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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Of course everyone has a right to their opinion and to post it...positive or negative...but they also have to realize whatever opinion they post is going to be reacted to...either in a good way or not. They can't expect to say "I think Clay's CD is going to suck" and not have someone respond. Sure lots of people just roll their eyes and scroll...but others may feel the need to respond. That is what a message board is for..give and take. I guess I would prefer they actually hear the CD before they say it is going to suck...bottom line is...none of us can have a factual opinion until we all listen to it. Even those of who say we are going to love it no matter what, may find when we actually hear it there maybe a song or two we don't like or how something is arranged, etc. Right now it is just foreplay...everyone is excited and waiting for the main event...afterwards is when we can really sit around and ask..."was it good for you" Kim
  2. And I could probably tell you what boards and what people too...you know...they have a choice..they don't like the music...don't buy it...don't see the need for the constant bitching and complaining...its not going to change anything. Kim
  3. 19 Days until GFI! 67 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I am so excited...so needed to hear that right now...been feeling a little down the last couple of days and I so needed a pick me up! Kim
  5. 20 Days until GFI! 68 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Just a few thoughts for the day: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke, British Politician Equality cannot be seized anymore than it can be given. It must be a shared experience. - James Farmer, U.S. Civil Rights Activist Kim
  6. Clay will be speaking about UNICEF at the Kiwanis Key Club in Memphis this summer: http://slp.kiwanis.org/KeyClub/Leadership/...n/Speakers.aspx
  7. Good Morning Everyone, Nope, won't be watching Idol...haven't since season 2...can't stand the show. 21 Days! Three Weeks! Until GFI! New Clack of Clay Singing! New Pictures! 69 Days until The First day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Good thoughts to all those in need! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. 22 Days until GFI! 70 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Wow! Looks like I killed the board last night! 23 Days until GFI! 71 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim ETA: Thanks Ldyj; everything is okay now. Looks like new jaw to me.
  10. Another reason to hate winter...about an hour ago we noticed our water pressure had dropped, so I called the village and find out there is a water main break...happened about 7:00 a.m. this morning and they have been working on it all day. They finally turned our water completely off. Have no idea when it will be back on and we will have a 24 hour boil alert when it does. This was 4:00 when I called...you think they could have found some way to notify us since this has been going on since 7:00 a.m.? Will probably have to make a run for bottled water or go out side and start bringing in buckets of snow, LOL! To say I am a bit peeved is an understatement! Kim ETA: Water's back!
  11. It has stopped snowing here, but we did get more overnight...no wind either...guessing the worst of the storm has gone up north. Safe travels to all those having to go out in this mess! 24 Days until GFI! 72 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. I'm home...the library director decides after everyone gets there to close the library...so I spent 10 minutes cleaning off my car...20 minutes getting to work and then I had to turn around and do it all over again. Geez...she knew the weather conditions...she could have saved us all the trouble and just closed beforehand. So I get home, decide to do some shoveling..promptly fall on my ass and wrench my shoulder...I am done...going to sit on my butt the rest of the day...damn the snow, it can just pile up. Actually DD#3 is out finishing up. Think I need a cup of hot tea! Kim
  13. Snowing here...looks like a couple of inches so far but it is supposed to snow all day...could be interesting getting to work. Our library never closes; doesn't make sense to me because I don't see the point in paying people to sit around when there are no patrons in the library. 25 Days until GFI! 73 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day and safe traveling to all those venturing out in the snow! Kim
  14. I'm glad you added the spring countdown as I'm so looking forward to spring, I don't do winter sports so I find winter so longggggggggggg!!! Glad you are enjoying it! Makes the winter bearable when you know spring is close! Kim
  15. 26 Days until GFI! 74 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 27 Days until GFI! 75 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Congratulations luckiest1 :04: I am excited about this CD! I cannot wait! Kim
  18. 28 Days until GFI! 76 Days until the First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Love the new banner! 29 Days until GFI! 77 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. 30 Days until GFI! 78 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Glad you liked it! I so enjoy watching the Rose Parade every year...and yes, seeing inclusion in action is so heartwarming! Kim
  22. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! 31 Days until GFI! 79 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: Happy Birthday to all celebrating. Everyone have a great day! I plan on watching HGTV's coverage of the Rose Parade! Finally, some food for thought...found this and thought I would share: Take time to WORK...It is the price of success Take time to THINK...It is the source of power Take time to PLAY...It is the secret of perpetual youth Take time to READ...It is the foundation to wisdom Take time to be FRIENDLY...It is the road to happiness Take time to DREAM...It is hitching your wagon to a star Take time to LOVE...It is the privilege of the gods Take time to LOOK AROUND...It is too short a day to be selfish Take time to LAUGH....It is music of the soul Kim
  23. Lovely post from Faye...sorry to hear that Granny is dealing with some health issues; hope she is home soon, must be scary for someone her age to have back surgery...hoping that 2010 is a wonderful year for all of them and very excited to see what is on the horizon for Clay. 31 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a safe and happy New Year's Eve! Kim
  24. 32 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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