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Posts posted by FearofH2O

  1. Per play at Spamalot:

    1. They got a playbill with glasses and a certificate

    2. tht announcer said Welcome to American idol

    3 and then changed announcers who said you shouldn't have said that.

    4.then six`photographers came out to take pictures of the audience and only one was a pfrofessional

  2. One of my favorite pieces of Clack and I don't know where to find it, was at the Charlotte NAT when Clay couldn't get the band to stop playing and he just laughed until he almost cries as did the whole audience.

    That was also where he did the famous leg lift on the petite young woman who he was concerned was under eighteen and then his relief when he found out she was older than that.

    One of my favorite concerts was the JNT 06 in West Point. He was hilarious although he couldn't stand long due to the vertigo. He asked some women in our row if they were from Switzerland due to the nurses caps with a red cross on them. I guess they were from the clambulance, if there is such a word.

    So many great memories of a wonderful singer and funny, funny man. :cryingwlaughter:

  3. Been lurking due to tax return hell, but enjoying Clay's videos when I can and reading your comments. They have decided to extend our volunteer time to the end of April due to the tax incentive rebates, so my other Spamalot visit seems to be fading away. :cry4:

    Sorry about your aunt, Cotton.

    Loved the Robin bears. Loved the pictures and banners.

    The little girl I tutor ran up to me and hugged me for the first time yesterday. It's a good sign that she doesn't just think of her mom all the time. She's also starting to work more intensely. Makes me feel really good. The little things in life.

  4. Love the wallpapers cindylu. In that first picture it appears that his eyes follow you around. It's really a great picture that you used.

    The AP review is so deserved. When I saw Spamalot and Clay was up in the tower, I was not sure it was him. I thought to myself, this is a really good actor, it's not Clay. I was just awe struck the entire evening. :clap: In my mind he is the epitome of the role model he always wanted to be: hard work pays off.

  5. Terrific Luckiest. One barrier at a time.

    We received good news this weekend. My youngest son who has been job hunting for two years accepted and received an offer on Friday. He started today but I don't expect to hear from him as he is quite private. Because ADHD adults usually have self esteem issues, I was quite happy to hear that the man who hired him went over the reasons he selected my son over the other eleven qualified candidates.

    He won't be finished with his graduate degree until December so I'm a little concerned that he is biting off more than he can chew but he is very bright so I'll be quiet and chew my fingernails a little.

  6. If I had the time I would figure out what you are all talking about. Other than tax software I've thrown aside every techno gadget I bought for the day I am bored with nothing to do. Since I'm still planting tulip bulbs and the daffodils are already blooming, I know that day will never be here.

    About the blogger guy. I always thought blogs were for your friends to read so I don't bother whether good or bad. I hope no one bugged him.

    Those pictures skrypkm took are to die for. I am amazed at the really good photographers in this fandom. And I appreciate all of them including the members of this board.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  7. I really wish we Clay fans were not so hard on one another. I do. This is a cliché at this point but still worth remembering - we are all different - different ages, different faiths or no faith, different parts of the country, different personal histories, different sensibilities, different income levels, different family obligations, yada yada yada. It's no wonder that we pursue our love of Clay Aiken in such a wide variety of ways. I guess I just wish we didn’t feel the need to criticize those who behave differently than we personally would. It almost seems to me like the "right" way to behave has increasingly narrowed and has been more and more a topic on the message boards.

    word xxx4clay! And to so many others of you who have posted what Iwas thinking. I just don't have the knack of multiple posts.

    I have absolutely no jealousy of those who get front row seats. I always look for a bargain. Right playbiller, it's in the genes. Thanks to scarlett we had great seats in Philly this summer , well except for that clack watching guard who didn't take his eyes of of our row. And fourth row that I lucked out on ticketmaster for the Charlotte NAT. I'm just glad that someone is buying those seats. They work just as hard for their money as I did.

    I'm pretty lucky that I was able to work and save for this day despite having pretty needy kids. My husband always maxed out his 401K and retirement contributions so it has made life a lot easier now. We keep separate accounts so I can say " see you in a week" and take off. Right now I'm pretty busy doing taxes for Seniors so another round of Spamalot is way off, but I might just swing it.

  8. I'm totally out of the loup on the stage door stuff. I just haven't had time to keep up with this thread or many recaps. Does Clay sign autographs for just those in front or do they go through in a line or what? Sorry if this has been answered a thousand times.

    GoodNESS, those green hoody pictures are purdy!

    During the week the crowd is smaller than on the weekends so just about everyone gets something signed. After the show you just line up along the movable railing that they put up in the alley. It's about fifty feet long. If you hold your item up he will reach over the first row to get it and sign. It's those long arms.

  9. Just as well, I don't think Fear can schedule another trip up here so soon. heh. She definitely hit a record number of trips this year. corny3.gif

    Hey I resent that. I have made one trip this year and it was by car so it doesn't count. Plus I had to spend three days at my SIL home which means it was a minus trip and I am owed another for it to count. :clown_4:

    Spamalot (Clay?) is really addicting. Now I'm playing the soundtrack in the car and laughing out loud at it. I'm feeling another trip coming on. Mr. Fear said he would like to see Spamalot again also so that bodes well for it to occur.


  10. 17 year olds!!! I considered sending my daughter to some desert island when she was 17.

    The brain's not fully developed at 17.

    No adult should be held accountable for his behavior at 17.

    So very true. Having two sons eleven months apart in age going through those years so very differently I was gray before forty. I didn't kill either one although Mr. Fear came close to doing it. Both were so unbelievably stubborn. But as adults I couldn't be prouder of them. I had to force them to take on some extracurricular things. So I wouldn't be surprised if Clay wasn't strongly encouraged, at the age of 17, to participate in musicals and plays. It was and is obviously his strong suit. A typical protest, at least by my kids, would be not to cooperate.

    I don't mind that statement by Mr. Mann since it shows how much Clay has grown and matured in attitude and experience.

    My youngest has ADHD. He could not concentrate enough to take final exams, I had to sit in a private room with him at school so that he could focus enough to complete the tests. It took him 17 years to finish college. He went to five different colleges. He is now in graduate school and is doing fine, so he says. It is a disability which can often not be seen or even detected but can cause quite a bit of disruption in the lives of all the family members. Even now I can almost cry when I see him and his hands are shaking as he discusses yet another job interview that fell through. Sorry. Maybe TMI.

  11. Good explaination Jumping Jacks. But this particularly stood out for me:

    I'm not a lemming and I get sick of being treated like one

    Unfortunately there are a lot of people that need someone to lead them. I'm not sure if they are insecure in their own opinions or have never been allowed to have any. Poor Mr. Fear has lived with me expressing my own way too much. But he's none the worse for it.

    What I tried to say yesterday in another poorly written post, is that I was concerned that many people would just say "Yes Ma'm" to Dudly and change their opinions to suit her's. I was glad to see that was not happening. That was totally her opinion, not worth more or less than anyone elses. I was also glad to see it was not going to be another Hockeydonna or Huskerfalcon directive that everyone would believe and follow. After all they were the experts. Fortunately people can learn from past mistakes and adjust accordingly.

  12. Just saw this really cute really young guy with a fantastic voice on AI rewind. Too bad I can't vote for him. I might just have to spend five years of my life following his career. Oh thats right I already did. I seemed so much younger then too.

    Regarding "expert" opinions. I had hoped that the fandom was beyond following certain fans and taking their word as truth. But it seemed that nothing had changed. :polon: Until a few posters spoke up. JJ, your post was great as were several others by putting one person's opinion into perspective. I'm beginning to have hope in the future. :7:

  13. Hey everyone,

    Just thought i'd pass along that Tyra's at the show this afternoon. My friends are there right now (I couldn't make it ) and she's there in the orchestra. Lots of security around her from what I heard. Not sure about her reactions to the show so far because my friend's can't see her well enough.

    Last Edited By: jax5230 02/02/08 3:08 PM. Edited 1 times.

    from JAX5230 at the CB

    Wow, she is really a true friend.

  14. If we ever wonder why they - the media - seem so obsessed with Clay's sexuality or whatever, I think its because "we" are so obsessed with them! The media doesn't waste its time on people who do not attract attention. Most of the attention Clay attracts is from "us". When they see all the hits, read all the defensive comments etc., they know they are getting their money's worth.

    If "we" didn't do that, maybe they would move on.

    But I am afraid that will never happen.

    With so many great things happening for this fandom right now, how come the majority of discussion over the last couple of days has been about stuff that really does not matter?

    Ignore, ignore, ignore. Sometimes I wish that would become the mantra of this fandom.

    Claygasm, I think (hope?) that most fans are beginning to realize the futility of commenting and defending Clay to the writers of questionable articles. I see a lot of anger on various boards but also warnings of not commenting or giving them hits. There is always a lot of wringing of hands and ranting but everyone has their own way of handling angst.

    Clay et al have done a fantastic job of keeping his name out there despite the haters and too cool folks. I know there is an audience out there for Clay and I'm hoping this cd and acting gig will make them aware of him. He is an amazing talent. In the mean time all these mentions both good and bad are keeping his name out there. Acceptance takes time and hopefully his has started.

  15. cindilu2!! LOVE the banner!!!

    I reupped on the first day without any problem.

    Wonder when he'll do the first blog of the new year?!

    Wasn't that the Spamalot opening night blog?

    FYI - CITH audio recommendations have begun! Hee, I know because I did them. Come on everyone, you know you wanna! Thread is here.

    I thought we were waiting for a certain someone to put up her videos? It has something to do with the color red I think.

    The AP story is also at LYcos which is then connected to CNN if anyone wants to give it a few good hits or email it.

    AP story

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