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Everything posted by aikim

  1. 1 Day until The Big Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 20 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention! 33 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 41 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 months until June and the New CD/ PBS Special! :04: Clay addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. 2 Days until The Big Clay Aiken News is revealed! 21 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention! 34 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 43 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 months until June and the New CD/PBS Special! :04: Clay addresses the Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Finally have had a chance to sit and listen (and watch) the videos from GFI…when I was growing up these were the kinds of songs that were played in our house. My parents always had the stereo going..everything from Barbra Streisand, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra to Classical music to Herb Alpert; show tunes…a complete mix. It was the background to our lives. I remember standing in the kitchen washing dishes singing along. I have a memory of my brother, maybe 5 or 6 playing on the floor and humming along to some classical music that was being played. We listen to the oldies station in our house and to this day, I will hear a song and it will bring back a memory of growing up. When Clay arrived on the scene he really did take me back to the time of singers who could just stand in front of a microphone and sing…a pure singer…a man and his voice…nothing else needed. I had this sense of finally…someone who can who show the world what real singing is…I love watching Clay sing as much as listening to him…just the way he gets lost in a song…his passion…his obvious love of singing. My favorites of the songs he sang at GFI were “It’s Impossible” and “What Kind of Fool am I”…just hearing those two songs and I know I am going to love this CD.. some like the glory notes and Clay powering through a song…I like the ballads when he just sings from the heart; caresses each note, savors each lyric…these are the songs that speak to me. Very much looking forward to this CD. Kim
  4. 3 Days until The Big Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 22 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention! 35 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 44 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 months until June and The New CD/PBS Special! :04: Clay Addresses the Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. I'm back! I purchased a computer from work and could not log into windows...kept asking me for an administrator's password...after trying all kinds of passwords, I was told to just hit the enter key...it worked! Always the easiest solutions! Think I have some videos to download! Thanks Merrieeee for doing the countdown! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, Well last night was just not good...was able to read a few of the cellcert pages in between sharing the computer with my daughter whose laptop is not working...CV pages were turning very slow for me. Could not get in the cellstream so did not hear Clay sing live...don't even know what songs he sang... a list would be appreciated. So about the time my daughter got off the computer and I figured I could spend some time catching up...listening to some songs...my mouse decided to crap out on me! Of all nights! To say I was pissed is an understatement! So vcted this morning...election day here in Illinois...stopped and bought a new mouse...hopefully by tonight I will be able to download some songs. Can't download anything here at work...so I am clackless and going through some major withdrawal. I'll get back to the countdown tomorrow...right now I am having a bit of a pity party for myself. Glad to hear he was in fine voice and I love the pictures I have seen. Kim
  7. From WinkatMe: Clothing report CLAY: Light sport shirt pinkish with light tan linen sports jacket. Jeans and white sneakers. He is gorgeous! Reed: Light gray or lavendar long sleeve knit polo shirt stripped in white, Curly hair!
  8. From CH EEEEEEEEEEE QUOTE Report from merrieee. Clay looks wonderful. Hair short, nice color brown. Reed is sitting with him! Program's about to start!
  9. Reported at CV that Clay, Reed and Jerome were spotted having breakfast! Kim
  10. 7 Days until The Big Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 26 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention! 39 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 48 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 months until June and The New CD/PBS Special! :04: Clay addresses the Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Pic of Clay and he sang 3 classic songs from the 50's (someone asked the tweeter and she responded) http://twitpic.com/10s4oy
  12. 1 Day until GFI! 8 Days until The Big Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 26 Days until Clay Speaks at The HRC Convention! 39 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 48 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 Months until June and the New CD/PBS Special! :04: Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. 2 Days until GFI! 9 Days until The Big Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 35 Days until Clay is Speaking at The HRC Convention! 48 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 57 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 Months until June and the New CD/PBS Special! :04: Clay addresses The Key Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. 3 Days until GFI! 10 Days until The BIG Clay Aiken News is Revealed! 29 Days until Clay Speaks at the HRC Convention! 42 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! :04:4 months until June and The New CD/PBS Special! :04: Clay addresses the Key Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Thanks for all the congrats....actually getting a little excited about it now! Love the tweet! Kim
  16. Awesome!!!! :04: --- Clay One of my co-workers is taking the LTA classes. She is able to do most of it online. I think the courses at our local college are also partly online but you still have some classroom work. Checked their schedule and they only offer one or two classes a semester...first one is Fall, 2010. Also talked to one of my co-workers who is taking classes and we may try and work it out so we can go together...that would be great! I think the nerves are starting to settle down. Kim
  17. Haven't had a chance to get to the OFC yet...just home from work and speaking of work...after 14 years as a part-time employee, I was offered full-time at the Library! My husband is retiring next year and even though he will be getting a good pension package...full-time with benefits will be welcome. The only thing is that one of the requirements for full-time is that I have a Library Techincal Assistant degree so I have to go back to school...let me tell you, the idea of going back to school after 35 years is freaking me out a bit. But I can't afford to turn down a full-time job so I guess I will have to bite the bullet. There is only college in the area that offers the classes so I guess I will be checking out the program to see what's what. Kim
  18. 4 Days until GFI! 30 Days until Clay Speaks at the HRC Convention! 43 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 52 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 and 1/2 months until June and the New CD/PBS Special!! :04: Clay addresses the Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. 5 Days until GFI! 31 Days until Clay speaks at HRC! 44 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! 53 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 and 1/2 months until June and the New CD/PBS Special! :04: Clay Addresses the Key Club in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Hugs to all in need! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. When Clay was on AI he was so very skinny and his face so thin that it probably made his ears seem to stick out more than normal...now that he has filled out they don't seem so prominent. 6 Days until GFI! 32 Days until Clay Speaks at the HRC Convention! 45 Days until The Magical Mystery Date! :04: 54 Days until The First Day of Spring! :glasses: 4 and 1/2 months until The New CD and PBS Special! :04: Clay Speaks at the Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. I wasn't really! Can't save pictures at work and I knew someone would on it as soon as I posted! Kim
  22. New picture of Clay and Reed out there...it is on CV...I am work...so can't post it...really cute. Taken at Tom Deckman's birthday party...looks like has JBT hair...almost! Kim
  23. I believe it was once referred to as ENF Syndrome. I'm glad he actually spoke up about the crappy behaviour instead of just sucking it up all the time. I hope the people it was meant for recognize themselves and take heed. Not really gonna hold my breath though. Honestly though, you'd think Faye would be a little wiser less naive after almost 7 years. Not one of Faye's finest moments I grant you but she has kept some pretty important secrets for Clay...like the fact that he was gay and a certain little boy's impending birth...she must have bursting at the seams with that one! Kim
  24. Clay Blogged...the title says it all...{{Clay}} Kim
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