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Everything posted by aikim

  1. 54 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. 55 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. 56 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Clay uploaded a video of Hannah and him singing The Prayer on his Facebook...this comment from Hannah was on the public page of someone from Spamalot that Clay had tagged to see the video: Snog = kiss Cakey Chops = sweet cheeks? I am sure Merrieee can translate! Kim
  5. 57 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. I made a Clayvert today! Sitting at my desk listening to MCWL while I was withdrawing books...had it down kind of low and the secretary walked by and heard O Holy Night and said "you can turn that up, that is really good, who is it?" So I told her it was Clay and she was very surprised...remembered him from Idol but didn't remember his voice being that good. All day she would walk by my desk and tell me how much she really liked it and what a great voice he had! Made my day! Other than that...very long tiring day...Library Director who is a control freak and a work alcoholic over-scheduled us...she initially asked the Department Heads what they had planned for their staff today which was mainly withdrawing, shelf reading and basically getting the library in shape for the new year. Well of course, she couldn't leave it at that...she had to make her own schedule of what were going to do including committee meetings (she is big on committees and every staff member has to be on one such as Outreach, Technology, etc.) and then gave us index cards with our day scheduled out by hour...so 9:00-9:30 breakfast, 9:30-10:30 Dept. Meeting and so on...geez are we in school? So everyone spent the day running from one thing to another trying to get everything in that she had scheduled. To say we are all exhausted, frustrated...especially those who happen to be on several committees and ended up in meetings all day instead getting work done they had planned is an understatement. Then we find out today that she wants procedure manuals updated for each department by Dec. 31...which really only gives us about two weeks since Christmas and New Year's weeks are short because of the holidays...not happy about that at all. And I got my period...yeah been one of those days...I am so ready to be done with that business any time now. Think a hot bath is in order. Kim
  7. Normally my day off, but we are having an in-service/holiday lunch at the library...combination work day to straighten the shelves, withdraw and neaten up the library plus we get a nice lunch...going to be fun but busy. Sure does put a crimp in my week though...Friday is always my running around day and now that will have to wait until tomorrow. 58 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. I just noticed I moved from "executive producer" to "chairman"...moving on up! Does that mean I get executive privliges? Kim
  9. 59 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. 61 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. You are me...I have no interest in twittering and I have a Facebook, but I am lucky if I remember to check it a few times a week...I don't know how people have time to be on it all the time and play games! Kim
  12. Doesn't that just make you smile? Yep! Kim
  13. 61 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Happy Birthday Clay! :04: 62 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. I am going to make a turkey today since we were gone for Thanksgiving...so busy cooking today, but at least the family will have leftovers all week. 1 Day until Clay's Birthday! 63 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Wrapped the presents I bought today and the gifts for my sisters and brother...my great-aunt had given me some family pictures before she passed away and I had put them away. Found them when I was looking for something else and decided to make copies for my sisters and brother for Christmas. They are of my great-grandparents. Worked out well...the pictures of Gram are of her working in the kitchen and the picture of Grandpa is framed with a copy of his sales receipt..he was a carpenter and this has his name and address on it and his trade...so pictures of both of them in their elements. I was quite pleased with how they all turned out. Kim
  17. Went Christmas shopping this morning...I only have a couple more things to get and I am done! Spent the last few hours just cleaning and re-organizing things...put a few Christmas things out...with the living room renovation going on it is going to be a challenge. Had brought in all my outside plants so I neatened them up...cut off the dead foliage and now they are sitting in the window until next spring. I love having plants in the house, makes the winter more bearable to see green and my geraniums bloom all winter so I have color on the most dreary days. Only 1:30 and I am already pooped! Kim
  18. Liney My in-laws are from central Illinois; FIL grew up in Peoria, MIL a little town called Ivesdale. But they moved up to the Chicago area after they married...hubby grew up in Dolton, Illinois. His sister went to U of I and never left, married and stayed down there. His parents moved back there about 10 years ago...they love being near family. I don't think my MIL was ever happy living up here. It is about a 2 hour drive from where I live. 2 Days until Clay's Birthday! 64 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. 3 Days until Clay's Birthday! 65 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Back from the In-Laws...had a wonderful time but there is no place like home! I never sleep well when we are there...strange bed and pillows and they keep the house so darn hot. I know older people feel the cold more; but it was unbearable; I stayed in the basement most of the time where it was cooler...TV is down there anyway and there was football to watch! Totally stuffed from dinner but it was so good...so good... I am making a turkey on Sunday since we didn't get many leftovers to bring home! Hope everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Oh that would have been nice...maybe next time we would plan something! Kim
  22. "taps fingers on desk"...I'm home from work but hubby decided he needed to eat before we head out...so waiting. Raining here...hoping we won't run into two much traffic...heading to Urbana, Illinois to spend the Holiday with my in-laws. Hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey day...don't eat too much! Kim
  23. Work today and then heading down to my in-laws for the Holiday....looking forward to seeing everyone but I know it is going to be hectic. No Thanksgiving countdown tomorrow since I won't have internet access. We will be home around 6:00 tomorrow evening. 5 Days until Clay's Birthday! 67 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. You should have seen my family when I walked in the door from working carrying this new monitor...they were like "you bought a new one already"...yep! Going to my in-laws tomorrow night for Thankgsgiving...no internet there...I would have had to wait until Friday or Saturday...not going to happen! Kim
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