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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Just got an e-mail that my tickets for the concert in Hammond are being shipped. Now I just wish I would get one from Amazon telling me my CD is on the way! Kim
  2. Blurb about TNT and video of Suspicious Minds in The Advocate: http://www.advocate.com/Arts_and_Entertainment/DVDs/Hot_Sheet_True_Blood_Clay_Aiken_and_Popcorn_Flicks/
  3. Glad the e-mail helped Fear! 3 Days until June 1st and The New CD/Clay on GMA and The Joy Behar Show!:04: 4 Days until Clay is on The View! 14 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 23 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 40 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention 48 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. This is the e-mail that was sent out if anyone is still having issues: Login Issues If you are still experiencing problems logging in to the new Official Fan Club on www.clayaiken.com with your old OFC email and password, PLEASE use the new password clay2010 along with your OFC email address to log in. Once logged in, quickly reset your password in your Account Settings. To change your password, do the following: 1. Log in using the email address that you used on the old clayonline.com OFC and the new password: clay2010 2. Click on "dashboard" in the top right corner. 3. Click on "manage account" on the left by your username. 4. Go to "Account" on the right and click "edit". 5. Enter a NEW password of your choosing in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields. 6. Click "Update". You have just reset your password!
  5. Just thought I would mention...I am Ozfan4 at the OFC...just look for Golinda The Good Witch Avatar...that is me (I know after all my complaining today,it probably should have been The Wicked Witch, LOL!) ETA: No e-mail...really wonder if it is something with my e-mail. Kim
  6. Team Clay just tweeted and said everyone should check their e-mail for a message and link how to get in if your password doesn't work...I guess they did a mass mailing...guess what...I didn't get it. Must be something with my e-mail. I have a yahoo account through AT&T. Kim
  7. So I have posted at the new site, blogged, asked Clay to be my friend, given myself an avatar...I really like it...I think there are some things that could be better...the reply boxes could be bigger and I wish it was easier to find members, but so far, so good! Kim
  8. Im in! I'm In! Thanks to the wonderful Steve...muah! Now...how do you find members? ETA: nevermind figured it out. Kim
  9. It didn't work...I like mine extra special dark. It wouldn't even leave it blank..the dots kept coming back. Kim
  10. http://www.tonic.com/article/uma-thurman-ponzi-scheme-alicia-keys-baby-pregnant-husband-married-clay-aiken-new-album-rocco-dispirito-television-show-bravo/ f.
  11. Sigh...just got home...no e-mails...tried calling the number after seeing that many have had success with that and I get a frigging voice mail...I swear it is a conspiracy to keep out. And if course with it being a holiday week-end, If I don't get this resolved today, I am shit out of luck until Tuesday. If it was anyone else but Clay, I would just say screw it. Kim
  12. Well, they opened 45 minutes ago and still no e-mail...yeah I am a bit impatient...leaving work in a bit and then grocery shopping...If nothing when I get home..I may try the phone number. I use google chrome at home and could not play the music...didn't try I.E. If I ever do get in I am going straight to the help forum and give them an earful of what I think of their customer support..this is ridiculous.
  13. I have done "reset my password" about 5 times with no e-mail. I have a yahoo account that is the one I am using. Have sent support tickets in to groundctrl and all I get is a response saying they are looking into it. Someone said there is a Mod named Vanessa from groundctrl at the New OFC answering questions. Good if you can get in..but doesn't help the rest of us...if anyone sees her tell her people are still waiting for e-mails and are getting very frustrated. Kim
  14. So I figured I would try renewing my membership since I can't re-set my password...no luck on that either. It asks for e-mail, etc. and then tells me that I am already registered and to log in with me username and password, but then when I do it tells me there is a problem with it...this is just fucking nuts. Sorry for all the bitching...I am just so aggravated. Kim
  15. This totally sucks! I can't even listen to the music at the site...wanted to hear UM and the player won't work. I even clicked on "expand" and nothing...the only thing that will work is the promo video. I am really beginning to think Clay doesn't want me at his fanclub. Kim
  16. Still can't login into the new site...sent an e-mail to groundcntrl 11 hours ago and stillno response...when I check my request it says it is waiting to be assigned to a help desk clerk. It should not be this difficult to get a fucking password reset. I am getting pretty pissed now. Tell me again why this is better than Clique. 4 Days until June 1st and The New CD/Clay singing on GMA/Clay on The Joy Behar Show! :04: 5 Days until Clay is singing on The View! 15 Days until The PBS Special is aired in Chicago! 24 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 41 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 56 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Did you check your spam? And just in case (because it's something I would do) do you have more than one email addy you use? If so - are you sure which on the OFC is using? I will say that I got my email almost instantly so if you still haven't maybe you'll need to submit a ticket. support@groundctrl.com No one e-mail...sent in a support ticket and haven't heard from them either...just an e-mail from them to check my request which says they are still waiting to answer it. This is just futile. I may give up and try tomorrow. Kim
  18. Still no e-mail and I tried twice...any ideas? Kim
  19. I can get to the new OFC, but it won't let me login...waiting for my e-mail to reset my password. Kim
  20. Nope that is taking to the old OFC...guess I am one of those who is going to have to wait awhile...crap. Kim
  21. Glad to see we have official confirmation of GMA..so we get Clay in the morning and Clay in the evening on June 1st! Nice! I have been updating the calendar...so take a peek now and then! Kim
  22. 5 Days until June 1st and The New CD; Clay on GMA and The Joy Behar Show!:04: 6 Days until Clay is on The View! 16 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 25 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 43 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 58 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. I tuned in for the last half hour...figured if Clay was going to be on...it would be then...didn't really expect him. Ruben looked good. Bust be some really bad blood between Clay and AI for him not be there...would love to know what really went down..can't just be because he broke his contract or the AI5 appearance. Clay is going to be on the Joy Behar show Monday, June 1st...airs 11:00 pm central time on the CNN..Headline News channel. Posted at CV. So...inquiring minds want to know...just what is he doing in LA and why all the silence? Kim
  24. 6 Days until June 1st and The New CD/GMA Appearance!:04: 7 Days until Clay is on The View! 17 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 26 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 43 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 58 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  25. Not listening to the snippets...going to wait until I have the CD and savor the whole thing. Kim
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