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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Believe me there is venom out there...but these are the people who still want Clay to sing the songs they want and have the career they want...never mind what he said in the linear notes or how many times he has said that is the music he loves...some just don't want to hear. Kim
  2. Because some people have nothing better to do? Do they think that if they bitch and moan loud enough that Clay will suddenly see the light and do things their way...I don't know, but I don't get it at all. Kim
  3. Gosh. I can't imagine why Clay doesn't blog more often? It is a puzzler...only not, LOL! Kim
  4. Knives?... More like hatchets and right in the middle of Clay's back...no matter what he does it will never be enough for some fans (and I use the term loosely)...makes me so very ashamed sometimes. Big hug for Clay...can't wait to see him on tour and tomorrow morning on TV. Kim
  5. Song of the day sounds good to me...unfortunately we only have one computer in our house and I have to share...one of these days I will get one of my own. Kim
  6. That was a great interview on the Indy station...talking about chicken file (have no idea how to spell it and the difference between mayonnaise and salad dressing. DJ asked about Raleigh and Clay talked about how she would crap on the floor in hotel rooms and he would just old his breath till morning because he didn't feel like getting up to clean it up...he didn't care as long as she didn't do it on the bed, LOL! Also talked about Unchained Melody and being on The View and Clay said he asked Whoopie to re-enact that scene with him but she refused. It was a great interview and pretty funny..I listened live...hope it will be vaulted or on the website so you can all hear. Kim
  7. I think I have died and gone to clack heaven...just loving all these interviews! 1 Day until Clay is on CBS Early Show! 8 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 17 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 34 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 49 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. EEEEEEEEE! I got my CD from Amazon...said I wouldn't get it until the 5th...but what do I see sitting on the kitchen table when I get home! Can't wait to listen to the bonus songs and watch the DVD! Did you know the US Weekly Video is on the OFC under News...and yay! for all interviews today and pictures and goodness...I can hardly keep up...not that I am complaining...not getting sick of Clay yet! And it looks like an AP interview... I love being a Clay Aiken fan! Kim
  9. 2 Days until Clay is on CBS Early Show! 9 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 18 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 35 Days until Clay is addressing The Key Club Convention! 50 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Well..that was interesting...I thought Clay seemed a little uncomfortable. Kim
  11. Just home from work and have been o'ding on clack...but you can never have too much...Clay singing, Clay talking, Clay being funny...Clay looking gorgeous as all get out...I am just loving this! So U.M....I have loved Clay singing this song since I heard him on his demo tapes...he powered through it at 19...now he is feeling it; embracing the song...Clay always kills on the glory notes, but what I love more are the nuances in his singing now, the way he caresses the notes; the words and completely loses himself in the song. Kim
  12. Such a fun day yesterday...he was terrific on the Joy Behar show...just wished the interview had been longer...they could have eliminated some of the other dreck on the show and just had more Clay! It was so good hearing him sing on GMA again! I didn't realize how much I missed seeing him on TV! This is going to be such a fun summer! 3 Days until Clay is on The CBS Early Show Saturday! 10 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 19 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 37 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 52 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Look like there will be video on Thursday. Via tweet: alwaysclays 1. @Ian_UsMusic Thank you. I will check it out then 15 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to Ian_UsMusic 2. RT @Ian_UsMusic: Clay Aiken was just here and I swear I never laughed so hard in my life - and in front of the cameras! I love dark, twi ... 21 minutes ago via TweetDeck 3. @Ian_UsMusic He is great isn't he. He knows how to make people laugh. Was this an interview and when and where can we see it? Ian_UsMusic 1. @CarlyReneeCara with! Never at! 16 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to CarlyReneeCara 2. @alwaysclays the best! Yes: video on usmagazine.com on Thursday! 17 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to alwaysclays
  14. I did my review as a blog at the OFC. I didn't review each song just some thoughts...I am Ozfan4 at the OFC.
  15. New appearance: And this...flove: The above quote is from the senior music editor and US Weekly Kim
  16. Well after a long and stressful day at work, I stopped at my local Target, bought the only two copies of Tried and True they had and finally am listening to Clay sing to me. I am going to savor this baby from one end to the other.....Be back later with my thoughts. Kim
  17. So...I stayed home from work later to see Clay...he seemed so relaxed and comfortable and sang great...looking forward to going home and watching again and again. My CD from Amazon has shipped, but I will be stopping at the store on the way home to buy a couple of CD's...one for the car and one for the library. The outfit and hair were so Clay...guess he is not sticking with the shorter hair unless he gets it cut for the tour...but he looked good and happy.
  18. Sounds like you all had a blast last night listening to the CD! Can't wait to get mine! So Clayday has already begun! Looking forward to GMA...been so long since Clay has sung on TV! Don't forget Joy Behar tonight! 1 Day until Clay is on The View! 11 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 20 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 37 Days until Clay is addressing The Key Club Convention! 52 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Since I don't have I-tunes I won't be joining in tonight..but everyone have fun! I will be buying my CD tomorrow the old fashioned way...may Amazon order has not shipped yet...they said between the 4th and 8th. So looking forward to Clayday tomorrow...should be a national holiday! Kim
  20. USA Today Review...track by track: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/idolchatter/post/2010/05/clay-aiken-tried-and-true-track-by-track/1
  21. Clay on PBS Schedule: http://www.wttw.com/main.taf?p=2,2,1,2 Tweet: gma: #MusicMonday: @ClayAiken will be LIVE in the Studio Tmrw AM! Come on Down to @TimesSquareNYC!!! Review of Clay's CD: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/35675946/ns/today-entertainment/ Popdirt: http://popdirt.com/clay-aiken-tried-true-commercial/79013/ (Hi everyone, I am home!) Kim
  22. Another quote in The Advocate: http://advocate.com/News/Daily_News/2010/05/28/Clay_Aiken_Being_Gay_Is_Not_News/
  23. FearYou beat me with the Popeater interview...very nice interview and yay for another tour! I am really anxious to hear what Clay and Ruben have planned for us...getting close! Kim
  24. Clay was on the OFC last night accepting friend requests and I am now his friend or I should say he is now my friend...now if he would just blog! Heading to in-laws tonight and spending the night so no countdown tomorrow morning. Will be back late afternoon. 2 Days until June 1st and The New CD/GMA/Joy Behar Show!:04: 3 Days until Clay is on The View! 13 Days until The PBS Special is Aired in Chicago! 22 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 40 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 55 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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