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Posts posted by sheiladownunder

  1. I tell ya, I'm just so disappointed with the fandom today, I've had to follow JaMar's advice on a couple of occassions and just use the back key. I think I'll go read. Books are our friends. smile.gif

    Same here. Ever since the book discussion from the other day, I bought 3 and ordered 2 more from the library. I love reading but it just fell by the wayside.

    Thanks for the youtube, that was very sweet and sincere. I'm happy that Clay has such good friends that can relate to some of the changes they've all gone through the past few years. Kim's success has been marginal for all of her promotion but I do hope that she finds some success. She has worked her butt off the last few years.

  2. Another avid reader fallen by the wayside. Was a huge Stephen King at one point but there were a couple of books I couldn't finish so I lost interest. Started on the Cell a couple of months ago but haven't finished it yet.

    My all time favorite which translated into not one but two crummy made for TV movies is Salem's Lot. That was my first SK book and he scared the bejeesuz out of me. My favorite movie adaptation is The Dead Zone with Christopher Walken. I haven't read Dolores Claiborne but I thought that was a good movie. The Stand was one of my favorites also-the book, not the movie.

    Toots - the Poisonwood Bible is an excellent book. I'm currently reading The Secret Lives of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. I'm behind the times so it is probably old news to most, but I had never heard of it. I love how each chapter starts off with a little tidbit about honey bees. They are fascinating creatures.

    Oooo - they just showed a commercial that the Mike and Juliet show is going to be debuting in Oklahoma City in September. :clap: I wish they'd have Clay back now that I can watch it.

  3. DCATfeet.jpg

    Oh God! How did I miss this one!!!!! It's early in the morning and I'm lusting after a picture of Clay Aiken's bare feet. Do I need medication?

    I've always heard that people with longer second toes are passionate, creative and artistic. I googled it just for fun.

    People with longer second toes

    **A lot are of Celtic descent - Irish, Scottish

    **Are royalty :clap: Earl of Aikenberry

    **They rule the roost

    **The longer the second toe the smarter you are


    It's Saturday - ldyjocelyn for you - safe journey

    A trip down memory lane BCR Clay Montage - The Way I feel tonight

    For those who don't know Okie4Clay, the Tulsa party was her doing and it raised over $7,000 for the BAF. Kind thoughts or prayers are greatly appreciated. She also gave us these oldies but goodies.



  4. Jenna, I always love your posts, just wanted to tell you that.

    Look at the outpouring of interest in Asian markets
    I've always been perplexed why this has never been sought out more aggressively. I can see him being HUGE there as they don't have the hangups about the coolness factor like they do in this country.

    :hubbahubba:Claygasm, that is more than pretty decent...it's great pic for B&W with the lighting and shadows on his face, the microphone and still get to see the lips and both his hands..I love it. Very artistic.

    Who is Tangerinee and where did she come from? She suddenly appears this tour with all these great photos. :clap: Not complaining one bit, I bow down to her.

  5. Thanks for all the reports. I'm still on such a high :F_05BL17blowkiss: .

    I like the image of two southern boys in their boots with their jean hems touching the floor. Not that I really care what Jeff Foxworthy thinks, but I like that Clay made such an impression on him. Clay has IT, he is a star. I love it when people who have joked about him, fall under his spell after meeting him in person.

  6. eta: someone is going to have to tell me how to quote someone so their name is still there but not their entire post.

    Thank you very much..I think I figured it out, i was removing one too many of the /quote thingies. I think. :cryingwlaughter: I'm not smarter than a 5th grader for sure.

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: and TY to ldyj as well.

    off to look for spoiler thread

  7. In case anyone's taking early bets, I think he's a lot smarter than people think and will do exceedingly well today!

    I think he's exceptionally smart, it's just some of the questions on their website were tricky. And then I'd get one but think that's too simple and they're trying to trick me and so I'd get it wrong.

    I'm in mommy mode, I'll admit it, I so want him to do good and not be embarassed. :clap:

    eta: someone is going to have to tell me how to quote someone so their name is still there but not their entire post.

  8. Hee. I probably just going to be entertaining myself down here but I love movies-a lot.

    I bought Constant Gardener with Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz. It's set in Africa and has a good story re how drug companies test their drugs there. Why Ralph Fiennes has never gotten an Oscar is beyond me. Politics probably. He is a fantastic actor. He was also in the movie Sunshine and was phenomenal and played 3 generations. Rachel Weisz was in this movie as well.

    And, Clayzor, if you read this, he was the Red Dragon, really creepy. I guess he has the pay the bills somehow. I like him better in sensitive roles with an underlying smoldering passion and intensity beneath the surface. For me, that's his specialty.

  9. AAIT

    What is SDU? Just can't figure out what it might be...

    Me either.... :imgtongue:

    Welcome, have seen your name around for a long time.

    ldyj I liked what you said about Clay putting into practice what he preaches about supporting the local arts community. He was probably curious, too, but I also think he's just a really nice guy and wanted to show his support.

    rckrllmom loved the Stay video and the overlay was well done. I'll have to go look for that bus video. I haven't watched much because like bottlecap said most of them are dark and I can't really see anything. I did watch one this morning that was cute, from vzubie at Syracuse.

    Am such a dork, had to go download Syracuse stuff to see what show it was that Todd Ellis, producer of Idol and his wife saw.

    Clayzor, you've been baking up a storm, when's the party!!!! Carrot cake!!! Yum!! and yours is to die for. Glad Tom helped you find the recipe.

    ETA - I see playbiller already said. I quibble with a lot of what is coming out of the M&Gs or the way some of it's being interpreted. Being the bad fan I am if I ever won a meet and greet I wouldn't ask questions, I'd mainly like to observe or have a conversation about something other than career stuff....I'd love to hear him talk politics but he's too smart for that.

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