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Everything posted by aikim

  1. So not fair, I love the man in a turtleneck...this one is going to be hard! Kim
  2. 58 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Clay sounds like he is pretty definite about what he is going to sing and how he is going to promote himself...I figure people have a choice...they can support him and his musical stylings or they can move on...don't get the need for angsting. On another note...chocolate cake and sweet pickles! Just no...the only thing that should go with chocolate cake is a cold glass of milk! Kim
  4. 59 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Clay is on the DECCA artists list now! http://www.deccarecords-us.com/artists/ Kim
  6. I didn't know that about the taxes, that is nice to know. Jennifer and her hubby are pretty level-headed people (they have 4 kids) and I don't imagine they would get into this without doing some research. I am sure my MIL will be calling me with details, so I will let you know how it goes and when the episode will be airing. Kim
  7. Just got an interesting phone call from my MIL...my BIL's daughter is going to be on Extreme Makeover! They live in Champaign, Illinois and the show blew into town today and they are going to be tearing down her house on Thursday...I guess they have to have the new house up in about a week. Everyone is very excited; although there is some concern about how they will handle things when it is all done since their taxes, etc. will go up. If you can't afford a $250.000 house before Extreme Makeover, how can you afford it afterwards? It would be interesting if they did a show going back to some of these people a year later to see how they are faring. They have a 100 year-old house now that is being torn down...they are out of town right now, so the show will be packing up their house and putting things in storage so they can get building...not sure if I would like that. It will be interesting though, to see how this all works out...I don't watch the show, but I will have to watch this episode. Kim
  8. 60 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Raining here today, but not complaining...we could really use it. 61 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. So, Couchie wanted me to come up with a date for "early 2010 for Clay's new music"...let's see...early to me would be the first 3 months...The Winter Olympics in Vancouver start in Feb. so I don't think he would release a CD then unless of course he is singing a song at the Olympics, which could happen since Jaymes is from Vancouver and Parker is part Canadian but if not, I would think early March..."checks calendar" ...first Tuesday in March is March 2...so that would be...30 days in Sept.; 31 in Oct....add in Nov, Dec, Jan...is Feb. a leap year? "gets out calculator"... 198 Days until Clay's new music in 2010! 62 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champion's Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, Heading to the Farmer's Market this morning and then hubby will be spending the day tearing down more paneling in the living room and then drywalling...the mess is a pain, but I know it will be worth it in the end. 63 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. 64 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Cgampions Gala! Everyone have a great day! (waves to ldyj) Kim
  13. 65 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Happy Birthday Cha Cha! Last day of the work week for me...unfortunately I had to drop my car off at the mechanic so that means I will be stuck in the house all day tomorrow. On the bright side, maybe Clay will come out at play since I will have plenty of computer time! Kim
  15. #2 all the way...that was one of my favorite looks on him not to mention the performance! Kim
  16. 66 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Good Luck to everyone trying for tickets today! 67 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. I am so thrilled for Clay (and us!)...can't wait for 2010! Kim
  19. He's with Decca Records...just announced at OFC...it is on the News Page after your log in! Kim
  20. 68 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. I must be the only one in the fandom that feel this way; but I never could get into the Jaded Journalist interviews...just didn't get the funny. I remember everyone talking about how fun they were and I was so disappointed when I finally saw them. Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, Nice that Clay was online last night....myself...I must really be getting old, the last two nights I have been in bed at 9:00! 69 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. So, are you guys trying to set a record for how many times you can repost Cindilu's pictures? Kim
  24. Coming to you from my new computer nook! We actually got everything moved over and hooked up without a problem and I have a new computer chair...no more kitchen chair! It is so nice to have everything in a corner of the room and not out in the middle! Still have to get some baskets for paper, etc. and get my little "office" set up, but I am loving it! Kim to all!
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