayne Newton went to Johnny in person and told him to shut up with the gay jokes and Johnny stopped them.

    I see you already posted the story.

  15. Also pretty low for him to single out Terry from Desperate Housewives (they dated for a bit a couple of years ago)

    Teri Hatcher told the real story about her and Ryan when she was promoting her book on Oprah. She said they had one date, Ryan told her to meet him up the coast at a restaurant that was out of the way so they could have privacy. They then went down on the beach where all of a sudden a photograph popped up and snapped their picture when Ryan bent down to kiss her. When they left and she was driving back she got a phone call from Ryan who said he could no longer see her, he couldn't take the pressure.

    She pretty much said she felt he had arranged for the photographer to be there and their date was all a publicity stunt.

  16. For any other bibliophiles out there that are interested, here's a website where you can register and catalog your own books. It's stored on their server so it doesn't take up your harddrive space, and you can even search out cover art, there's a chat forum and recommendations and occassionally an author or two will post. You can set your account to public or private. It's free. Here's part of my library.


    This post brought to you by Nerds R Us.

    You have 199+ books? I'm trying to visualize how many that is. This is a great idea as I have all my books in rubbermaid containers that slide under the bed and I can't remember what I've got.

  17. Play, you are so right. Remember said blackberries I mentioned. Well we had a small patch in our back yard. There was one house next to us and then next to it was small lumber company. Well this lumber company had like this shed/with metal roofing that had holes in it and some of it was rusted. In hte lumberyard was two ferocious dogs. On top of that shed was the biggest, best blackberries ever. heee. It was always an adventures to sneak up there (when the neighbor wasn't home cuz they hated kids in their yard and they often threw soap on their blackberries to keep us away) and take a bag and pick pick pick, dodging all manner of danger. heee.

    Your story reminded me of how we used to climb up a mulberry tree at the dead end and Farmer Green (that's what we called him) would come running across his field with his shotgun yelling he was going to fill us full of buckshot. I mean it was one lousy tree barely at the back of his property. We'd leave when we saw him coming but we'd always go back. I can't even remember what a mulberry tasted like now but it was exciting to see him come running across that field. His little farm is now a used car lot and a big bargain store.

    I like cream of wheat but I don't like grits, are they different grains?

  18. I'm really hoping that some of the more OTT fans take the opportunity to take a step back and look at their reactions to this story.

    Unfortunately the OTT fans will never take a step back and look at any hand they've had in something getting out of control...it's always the same names...so predictable. And I don't mean fans that have legitimate concerns and or just have a different opinion, I mean the ones that live to fan the flames for any reason - at any time - on any subject.

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