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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Clay singing UM at the DF Gala! EEEEEEEE!, It's beautiful!
  2. Good Morning Everyone, Last night was only second time I have seen 30 Rock and I really don't get the humor of the show...maybe too much going on for me. Again, only have seen the show twice, but I really don't like the Kenny character and wasn't thrilled that Clay was associated with him. The interplay between Clay and Elvis was cute...wish there had been more. It was great seeing Clay on TV. 3 Days until Clay is at the NCT Awards in Raleigh! 154 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Not just you, but then I never save any Clay pictures...the only one I have is my avatar...I enjoy looking at them, but I have no need to save them. It did kind of shock me that someone would actually follow him into a building to take his pictures...but I guess the alternative would be to become a recluse...I guess the best thing it to just live your life and put up with the annoyance of paparazzi...just seems like to be more of a problem when Clay is in L.A....we didn't seem to get pictures when he was in NYC or Raleigh. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, Have I said how much I love waking up to clack in the morning and how breathtaking Clay is looking lately? Clay is on TV tonight! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, Clay looks very good in those pictures on JustJared...have no idea who the mystery guy is. 1 Day until Clay's Unforgettable Performance on 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Man Forum...The thread is "Questions From Clay"...top of the page. Kim
  7. Clay also asked a question in the "Clay Asks a question thread"...he wants to know what everyone does for a living. Disappointed in the back of the lanyard, not what I was expecting or something I will use. Love when he answers questions His blog...probably the only response he is going to give re the article in the NE...he is successful..some people hate him for it...he could give a rat's ass. 30 Rock...only watched it once...didn't think it was funny...was hoping for something more original than Kenny's Cousin...but I will give them the benefit of the doubt and be glued to my TV on Thursday. Kim
  8. New Montage by SueRue...Beautiful Boy Revisited: http://www.youshare.com/SueReu/4bc37c0edd7a2f1c.flv.html (no need to download; just watch the video!) Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Sun shining, birds singing, Clay looking and sounding gorgeous...all's right with the world...and.... 2 Days until Clay's Unforgettable Performance on 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone Back to work for me today; I could really get used to staying home! Glad to see everyone made it home safely...still praying for clack of UM! 3 Days until Clay's Unforgettable Performance on 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Daughter number 3 just checked in and brought me a yellow mum...my garden is going to look very pretty...now waiting for daughter number 4! Kim
  12. Two of my daughters gave me two new rose bushes for Mother's Day so hubby is outside planting them...what did I get from him...a card and the dirt to plant the bushes...he is such a romantic! The roses are beautiful one is pink and one is white with pink on the inside...I have roses in front of my house and these are being planted on the side of the house. Now just waiting to hear from the other two daughters. Finally watched Scarlett's clack...he was wonderful...only think it seemed like as soon as he started getting into a song...it ended..I kept waiting for him to hop off that stool and really let go...I wonder if that was a little frustrating for him...it was for me! I have really missed hearing him sing and am so ready for a concert. Thanks to all who provided the clack! Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Mother's Day and a Very Happy Mother's Day to Jaymes! 4 Days until Clay's Unforgettable Performance on 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. I think maybe trying to find out what his favorite color is...like if he had said yellow roses. Kim
  15. Thanks for saying this...I also had a childhood similar to Clay's and the book was painful in part to read but as you said, very helpful to read how he handled it and overcame it. Kim
  16. I thought Clay was very generous in his attitude, too generous as far as I am concerned. After all, he was the child without any power. Ray was the adult in that relationship. While I agree that everyone remembers incidents differently, I don't believe he could have repeatedly had it so wrong with every recount. That book surely would have hurt Brett and Faye in some way, after all, they both loved Ray deeply. I cannot imagine for one moment that Clay would deliberately embellish stories like that, compromising his brother and mother for the sake of book sales. It's one thing to sensationalize say, an event at a prom, but this stuff we are talking about is far too serious to dismiss as unsubstantiated. Would Faye have allowed Clay to say in his book that she told him Ray wasn't capable of loving child that wasn't his own? I hope not. All I am saying is that when I read the book, the stories sounded incomplete to me...I didn't say they were wrong, just that I think details were left out...the book does have a bit of a disjointed feel to it...I don't think it was edited very well. Clay said in an interview that he had to apologize to Diane Bubel regarding things said about Mike that were not true...I am pretty sure it was the passage where Clay implied Mike had not been socialized and apparently that had not been true. Kim
  17. There are always two sides to every story and in LTS we got bits and pieces of stories from Clay's point of view which he may or may not have embellished for effect. Unfortunately Ray is not here to defend himself or present his side of things...so I hesitate to judge...we all have different parenting techniques based on our family upbringing; where we were raised and the culture of the area of the country...even your religious upbringing...I would never want someone judging my parenting and I can't imagine my kids writing a book about their childhood for the whole world to see...must have been difficult for Faye. Clay also said that in LTS he regretted that his relationship with Ray wasn't better and he also took some responsibility for that...he said in the end he realized that Ray did the best he could and it could have been if they both worked at it...amazing that he was able to forgive Ray and not be bitter and angry. Talking about embellishing...when my sisters and I were kids I remember one day when my Mom was trying to iron and we were just getting underfoot and just being obnoxious and she finally had enough and told us to go out side and sit on the porch until our Dad got home from work...we were probably out there all of ten minutes. Well, that story got told over and over again until in the final telling it was a cold January day, Mom was mad at us and kicked us outside with no coats, locked the door and we all sat there on the porch shivering and freezing for an hour until my Dad got home. Now, anyone hearing that story would immediately think "child abuse" and what a horrible mother we had. If I was writing a book and wanted to make an impact, I think the revised version would achieve that more than what really happened. Not downplaying Clay's childhood...it was horrific, no doubt...but without all the facts and without all sides of the stories...I can't make judgments.
  18. It will be starting about 11:00 p.m. eastern. Kim
  19. I realize that "Baby Mama" has become an acceptable term in our society, but I have just never liked it...guess I am old-fashioned and more conservative, but I prefer just plain old "Mom and Dad". Just because a term is fashionable doesn't mean I am going to use it or like it. Viva Las Vegas! Everyone have a great time who is going and safe travels! Can't wait for tonight...hope I can stay awake! 5 Days until Clay's Unforgettable Performance on 30 Rock! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Claytonic I really have to take issue with you using the term "baby mama" in reference to Jaymes...I dislike the term and find it pretty offensive to Jaymes...she is Parker's mother. As for Parker's name; it is common in the south to give your son your Grandmother's last name as a first name. Clay's name Clayton is his Grandmother's Maiden Name. Link to Youtube promo for 30 Rock; Clay is shown, look quick! Kim
  21. Another interesting tidbit from CV: Here is the link for the full story...apparently this is going to be in the NE: http://celebritygoss.com.au/gossip/index.p...-american-idol/
  22. Not sure who this person is, but interesting...and Clay typed the "F" word (scroll to the bottom (From Cameron Saemann's public FB) QUOTE We're In This Together Friday, April 24, 2009 at 11:21am Pick an artist, and using ONLY SONG TITLES from only that artist, cleverly (preferably) answer these questions. This is harder than it seems! ADDITIONAL RULE: You cannot use the same artist I did, or duplicate song titles even if they were performed by another artist. I chose Nine Inch Nails. 1. Are you a male or female: Mr. Self Destruct 2. Describe yourself: The Perfect Drug 3. How do you feel about yourself: Down In It 4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Help Me I Am in Hell 5. Describe your current boy/girl situation: Physical (You're So) 6. Describe your current location: Closer 7. Describe where you want to be: Beside You In Time 8. Your Best Friend At the Heart of It All 9. Your favorite color is: Burn 10. You know that: The Way Out Is Through 11. What's the weather like: Sunspots 12. If your life was a television show what would it be called: StarFuckers Inc. 13. What is life to you: Hyperpower! 14. What is the best advice you have to give: Love Is Not Enough 15. If you could change your name what would it be: Big Man with a GunUpdated about 2 weeks ago · Comment · LikeUnlike · Report NoteYou like this.
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