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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Overslept this morning...did not get up until 7:00 when I am usually up at 6:00...could not sleep last night...not a good way to start the day. At least only one more day of work tomorrow and then 4 off. 33 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. 34 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. 35 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Yesterday was quite hectic, but good times were had by all. Emily's in the morning...eat, open gifts, watched "Elf"...pack all the gifts in the car, head home, unpack the car...pack the car with gifts for my family...head to my sister's...eat some more, open gifts, played a really fun game called "Things"...there are questions such as "Things that make you gag" and everyone has to right down an answer and then you list all the responses and they go around the table and guess who said what. The idea is answer out of character so people won't know its you. Of course my family has a very warped sense of humor so some of the answers were a bit on the risque side. I was the list writer...I am afraid my mind doesn't work quickly enough to come up with really witty answers. But it was a lot of fun...then after all that my hubby had to go to work unexpectedly due to the weather. My second daughter Molly got engaged...we already knew it was going to happen as her fiance had already talked to us about it, but now it is official...two down...two to go! 36 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Merry Christmas All! Windy and raining here. Lots to do this morning before we head to Emily's in a few hours. 37 Days until GFI! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Merry Christmas to all who dwell here! Early for me but I have so much to do today and worrying about the weather; ice out there and I hate driving in ice but I have to get to the grocery store otherwise we won't be having any Christmas Eve dinner...it is supposed to get above freezing and then just rain...so I may have to wait a while. I really hate winter. 38 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. I've been wondering the same thing all afternoon...we have a skeleton staff...I am in the back by myself...we are getting rain/sleet/ice and no one is here...had my hubby drive me because I don't like driving in ice so just waiting for him to get here. It has been a very long afternoon. Kim
  8. My deepest sympathies to Ashes/Joan's family. 39 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. 40 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Claylove Wonderful story! We have had people fill in from time to time who are not official volunteers, but sometimes it cannot be helped. I finished my last day yesterday, but our group we will be working 4 days this week...unfortunately, with work, I will not be able to help out. But I enjoyed the time I did work. We had a lot of Dad's with kids last night shopping for Mom, so cute and they were so thrilled to have us wrap for them. Have to say, the men have bee much more generous than the women. Personally, I wish fans would quit pumping Ruben for information and I wish Ruben had never said anything...I just wish for once Clay would be able to surprise us with something. 41 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Another WFI story...hope I am not boring people...end of the evening last night, we were getting ready to close up...when a lady stopped by to have some gifts wrapped...as we are wrapping we are telling her about the Project. She is very interested and then becomes quite emotional telling us about her brother with special needs and how much the Project would have meant to him when he was younger. She told of them attempting to send him to camp and being told to take him home. He is 19 now so past the age, but she was so excited about The Project that she actually volunteered right then to help us wrap next year and took information to pass out at her church. She left us names and numbers and said her mother would also be interested. It was such a wonderful and heartwarming way to end the evening and we are so excited to have additional wrappers next year...that means we can do more days! 42 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Another day of wrapping; I have to say the best thing Clay ever did was to change the name of the Foundation...the word "Inclusion" is like a magnet...it is wonderful to see people walk by our banner and see the word "Inclusion" and turn around to come back and ask about the National Inclusion Project. 43 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. 44 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. I actually saw a picture of Adam in a magazine without the make-up and he is actually very nice looking. 45 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating including my daughter Emily who is 26 today! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. 46 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 47 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Love the new banner! 48 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Another busy day; Christmas shopping, baking and to top it all off, hubby came home from work with a turkey last week...we were supposed to get it for Thanksgiving but the company was late getting them to the employees and since I don't have room in my freezer, I will be roasting a turkey today. Not going to do all the usual trimmings...but it will be nice to have turkey to eat during the week. 49 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. From the OC: It was also noted that Reed had mentioned on his Facebook that he has been shoveling a lot of snow! Back from our first day of Wrapping this year...it was a great day! Lots of people and just a wonderful response when we tell them what The National Inclusion Project is about. We had a gentleman stop by the table who is a special ed teacher and he wanted information about The Project. Love that we are getting the word out! Kim
  20. Today is our first day of Wrapping...so looking forward to it...we are just a small group and only wrap at our local Barnes and Noble, but they are so good to us and it is so much fun to go back every year and meet people who remember us from the previous year...this has now become part of my Christmas tradition and I cannot imagine not doing it. 50 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. We're having a heat wave here, going to be up to 24 degrees today! Yesterday it was 4 degrees! I am so not ready for winter! 51 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Have never been to DC, would love to go someday! Yes, the fans need to learn to ignore; isn't much fun when there isn't anyone to play with. 52 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Your post was enough to make me *not* read the comments. I am not sure why anyone would want to. I am happy that Clay blogged, but I kind of find it ironic that his private blog has become so public that he can address the Wake County School Board in it. Actually...his blog was posted in the media before it was posted at the OFC...which I think is a good thing...it was more important to his hometown than to us. 53 Days until GFI! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. I love that man...go read his blog. Kim
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