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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I am going to Ashville! Just booked a package deal online! Hope for good seats, all I know right now is they are reserved! But I am so happy this is finally done...wasn't sure it was even going to happen! :04: Kim
  2. 52 Days until June 1st and The New CD!:04: 72 Days until Clay Brings Broadway Home to NC! :09: 104 Days until The Timeless Tour! Clay addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Since you work in a library aikim, think of them as "subject headings" for a post, picture, or blog. IMO, sometimes tagging works really well; in other cases, it's been...eh. I've read through a bunch of the responses for the album cover, and I'm mostly pleased with the results. I have to think that Decca knew what kind of responses they would possibly get. I still find it amazing for all the "it's all about the voice," that there's such a reaction to pictures of him! Both positive and negative. Hee. Thanks for the explanation...makes sense now. Kim
  4. I also left a comment at the Decca site...I really do love the cover even though I still find the "bruise" on his forehead a bit distracting. So can someone explain to me the point of tags...don't really get it? Kim
  5. 53 Days until June 1 and The New CD! :04: Clay addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. I like the original picture better...miss the freckles and he just looks like he has a giant bruise on his forehead. Kim
  7. 54 Days until June 1 and The New CD! :04: Clay addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Spent a very frustrating morning trying to get tickets to Ashville and finally gave up...could not get anything close when I was finally able to get online..never could get anyone on the phone. Going to wait and see if anyone is selling closer tickets or if better tickets come up online before I make any decisions about attending. Kim
  9. There were a couple of more tweets last night...to paraphrase...letter "A" in the last name, first, last or middle initial and you can eliminate season 8. I still think it could be Clay! 56 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: Clay addresses The Key Club in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Could this be Clay? Kind of makes sense to me...have Ruben on one week and then Clay the next!
  11. Happy Easter to all! 57 Days until June 1st and The New CD! :04: Clay addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all Celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. SpikesmomI am going to the Hammond show too! If I don't see you in Milwaukee, I hope we can meet up in Hammond. So...after much thinking, planning and a little whining from yours truly...looks like we are going to make the Ashville show after all. I am so excited as I have never been to a "first show" before and it will be kind of nice to go into a show not knowing what is going to happen! Also this will be my husband's first Clay show/experience...I am hoping he enjoys it because that will bode well for future traveling. Nervous about the ticket buying on Tuesday...not too concerned about where I will be sitting, just that I get tickets. Kim
  13. I think what is being forgotten is that this is not being promoted to "just us"...Clay is looking to garner new fans...people who are not going to analyze every little thing, like his hair or his ears or whether his eyebrows are plucked and shaped just so and are his cheekbones accented and did they capture his essence and on and on. They are going to see this cover and hopefully be intrigued enough by the style and the content to pick it up and buy it. There can be a self-centeredness in the fandom that can be off putting at times...as if everything Clay has to revolve around us and what we want. Not to mention those, 7 years later who still think they know better how to manage and market Clay's career. This is my favorite cover because it captures who Clay truly is and not a portrayal of who some think Clay should be. During the RCA years it seemed they were always trying different looks for Clay and trying as he said..too fit a square peg in a round hole instead of just marketing Clay. Decca seems to know what we have felt all along...let Clay be Clay. Can't wait for more promotion to begin and to see other photos from the shoot! Kim
  14. Just imagining Clay walking out on stage in the outfit on the CD cover...wowza! I could actually see them doing that...can't imagine Clay going back to the jeans, shirt, tie combo from a few years ago. He may not want to do suit coat and slacks for the outdoor venues if it is hot...but you never know. I think this is going to be a fun tour! Kim
  15. 58 Days until June 1st and The New CD!:04: Clay addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Crappity, crap, crap...had our taxes done today and looks like we are going to have to change our vacation plans...we had planned on going to the Ashville concert; but now that we have to pay taxes, not going to happen. I was so excited when I realized the timing of the concert worked out perfectly with our vacation and my hubby was actually looking forward to going. But as usual, every time we plan something it get's screwed up...I should know better. Oh well, at least I have the Hammond, Ind. concert to look forward to...better than no concert at all...always have to look on the brights. Still going to be a great summer of Clay! Going back to drool over that CD Cover Kim
  17. Only thing missing from that picture is a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other..I love it more everytime I look at it! Kim
  18. I think the temperature went up a few degrees...whew! Please...can we have a banner with that picture! Cindilu2 I think you may have to fight Reed for the "**** him senseless" part of your post...lucky man! Kim
  19. The man is truly yummy! Heck with those who can't appreciate what Decca and Clay were going for...they are missing so much! Kim
  20. I zoomed in on that picture and you can totally get lost in that man's eyes. Everyone is always talking about what beautiful skin and features Clay has and this really accents them. Compared to his other CD covers, I actually think this one is the best because it does capture the real Clay..not airbrushed to the nth degree. Just very natural. I agree that this photo was intended to look like an old LP cover...down to the wrinkles, the way his name and song titles are listed and the background color. We have a collection of albums and have several of them framed and hanging on the wall and this would fit right in. I do think this would stand out among other CDs because it is so different...If you actually look at some of the CD covers out there now, there is no imagination, they all look the same...remembering how similiar Rhianna and Adam's were...I think they got it just right! and don't tell my husband, but if he were straight and I was single...yeah, I would do him. 59 Days until June 1st and The New CD!:04: Clay addresses The Key Club Convention in July! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Kim, if you come to Milwaukee, I'd love to meet you! I know Sister and I will go to that one since we live here and will definitely think about Hammond because that's a pretty easy drive from here! Yippee!!! I would love to meet you too! Looks like a pretty small venue though...getting tickets could be rough. Have to really talk to my hubby about Milwaukee...He will be going to Hammond with me and hoping he really loves the show and I won't have to nag him too much about Milwaukee, LOL! Kim
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