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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Um...have you guys clicked on the link and then full size..... Kim
  2. Well, I was just going to post that picture, but you beat me to it...I think we need a new banner...good Lord in Heaven...about fell off my computer chair! Kim
  3. New tweet posted by Drew Ferrar who is a music publicist and assistant to the V.P. of Publicity at Decca!
  4. 51 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 52 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champion's Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. 53 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Extreme Makeover Update! Just talked to my MIL and the big reveal is tomorrow! They had sent the family to Disney World and they will be getting home tomorrow morning and the big reveal will be at 2:00. They live in Philo, llinois and apparently someone from their church submitted their name. My SIL was over at the house this morning and was able to take a look around. She said it is beautiful but not to her taste (she has an old country house and this is a little too modern for her, LOL). Anyway, two floors, master bedroom on the ground floor...kids rooms upstairs. My BIL is a retired firefighter and he convinced them to put sprinkers upstairs since that is where the kids will be. The ceiling in the kitchen is copper; very pretty. SIL said the microwave is in a lower counter and she doesn't that would be really convenient. Also, she went into the master bedroom and they wallpapered in a geometric pattern; green and golds...doesn't sound too restful to me. Anyway, they wanted my SIL to come over every day and water the new sod and flowers they put in. I guess when she was there today, the Philo Fire Department came and watered everything! MIL said the lower house is green and the top is shingled...they in sort of a cul de sac, with only one other house around them. Ty Pennington was only there the first day, but he will be there tomorrow. SIL is BIL second wife and I guess his ex has been there all week, they don't get along much...so it has been interesting. One sad note, they have two dogs that a neighbor was watching and one of the dogs got loose and is still missing...hoping they find him soon. The show will be airing Oct. 25th! Kim
  8. Up at 2:30 this morning...that is what I get for falling alseep on the couch at 8:00. So I caught up on the board and then watched TV for a bit...ended up watching Password on the GSN...the version from the 60's with Alan Ludden! Then the cat decided she wanted some attention so we snuggled for a bit and then I finally went back to sleep after 3:00...of course, I then had a heck of time getting up this morning. Great way to start off a Monday! Happy Birthday to my MIL and my sister! 54 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Actually slept in this morning; yep...7:00 a.m. is late for me! 55 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. <----like in my avi? Yep...only his hair was darker...still one of my favorite appearances. Since we're doing glasses pics...how about sunglasses pics? Kim
  11. The picture reminds me of when he was on Kimmel and did the Valentine song! Kim
  12. Looks like this is going to be another close one! Kim
  13. 56 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. We decided to try and grow watermelon this year in our garden and even though we didn't have a really hot summer, we got two nice size melons on the vine. Picked the biggest one tonight and sliced it up...it is so good...juicy and sweet...I think we may save some seeds and plant again next year! Kim ETA: FURCA = Fuck U RCA FUDCA = Fuck U DECCA
  15. Another ATDW lover here; I have it in my car along with OMWH and Clay's demos and everytime it comes up in rotation I find myself enjoying it more and more...it really is a great CD and Clay did a wonderful job with those songs, tired "covers" or not. I guess I am pretty easy when it comes to Clay; I love his voice so much that it really doesn't matter much to me what he sings...yes, I am one of those he-could-sing-the-phonebook people and I would be happy. 57 Days until The National Inclusion Project's Champions Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Listening to music through our Direct TV; always listen to the 60's channel...what's playing...The Beatles singing Twist and Shout...I do believe that was previously recorded. Kim
  17. Maybe he was looking for some of that career, marketing, and recording advice his fanagers are always so ready to offer him. Plenty of that there...Clay has been in the business 7 years; has seen the ugliest of ugly where it is concerned; is still hanging in there and preparing to launch the next step in his career and yet some fans still think they know better than him how to manage his career...Lord...it drives me insane! Kim
  18. Apparently Clay was online this morning sometime...wondering if he was checking out the responses to his answers? Kim
  19. Totally agree Keepingfaith; I actually posted something similiar at the OFC this morning...could we eliminate the word "cover" from the Clay vocabulary and just refer to them as "previously recorded songs"...I really hate the word "cover". Kim
  20. I can't access CV at work, but I suspect the server maintenance issues that d-mom posted about being done overnight are taking longer than the tech geeks said they would. None of the tech stuff ever seems to go smoothly for that board. That is what I suspected...she is probably tearing her hair out by now! Kim
  21. Has anyone been able to get into CV or know the status of when it might be up? Kim
  22. The post number of his latest answer is always in the thread title "Questions for Clay" or you can go to the Rest Home where they are all archived. Kim
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