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Everything posted by aikim

  1. 25 Days until the National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. I think I watched all of 5 minutes of the Emmy's...realized I didn't recognize half the shows or the actors and decided there was no point in watching since I didn't have a rooting interest in anyone. Just made me feel really out of it; I don't watch network TV much anymore except for Monday night (Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men). 26 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champion's Gala! Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. 27 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. 28 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Back from dinner...went to a little Italian Restaurant in the area...first-timers get a tour of the kitchen and the even have a table in the kitchen if you want to eat in there...reservations only...too cute! Food was fabulous and were serenaded by Dean (That's Amore), Frank and Nat King Cole while we ate...it was perfect! Hubby is now laying in bed watching the baseball game, while I am talking to you...we are such romantics, LOL! Kim
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LDYJ! 28 years ago today I decided to throw caution to the wind and take my cousin up on the offer of a blind date; 27 years ago today I married that blind date...think I will keep him...Happy Anniversary, Honey! 29 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champion's Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Geez people where are your cell phone cameras! (The twitterers are from NY/NJ) And the twitterer who thinks Clay has gained weight is a songwriter! Kim
  8. 30 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champion's Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, 31 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champion's Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. 32 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, 33 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Just back from "tea" with two of my girls...we went to a little tea room in the next town over called The Pickwick Portfolio...the owner was a big fan of Little Women so the tea room is based on the novel...we had "Jo's Plate"... a selection of tea sandwiches, scones and desserts, plus tea, of course. It was quite charming...it is housed in old house and we had a table on the back porch...just lovely. Afterwards we walked across the street to the Farmer's Market...bought some veggies. Beautiful day here after the fog this morning, so we had a lovely day and it was great hanging out with my girls. My apologies if I stepped on any toes regarding the poll; never have been into polls and voting. I think I would find them much more legitimate if it was one vote per person instead of being spammable. Not sure in the long run how this will benefit Clay...don't know that Decca really pays much attention to these things...but everyone is free to support Clay in the manner they choose and I should not have been so blunt in my remarks. Kim
  13. I long for the day when Clay has finally cut the AI umbilical cord and I don't have to see him on any more AI polls of who is the bestest...detest these kinds of polls and refuse to vote on them. I don't really think they prove anything and just encourage competition and fan wars...be glad when this one is over and it isn't the main topic of conversation on some of the Clay boards. Hoping for real Clay news this week so the poll will fade into the background. Kim
  14. Hee...I've been sleeping in the past two days...7:00 a.m. is late for me! 34 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Um...am I losing my mind...or didn't we already vote on these two pictures? Not that I am complaining...just wondering! Kim
  16. 35 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Maybe just me...but does it seem odd to be asking people to nominate themselves...I would pretty embarrassed to do that. I would think Clay and Diane would have a pretty good idea of what fans do for the Project and would be able to come up with a deserving candidate. Kim
  18. 36 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. 37 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions's Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Ellen Degeneres is joining AI as a new judge: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20303396,00.html
  21. Another non-make-up; comfy clothes kind of gal checking in...hate having to get dressed up...lucky I work at a job where we can go casual and I don't have to. 38 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Love waking up to answers for Clay...he is such fun! So, working on a new calendar..do you think it will be out this this year or next? Would have love to seen Clay singing karaoke! 39 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. It appears he is in France; if you biggie size it you can see French words in the background...it appears Reed is also in France...so you may be correct about him just getting out of bed, LOL ETA: Correction, it was just posted on CV that the girl who tweeted is from Montreal. Kim
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