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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I love dark chocolate; chocolate of any kind, but especially dark chocolate. Dislike chick flicks and sappy love stories...if somebody recommends a movie and adds "bring tissues"...I am so not watching that movie. I hate manipulative movies and T.V. shows like Extreme Makeover; I just could never imagine doing something like that myself...I can understand people needing help, etc,.; but I just don't get doing it so publically...guess I am a pretty private person. Probably why I don't like reality shows in general...too much phoniness and manipulation. Don't like Science Fiction but loved all the Star Wars movies...as a rule, I don't read much fiction at all except for Stephen King. I much prefer non-fiction, biographies and history. I pretty much read whatever catches my fancy. Just recently I took 3 books out from the library. One was called 1969 and was, big surprise, about the year 1969...movies, songs...political issues...it was fascinating and sad all at the same time. Second book was called "For The Thrill of It All" and was about the Leopold/Loeb case of the 1920's in Chicago. They committed a murder just to see if they could get away with it...it was an interesting read...their motivation; the murder and the subsequent trial...they had Clarence Darrow for their lawyer and how justice really is based on how wealthy or poor you are...again, probably not something most would like to read, but I enjoy that kind of stuff...not sure what that says about me. Third book is about the 1933 Chicago's World Fair...again history, politics, civil rights, women's rights all wrapped up in a story of a Fair held in Chicago right before the start of WWII. It was interesting to me because my Great-Grandparents went to this Fair and brought back souvenirs and several years ago my Great-Aunt gave me a set of silver forks from the Fair. So, it was something I could connect to my family and just an interesting read. I too love Scrubs...I really love comedies...don't watch any dramas on TV...maybe it is an escape, but there is so much drama in real life that when I sit down and watch TV, I prefer situation comedies where everything gets settled in 20 minutes...although I have to say, last week I watched the Office and 30 Rock because I kept hearing how funny they were and honestly, I was bored to tears...just didn't get the funny at all. Kim
  2. Hang on Cindi; Tuesday is the Family Equality Council Honor and CV is doing a cellcert...there will be clack! Kim
  3. I love Gone With The Wind...have actually read the book a couple of times. Kim
  4. I am afraid I am hopelessly out of the loop when it comes to pop culture...I don't go to the movies...I much prefer older movies. Hubby and I did go and see Wicked here in Chicago and we both loved it...but other than that and the Clay concerts I have been to, I don't go to live theater much. Believe it or not, the only music I listen to is Clay...although when hubby is in the car driving we listen to the oldies stations, 60's and 70's. Lord, am I boring or what! It has been raining here today, so I spent the day curled up on the couch with my crossword book while hubby worked on the living room renovation. Yesterday he painted the wall we are putting a closet on; it is a caramel/nougat color and turned out very nice...I was afraid it might be too dark. The other color is going to be a deep red. Not too much, but I love red and wanted some in the living room. Today he framed out the closet...we have walls! I have been wanting to re-do this room for so long and I am so excited that it is finally coming together! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor! 8 Days until Rosie's Benefit and possible video clack of Clay! 25 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Maybe I am just being a grouch or maybe I am just missing Clay too much, but I am so not interested in Susan Boyle...seems every board I go to that is the topic of conversation and I swear I feel like doing a "Jan Brady" and yell "Susan, Susan, Susan" at the top of my lungs! Sorry for the whining...carry on. Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor! 9 Days until Rosie's Benefit and possible video of Clay! 26 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. I must be really dense because I don't get the epipen joke at all...maybe it loses something in the translation when you can't see the picture. Surprised no one has brought them over or posted a link. Kim
  9. Amother instance of Jim Nabors and Gomer Pyle? Here's another Susan Boyle link: Has love found ‘never been kissed’ singer? aikim, I'm able to log in CV now. I am in now too...apparently it was a glitch with their server. Hope they get the problem straightened out soon...lots of people who are having trouble getting in. Kim
  10. Is anyone else having problems getting into CV? Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, I knew Clay would blog as soon as I went to bed...he always seems to, LOL! He is such a sweet man to remember such an anniversary and commemorate it...I think most wouldn't give it a second thought. 4 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor! 10 Days until Rosie's Benefit and hopefully Video of Clay! 27 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Your welcome! So looks like no news today yet...come on Clay...were waiting! Beautiful here today, going to be around 70 the next couple of days...looks like Spring may finally have gotten here! Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, So...is today the day Clay will explain all! Will we finally find out why he needed that ticket? Will the real reason he and Diane were meeting be revealed? Just what were Clay and Tyra discussing over dinner? Stay tuned to the answers to these all questions regarding Clay's future career plans on "How The Clay World Turns" or " I don't plan on getting any work done today because I am going to be refreshing like crazy, checking the OFC and googling Clay Aiken like mad!" 5 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor! 11 Days until Rosie's Benefit and possible video clack of Clay! 28 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Cracks me up that Clay is giving Reed advice on how many T-shirts to pack...those two are so meant for each other! I thought the question to Rosie was rude also but not surprising. Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone, 1, 2 or 3 Days until Clay Explains All! 6 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor! 12 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit! 29 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Honestly, I don't see this as being any different than paparrazzi pictures...we have had in the past, pictures of Clay walking down the street in L.A....there have been pictures taken from Facebook...pictures from a photobooth at a private party...no one seemed to have a problem with those; we even had banners made from them. The internet has changed life...there is no such thing as 100% privacy...Clay probably knows that better than anyone. Kim
  17. There is also a picture if you go to the link. Also earlier today there was a Twitter that Clay had dinner with Tyra last night. Wonder what he is up to? Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Olsee Hope everything works out okay for Jack! 2, 3 or 4 Days until Clay Explains All! 7 Days (1 week!) until Clay receives hid Family Equality Council Honor! 13 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit! 30 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Geeze..woke up to someone screaming the National Anthem. I'm not sure but I think it was the American Idol - young teen girl -- forget her name..who I have seen do it better.. maybe it wasn't her LOL. Who ever it was, tone it down a bit please. LOL aikim at your post. I haven't seen Ten Commandments in at least 25 years (damn I'm old) and I remember my brother and I used to laugh at the acting and language but I enjoyed seeing it again. It used to be an annual thing..but dang it was so LONG. As for Clay and his secrets.... la la la I don't hear you Clay. Happy Monday. Yeah, The Ten Commandments is a regular cheese fest of over-acting and bad acting, but it was just never Easter at our house unless we watched it! Love the new banner...hmmmmm...if you have your computer in your bedroom he can "watch you in your room" or in Muski's case, a really kinky game of "I Spy" Off to watch the Benihana video. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, This was the first year I didn't watch The Ten Commandments; I decided to forego Moses and watch the Cubs...probably should have stuck with Moses! Went to my in-laws for dinner; had ham and all the fixings...it was a great meal and it was nice to see everyone and best of all I didn't have to cook! Scarlett Good to see you, hope you are feeling better! 3, 4, or 5 Days until Clay Explains all! 8 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor! 14 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit! 31 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Easter Everyone! Heading to my in-laws for the day so I am glad all the excitement happened yesterday; I am guessing today will be a slow day and I won't miss much...but in case all Clay breaks out again...someone yell real loud! 4, 5, or 6 days (I pick 4) until Clay explains all! 9 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council Honor! 15 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit! 32 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Clay just posted in the thread again...got the ticket and will explain it all to us in a week! He is such a hoot...the speculation this week should be out of the stratosphere! Kim
  23. Good Morning Everyone, 10 Days until Clay receives his Family Equality Council honor! 16 Days until Clay is at Rosie's Benefit! 33 Days until Clay is Rockin' 30 Rockin! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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