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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Welcome to SueRue, Ashes and all newbies and lurkers! Had a bit of rain last night; just a gentle rain to water the plants which they needed and now it is nice and sunny this morning. Off to the flea market in a bit. 111 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Thanks for the clarification justclay12; I'll admit I don't know many of the details of the case and would not have known the names were switched. Kim
  3. Welcome Claysmelody ! 112 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Sounds delish! Are you going to pass us a slice? Caro Why of course.....just make sure you return the plate! Kim
  5. Okay, I have to brag...I made a rhubarb/strawberry pie this afternoon...rhubarb from my garden and it was just yummy! Just the right amount of sugar so it wasn't too sweet nor too tart and the crust came out perfect (my pie crusts are always hit or miss!). Reminded me of the pies my Mom used to make. Kim
  6. I know...just so sad and heartbreaking...to have to deal with that twice in one life...I can't imagine. Kim
  7. Lisa Marie Presley's thoughts on MJ: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...iendId=42291868
  8. Thanks for posting that Jazzgirl; I truly hope Michael is at peace now. Deepak Chropra's tribute to Michael, it is quite moving: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopr...i_b_221268.html Kim
  9. I saw Frank Sinatra at the end of his career with my MIL. She was thrilled because she remembered him "when"! I was not impressed at all. He had to read a teleprompter for My Way and even then didn't get the words right. He was just old. She was a huge fan of his and this was her first time to see him live. She was so happy at the end of the night but for me it was meh! Will we be like that with Clay? I have thought about that; the idea of a 50 0r 60 year-old Clay singing "Invisible" just sounds creepy to me. I have a problem with celebrities, whether it be an actor, singer or athlete trying to re-capture their hey day...sometimes it is better to just bow out gracefully. Kim
  10. I never turn the TV on anyway...unless Clay has an appearance on one of the morning shows, but I actually considered it this morning and then decided it was too much like stopping to gawk at an accident. I watched a couple of videos last night...I think I prefer to remember him in his prime. Watching those videos, I am actually a little glad those London concerts didn't happen...not sure if he could really capture what was. Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, 113 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. MJ singing Man in the Mirror at the Grammy's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zpTQCQEFhg
  13. LA Times is confirming his death: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009...steve-ruda.html
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 114 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. We all are taught things as children; by our parents, our teachers, our church...but then as we grow and experience life; it is natural that we start to question ideas and theology; examine our own feelings and reactions. To never question; to just accept is to become stagnent and closed off...we have these wonderful brains with which to feel and learn and educate ourselves...to me it is a disservice to not use them. Kim
  16. Jazzgirl Glad to hear the AC is working! They are still working on ours at work; two out of the six fans are still not working and they have ordered fans, but it isn't too bad...the worst is the main part of the building...there is a wall of windows and when the sun is beating down, it can get a little warm...I am in a back room and it has been quite comfortable. Speaking of work, we are having a cook-out for work and I am in charge of bringing hamburgers...I buy chuck roasts and grind my own hamburger meat...best hamburgers ever...I can't abide pre-packaged burgers. Grinding it yourself means you kow exactly what you are getting, no fillers. 116 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Jazzgirl Sorry to hear about your air conditioning; hope you can get some out to fix it quickly. Our AC at work was not working yesterday; they were working on it, so I hope it is fixed today. 117 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Luckiest1 You have some very fine looking boys! I know about being short...I am only 4'11"...my girls love the fact that they are all taller than me! Hot here today, but it feels good. Think I will go out and work in the garden after dinner...need to pick some lettuce and spinach. Tomatoes have flowers on them as do the cucumbers and the beans..can't wait until they all fruit! I am thinking we may not here from Clay until after the book deal is signed, sealed and delivered! Kim
  19. Weird sleep night for me...I fell asleep on the couch about 8:30 and didn't wake up until 10:00...so of course, when I got in bed, I was wide awake. Seems like I tossed and turned all night...didn't help that I had the dog in bed with me and he likes to stretch out across the bed. The cat had one of her midnight energy bursts and was racing up and down the hallway for a while and then jumped up on top of the armoire in my room and was running around up there. So now I am up trying to get myself motivated to go to work and they are both crashed! 118 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Happy Father's Day to all our Dads; those that are still here and those that are no longer with us except in our hearts and memories. Happy Father's Day to Clay...enjoy and cherish your day with Parker. 119 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. NCT Award clack is in the vault at CV...skit at the beginning is really cute! Kim
  22. Beautiful day here today...sunny and in the 80's. Went to the Farmer's Market this morning...didn't have as much as I had hoped but I did get a few veggies and some blueberries. Decided to veg out and and watch the Cubs game on TV and halfway through I realized I hadn't gotten a Father's Day card or gift for hubby...had to make a mad dash to the store. Saw something interesting while out on errands this morning; coming up to an intersection we saw police cars and thought maybe there had been an accident...turns out it was a convoy of military vehicles...jeeps, trucks, motorcycles, medical vehicles. We must have sat there for about 10 minutes watching them all pass...it was pretty neat. Not sure where they were going but they were heading west on Rt. 30 towards Frankfort, Illinois. My husband and I were chuckling...we've never really seen military vehicles like that except on MASH! Kim
  23. 120 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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