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Posts posted by sheiladownunder

  1. She definitely became the Queen. I watched an interview with Helen and she said she didn't want to imitate her, she just wanted to capture her complexity and essence.

    You'll have to let me know how you like Dreamgirls. I think I'm alone, I wasn't blown away. Maybe because I saw the Broadway show years ago and was literally BLOWN AWAY by it. I even own the original tape of the Broadway cast and played that tape (yes it was a while ago) solid for about 6 months. It was produced by a guy named David Foster.

    I fell asleep during the movie and wasn't even interested enough to go back and rewatch what happened when napping. The singing was wonderful, however, the story lost something on the bigscreen, the characters weren't as interesting. Maybe if I hadn't been so hyped and had nothing to compare it to.

  2. hee it does look pathetic...hee...

    well we will just rename it for the enxt season...but no didn;t watch that show...sorry

    anybody watching Big brother 8??

    I didn't expect an answer. Hee. I haven't been watching this season but I do like Big Brother, is is good? Has it just started or is late into it?

  3. Helen Mirren?

    I just saw the Queen the other day. She was excellent and most deserving IMO. Haven't seen the others.

    I thought Jennifer Hudson did an excellent job in Dreamgirls, her singing was superb and her facial expressions were great but I'm not so sure about getting an award for acting. Cate Blanchett's performance was far superior but the movie was about an icky subject so maybe that's why she didn't get it.

  4. YAY lots of great new shows this season and the old shows are doing great too...

    This thread will be a place to talk about them. If there is enough interest in a particular show we can start a seperate thread...

    My favorite new shows...

    Studio 60


    The Nine


    :F_05BL17blowkiss: Well, I can see this is a popular thread. May as well get my count up.

    On the off chance someone sees this and watched the first show of the new FX show Damages starring Glen Close, please respond as I'm a little unsure as to who did what (reading the boards and watching at the same time, you lose part of the story). It looks like a great show though and Glen Close is so wickedly evil.

  5. It's dhl7777's video and not to be missed. Don't waste a minute getting this one in your face.


    Just watched it and I do love the vantage point and watching him mouth the words is priceless. I can hear him better watching this one.

    So many great posts and was going to respond to them but am at work so in a hurry. I am always late for the conversation but wanted to add that I think the lyrics for LAA are subtly powerful. I also seem to recall somewhere that he said he didn't write songs because he is too literal - so my question is how would he know that unless he's tried it. For me songs can be literal, I don't like trying to figure out what lyrics mean.

    Also I remember someone that went to the David Foster gala in Vancouver that Jaymes said Clay was a wonderful lyricist - so how would she know that and why would she encourage him to write a song.

    I don't need him to be a song writer if he doesn't want to but I would be thrilled if he did - well, maybe depending on how they turned out. I just think LAA is an indication that he has the potential.


    But the camp is Clay and I also love that he's happy and having fun with it - it's that old joy factor that I love to harp on so much *g*. this man!

    This really jumped out at me. It's so good to see the joy factor is back. He really is quite resilient.

  6. I love pictures of Clay in sunglasses. Why? I don't know. I just think he is sexy looking in them and wears them soooo well.

    Yes, he does, I love the photos of him when he doesn't know he's being photographed. He just looks so relaxed and normal and his hair always looks good in them (when he doesn't have his silly looking bucket hat on). I bought one of those last year and I wouldn't be caught dead in it. Well, I do wear it to mow the lawn. :RedGuy:

    As for the "rotting souls" I thought Clay apologized for that remark on GMA so I guess I don't understand why it keeps being brought up. It was a sweeping statement made when he was hurting, he's human and flawed just like the rest of us, and forgivable.

    ETA - Are those hooped earrings of Angela's like for pierced ears. She's going to tear her earlobe if they are.

  7. I just got home from work. Thanks for the reports and yes, Clayzor, I am ecstatic as you know how much I love SSTBTHW.

    Jerome actually tackled the guy :RedGuy: Poor guy but then what with all the crazies, Jerome can't be too careful.

    {{lickiest}} So glad you had a great concert. Will check in tomorrow for your recap.

  8. Hi, I have Clay's copy of the set list from the show in Philly Tuesday night. It does have Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word crossed off in black mar It was 3rd song on the listing for the 2nd half of the show. Another fan got one of the other copies and hers has it crossed off too. It was probably Angie's or Quaina's copy.

    So maybe that one is back in starting tonight or he's doing a different song totally in the set list starting tonight.

    Saw this on CV. I'd love to hear him sing this live. :clap:

  9. hope Claygasm is settling in nicely to her job, I gave up my business and took a job when my mother was ill so I could stay close, and what did it do for me? Keep me out of the WTC in the year 2001. If I had not been worried about her, I would have been on the 84th floor.

    A chill just ran through me reading this. We never know, do we, how decisions we make or even that annoying phone call while trying to leave the office early may have kept one out of the 5 car pile up on the freeway.

    Nice to finally see a review even though it's written by someone who doesn't get it. Most men don't. I'll take it because I like the line where he said he was like a beloved teddy bear sitting next to the young girl's flouncy canopied bed. Hee! The guy saw young girls - I know Clay make me feel like I'm 12 sometimes.

  10. ETAA: It's all good - test results came back clear. Woo hoo!

    {{{Lickiest}}}- thank God for some good news for you, sounds like you could use some. Reading what you have gone through helps me to look at the problems with my mom in a new light. They're not so bad after all.

  11. Moulin Rouge -- what a mindblower of a movie. I loved Ewan MacGreggor! I also need to get the soundtrack to that one. I really felt that you needed to know your pop music to understand so much of it, but it was still really cool.

    For Your Consideration -- any of the Christopher Guest ensemble is a favorite of mine, but this one didn't quite rack up to their usual standards. Best in Show is still my favorite.

    Ewan MacGreggor EEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I adore him and Moulin Rouge. My sister hated it but I bought it, I loved it so much. Have you seen Baz Luhrman's Strictly Ballroom? It's a little on the hokey side, the Australian actors remind me of my Aussie aunts and uncles. I liked it though, the dance scenes were great and I enjoyed looking at Baz early work.

    I haven't seen For Your Consideration but love Best In Show. Thanks for the other movies, I haven't seen them but will check them out.

    I rented The Last King of Scotland. Forest Whitaker is amazing as Idi Amin. I'm crushing on the little Scottish guy James McAvoy. He's not like hunky and good looking, but so talented and cute and was really good in this film. He's also starring in Becoming Jane as one of Jane Austen's suitors.

    I also saw Blood Diamond. Leo was really good but Djimon Hounsou was spectacular.

    I love movies, my other passion.

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